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package terraform
import (
// InputMode defines what sort of input will be asked for when Input
// is called on Context.
type InputMode byte
const (
// InputModeVar asks for all variables
InputModeVar InputMode = 1 << iota
// InputModeVarUnset asks for variables which are not set yet
// InputModeProvider asks for provider variables
// InputModeStd is the standard operating mode and asks for both variables
// and providers.
InputModeStd = InputModeVar | InputModeProvider
// ContextOpts are the user-configurable options to create a context with
// NewContext.
type ContextOpts struct {
Destroy bool
Diff *Diff
Hooks []Hook
Module *module.Tree
Parallelism int
State *State
StateFutureAllowed bool
Providers map[string]ResourceProviderFactory
Provisioners map[string]ResourceProvisionerFactory
Targets []string
Variables map[string]interface{}
UIInput UIInput
// Context represents all the context that Terraform needs in order to
// perform operations on infrastructure. This structure is built using
// NewContext. See the documentation for that.
// Extra functions on Context can be found in context_*.go files.
type Context struct {
destroy bool
diff *Diff
diffLock sync.RWMutex
hooks []Hook
module *module.Tree
providers map[string]ResourceProviderFactory
provisioners map[string]ResourceProvisionerFactory
sh *stopHook
state *State
stateLock sync.RWMutex
targets []string
uiInput UIInput
variables map[string]interface{}
l sync.Mutex // Lock acquired during any task
parallelSem Semaphore
providerInputConfig map[string]map[string]interface{}
runCh <-chan struct{}
// NewContext creates a new Context structure.
// Once a Context is creator, the pointer values within ContextOpts
// should not be mutated in any way, since the pointers are copied, not
// the values themselves.
func NewContext(opts *ContextOpts) (*Context, error) {
// Copy all the hooks and add our stop hook. We don't append directly
// to the Config so that we're not modifying that in-place.
sh := new(stopHook)
hooks := make([]Hook, len(opts.Hooks)+1)
copy(hooks, opts.Hooks)
hooks[len(opts.Hooks)] = sh
state := opts.State
if state == nil {
state = new(State)
// If our state is from the future, then error. Callers can avoid
// this error by explicitly setting `StateFutureAllowed`.
if !opts.StateFutureAllowed && state.FromFutureTerraform() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"Terraform doesn't allow running any operations against a state\n"+
"that was written by a future Terraform version. The state is\n"+
"reporting it is written by Terraform '%s'.\n\n"+
"Please run at least that version of Terraform to continue.",
// Explicitly reset our state version to our current version so that
// any operations we do will write out that our latest version
// has run.
state.TFVersion = Version
// Determine parallelism, default to 10. We do this both to limit
// CPU pressure but also to have an extra guard against rate throttling
// from providers.
par := opts.Parallelism
if par == 0 {
par = 10
// Set up the variables in the following sequence:
// 0 - Take default values from the configuration
// 1 - Take values from TF_VAR_x environment variables
// 2 - Take values specified in -var flags, overriding values
// set by environment variables if necessary. This includes
// values taken from -var-file in addition.
variables := make(map[string]interface{})
if opts.Module != nil {
for _, v := range opts.Module.Config().Variables {
if v.Default != nil {
if v.Type() == config.VariableTypeString {
// v.Default has already been parsed as HCL so there may be
// some stray ints in there
switch typedDefault := v.Default.(type) {
case string:
if typedDefault == "" {
variables[v.Name] = typedDefault
case int, int64:
variables[v.Name] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", typedDefault)
case float32, float64:
variables[v.Name] = fmt.Sprintf("%f", typedDefault)
case bool:
variables[v.Name] = fmt.Sprintf("%t", typedDefault)
} else {
variables[v.Name] = v.Default
for _, v := range os.Environ() {
if !strings.HasPrefix(v, VarEnvPrefix) {
// Strip off the prefix and get the value after the first "="
idx := strings.Index(v, "=")
k := v[len(VarEnvPrefix):idx]
v = v[idx+1:]
// Override the configuration-default values. Note that *not* finding the variable
// in configuration is OK, as we don't want to preclude people from having multiple
// sets of TF_VAR_whatever in their environment even if it is a little weird.
for _, schema := range opts.Module.Config().Variables {
if schema.Name == k {
varType := schema.Type()
varVal, err := parseVariableAsHCL(k, v, varType)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
switch varType {
case config.VariableTypeMap:
if existing, hasMap := variables[k]; !hasMap {
variables[k] = varVal
} else {
if existingMap, ok := existing.(map[string]interface{}); !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%s is not a map, this is a bug in Terraform.", k))
} else {
switch typedV := varVal.(type) {
case []map[string]interface{}:
for newKey, newVal := range typedV[0] {
existingMap[newKey] = newVal
case map[string]interface{}:
for newKey, newVal := range typedV {
existingMap[newKey] = newVal
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%s is not a map, this is a bug in Terraform.", k))
variables[k] = varVal
for k, v := range opts.Variables {
for _, schema := range opts.Module.Config().Variables {
if schema.Name == k {
switch schema.Type() {
case config.VariableTypeMap:
if existing, hasMap := variables[k]; !hasMap {
variables[k] = v
} else {
if existingMap, ok := existing.(map[string]interface{}); !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%s is not a map, this is a bug in Terraform.", k))
} else {
switch typedV := v.(type) {
case []map[string]interface{}:
for newKey, newVal := range typedV[0] {
existingMap[newKey] = newVal
case map[string]interface{}:
for newKey, newVal := range typedV {
existingMap[newKey] = newVal
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%s is not a map, this is a bug in Terraform.", k))
variables[k] = v
return &Context{
destroy: opts.Destroy,
diff: opts.Diff,
hooks: hooks,
module: opts.Module,
providers: opts.Providers,
provisioners: opts.Provisioners,
state: state,
targets: opts.Targets,
uiInput: opts.UIInput,
variables: variables,
parallelSem: NewSemaphore(par),
providerInputConfig: make(map[string]map[string]interface{}),
sh: sh,
}, nil
type ContextGraphOpts struct {
Validate bool
Verbose bool
// Graph returns the graph for this config.
func (c *Context) Graph(g *ContextGraphOpts) (*Graph, error) {
return c.graphBuilder(g).Build(RootModulePath)
// GraphBuilder returns the GraphBuilder that will be used to create
// the graphs for this context.
func (c *Context) graphBuilder(g *ContextGraphOpts) GraphBuilder {
// TODO test
providers := make([]string, 0, len(c.providers))
for k, _ := range c.providers {
providers = append(providers, k)
provisioners := make([]string, 0, len(c.provisioners))
for k, _ := range c.provisioners {
provisioners = append(provisioners, k)
return &BuiltinGraphBuilder{
Root: c.module,
Diff: c.diff,
Providers: providers,
Provisioners: provisioners,
State: c.state,
Targets: c.targets,
Destroy: c.destroy,
Validate: g.Validate,
Verbose: g.Verbose,
// Input asks for input to fill variables and provider configurations.
// This modifies the configuration in-place, so asking for Input twice
// may result in different UI output showing different current values.
func (c *Context) Input(mode InputMode) error {
v := c.acquireRun()
defer c.releaseRun(v)
if mode&InputModeVar != 0 {
// Walk the variables first for the root module. We walk them in
// alphabetical order for UX reasons.
rootConf := c.module.Config()
names := make([]string, len(rootConf.Variables))
m := make(map[string]*config.Variable)
for i, v := range rootConf.Variables {
names[i] = v.Name
m[v.Name] = v
for _, n := range names {
// If we only care about unset variables, then if the variable
// is set, continue on.
if mode&InputModeVarUnset != 0 {
if _, ok := c.variables[n]; ok {
v := m[n]
switch v.Type() {
case config.VariableTypeUnknown:
case config.VariableTypeMap:
case config.VariableTypeList:
case config.VariableTypeString:
// Good!
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown variable type: %#v", v.Type()))
// If the variable is not already set, and the variable defines a
// default, use that for the value.
if _, ok := c.variables[n]; !ok {
if v.Default != nil {
c.variables[n] = v.Default.(string)
// Ask the user for a value for this variable
var value string
retry := 0
for {
var err error
value, err = c.uiInput.Input(&InputOpts{
Id: fmt.Sprintf("var.%s", n),
Query: fmt.Sprintf("var.%s", n),
Description: v.Description,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(
"Error asking for %s: %s", n, err)
if value == "" && v.Required() {
// Redo if it is required, but abort if we keep getting
// blank entries
if retry > 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("missing required value for %q", n)
if value == "" {
// No value, just exit the loop. With no value, we just
// use whatever is currently set in variables.
if value != "" {
c.variables[n] = value
if mode&InputModeProvider != 0 {
// Build the graph
graph, err := c.Graph(&ContextGraphOpts{Validate: true})
if err != nil {
return err
// Do the walk
if _, err := c.walk(graph, walkInput); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Apply applies the changes represented by this context and returns
// the resulting state.
// In addition to returning the resulting state, this context is updated
// with the latest state.
func (c *Context) Apply() (*State, error) {
v := c.acquireRun()
defer c.releaseRun(v)
// Copy our own state
c.state = c.state.DeepCopy()
// Build the graph
graph, err := c.Graph(&ContextGraphOpts{Validate: true})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Do the walk
var walker *ContextGraphWalker
if c.destroy {
walker, err = c.walk(graph, walkDestroy)
} else {
walker, err = c.walk(graph, walkApply)
if len(walker.ValidationErrors) > 0 {
err = multierror.Append(err, walker.ValidationErrors...)
// Clean out any unused things
return c.state, err
// Plan generates an execution plan for the given context.
// The execution plan encapsulates the context and can be stored
// in order to reinstantiate a context later for Apply.
// Plan also updates the diff of this context to be the diff generated
// by the plan, so Apply can be called after.
func (c *Context) Plan() (*Plan, error) {
v := c.acquireRun()
defer c.releaseRun(v)
p := &Plan{
Module: c.module,
Vars: c.variables,
State: c.state,
Targets: c.targets,
var operation walkOperation
if c.destroy {
operation = walkPlanDestroy
} else {
// Set our state to be something temporary. We do this so that
// the plan can update a fake state so that variables work, then
// we replace it back with our old state.
old := c.state
if old == nil {
c.state = &State{}
} else {
c.state = old.DeepCopy()
defer func() {
c.state = old
operation = walkPlan
// Setup our diff
c.diff = new(Diff)
// Build the graph
graph, err := c.Graph(&ContextGraphOpts{Validate: true})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Do the walk
walker, err := c.walk(graph, operation)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
p.Diff = c.diff
// Now that we have a diff, we can build the exact graph that Apply will use
// and catch any possible cycles during the Plan phase.
if _, err := c.Graph(&ContextGraphOpts{Validate: true}); err != nil {
return nil, err
var errs error
if len(walker.ValidationErrors) > 0 {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, walker.ValidationErrors...)
return p, errs
// Refresh goes through all the resources in the state and refreshes them
// to their latest state. This will update the state that this context
// works with, along with returning it.
// Even in the case an error is returned, the state will be returned and
// will potentially be partially updated.
func (c *Context) Refresh() (*State, error) {
v := c.acquireRun()
defer c.releaseRun(v)
// Copy our own state
c.state = c.state.DeepCopy()
// Build the graph
graph, err := c.Graph(&ContextGraphOpts{Validate: true})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Do the walk
if _, err := c.walk(graph, walkRefresh); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Clean out any unused things
return c.state, nil
// Stop stops the running task.
// Stop will block until the task completes.
func (c *Context) Stop() {
ch := c.runCh
// If we aren't running, then just return
if ch == nil {
// Tell the hook we want to stop
// Wait for us to stop
// Validate validates the configuration and returns any warnings or errors.
func (c *Context) Validate() ([]string, []error) {
v := c.acquireRun()
defer c.releaseRun(v)
var errs error
// Validate the configuration itself
if err := c.module.Validate(); err != nil {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, err)
// This only needs to be done for the root module, since inter-module
// variables are validated in the module tree.
if config := c.module.Config(); config != nil {
// Validate the user variables
if err := smcUserVariables(config, c.variables); len(err) > 0 {
errs = multierror.Append(errs, err...)
// If we have errors at this point, the graphing has no chance,
// so just bail early.
if errs != nil {
return nil, []error{errs}
// Build the graph so we can walk it and run Validate on nodes.
// We also validate the graph generated here, but this graph doesn't
// necessarily match the graph that Plan will generate, so we'll validate the
// graph again later after Planning.
graph, err := c.Graph(&ContextGraphOpts{Validate: true})
if err != nil {
return nil, []error{err}
// Walk
walker, err := c.walk(graph, walkValidate)
if err != nil {
return nil, multierror.Append(errs, err).Errors
// Return the result
rerrs := multierror.Append(errs, walker.ValidationErrors...)
return walker.ValidationWarnings, rerrs.Errors
// Module returns the module tree associated with this context.
func (c *Context) Module() *module.Tree {
return c.module
// Variables will return the mapping of variables that were defined
// for this Context. If Input was called, this mapping may be different
// than what was given.
func (c *Context) Variables() map[string]interface{} {
return c.variables
// SetVariable sets a variable after a context has already been built.
func (c *Context) SetVariable(k string, v interface{}) {
c.variables[k] = v
func (c *Context) acquireRun() chan<- struct{} {
defer c.l.Unlock()
// Wait for no channel to exist
for c.runCh != nil {
ch := c.runCh
ch := make(chan struct{})
c.runCh = ch
return ch
func (c *Context) releaseRun(ch chan<- struct{}) {
defer c.l.Unlock()
c.runCh = nil
func (c *Context) walk(
graph *Graph, operation walkOperation) (*ContextGraphWalker, error) {
// Walk the graph
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Starting graph walk: %s", operation.String())
walker := &ContextGraphWalker{Context: c, Operation: operation}
return walker, graph.Walk(walker)
// parseVariableAsHCL parses the value of a single variable as would have been specified
// on the command line via -var or in an environment variable named TF_VAR_x, where x is
// the name of the variable. In order to get around the restriction of HCL requiring a
// top level object, we prepend a sentinel key, decode the user-specified value as its
// value and pull the value back out of the resulting map.
func parseVariableAsHCL(name string, input interface{}, targetType config.VariableType) (interface{}, error) {
if targetType == config.VariableTypeString {
return input, nil
inputWithSentinal := fmt.Sprintf("%s = %s", sentinelValue, input)
var decoded map[string]interface{}
err := hcl.Decode(&decoded, inputWithSentinal)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot parse value for variable %s (%q) as valid HCL: %s", name, input, err)
if len(decoded) != 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot parse value for variable %s (%q) as valid HCL. Only one value may be specified.", name, input)
parsedValue, ok := decoded[sentinelValue]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot parse value for variable %s (%q) as valid HCL. One value must be specified.", name, input)
switch targetType {
case config.VariableTypeList:
return parsedValue, nil
case config.VariableTypeMap:
if list, ok := parsedValue.([]map[string]interface{}); ok {
return list[0], nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot parse value for variable %s (%q) as valid HCL. One value must be specified.", name, input)
panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown type %s", targetType))