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synced 2025-02-25 18:45:20 -06:00
#15596 set things up with the intent that the docker image build process would be handled by the automated build system on dockerhub, but after merging we found that it's impossible to change the source git repository for an existing dockerhub repository. To get away from the limitations of dockerhub, we intend to eventually automate these builds in a separate CI system. Here we add some scripts that would drive such an automated process. It's split into multiple steps to allow for situations where the new version should not be tagged as the latest, and to make it easier and safer to test the build script while doing development on it. Since this automated process doesn't yet exist, a wrapper script release.sh is included to help run a local, manual build and deploy process in the mean time. The README.md in the docker-release dir here contains details on the intended usage.
94 lines
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Executable File
94 lines
3.0 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This script is an interactive wrapper around the scripts build.sh, tag.sh
# and push.sh intended for use during official Terraform releases.
# This script should be used only when git HEAD is pointing at the release tag
# for what will become the new latest *stable* release, since it will update
# the "latest", "light", and "full" tags to refer to what was built.
# To release a specific version without updating the various symbolic tags,
# use build.sh directly and then manually push the single release tag it
# creates. This is appropriate both when publishing a beta version and if,
# for some reason, it's necessary to (re-)publish and older version.
set -eu
BASE="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
cd "$BASE"
# We assume that this is always running while git HEAD is pointed at a release
# tag or a branch that is pointed at the same commit as a release tag. If not,
# this will fail since we can't build a release image for a commit that hasn't
# actually been released.
VERSION="$(git describe)"
# Verify that the version is already deployed to releases.hashicorp.com.
if curl --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail "https://releases.hashicorp.com/terraform/${VERSION_SLUG}/terraform_${VERSION_SLUG}_SHA256SUMS"; then
echo "===== Docker image release for Terraform $VERSION ====="
echo ""
cat >&2 <<EOT
There is no $VERSION release of Terraform on releases.hashicorp.com.
release.sh can only create docker images for released versions. Use
"git checkout {version}" to switch to a release tag before running this
To create an untagged docker image for any arbitrary commit, use 'docker build'
directly in the root of the Terraform repository.
exit 1
# Build the two images tagged with the version number
./build.sh "$VERSION"
# Verify that they were built correctly.
echo "-- Testing $VERSION Images --"
echo ""
echo -n "light image version: "
docker run --rm -e "CHECKPOINT_DISABLE=1" "hashicorp/terraform:${VERSION_SLUG}" version
echo -n "full image version: "
docker run --rm -e "CHECKPOINT_DISABLE=1" "hashicorp/terraform:${VERSION_SLUG}-full" version
echo ""
read -p "Did both images produce suitable version output for $VERSION? " -n 1 -r
echo ""
if ! [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
echo >&2 Aborting due to inconsistent version output.
exit 1
echo ""
# Update the latest, light and full tags to point to the images we just built.
./tag.sh "$VERSION"
# Last chance to bail out
echo "-- Prepare to Push --"
echo ""
echo "The following Terraform images are available locally:"
docker images --format "{{.ID}}\t{{.Tag}}" hashicorp/terraform
echo ""
read -p "Ready to push the tags $VERSION_SLUG, light, full, and latest up to dockerhub? " -n 1 -r
echo ""
if ! [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
echo >&2 "Aborting because reply wasn't positive."
exit 1
echo ""
# Actually upload the images
./push.sh "$VERSION"
echo ""
echo "-- All done! --"
echo ""
echo "Confirm the release at https://hub.docker.com/r/hashicorp/terraform/tags/"
echo ""