James Bardin f0727501c1 WIP only add missing providers at the root level
When looking for providers to connect to resources, walk up the resource
path to find the appropriate provider.
2017-11-02 15:00:06 -04:00

419 lines
11 KiB

package terraform
import (
// GraphNodeProvider is an interface that nodes that can be a provider
// must implement. The ProviderName returned is the name of the provider
// they satisfy.
type GraphNodeProvider interface {
ProviderName() string
// GraphNodeCloseProvider is an interface that nodes that can be a close
// provider must implement. The CloseProviderName returned is the name of
// the provider they satisfy.
type GraphNodeCloseProvider interface {
CloseProviderName() string
// GraphNodeProviderConsumer is an interface that nodes that require
// a provider must implement. ProvidedBy must return the name of the provider
// to use.
type GraphNodeProviderConsumer interface {
// TODO: make this return s string instead of a []string
ProvidedBy() []string
// ProviderTransformer is a GraphTransformer that maps resources to
// providers within the graph. This will error if there are any resources
// that don't map to proper resources.
type ProviderTransformer struct{}
func (t *ProviderTransformer) Transform(g *Graph) error {
// Go through the other nodes and match them to providers they need
var err error
m := providerVertexMap(g)
for _, v := range g.Vertices() {
if pv, ok := v.(GraphNodeProviderConsumer); ok {
p := pv.ProvidedBy()[0]
key := providerMapKey(p, pv)
target := m[key]
sp, ok := pv.(GraphNodeSubPath)
if !ok && target == nil {
// no target, and no path to walk up
err = multierror.Append(err, fmt.Errorf(
"%s: provider %s couldn't be found",
dag.VertexName(v), p))
// if we don't have a provider at this level, walk up the path looking for one
for i := 1; target == nil; i++ {
pathPrefix := ""
raw := normalizeModulePath(sp.Path())
if len(raw) < i {
raw = raw[:len(raw)-i]
if len(raw) > len(rootModulePath) {
pathPrefix = modulePrefixStr(raw) + "."
key = pathPrefix + p
target = m[key]
if target == nil {
err = multierror.Append(err, fmt.Errorf(
"%s: provider %s couldn't be found",
dag.VertexName(v), p))
g.Connect(dag.BasicEdge(v, target))
return err
// CloseProviderTransformer is a GraphTransformer that adds nodes to the
// graph that will close open provider connections that aren't needed anymore.
// A provider connection is not needed anymore once all depended resources
// in the graph are evaluated.
type CloseProviderTransformer struct{}
func (t *CloseProviderTransformer) Transform(g *Graph) error {
pm := providerVertexMap(g)
cpm := closeProviderVertexMap(g)
var err error
for _, v := range g.Vertices() {
if pv, ok := v.(GraphNodeProviderConsumer); ok {
for _, p := range pv.ProvidedBy() {
key := p
source := cpm[key]
if source == nil {
// Create a new graphNodeCloseProvider and add it to the graph
source = &graphNodeCloseProvider{ProviderNameValue: p}
// Close node needs to depend on provider
provider, ok := pm[key]
if !ok {
err = multierror.Append(err, fmt.Errorf(
"%s: provider %s couldn't be found for closing",
dag.VertexName(v), p))
g.Connect(dag.BasicEdge(source, provider))
// Make sure we also add the new graphNodeCloseProvider to the map
// so we don't create and add any duplicate graphNodeCloseProviders.
cpm[key] = source
// Close node depends on all nodes provided by the provider
g.Connect(dag.BasicEdge(source, v))
return err
// MissingProviderTransformer is a GraphTransformer that adds nodes for all
// required providers into the graph. Specifically, it creates provider
// configuration nodes for all the providers that we support. These are pruned
// later during an optimization pass.
type MissingProviderTransformer struct {
// Providers is the list of providers we support.
Providers []string
// AllowAny will not check that a provider is supported before adding
// it to the graph.
AllowAny bool
// Concrete, if set, overrides how the providers are made.
Concrete ConcreteProviderNodeFunc
func (t *MissingProviderTransformer) Transform(g *Graph) error {
// Initialize factory
if t.Concrete == nil {
t.Concrete = func(a *NodeAbstractProvider) dag.Vertex {
return a
// Create a set of our supported providers
supported := make(map[string]struct{}, len(t.Providers))
for _, v := range t.Providers {
supported[v] = struct{}{}
// Get the map of providers we already have in our graph
m := providerVertexMap(g)
// Go through all the provider consumers and make sure we add
// that provider if it is missing. We use a for loop here instead
// of "range" since we'll modify check as we go to add more to check.
check := g.Vertices()
for i := 0; i < len(check); i++ {
v := check[i]
pv, ok := v.(GraphNodeProviderConsumer)
if !ok {
// If this node has a subpath, then we use that as a prefix
// into our map to check for an existing provider.
var path []string
if sp, ok := pv.(GraphNodeSubPath); ok {
raw := normalizeModulePath(sp.Path())
if len(raw) > len(rootModulePath) {
path = raw
for _, p := range pv.ProvidedBy() {
// always add the parent nodes to check, since configured providers
// may have already been added for modules.
if len(path) > 0 {
// We'll need the parent provider as well, so let's
// add a dummy node to check to make sure that we add
// that parent provider.
check = append(check, &graphNodeProviderConsumerDummy{
ProviderValue: p,
PathValue: path[:len(path)-1],
key := providerMapKey(p, pv)
// TODO: jbardin come back to this
// only adding root level missing providers
key = p
if _, ok := m[key]; ok {
// This provider already exists as a configure node
// If the provider has an alias in it, we just want the type
// TODO: jbardin -- stop adding aliased providers altogether
ptype := p
if idx := strings.IndexRune(p, '.'); idx != -1 {
ptype = p[:idx]
if !t.AllowAny {
if _, ok := supported[ptype]; !ok {
// If we don't support the provider type, skip it.
// Validation later will catch this as an error.
// Add the missing provider node to the graph
v := t.Concrete(&NodeAbstractProvider{
NameValue: p,
// TODO: jbardin come back to this
// only adding root level missing providers
//PathValue: path,
m[key] = g.Add(v)
return nil
// ParentProviderTransformer connects provider nodes to their parents.
// This works by finding nodes that are both GraphNodeProviders and
// GraphNodeSubPath. It then connects the providers to their parent
// path.
type ParentProviderTransformer struct{}
func (t *ParentProviderTransformer) Transform(g *Graph) error {
// Make a mapping of path to dag.Vertex, where path is: ""
m := make(map[string]dag.Vertex)
// Also create a map that maps a provider to its parent
parentMap := make(map[dag.Vertex]string)
for _, raw := range g.Vertices() {
// If it is the flat version, then make it the non-flat version.
// We eventually want to get rid of the flat version entirely so
// this is a stop-gap while it still exists.
var v dag.Vertex = raw
// Only care about providers
pn, ok := v.(GraphNodeProvider)
if !ok || pn.ProviderName() == "" {
// Also require a subpath, if there is no subpath then we
// just totally ignore it. The expectation of this transform is
// that it is used with a graph builder that is already flattened.
var path []string
if pn, ok := raw.(GraphNodeSubPath); ok {
path = pn.Path()
path = normalizeModulePath(path)
// Build the key with i.e. ""
key := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", strings.Join(path, "."), pn.ProviderName())
m[key] = raw
// Determine the parent if we're non-root. This is length 1 since
// the 0 index should be "root" since we normalize above.
if len(path) > 1 {
path = path[:len(path)-1]
key := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", strings.Join(path, "."), pn.ProviderName())
parentMap[raw] = key
// Connect!
for v, key := range parentMap {
if parent, ok := m[key]; ok {
g.Connect(dag.BasicEdge(v, parent))
return nil
// PruneProviderTransformer is a GraphTransformer that prunes all the
// providers that aren't needed from the graph. A provider is unneeded if
// no resource or module is using that provider.
type PruneProviderTransformer struct{}
func (t *PruneProviderTransformer) Transform(g *Graph) error {
for _, v := range g.Vertices() {
// We only care about the providers
if pn, ok := v.(GraphNodeProvider); !ok || pn.ProviderName() == "" {
// Does anything depend on this? If not, then prune it.
if s := g.UpEdges(v); s.Len() == 0 {
if nv, ok := v.(dag.NamedVertex); ok {
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Pruning provider with no dependencies: %s", nv.Name())
return nil
// providerMapKey is a helper that gives us the key to use for the
// maps returned by things such as providerVertexMap.
func providerMapKey(k string, v dag.Vertex) string {
pathPrefix := ""
if sp, ok := v.(GraphNodeSubPath); ok {
raw := normalizeModulePath(sp.Path())
if len(raw) > len(rootModulePath) {
pathPrefix = modulePrefixStr(raw) + "."
return pathPrefix + k
func providerVertexMap(g *Graph) map[string]dag.Vertex {
m := make(map[string]dag.Vertex)
for _, v := range g.Vertices() {
if pv, ok := v.(GraphNodeProvider); ok {
key := providerMapKey(pv.ProviderName(), v)
m[key] = v
return m
func closeProviderVertexMap(g *Graph) map[string]dag.Vertex {
m := make(map[string]dag.Vertex)
for _, v := range g.Vertices() {
if pv, ok := v.(GraphNodeCloseProvider); ok {
m[pv.CloseProviderName()] = v
return m
type graphNodeCloseProvider struct {
ProviderNameValue string
func (n *graphNodeCloseProvider) Name() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("provider.%s (close)", n.ProviderNameValue)
// GraphNodeEvalable impl.
func (n *graphNodeCloseProvider) EvalTree() EvalNode {
return CloseProviderEvalTree(n.ProviderNameValue)
// GraphNodeDependable impl.
func (n *graphNodeCloseProvider) DependableName() []string {
return []string{n.Name()}
func (n *graphNodeCloseProvider) CloseProviderName() string {
return n.ProviderNameValue
// GraphNodeDotter impl.
func (n *graphNodeCloseProvider) DotNode(name string, opts *dag.DotOpts) *dag.DotNode {
if !opts.Verbose {
return nil
return &dag.DotNode{
Name: name,
Attrs: map[string]string{
"label": n.Name(),
"shape": "diamond",
// RemovableIfNotTargeted
func (n *graphNodeCloseProvider) RemoveIfNotTargeted() bool {
// We need to add this so that this node will be removed if
// it isn't targeted or a dependency of a target.
return true
// graphNodeProviderConsumerDummy is a struct that never enters the real
// graph (though it could to no ill effect). It implements
// GraphNodeProviderConsumer and GraphNodeSubpath as a way to force
// certain transformations.
type graphNodeProviderConsumerDummy struct {
ProviderValue string
PathValue []string
func (n *graphNodeProviderConsumerDummy) Path() []string {
return n.PathValue
func (n *graphNodeProviderConsumerDummy) ProvidedBy() []string {
return []string{n.ProviderValue}