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synced 2025-02-25 18:45:20 -06:00
This is a complement to "timestamp" and "timeadd" which allows establishing the ordering of two different timestamps while taking into account their timezone offsets, which isn't otherwise possible using the existing primitives in the Terraform language.
205 lines
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205 lines
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package lang
import (
ctyyaml "github.com/zclconf/go-cty-yaml"
var impureFunctions = []string{
// Functions returns the set of functions that should be used to when evaluating
// expressions in the receiving scope.
func (s *Scope) Functions() map[string]function.Function {
if s.funcs == nil {
// Some of our functions are just directly the cty stdlib functions.
// Others are implemented in the subdirectory "funcs" here in this
// repository. New functions should generally start out their lives
// in the "funcs" directory and potentially graduate to cty stdlib
// later if the functionality seems to be something domain-agnostic
// that would be useful to all applications using cty functions.
s.funcs = map[string]function.Function{
"abs": stdlib.AbsoluteFunc,
"abspath": funcs.AbsPathFunc,
"alltrue": funcs.AllTrueFunc,
"anytrue": funcs.AnyTrueFunc,
"basename": funcs.BasenameFunc,
"base64decode": funcs.Base64DecodeFunc,
"base64encode": funcs.Base64EncodeFunc,
"base64gzip": funcs.Base64GzipFunc,
"base64sha256": funcs.Base64Sha256Func,
"base64sha512": funcs.Base64Sha512Func,
"bcrypt": funcs.BcryptFunc,
"can": tryfunc.CanFunc,
"ceil": stdlib.CeilFunc,
"chomp": stdlib.ChompFunc,
"cidrhost": funcs.CidrHostFunc,
"cidrnetmask": funcs.CidrNetmaskFunc,
"cidrsubnet": funcs.CidrSubnetFunc,
"cidrsubnets": funcs.CidrSubnetsFunc,
"coalesce": funcs.CoalesceFunc,
"coalescelist": stdlib.CoalesceListFunc,
"compact": stdlib.CompactFunc,
"concat": stdlib.ConcatFunc,
"contains": stdlib.ContainsFunc,
"csvdecode": stdlib.CSVDecodeFunc,
"dirname": funcs.DirnameFunc,
"distinct": stdlib.DistinctFunc,
"element": stdlib.ElementFunc,
"endswith": funcs.EndsWithFunc,
"chunklist": stdlib.ChunklistFunc,
"file": funcs.MakeFileFunc(s.BaseDir, false),
"fileexists": funcs.MakeFileExistsFunc(s.BaseDir),
"fileset": funcs.MakeFileSetFunc(s.BaseDir),
"filebase64": funcs.MakeFileFunc(s.BaseDir, true),
"filebase64sha256": funcs.MakeFileBase64Sha256Func(s.BaseDir),
"filebase64sha512": funcs.MakeFileBase64Sha512Func(s.BaseDir),
"filemd5": funcs.MakeFileMd5Func(s.BaseDir),
"filesha1": funcs.MakeFileSha1Func(s.BaseDir),
"filesha256": funcs.MakeFileSha256Func(s.BaseDir),
"filesha512": funcs.MakeFileSha512Func(s.BaseDir),
"flatten": stdlib.FlattenFunc,
"floor": stdlib.FloorFunc,
"format": stdlib.FormatFunc,
"formatdate": stdlib.FormatDateFunc,
"formatlist": stdlib.FormatListFunc,
"indent": stdlib.IndentFunc,
"index": funcs.IndexFunc, // stdlib.IndexFunc is not compatible
"join": stdlib.JoinFunc,
"jsondecode": stdlib.JSONDecodeFunc,
"jsonencode": stdlib.JSONEncodeFunc,
"keys": stdlib.KeysFunc,
"length": funcs.LengthFunc,
"list": funcs.ListFunc,
"log": stdlib.LogFunc,
"lookup": funcs.LookupFunc,
"lower": stdlib.LowerFunc,
"map": funcs.MapFunc,
"matchkeys": funcs.MatchkeysFunc,
"max": stdlib.MaxFunc,
"md5": funcs.Md5Func,
"merge": stdlib.MergeFunc,
"min": stdlib.MinFunc,
"one": funcs.OneFunc,
"parseint": stdlib.ParseIntFunc,
"pathexpand": funcs.PathExpandFunc,
"pow": stdlib.PowFunc,
"range": stdlib.RangeFunc,
"regex": stdlib.RegexFunc,
"regexall": stdlib.RegexAllFunc,
"replace": funcs.ReplaceFunc,
"reverse": stdlib.ReverseListFunc,
"rsadecrypt": funcs.RsaDecryptFunc,
"sensitive": funcs.SensitiveFunc,
"nonsensitive": funcs.NonsensitiveFunc,
"setintersection": stdlib.SetIntersectionFunc,
"setproduct": stdlib.SetProductFunc,
"setsubtract": stdlib.SetSubtractFunc,
"setunion": stdlib.SetUnionFunc,
"sha1": funcs.Sha1Func,
"sha256": funcs.Sha256Func,
"sha512": funcs.Sha512Func,
"signum": stdlib.SignumFunc,
"slice": stdlib.SliceFunc,
"sort": stdlib.SortFunc,
"split": stdlib.SplitFunc,
"startswith": funcs.StartsWithFunc,
"strrev": stdlib.ReverseFunc,
"substr": stdlib.SubstrFunc,
"sum": funcs.SumFunc,
"textdecodebase64": funcs.TextDecodeBase64Func,
"textencodebase64": funcs.TextEncodeBase64Func,
"timestamp": funcs.TimestampFunc,
"timeadd": stdlib.TimeAddFunc,
"timecmp": funcs.TimeCmpFunc,
"title": stdlib.TitleFunc,
"tostring": funcs.MakeToFunc(cty.String),
"tonumber": funcs.MakeToFunc(cty.Number),
"tobool": funcs.MakeToFunc(cty.Bool),
"toset": funcs.MakeToFunc(cty.Set(cty.DynamicPseudoType)),
"tolist": funcs.MakeToFunc(cty.List(cty.DynamicPseudoType)),
"tomap": funcs.MakeToFunc(cty.Map(cty.DynamicPseudoType)),
"transpose": funcs.TransposeFunc,
"trim": stdlib.TrimFunc,
"trimprefix": stdlib.TrimPrefixFunc,
"trimspace": stdlib.TrimSpaceFunc,
"trimsuffix": stdlib.TrimSuffixFunc,
"try": tryfunc.TryFunc,
"upper": stdlib.UpperFunc,
"urlencode": funcs.URLEncodeFunc,
"uuid": funcs.UUIDFunc,
"uuidv5": funcs.UUIDV5Func,
"values": stdlib.ValuesFunc,
"yamldecode": ctyyaml.YAMLDecodeFunc,
"yamlencode": ctyyaml.YAMLEncodeFunc,
"zipmap": stdlib.ZipmapFunc,
s.funcs["templatefile"] = funcs.MakeTemplateFileFunc(s.BaseDir, func() map[string]function.Function {
// The templatefile function prevents recursive calls to itself
// by copying this map and overwriting the "templatefile" entry.
return s.funcs
if s.ConsoleMode {
// The type function is only available in terraform console.
s.funcs["type"] = funcs.TypeFunc
if s.PureOnly {
// Force our few impure functions to return unknown so that we
// can defer evaluating them until a later pass.
for _, name := range impureFunctions {
s.funcs[name] = function.Unpredictable(s.funcs[name])
return s.funcs
// experimentalFunction checks whether the given experiment is enabled for
// the recieving scope. If so, it will return the given function verbatim.
// If not, it will return a placeholder function that just returns an
// error explaining that the function requires the experiment to be enabled.
//lint:ignore U1000 Ignore unused function error for now
func (s *Scope) experimentalFunction(experiment experiments.Experiment, fn function.Function) function.Function {
if s.activeExperiments.Has(experiment) {
return fn
err := fmt.Errorf(
"this function is experimental and available only when the experiment keyword %s is enabled for the current module",
return function.New(&function.Spec{
Params: fn.Params(),
VarParam: fn.VarParam(),
Type: func(args []cty.Value) (cty.Type, error) {
return cty.DynamicPseudoType, err
Impl: func(args []cty.Value, retType cty.Type) (cty.Value, error) {
// It would be weird to get here because the Type function always
// fails, but we'll return an error here too anyway just to be
// robust.
return cty.DynamicVal, err