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synced 2025-02-20 11:48:24 -06:00
* govendor: update go-cloudstack dependency * Separate security groups and rules This commit separates the creation and management of security groups and security group rules. It extends the `icmp` options so you can supply `icmp_type` and `icmp_code` to enbale more specific configs. And it adds lifecycle management of security group rules, so that security groups do not have to be recreated when rules are added or removed. This is particulary helpful since the `cloudstack_instance` cannot update a security group without having to recreate the instance. In CloudStack >= 4.9.0 it is possible to update security groups of existing instances, but as that is just added to the latest version it seems a bit too soon to start using this (causing backwards incompatibility issues for people or service providers running older versions). * Add and update documentation * Add acceptance tests
667 lines
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667 lines
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package cloudstack
import (
func resourceCloudStackNetworkACLRule() *schema.Resource {
return &schema.Resource{
Create: resourceCloudStackNetworkACLRuleCreate,
Read: resourceCloudStackNetworkACLRuleRead,
Update: resourceCloudStackNetworkACLRuleUpdate,
Delete: resourceCloudStackNetworkACLRuleDelete,
Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{
"acl_id": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Required: true,
ForceNew: true,
"managed": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeBool,
Optional: true,
Default: false,
"rule": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeSet,
Optional: true,
Elem: &schema.Resource{
Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{
"action": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Optional: true,
Default: "allow",
"cidr_list": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeSet,
Required: true,
Elem: &schema.Schema{Type: schema.TypeString},
Set: schema.HashString,
"protocol": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Required: true,
"icmp_type": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeInt,
Optional: true,
Computed: true,
"icmp_code": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeInt,
Optional: true,
Computed: true,
"ports": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeSet,
Optional: true,
Elem: &schema.Schema{Type: schema.TypeString},
Set: schema.HashString,
"traffic_type": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Optional: true,
Default: "ingress",
"uuids": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeMap,
Computed: true,
"project": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Optional: true,
ForceNew: true,
"parallelism": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeInt,
Optional: true,
Default: 2,
func resourceCloudStackNetworkACLRuleCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
// Make sure all required parameters are there
if err := verifyNetworkACLParams(d); err != nil {
return err
// We need to set this upfront in order to be able to save a partial state
// Create all rules that are configured
if nrs := d.Get("rule").(*schema.Set); nrs.Len() > 0 {
// Create an empty rule set to hold all newly created rules
rules := resourceCloudStackNetworkACLRule().Schema["rule"].ZeroValue().(*schema.Set)
err := createNetworkACLRules(d, meta, rules, nrs)
// We need to update this first to preserve the correct state
d.Set("rule", rules)
if err != nil {
return err
return resourceCloudStackNetworkACLRuleRead(d, meta)
func createNetworkACLRules(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}, rules *schema.Set, nrs *schema.Set) error {
var errs *multierror.Error
var wg sync.WaitGroup
sem := make(chan struct{}, d.Get("parallelism").(int))
for _, rule := range nrs.List() {
// Put in a tiny sleep here to avoid DoS'ing the API
time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
go func(rule map[string]interface{}) {
defer wg.Done()
sem <- struct{}{}
// Create a single rule
err := createNetworkACLRule(d, meta, rule)
// If we have at least one UUID, we need to save the rule
if len(rule["uuids"].(map[string]interface{})) > 0 {
if err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, err)
return errs.ErrorOrNil()
func createNetworkACLRule(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}, rule map[string]interface{}) error {
cs := meta.(*cloudstack.CloudStackClient)
uuids := rule["uuids"].(map[string]interface{})
// Make sure all required parameters are there
if err := verifyNetworkACLRuleParams(d, rule); err != nil {
return err
// Create a new parameter struct
p := cs.NetworkACL.NewCreateNetworkACLParams(rule["protocol"].(string))
// Set the acl ID
// Set the action
// Set the CIDR list
var cidrList []string
for _, cidr := range rule["cidr_list"].(*schema.Set).List() {
cidrList = append(cidrList, cidr.(string))
// Set the traffic type
// If the protocol is ICMP set the needed ICMP parameters
if rule["protocol"].(string) == "icmp" {
r, err := Retry(4, retryableACLCreationFunc(cs, p))
if err != nil {
return err
uuids["icmp"] = r.(*cloudstack.CreateNetworkACLResponse).Id
rule["uuids"] = uuids
// If the protocol is ALL set the needed parameters
if rule["protocol"].(string) == "all" {
r, err := Retry(4, retryableACLCreationFunc(cs, p))
if err != nil {
return err
uuids["all"] = r.(*cloudstack.CreateNetworkACLResponse).Id
rule["uuids"] = uuids
// If protocol is TCP or UDP, loop through all ports
if rule["protocol"].(string) == "tcp" || rule["protocol"].(string) == "udp" {
if ps := rule["ports"].(*schema.Set); ps.Len() > 0 {
// Create an empty schema.Set to hold all processed ports
ports := &schema.Set{F: schema.HashString}
for _, port := range ps.List() {
if _, ok := uuids[port.(string)]; ok {
rule["ports"] = ports
m := splitPorts.FindStringSubmatch(port.(string))
startPort, err := strconv.Atoi(m[1])
if err != nil {
return err
endPort := startPort
if m[2] != "" {
endPort, err = strconv.Atoi(m[2])
if err != nil {
return err
r, err := Retry(4, retryableACLCreationFunc(cs, p))
if err != nil {
return err
rule["ports"] = ports
uuids[port.(string)] = r.(*cloudstack.CreateNetworkACLResponse).Id
rule["uuids"] = uuids
return nil
func resourceCloudStackNetworkACLRuleRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
cs := meta.(*cloudstack.CloudStackClient)
// First check if the ACL itself still exists
_, count, err := cs.NetworkACL.GetNetworkACLListByID(
if err != nil {
if count == 0 {
"[DEBUG] Network ACL list %s does no longer exist", d.Id())
return nil
return err
// Get all the rules from the running environment
p := cs.NetworkACL.NewListNetworkACLsParams()
l, err := cs.NetworkACL.ListNetworkACLs(p)
if err != nil {
return err
// Make a map of all the rules so we can easily find a rule
ruleMap := make(map[string]*cloudstack.NetworkACL, l.Count)
for _, r := range l.NetworkACLs {
ruleMap[r.Id] = r
// Create an empty schema.Set to hold all rules
rules := resourceCloudStackNetworkACLRule().Schema["rule"].ZeroValue().(*schema.Set)
// Read all rules that are configured
if rs := d.Get("rule").(*schema.Set); rs.Len() > 0 {
for _, rule := range rs.List() {
rule := rule.(map[string]interface{})
uuids := rule["uuids"].(map[string]interface{})
if rule["protocol"].(string) == "icmp" {
id, ok := uuids["icmp"]
if !ok {
// Get the rule
r, ok := ruleMap[id.(string)]
if !ok {
delete(uuids, "icmp")
// Delete the known rule so only unknown rules remain in the ruleMap
delete(ruleMap, id.(string))
// Create a set with all CIDR's
cidrs := &schema.Set{F: schema.HashString}
for _, cidr := range strings.Split(r.Cidrlist, ",") {
// Update the values
rule["action"] = strings.ToLower(r.Action)
rule["protocol"] = r.Protocol
rule["icmp_type"] = r.Icmptype
rule["icmp_code"] = r.Icmpcode
rule["traffic_type"] = strings.ToLower(r.Traffictype)
rule["cidr_list"] = cidrs
if rule["protocol"].(string) == "all" {
id, ok := uuids["all"]
if !ok {
// Get the rule
r, ok := ruleMap[id.(string)]
if !ok {
delete(uuids, "all")
// Delete the known rule so only unknown rules remain in the ruleMap
delete(ruleMap, id.(string))
// Create a set with all CIDR's
cidrs := &schema.Set{F: schema.HashString}
for _, cidr := range strings.Split(r.Cidrlist, ",") {
// Update the values
rule["action"] = strings.ToLower(r.Action)
rule["protocol"] = r.Protocol
rule["traffic_type"] = strings.ToLower(r.Traffictype)
rule["cidr_list"] = cidrs
// If protocol is tcp or udp, loop through all ports
if rule["protocol"].(string) == "tcp" || rule["protocol"].(string) == "udp" {
if ps := rule["ports"].(*schema.Set); ps.Len() > 0 {
// Create an empty schema.Set to hold all ports
ports := &schema.Set{F: schema.HashString}
// Loop through all ports and retrieve their info
for _, port := range ps.List() {
id, ok := uuids[port.(string)]
if !ok {
// Get the rule
r, ok := ruleMap[id.(string)]
if !ok {
delete(uuids, port.(string))
// Delete the known rule so only unknown rules remain in the ruleMap
delete(ruleMap, id.(string))
// Create a set with all CIDR's
cidrs := &schema.Set{F: schema.HashString}
for _, cidr := range strings.Split(r.Cidrlist, ",") {
// Update the values
rule["action"] = strings.ToLower(r.Action)
rule["protocol"] = r.Protocol
rule["traffic_type"] = strings.ToLower(r.Traffictype)
rule["cidr_list"] = cidrs
// If there is at least one port found, add this rule to the rules set
if ports.Len() > 0 {
rule["ports"] = ports
// If this is a managed firewall, add all unknown rules into dummy rules
managed := d.Get("managed").(bool)
if managed && len(ruleMap) > 0 {
for uuid := range ruleMap {
// We need to create and add a dummy value to a schema.Set as the
// cidr_list is a required field and thus needs a value
cidrs := &schema.Set{F: schema.HashString}
// Make a dummy rule to hold the unknown UUID
rule := map[string]interface{}{
"cidr_list": cidrs,
"protocol": uuid,
"uuids": map[string]interface{}{uuid: uuid},
// Add the dummy rule to the rules set
if rules.Len() > 0 {
d.Set("rule", rules)
} else if !managed {
return nil
func resourceCloudStackNetworkACLRuleUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
// Make sure all required parameters are there
if err := verifyNetworkACLParams(d); err != nil {
return err
// Check if the rule set as a whole has changed
if d.HasChange("rule") {
o, n := d.GetChange("rule")
ors := o.(*schema.Set).Difference(n.(*schema.Set))
nrs := n.(*schema.Set).Difference(o.(*schema.Set))
// We need to start with a rule set containing all the rules we
// already have and want to keep. Any rules that are not deleted
// correctly and any newly created rules, will be added to this
// set to make sure we end up in a consistent state
rules := o.(*schema.Set).Intersection(n.(*schema.Set))
// First loop through all the new rules and create (before destroy) them
if nrs.Len() > 0 {
err := createNetworkACLRules(d, meta, rules, nrs)
// We need to update this first to preserve the correct state
d.Set("rule", rules)
if err != nil {
return err
// Then loop through all the old rules and delete them
if ors.Len() > 0 {
err := deleteNetworkACLRules(d, meta, rules, ors)
// We need to update this first to preserve the correct state
d.Set("rule", rules)
if err != nil {
return err
return resourceCloudStackNetworkACLRuleRead(d, meta)
func resourceCloudStackNetworkACLRuleDelete(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
// Create an empty rule set to hold all rules that where
// not deleted correctly
rules := resourceCloudStackNetworkACLRule().Schema["rule"].ZeroValue().(*schema.Set)
// Delete all rules
if ors := d.Get("rule").(*schema.Set); ors.Len() > 0 {
err := deleteNetworkACLRules(d, meta, rules, ors)
// We need to update this first to preserve the correct state
d.Set("rule", rules)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func deleteNetworkACLRules(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}, rules *schema.Set, ors *schema.Set) error {
var errs *multierror.Error
var wg sync.WaitGroup
sem := make(chan struct{}, d.Get("parallelism").(int))
for _, rule := range ors.List() {
// Put a sleep here to avoid DoS'ing the API
time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
go func(rule map[string]interface{}) {
defer wg.Done()
sem <- struct{}{}
// Delete a single rule
err := deleteNetworkACLRule(d, meta, rule)
// If we have at least one UUID, we need to save the rule
if len(rule["uuids"].(map[string]interface{})) > 0 {
if err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, err)
return errs.ErrorOrNil()
func deleteNetworkACLRule(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}, rule map[string]interface{}) error {
cs := meta.(*cloudstack.CloudStackClient)
uuids := rule["uuids"].(map[string]interface{})
for k, id := range uuids {
// We don't care about the count here, so just continue
if k == "%" {
// Create the parameter struct
p := cs.NetworkACL.NewDeleteNetworkACLParams(id.(string))
// Delete the rule
if _, err := cs.NetworkACL.DeleteNetworkACL(p); err != nil {
// This is a very poor way to be told the ID does no longer exist :(
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), fmt.Sprintf(
"Invalid parameter id value=%s due to incorrect long value format, "+
"or entity does not exist", id.(string))) {
delete(uuids, k)
rule["uuids"] = uuids
return err
// Delete the UUID of this rule
delete(uuids, k)
rule["uuids"] = uuids
return nil
func verifyNetworkACLParams(d *schema.ResourceData) error {
managed := d.Get("managed").(bool)
_, rules := d.GetOk("rule")
if !rules && !managed {
return fmt.Errorf(
"You must supply at least one 'rule' when not using the 'managed' firewall feature")
return nil
func verifyNetworkACLRuleParams(d *schema.ResourceData, rule map[string]interface{}) error {
action := rule["action"].(string)
if action != "allow" && action != "deny" {
return fmt.Errorf("Parameter action only accepts 'allow' or 'deny' as values")
protocol := rule["protocol"].(string)
switch protocol {
case "icmp":
if _, ok := rule["icmp_type"]; !ok {
return fmt.Errorf(
"Parameter icmp_type is a required parameter when using protocol 'icmp'")
if _, ok := rule["icmp_code"]; !ok {
return fmt.Errorf(
"Parameter icmp_code is a required parameter when using protocol 'icmp'")
case "all":
// No additional test are needed, so just leave this empty...
case "tcp", "udp":
if ports, ok := rule["ports"].(*schema.Set); ok {
for _, port := range ports.List() {
m := splitPorts.FindStringSubmatch(port.(string))
if m == nil {
return fmt.Errorf(
"%q is not a valid port value. Valid options are '80' or '80-90'", port.(string))
} else {
return fmt.Errorf(
"Parameter ports is a required parameter when *not* using protocol 'icmp'")
_, err := strconv.ParseInt(protocol, 0, 0)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(
"%q is not a valid protocol. Valid options are 'tcp', 'udp', "+
"'icmp', 'all' or a valid protocol number", protocol)
traffic := rule["traffic_type"].(string)
if traffic != "ingress" && traffic != "egress" {
return fmt.Errorf(
"Parameter traffic_type only accepts 'ingress' or 'egress' as values")
return nil
func retryableACLCreationFunc(
cs *cloudstack.CloudStackClient,
p *cloudstack.CreateNetworkACLParams) func() (interface{}, error) {
return func() (interface{}, error) {
r, err := cs.NetworkACL.CreateNetworkACL(p)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return r, nil