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synced 2025-02-25 18:45:20 -06:00
In the case of highly-connected graphs, the TransitiveReduction process was far too computationally intensive. Since no operations are applied to the nodes, and the walk order is not even user visible, we don't need to sort them n^2 times.
300 lines
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300 lines
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package dag
import (
// AcyclicGraph is a specialization of Graph that cannot have cycles. With
// this property, we get the property of sane graph traversal.
type AcyclicGraph struct {
// WalkFunc is the callback used for walking the graph.
type WalkFunc func(Vertex) error
// DepthWalkFunc is a walk function that also receives the current depth of the
// walk as an argument
type DepthWalkFunc func(Vertex, int) error
func (g *AcyclicGraph) DirectedGraph() Grapher {
return g
// Returns a Set that includes every Vertex yielded by walking down from the
// provided starting Vertex v.
func (g *AcyclicGraph) Ancestors(v Vertex) (*Set, error) {
s := new(Set)
start := AsVertexList(g.DownEdges(v))
memoFunc := func(v Vertex, d int) error {
return nil
if err := g.DepthFirstWalk(start, memoFunc); err != nil {
return nil, err
return s, nil
// Returns a Set that includes every Vertex yielded by walking up from the
// provided starting Vertex v.
func (g *AcyclicGraph) Descendents(v Vertex) (*Set, error) {
s := new(Set)
start := AsVertexList(g.UpEdges(v))
memoFunc := func(v Vertex, d int) error {
return nil
if err := g.ReverseDepthFirstWalk(start, memoFunc); err != nil {
return nil, err
return s, nil
// Root returns the root of the DAG, or an error.
// Complexity: O(V)
func (g *AcyclicGraph) Root() (Vertex, error) {
roots := make([]Vertex, 0, 1)
for _, v := range g.Vertices() {
if g.UpEdges(v).Len() == 0 {
roots = append(roots, v)
if len(roots) > 1 {
// TODO(mitchellh): make this error message a lot better
return nil, fmt.Errorf("multiple roots: %#v", roots)
if len(roots) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no roots found")
return roots[0], nil
// TransitiveReduction performs the transitive reduction of graph g in place.
// The transitive reduction of a graph is a graph with as few edges as
// possible with the same reachability as the original graph. This means
// that if there are three nodes A => B => C, and A connects to both
// B and C, and B connects to C, then the transitive reduction is the
// same graph with only a single edge between A and B, and a single edge
// between B and C.
// The graph must be valid for this operation to behave properly. If
// Validate() returns an error, the behavior is undefined and the results
// will likely be unexpected.
// Complexity: O(V(V+E)), or asymptotically O(VE)
func (g *AcyclicGraph) TransitiveReduction() {
// For each vertex u in graph g, do a DFS starting from each vertex
// v such that the edge (u,v) exists (v is a direct descendant of u).
// For each v-prime reachable from v, remove the edge (u, v-prime).
defer g.debug.BeginOperation("TransitiveReduction", "").End("")
for _, u := range g.Vertices() {
uTargets := g.DownEdges(u)
vs := AsVertexList(g.DownEdges(u))
g.depthFirstWalk(vs, false, func(v Vertex, d int) error {
shared := uTargets.Intersection(g.DownEdges(v))
for _, vPrime := range AsVertexList(shared) {
g.RemoveEdge(BasicEdge(u, vPrime))
return nil
// Validate validates the DAG. A DAG is valid if it has a single root
// with no cycles.
func (g *AcyclicGraph) Validate() error {
if _, err := g.Root(); err != nil {
return err
// Look for cycles of more than 1 component
var err error
cycles := g.Cycles()
if len(cycles) > 0 {
for _, cycle := range cycles {
cycleStr := make([]string, len(cycle))
for j, vertex := range cycle {
cycleStr[j] = VertexName(vertex)
err = multierror.Append(err, fmt.Errorf(
"Cycle: %s", strings.Join(cycleStr, ", ")))
// Look for cycles to self
for _, e := range g.Edges() {
if e.Source() == e.Target() {
err = multierror.Append(err, fmt.Errorf(
"Self reference: %s", VertexName(e.Source())))
return err
func (g *AcyclicGraph) Cycles() [][]Vertex {
var cycles [][]Vertex
for _, cycle := range StronglyConnected(&g.Graph) {
if len(cycle) > 1 {
cycles = append(cycles, cycle)
return cycles
// Walk walks the graph, calling your callback as each node is visited.
// This will walk nodes in parallel if it can. Because the walk is done
// in parallel, the error returned will be a multierror.
func (g *AcyclicGraph) Walk(cb WalkFunc) error {
defer g.debug.BeginOperation(typeWalk, "").End("")
w := &Walker{Callback: cb, Reverse: true}
return w.Wait()
// simple convenience helper for converting a dag.Set to a []Vertex
func AsVertexList(s *Set) []Vertex {
rawList := s.List()
vertexList := make([]Vertex, len(rawList))
for i, raw := range rawList {
vertexList[i] = raw.(Vertex)
return vertexList
type vertexAtDepth struct {
Vertex Vertex
Depth int
// depthFirstWalk does a depth-first walk of the graph starting from
// the vertices in start.
func (g *AcyclicGraph) DepthFirstWalk(start []Vertex, f DepthWalkFunc) error {
return g.depthFirstWalk(start, true, f)
// This internal method provides the option of not sorting the vertices during
// the walk, which we use for the Transitive reduction.
// Some configurations can lead to fully-connected subgraphs, which makes our
// transitive reduction algorithm O(n^3). This is still passable for the size
// of our graphs, but the additional n^2 sort operations would make this
// uncomputable in a reasonable amount of time.
func (g *AcyclicGraph) depthFirstWalk(start []Vertex, sorted bool, f DepthWalkFunc) error {
defer g.debug.BeginOperation(typeDepthFirstWalk, "").End("")
seen := make(map[Vertex]struct{})
frontier := make([]*vertexAtDepth, len(start))
for i, v := range start {
frontier[i] = &vertexAtDepth{
Vertex: v,
Depth: 0,
for len(frontier) > 0 {
// Pop the current vertex
n := len(frontier)
current := frontier[n-1]
frontier = frontier[:n-1]
// Check if we've seen this already and return...
if _, ok := seen[current.Vertex]; ok {
seen[current.Vertex] = struct{}{}
// Visit the current node
if err := f(current.Vertex, current.Depth); err != nil {
return err
// Visit targets of this in a consistent order.
targets := AsVertexList(g.DownEdges(current.Vertex))
if sorted {
for _, t := range targets {
frontier = append(frontier, &vertexAtDepth{
Vertex: t,
Depth: current.Depth + 1,
return nil
// reverseDepthFirstWalk does a depth-first walk _up_ the graph starting from
// the vertices in start.
func (g *AcyclicGraph) ReverseDepthFirstWalk(start []Vertex, f DepthWalkFunc) error {
defer g.debug.BeginOperation(typeReverseDepthFirstWalk, "").End("")
seen := make(map[Vertex]struct{})
frontier := make([]*vertexAtDepth, len(start))
for i, v := range start {
frontier[i] = &vertexAtDepth{
Vertex: v,
Depth: 0,
for len(frontier) > 0 {
// Pop the current vertex
n := len(frontier)
current := frontier[n-1]
frontier = frontier[:n-1]
// Check if we've seen this already and return...
if _, ok := seen[current.Vertex]; ok {
seen[current.Vertex] = struct{}{}
// Add next set of targets in a consistent order.
targets := AsVertexList(g.UpEdges(current.Vertex))
for _, t := range targets {
frontier = append(frontier, &vertexAtDepth{
Vertex: t,
Depth: current.Depth + 1,
// Visit the current node
if err := f(current.Vertex, current.Depth); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// byVertexName implements sort.Interface so a list of Vertices can be sorted
// consistently by their VertexName
type byVertexName []Vertex
func (b byVertexName) Len() int { return len(b) }
func (b byVertexName) Swap(i, j int) { b[i], b[j] = b[j], b[i] }
func (b byVertexName) Less(i, j int) bool {
return VertexName(b[i]) < VertexName(b[j])