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synced 2025-02-25 18:45:20 -06:00
Signed-off-by: ollevche <ollevche@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: Christian Mesh <christianmesh1@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: Ronny Orot <ronny.orot@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: Martin Atkins <mart@degeneration.co.uk> Co-authored-by: ollevche <ollevche@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Ronny Orot <ronny.orot@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Martin Atkins <mart@degeneration.co.uk>
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834 lines
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// Copyright (c) The OpenTofu Authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2023 HashiCorp, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
package configs
import (
// validateProviderConfigsForTests performs the same role as
// validateProviderConfigs except it validates the providers configured within
// test files.
// To do this is calls out to validateProviderConfigs for each run block that
// has ConfigUnderTest set.
// In addition, for each run block that executes against the main config it
// validates the providers the run block wants to use match the providers
// specified in the main configuration. It does this without reaching out to
// validateProviderConfigs because the main configuration has already been
// validated, and we don't want to redo all the work that happens in that
// function. So, we only validate the providers our test files define match
// the providers required by the main configuration.
// This function does some fairly controversial conversions into structures
// expected by validateProviderConfigs but since we're just using it for
// validation we'll still get the correct error messages, and we can make the
// declaration ranges line up sensibly so we'll even get good diagnostics.
func validateProviderConfigsForTests(cfg *Config) (diags hcl.Diagnostics) {
for name, test := range cfg.Module.Tests {
for _, run := range test.Runs {
if run.ConfigUnderTest == nil {
// Then we're calling out to the main configuration under test.
// We just need to make sure that the providers we are setting
// actually match the providers in the configuration. The main
// configuration has already been validated, so we don't need to
// do the whole thing again.
if len(run.Providers) > 0 {
// This is the easy case, we can just validate that the
// provider types match.
for _, provider := range run.Providers {
parentType, childType := provider.InParent.providerType, provider.InChild.providerType
if parentType.IsZero() {
parentType = addrs.NewDefaultProvider(provider.InParent.Name)
if childType.IsZero() {
childType = addrs.NewDefaultProvider(provider.InChild.Name)
if !childType.Equals(parentType) {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Provider type mismatch",
Detail: fmt.Sprintf(
"The local name %q in %s represents provider %q, but %q in the root module represents %q.\n\nThis means the provider definition for %q within %s, or other provider definitions with the same name, have been referenced by multiple run blocks and assigned to different provider types.",
provider.InParent.Name, name, parentType, provider.InChild.Name, childType, provider.InParent.Name, name),
Subject: provider.InParent.NameRange.Ptr(),
// Skip to the next file, we only need to verify the types
// specified here.
// Otherwise, we need to verify that the providers required by
// the configuration match the types defined by our test file.
for _, requirement := range cfg.Module.ProviderRequirements.RequiredProviders {
if provider, exists := test.Providers[requirement.Name]; exists {
providerType := provider.providerType
if providerType.IsZero() {
providerType = addrs.NewDefaultProvider(provider.Name)
if !providerType.Equals(requirement.Type) {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Provider type mismatch",
Detail: fmt.Sprintf(
"The provider %q in %s represents provider %q, but %q in the root module represents %q.\n\nThis means the provider definition for %q within %s, or other provider definitions with the same name, have been referenced by multiple run blocks and assigned to different provider types.",
provider.moduleUniqueKey(), name, providerType, requirement.Name, requirement.Type, provider.moduleUniqueKey(), name),
Subject: provider.DeclRange.Ptr(),
for _, alias := range requirement.Aliases {
if provider, exists := test.Providers[alias.StringCompact()]; exists {
providerType := provider.providerType
if providerType.IsZero() {
providerType = addrs.NewDefaultProvider(provider.Name)
if !providerType.Equals(requirement.Type) {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Provider type mismatch",
Detail: fmt.Sprintf(
"The provider %q in %s represents provider %q, but %q in the root module represents %q.\n\nThis means the provider definition for %q within %s, or other provider definitions with the same name, have been referenced by multiple run blocks and assigned to different provider types.",
provider.moduleUniqueKey(), name, providerType, alias.StringCompact(), requirement.Type, provider.moduleUniqueKey(), name),
Subject: provider.DeclRange.Ptr(),
for _, provider := range cfg.Module.ProviderConfigs {
providerType := provider.providerType
if providerType.IsZero() {
providerType = addrs.NewDefaultProvider(provider.Name)
if testProvider, exists := test.Providers[provider.moduleUniqueKey()]; exists {
testProviderType := testProvider.providerType
if testProviderType.IsZero() {
testProviderType = addrs.NewDefaultProvider(testProvider.Name)
if !providerType.Equals(testProviderType) {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Provider type mismatch",
Detail: fmt.Sprintf(
"The provider %q in %s represents provider %q, but %q in the root module represents %q.\n\nThis means the provider definition for %q within %s has been referenced by multiple run blocks and assigned to different provider types.",
testProvider.moduleUniqueKey(), name, testProviderType, provider.moduleUniqueKey(), providerType, testProvider.moduleUniqueKey(), name),
Subject: testProvider.DeclRange.Ptr(),
} else {
// Then we're executing another module. We'll just call out to
// validateProviderConfigs and let it do the whole thing.
providers := run.Providers
if len(providers) == 0 {
// If the test run didn't provide us a subset of providers
// to use, we'll build our own. This is so that we can fit
// into the schema expected by validateProviderConfigs.
matchedProviders := make(map[string]PassedProviderConfig)
// We'll go over all the requirements in the module first
// and see if we have defined any providers for that
// requirement. If we have, then we'll take not of that.
for _, requirement := range cfg.Module.ProviderRequirements.RequiredProviders {
if provider, exists := test.Providers[requirement.Name]; exists {
matchedProviders[requirement.Name] = PassedProviderConfig{
InChild: &ProviderConfigRef{
Name: requirement.Name,
NameRange: requirement.DeclRange,
providerType: requirement.Type,
InParent: &ProviderConfigRef{
Name: provider.Name,
NameRange: provider.NameRange,
Alias: provider.Alias,
AliasRange: provider.AliasRange,
providerType: provider.providerType,
// Also, remember to check for any aliases the module
// expects.
for _, alias := range requirement.Aliases {
key := alias.StringCompact()
if provider, exists := test.Providers[key]; exists {
matchedProviders[key] = PassedProviderConfig{
InChild: &ProviderConfigRef{
Name: requirement.Name,
NameRange: requirement.DeclRange,
Alias: alias.Alias,
AliasRange: requirement.DeclRange.Ptr(),
providerType: requirement.Type,
InParent: &ProviderConfigRef{
Name: provider.Name,
NameRange: provider.NameRange,
Alias: provider.Alias,
AliasRange: provider.AliasRange,
providerType: provider.providerType,
// Next, we'll look at any providers the module has defined
// directly. If we have an equivalent provider in the test
// file then we'll add that in to override it. If the module
// has both built a required providers block and a provider
// block for the same provider, we'll overwrite the one we
// made for the requirement provider. We get more precise
// DeclRange objects from provider blocks so it makes for
// better error messages to use these.
for _, provider := range cfg.Module.ProviderConfigs {
key := provider.moduleUniqueKey()
if testProvider, exists := test.Providers[key]; exists {
matchedProviders[key] = PassedProviderConfig{
InChild: &ProviderConfigRef{
Name: provider.Name,
NameRange: provider.DeclRange,
Alias: provider.Alias,
AliasRange: provider.DeclRange.Ptr(),
providerType: provider.providerType,
InParent: &ProviderConfigRef{
Name: testProvider.Name,
NameRange: testProvider.NameRange,
Alias: testProvider.Alias,
AliasRange: testProvider.AliasRange,
providerType: testProvider.providerType,
// Last thing to do here is add them into the actual
// providers list that is going into the module call below.
for _, provider := range matchedProviders {
providers = append(providers, provider)
// Let's make a little fake module call that we can use to call
// into validateProviderConfigs.
mc := &ModuleCall{
Name: run.Name,
Providers: providers,
DeclRange: run.Module.DeclRange,
diags = append(diags, validateProviderConfigs(mc, run.ConfigUnderTest, nil)...)
return diags
// validateProviderConfigs walks the full configuration tree from the root
// module outward, static validation rules to the various combinations of
// provider configuration, required_providers values, and module call providers
// mappings.
// To retain compatibility with previous terraform versions, empty "proxy
// provider blocks" are still allowed within modules, though they will
// generate warnings when the configuration is loaded. The new validation
// however will generate an error if a suitable provider configuration is not
// passed in through the module call.
// The call argument is the ModuleCall for the provided Config cfg. The
// noProviderConfigRange argument is passed down the call stack, indicating
// that the module call, or a parent module call, has used a feature (at the
// specified source location) that precludes providers from being configured at
// all within the module.
func validateProviderConfigs(parentCall *ModuleCall, cfg *Config, noProviderConfigRange *hcl.Range) (diags hcl.Diagnostics) {
mod := cfg.Module
for name, child := range cfg.Children {
mc := mod.ModuleCalls[name]
childNoProviderConfigRange := noProviderConfigRange
// if the module call has any of count, for_each or depends_on,
// providers are prohibited from being configured in this module, or
// any module beneath this module.
switch {
case mc.Count != nil:
childNoProviderConfigRange = mc.Count.Range().Ptr()
case mc.ForEach != nil:
childNoProviderConfigRange = mc.ForEach.Range().Ptr()
case mc.DependsOn != nil:
if len(mc.DependsOn) > 0 {
childNoProviderConfigRange = mc.DependsOn[0].SourceRange().Ptr()
} else {
// Weird! We'll just use the call itself, then.
childNoProviderConfigRange = mc.DeclRange.Ptr()
diags = append(diags, validateProviderConfigs(mc, child, childNoProviderConfigRange)...)
// the set of provider configuration names passed into the module, with the
// source range of the provider assignment in the module call.
passedIn := map[string]PassedProviderConfig{}
// the set of empty configurations that could be proxy configurations, with
// the source range of the empty configuration block.
emptyConfigs := map[string]hcl.Range{}
// the set of provider with a defined configuration, with the source range
// of the configuration block declaration.
configured := map[string]hcl.Range{}
instanced := map[string]bool{}
// the set of configuration_aliases defined in the required_providers
// block, with the fully qualified provider type.
configAliases := map[string]addrs.AbsProviderConfig{}
// the set of provider names defined in the required_providers block, and
// their provider types.
localNames := map[string]addrs.Provider{}
for _, pc := range mod.ProviderConfigs {
name := providerName(pc.Name, pc.Alias)
// Validate the config against an empty schema to see if it's empty.
_, pcConfigDiags := pc.Config.Content(&hcl.BodySchema{})
if pcConfigDiags.HasErrors() || pc.Version.Required != nil {
configured[name] = pc.DeclRange
} else {
emptyConfigs[name] = pc.DeclRange
instanced[name] = len(pc.Instances) != 0
if mod.ProviderRequirements != nil {
// Track all known local types too to ensure we don't have duplicated
// with different local names.
localTypes := map[string]bool{}
// check for duplicate requirements of the same type
for _, req := range mod.ProviderRequirements.RequiredProviders {
if localTypes[req.Type.String()] {
// find the last declaration to give a better error
prevDecl := ""
for localName, typ := range localNames {
if typ.Equals(req.Type) {
prevDecl = localName
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagWarning,
Summary: "Duplicate required provider",
Detail: fmt.Sprintf(
"Provider %s with the local name %q was previously required as %q. A provider can only be required once within required_providers.",
req.Type.ForDisplay(), req.Name, prevDecl,
Subject: &req.DeclRange,
} else if addrs.IsDefaultProvider(req.Type) {
// Now check for possible implied duplicates, where a provider
// block uses a default namespaced provider, but that provider
// was required via a different name.
impliedLocalName := req.Type.Type
// We have to search through the configs for a match, since the keys contains any aliases.
for _, pc := range mod.ProviderConfigs {
if pc.Name == impliedLocalName && req.Name != impliedLocalName {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagWarning,
Summary: "Duplicate required provider",
Detail: fmt.Sprintf(
"Provider %s with the local name %q was implicitly required via a configuration block as %q. The provider configuration block name must match the name used in required_providers.",
req.Type.ForDisplay(), req.Name, req.Type.Type,
Subject: &req.DeclRange,
localTypes[req.Type.String()] = true
localNames[req.Name] = req.Type
for _, alias := range req.Aliases {
addr := addrs.AbsProviderConfig{
Module: cfg.Path,
Provider: req.Type,
Alias: alias.Alias,
configAliases[providerName(alias.LocalName, alias.Alias)] = addr
checkImpliedProviderNames := func(resourceConfigs map[string]*Resource) {
// Now that we have all the provider configs and requirements validated,
// check for any resources which use an implied localname which doesn't
// match that of required_providers
for _, r := range resourceConfigs {
// We're looking for resources with no specific provider reference
if r.ProviderConfigRef != nil {
localName := r.Addr().ImpliedProvider()
_, err := addrs.ParseProviderPart(localName)
if err != nil {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Invalid provider local name",
Detail: fmt.Sprintf("%q is an invalid implied provider local name: %s", localName, err),
Subject: r.DeclRange.Ptr(),
if _, ok := localNames[localName]; ok {
// OK, this was listed directly in the required_providers
defAddr := addrs.ImpliedProviderForUnqualifiedType(localName)
// Now make sure we don't have the same provider required under a
// different name.
for prevLocalName, addr := range localNames {
if addr.Equals(defAddr) {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagWarning,
Summary: "Duplicate required provider",
Detail: fmt.Sprintf(
"Provider %q was implicitly required via resource %q, but listed in required_providers as %q. Either the local name in required_providers must match the resource name, or the %q provider must be assigned within the resource block.",
defAddr, r.Addr(), prevLocalName, prevLocalName,
Subject: &r.DeclRange,
// collect providers passed from the parent
if parentCall != nil {
for _, passed := range parentCall.Providers {
name := providerName(passed.InChild.Name, passed.InChild.Alias)
passedIn[name] = passed
parentModuleText := "the root module"
moduleText := "the root module"
if !cfg.Path.IsRoot() {
moduleText = cfg.Path.String()
if parent := cfg.Path.Parent(); !parent.IsRoot() {
// module address are prefixed with `module.`
parentModuleText = parent.String()
// Validate provider expansion is properly configured
for _, modCall := range mod.ModuleCalls {
for _, passed := range modCall.Providers {
if passed.InChild.KeyExpression != nil {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Invalid module provider configuration",
Detail: "Instance keys are not allowed on the left side of a provider configuration assignment.",
Subject: passed.InChild.KeyExpression.Range().Ptr(),
isInstanced := instanced[providerName(passed.InParent.Name, passed.InParent.Alias)]
diags = diags.Extend(passed.InParent.InstanceValidation("module", isInstanced))
// Validate that resources using provider keys are properly configured
checkProviderKeys := func(resourceConfigs map[string]*Resource) {
for _, r := range resourceConfigs {
// We're looking for resources with a specific provider reference
if r.ProviderConfigRef == nil {
isInstanced := instanced[providerName(r.ProviderConfigRef.Name, r.ProviderConfigRef.Alias)]
diags = diags.Extend(r.ProviderConfigRef.InstanceValidation("resource", isInstanced))
// Verify that any module calls only refer to named providers, and that
// those providers will have a configuration at runtime. This way we can
// direct users where to add the missing configuration, because the runtime
// error is only "missing provider X".
for _, modCall := range mod.ModuleCalls {
for _, passed := range modCall.Providers {
// aliased providers are handled more strictly, and are never
// inherited, so they are validated within modules further down.
// Skip these checks to prevent redundant diagnostics.
if passed.InParent.Alias != "" {
name := passed.InParent.String()
_, confOK := configured[name]
_, localOK := localNames[name]
_, passedOK := passedIn[name]
// This name was not declared somewhere within in the
// configuration. We ignore empty configs, because they will
// already produce a warning.
if !(confOK || localOK) {
defAddr := addrs.NewDefaultProvider(name)
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagWarning,
Summary: "Reference to undefined provider",
Detail: fmt.Sprintf(
"There is no explicit declaration for local provider name %q in %s, so OpenTofu is assuming you mean to pass a configuration for provider %q.\n\nTo clarify your intent and silence this warning, add to %s a required_providers entry named %q with source = %q, or a different source address if appropriate.",
name, moduleText, defAddr.ForDisplay(),
parentModuleText, name, defAddr.ForDisplay(),
Subject: &passed.InParent.NameRange,
// Now we may have named this provider within the module, but
// there won't be a configuration available at runtime if the
// parent module did not pass one in.
if !cfg.Path.IsRoot() && !(confOK || passedOK) {
defAddr := addrs.NewDefaultProvider(name)
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagWarning,
Summary: "Missing required provider configuration",
Detail: fmt.Sprintf(
"The configuration for %s expects to inherit a configuration for provider %s with local name %q, but %s doesn't pass a configuration under that name.\n\nTo satisfy this requirement, add an entry for %q to the \"providers\" argument in the module %q block.",
moduleText, defAddr.ForDisplay(), name, parentModuleText,
name, parentCall.Name,
Subject: parentCall.DeclRange.Ptr(),
if cfg.Path.IsRoot() {
// nothing else to do in the root module
return diags
// there cannot be any configurations if no provider config is allowed
if len(configured) > 0 && noProviderConfigRange != nil {
// We report this from the perspective of the use of count, for_each,
// or depends_on rather than from inside the module, because the
// recipient of this message is more likely to be the author of the
// calling module (trying to use an older module that hasn't been
// updated yet) than of the called module.
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Module is incompatible with count, for_each, and depends_on",
Detail: fmt.Sprintf(
"The module at %s is a legacy module which contains its own local provider configurations, and so calls to it may not use the count, for_each, or depends_on arguments.\n\nIf you also control the module %q, consider updating this module to instead expect provider configurations to be passed by its caller.",
cfg.Path, cfg.SourceAddr,
Subject: noProviderConfigRange,
// now check that the user is not attempting to override a config
for name := range configured {
if passed, ok := passedIn[name]; ok {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Cannot override provider configuration",
Detail: fmt.Sprintf(
"The configuration of %s has its own local configuration for %s, and so it cannot accept an overridden configuration provided by %s.",
moduleText, name, parentModuleText,
Subject: &passed.InChild.NameRange,
// A declared alias requires either a matching configuration within the
// module, or one must be passed in.
for name, providerAddr := range configAliases {
_, confOk := configured[name]
_, passedOk := passedIn[name]
if confOk || passedOk {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Missing required provider configuration",
Detail: fmt.Sprintf(
"The child module requires an additional configuration for provider %s, with the local name %q.\n\nRefer to the module's documentation to understand the intended purpose of this additional provider configuration, and then add an entry for %s in the \"providers\" meta-argument in the module block to choose which provider configuration the module should use for that purpose.",
providerAddr.Provider.ForDisplay(), name,
Subject: &parentCall.DeclRange,
// You cannot pass in a provider that cannot be used
for name, passed := range passedIn {
childTy := passed.InChild.providerType
// get a default type if there was none set
if childTy.IsZero() {
// This means the child module is only using an inferred
// provider type. We allow this but will generate a warning to
// declare provider_requirements below.
childTy = addrs.NewDefaultProvider(passed.InChild.Name)
providerAddr := addrs.AbsProviderConfig{
Module: cfg.Path,
Provider: childTy,
Alias: passed.InChild.Alias,
localAddr, localName := localNames[name]
if localName {
providerAddr.Provider = localAddr
aliasAddr, configAlias := configAliases[name]
if configAlias {
providerAddr = aliasAddr
_, emptyConfig := emptyConfigs[name]
if !(localName || configAlias || emptyConfig) {
// we still allow default configs, so switch to a warning if the incoming provider is a default
if addrs.IsDefaultProvider(providerAddr.Provider) {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagWarning,
Summary: "Reference to undefined provider",
Detail: fmt.Sprintf(
"There is no explicit declaration for local provider name %q in %s, so OpenTofu is assuming you mean to pass a configuration for %q.\n\nIf you also control the child module, add a required_providers entry named %q with the source address %q.",
name, moduleText, providerAddr.Provider.ForDisplay(),
name, providerAddr.Provider.ForDisplay(),
Subject: &passed.InChild.NameRange,
} else {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Reference to undefined provider",
Detail: fmt.Sprintf(
"The child module does not declare any provider requirement with the local name %q.\n\nIf you also control the child module, you can add a required_providers entry named %q with the source address %q to accept this provider configuration.",
name, name, providerAddr.Provider.ForDisplay(),
Subject: &passed.InChild.NameRange,
// The provider being passed in must also be of the correct type.
pTy := passed.InParent.providerType
if pTy.IsZero() {
// While we would like to ensure required_providers exists here,
// implied default configuration is still allowed.
pTy = addrs.NewDefaultProvider(passed.InParent.Name)
// use the full address for a nice diagnostic output
parentAddr := addrs.AbsProviderConfig{
Module: cfg.Parent.Path,
Provider: pTy,
Alias: passed.InParent.Alias,
if cfg.Parent.Module.ProviderRequirements != nil {
req, defined := cfg.Parent.Module.ProviderRequirements.RequiredProviders[name]
if defined {
parentAddr.Provider = req.Type
if !providerAddr.Provider.Equals(parentAddr.Provider) {
// If this module declares the same source address for a different
// local name then we'll prefer to suggest changing to match
// the child module's chosen name, assuming that it was the local
// name that was wrong rather than the source address.
var otherLocalName string
for localName, sourceAddr := range localNames {
if sourceAddr.Equals(parentAddr.Provider) {
otherLocalName = localName
const errSummary = "Provider type mismatch"
if otherLocalName != "" {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: errSummary,
Detail: fmt.Sprintf(
"The assigned configuration is for provider %q, but local name %q in %s represents %q.\n\nTo pass this configuration to the child module, use the local name %q instead.",
providerAddr.Provider.ForDisplay(), passed.InChild.Name,
parentModuleText, parentAddr.Provider.ForDisplay(),
Subject: &passed.InChild.NameRange,
} else {
// If there is no declared requirement for the provider the
// caller is trying to pass under any name then we'll instead
// report it as an unsuitable configuration to pass into the
// child module's provider configuration slot.
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: errSummary,
Detail: fmt.Sprintf(
"The local name %q in %s represents provider %q, but %q in %s represents %q.\n\nEach provider has its own distinct configuration schema and provider types, so this module's %q can be assigned only a configuration for %s, which is not required by %s.",
passed.InParent, parentModuleText, parentAddr.Provider.ForDisplay(),
passed.InChild, moduleText, providerAddr.Provider.ForDisplay(),
passed.InChild, providerAddr.Provider.ForDisplay(),
Subject: passed.InParent.NameRange.Ptr(),
// Empty configurations are no longer needed. Since the replacement for
// this calls for one entry per provider rather than one entry per
// provider _configuration_, we'll first gather them up by provider
// and then report a single warning for each, whereby we can show a direct
// example of what the replacement should look like.
type ProviderReqSuggestion struct {
SourceAddr addrs.Provider
SourceRanges []hcl.Range
RequiredConfigs []string
AliasCount int
providerReqSuggestions := make(map[string]*ProviderReqSuggestion)
for name, src := range emptyConfigs {
providerLocalName := name
if idx := strings.IndexByte(providerLocalName, '.'); idx >= 0 {
providerLocalName = providerLocalName[:idx]
sourceAddr, ok := localNames[name]
if !ok {
sourceAddr = addrs.NewDefaultProvider(providerLocalName)
suggestion := providerReqSuggestions[providerLocalName]
if suggestion == nil {
providerReqSuggestions[providerLocalName] = &ProviderReqSuggestion{
SourceAddr: sourceAddr,
suggestion = providerReqSuggestions[providerLocalName]
if providerLocalName != name {
// It's an aliased provider config, then.
suggestion.RequiredConfigs = append(suggestion.RequiredConfigs, name)
suggestion.SourceRanges = append(suggestion.SourceRanges, src)
for name, suggestion := range providerReqSuggestions {
var buf strings.Builder
"Earlier versions of OpenTofu used empty provider blocks (\"proxy provider configurations\") for child modules to declare their need to be passed a provider configuration by their callers. That approach was ambiguous and is now deprecated.\n\nIf you control this module, you can migrate to the new declaration syntax by removing all of the empty provider %q blocks and then adding or updating an entry like the following to the required_providers block of %s:\n",
name, moduleText,
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " %s = {\n", name)
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " source = %q\n", suggestion.SourceAddr.ForDisplay())
if suggestion.AliasCount > 0 {
// A lexical sort is fine because all of these strings are
// guaranteed to start with the same provider local name, and
// so we're only really sorting by the alias part.
fmt.Fprintln(&buf, " configuration_aliases = [")
for _, addrStr := range suggestion.RequiredConfigs {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " %s,\n", addrStr)
fmt.Fprintln(&buf, " ]")
fmt.Fprint(&buf, " }")
// We're arbitrarily going to just take the one source range that
// sorts earliest here. Multiple should be rare, so this is only to
// ensure that we produce a deterministic result in the edge case.
sort.Slice(suggestion.SourceRanges, func(i, j int) bool {
return suggestion.SourceRanges[i].String() < suggestion.SourceRanges[j].String()
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagWarning,
Summary: "Redundant empty provider block",
Detail: buf.String(),
Subject: suggestion.SourceRanges[0].Ptr(),
return diags
func providerName(name, alias string) string {
if alias != "" {
name = name + "." + alias
return name