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package terraform
import (
// ResourceCountTransformer is a GraphTransformer that expands the count
// out for a specific resource.
type ResourceCountTransformer struct {
Resource *config.Resource
Destroy bool
Targets []ResourceAddress
func (t *ResourceCountTransformer) Transform(g *Graph) error {
// Expand the resource count
count, err := t.Resource.Count()
if err != nil {
return err
// Don't allow the count to be negative
if count < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("negative count: %d", count)
// For each count, build and add the node
nodes := make([]dag.Vertex, 0, count)
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
// Set the index. If our count is 1 we special case it so that
// we handle the "resource.0" and "resource" boundary properly.
index := i
if count == 1 {
index = -1
// Save the node for later so we can do connections. Make the
// proper node depending on if we're just a destroy node or if
// were a regular node.
var node dag.Vertex = &graphNodeExpandedResource{
Index: index,
Resource: t.Resource,
Path: g.Path,
if t.Destroy {
node = &graphNodeExpandedResourceDestroy{
graphNodeExpandedResource: node.(*graphNodeExpandedResource),
// Skip nodes if targeting excludes them
if !t.nodeIsTargeted(node) {
// Add the node now
nodes = append(nodes, node)
// Make the dependency connections
for _, n := range nodes {
// Connect the dependents. We ignore the return value for missing
// dependents since that should've been caught at a higher level.
return nil
func (t *ResourceCountTransformer) nodeIsTargeted(node dag.Vertex) bool {
// no targets specified, everything stays in the graph
if len(t.Targets) == 0 {
return true
addressable, ok := node.(GraphNodeAddressable)
if !ok {
return false
addr := addressable.ResourceAddress()
for _, targetAddr := range t.Targets {
if targetAddr.Equals(addr) {
return true
return false
type graphNodeExpandedResource struct {
Index int
Resource *config.Resource
Path []string
func (n *graphNodeExpandedResource) Name() string {
if n.Index == -1 {
return n.Resource.Id()
return fmt.Sprintf("%s #%d", n.Resource.Id(), n.Index)
// GraphNodeAddressable impl.
func (n *graphNodeExpandedResource) ResourceAddress() *ResourceAddress {
// We want this to report the logical index properly, so we must undo the
// special case from the expand
index := n.Index
if index == -1 {
index = 0
return &ResourceAddress{
Path: n.Path[1:],
Index: index,
InstanceType: TypePrimary,
Name: n.Resource.Name,
Type: n.Resource.Type,
// graphNodeConfig impl.
func (n *graphNodeExpandedResource) ConfigType() GraphNodeConfigType {
return GraphNodeConfigTypeResource
// GraphNodeDependable impl.
func (n *graphNodeExpandedResource) DependableName() []string {
return []string{
// GraphNodeDependent impl.
func (n *graphNodeExpandedResource) DependentOn() []string {
configNode := &GraphNodeConfigResource{Resource: n.Resource}
result := configNode.DependentOn()
// Walk the variables to find any count-specific variables we depend on.
configNode.VarWalk(func(v config.InterpolatedVariable) {
rv, ok := v.(*config.ResourceVariable)
if !ok {
// We only want ourselves
if rv.ResourceId() != n.Resource.Id() {
// If this isn't a multi-access (which shouldn't be allowed but
// is verified elsewhere), then we depend on the specific count
// of this resource, ignoring ourself (which again should be
// validated elsewhere).
if rv.Index > -1 {
id := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", rv.ResourceId(), rv.Index)
if id != n.stateId() && id != n.stateId()+".0" {
result = append(result, id)
return result
// GraphNodeProviderConsumer
func (n *graphNodeExpandedResource) ProvidedBy() []string {
return []string{resourceProvider(n.Resource.Type, n.Resource.Provider)}
func (n *graphNodeExpandedResource) StateDependencies() []string {
depsRaw := n.DependentOn()
deps := make([]string, 0, len(depsRaw))
for _, d := range depsRaw {
// Ignore any variable dependencies
if strings.HasPrefix(d, "var.") {
// This is sad. The dependencies are currently in the format of
// "module.foo.bar" (the full field). This strips the field off.
if strings.HasPrefix(d, "module.") {
parts := strings.SplitN(d, ".", 3)
d = strings.Join(parts[0:2], ".")
deps = append(deps, d)
return deps
// GraphNodeEvalable impl.
func (n *graphNodeExpandedResource) EvalTree() EvalNode {
var diff *InstanceDiff
var provider ResourceProvider
var resourceConfig *ResourceConfig
var state *InstanceState
// Build the resource. If we aren't part of a multi-resource, then
// we still consider ourselves as count index zero.
index := n.Index
if index < 0 {
index = 0
resource := &Resource{
Name: n.Resource.Name,
Type: n.Resource.Type,
CountIndex: index,
seq := &EvalSequence{Nodes: make([]EvalNode, 0, 5)}
// Validate the resource
vseq := &EvalSequence{Nodes: make([]EvalNode, 0, 5)}
vseq.Nodes = append(vseq.Nodes, &EvalGetProvider{
Name: n.ProvidedBy()[0],
Output: &provider,
vseq.Nodes = append(vseq.Nodes, &EvalInterpolate{
Config: n.Resource.RawConfig.Copy(),
Resource: resource,
Output: &resourceConfig,
vseq.Nodes = append(vseq.Nodes, &EvalValidateResource{
Provider: &provider,
Config: &resourceConfig,
ResourceName: n.Resource.Name,
ResourceType: n.Resource.Type,
// Validate all the provisioners
for _, p := range n.Resource.Provisioners {
var provisioner ResourceProvisioner
vseq.Nodes = append(vseq.Nodes, &EvalGetProvisioner{
Name: p.Type,
Output: &provisioner,
}, &EvalInterpolate{
Config: p.RawConfig.Copy(),
Resource: resource,
Output: &resourceConfig,
}, &EvalValidateProvisioner{
Provisioner: &provisioner,
Config: &resourceConfig,
// Add the validation operations
seq.Nodes = append(seq.Nodes, &EvalOpFilter{
Ops: []walkOperation{walkValidate},
Node: vseq,
// Build instance info
info := n.instanceInfo()
seq.Nodes = append(seq.Nodes, &EvalInstanceInfo{Info: info})
// Refresh the resource
seq.Nodes = append(seq.Nodes, &EvalOpFilter{
Ops: []walkOperation{walkRefresh},
Node: &EvalSequence{
Nodes: []EvalNode{
Name: n.ProvidedBy()[0],
Output: &provider,
Name: n.stateId(),
Output: &state,
Info: info,
Provider: &provider,
State: &state,
Output: &state,
Name: n.stateId(),
ResourceType: n.Resource.Type,
Provider: n.Resource.Provider,
Dependencies: n.StateDependencies(),
State: &state,
// Diff the resource
seq.Nodes = append(seq.Nodes, &EvalOpFilter{
Ops: []walkOperation{walkPlan},
Node: &EvalSequence{
Nodes: []EvalNode{
Config: n.Resource.RawConfig.Copy(),
Resource: resource,
Output: &resourceConfig,
Name: n.ProvidedBy()[0],
Output: &provider,
Name: n.stateId(),
Output: &state,
Info: info,
Config: &resourceConfig,
Provider: &provider,
State: &state,
Output: &diff,
OutputState: &state,
Resource: n.Resource,
Diff: &diff,
Resource: n.Resource,
Diff: &diff,
Name: n.stateId(),
ResourceType: n.Resource.Type,
Provider: n.Resource.Provider,
Dependencies: n.StateDependencies(),
State: &state,
Diff: &diff,
Name: n.stateId(),
Name: n.stateId(),
Diff: &diff,
// Diff the resource for destruction
seq.Nodes = append(seq.Nodes, &EvalOpFilter{
Ops: []walkOperation{walkPlanDestroy},
Node: &EvalSequence{
Nodes: []EvalNode{
Name: n.stateId(),
Output: &state,
Info: info,
State: &state,
Output: &diff,
Resource: n.Resource,
Diff: &diff,
Name: n.stateId(),
Diff: &diff,
// Apply
var diffApply *InstanceDiff
var err error
var createNew, tainted bool
var createBeforeDestroyEnabled bool
seq.Nodes = append(seq.Nodes, &EvalOpFilter{
Ops: []walkOperation{walkApply, walkDestroy},
Node: &EvalSequence{
Nodes: []EvalNode{
// Get the saved diff for apply
Name: n.stateId(),
Diff: &diffApply,
// We don't want to do any destroys
If: func(ctx EvalContext) (bool, error) {
if diffApply == nil {
return true, EvalEarlyExitError{}
if diffApply.Destroy && len(diffApply.Attributes) == 0 {
return true, EvalEarlyExitError{}
diffApply.Destroy = false
return true, nil
Then: EvalNoop{},
If: func(ctx EvalContext) (bool, error) {
destroy := false
if diffApply != nil {
destroy = diffApply.Destroy || diffApply.RequiresNew()
createBeforeDestroyEnabled =
n.Resource.Lifecycle.CreateBeforeDestroy &&
return createBeforeDestroyEnabled, nil
Then: &EvalDeposeState{
Name: n.stateId(),
Config: n.Resource.RawConfig.Copy(),
Resource: resource,
Output: &resourceConfig,
Name: n.ProvidedBy()[0],
Output: &provider,
Name: n.stateId(),
Output: &state,
Info: info,
Config: &resourceConfig,
Provider: &provider,
State: &state,
Output: &diffApply,
// Get the saved diff
Name: n.stateId(),
Diff: &diff,
// Compare the diffs
Info: info,
One: &diff,
Two: &diffApply,
Name: n.ProvidedBy()[0],
Output: &provider,
Name: n.stateId(),
Output: &state,
Info: info,
State: &state,
Diff: &diffApply,
Provider: &provider,
Output: &state,
Error: &err,
CreateNew: &createNew,
Name: n.stateId(),
ResourceType: n.Resource.Type,
Provider: n.Resource.Provider,
Dependencies: n.StateDependencies(),
State: &state,
Info: info,
State: &state,
Resource: n.Resource,
InterpResource: resource,
CreateNew: &createNew,
Tainted: &tainted,
Error: &err,
If: func(ctx EvalContext) (bool, error) {
if createBeforeDestroyEnabled {
tainted = err != nil
failure := tainted || err != nil
return createBeforeDestroyEnabled && failure, nil
Then: &EvalUndeposeState{
Name: n.stateId(),
// We clear the diff out here so that future nodes
// don't see a diff that is already complete. There
// is no longer a diff!
Name: n.stateId(),
Diff: nil,
If: func(ctx EvalContext) (bool, error) {
return tainted, nil
Then: &EvalSequence{
Nodes: []EvalNode{
Name: n.stateId(),
ResourceType: n.Resource.Type,
Provider: n.Resource.Provider,
Dependencies: n.StateDependencies(),
State: &state,
Index: -1,
If: func(ctx EvalContext) (bool, error) {
return !n.Resource.Lifecycle.CreateBeforeDestroy, nil
Then: &EvalClearPrimaryState{
Name: n.stateId(),
Else: &EvalWriteState{
Name: n.stateId(),
ResourceType: n.Resource.Type,
Provider: n.Resource.Provider,
Dependencies: n.StateDependencies(),
State: &state,
Info: info,
State: &state,
Error: &err,
return seq
// instanceInfo is used for EvalTree.
func (n *graphNodeExpandedResource) instanceInfo() *InstanceInfo {
return &InstanceInfo{Id: n.stateId(), Type: n.Resource.Type}
// stateId is the name used for the state key
func (n *graphNodeExpandedResource) stateId() string {
if n.Index == -1 {
return n.Resource.Id()
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", n.Resource.Id(), n.Index)
// GraphNodeStateRepresentative impl.
func (n *graphNodeExpandedResource) StateId() []string {
return []string{n.stateId()}
// graphNodeExpandedResourceDestroy represents an expanded resource that
// is to be destroyed.
type graphNodeExpandedResourceDestroy struct {
func (n *graphNodeExpandedResourceDestroy) Name() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s (destroy)", n.graphNodeExpandedResource.Name())
// graphNodeConfig impl.
func (n *graphNodeExpandedResourceDestroy) ConfigType() GraphNodeConfigType {
return GraphNodeConfigTypeResource
// GraphNodeEvalable impl.
func (n *graphNodeExpandedResourceDestroy) EvalTree() EvalNode {
info := n.instanceInfo()
var diffApply *InstanceDiff
var provider ResourceProvider
var state *InstanceState
var err error
return &EvalOpFilter{
Ops: []walkOperation{walkApply, walkDestroy},
Node: &EvalSequence{
Nodes: []EvalNode{
// Get the saved diff for apply
Name: n.stateId(),
Diff: &diffApply,
// Filter the diff so we only get the destroy
Diff: &diffApply,
Output: &diffApply,
Destroy: true,
// If we're not destroying, then compare diffs
If: func(ctx EvalContext) (bool, error) {
if diffApply != nil && diffApply.Destroy {
return true, nil
return true, EvalEarlyExitError{}
Then: EvalNoop{},
Name: n.ProvidedBy()[0],
Output: &provider,
Name: n.stateId(),
Output: &state,
State: &state,
Info: info,
State: &state,
Diff: &diffApply,
Provider: &provider,
Output: &state,
Error: &err,
Name: n.stateId(),
ResourceType: n.Resource.Type,
Provider: n.Resource.Provider,
Dependencies: n.StateDependencies(),
State: &state,
Info: info,
State: &state,
Error: &err,