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// Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
package azure
import (
armStorage "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/storage/mgmt/2021-01-01/storage"
type ArmClient struct {
// These Clients are only initialized if an Access Key isn't provided
groupsClient *resources.GroupsClient
storageAccountsClient *armStorage.AccountsClient
containersClient *containers.Client
blobsClient *blobs.Client
// azureAdStorageAuth is only here if we're using AzureAD Authentication but is an Authorizer for Storage
azureAdStorageAuth *autorest.Authorizer
accessKey string
environment azure.Environment
resourceGroupName string
storageAccountName string
sasToken string
func buildArmClient(ctx context.Context, config BackendConfig) (*ArmClient, error) {
env, err := authentication.AzureEnvironmentByNameFromEndpoint(ctx, config.MetadataHost, config.Environment)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
client := ArmClient{
environment: *env,
resourceGroupName: config.ResourceGroupName,
storageAccountName: config.StorageAccountName,
// if we have an Access Key - we don't need the other clients
if config.AccessKey != "" {
client.accessKey = config.AccessKey
return &client, nil
// likewise with a SAS token
if config.SasToken != "" {
client.sasToken = config.SasToken
return &client, nil
builder := authentication.Builder{
ClientID: config.ClientID,
SubscriptionID: config.SubscriptionID,
TenantID: config.TenantID,
CustomResourceManagerEndpoint: config.CustomResourceManagerEndpoint,
MetadataHost: config.MetadataHost,
Environment: config.Environment,
ClientSecretDocsLink: "https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/azurerm/latest/docs/guides/service_principal_client_secret",
// Service Principal (Client Certificate)
ClientCertPassword: config.ClientCertificatePassword,
ClientCertPath: config.ClientCertificatePath,
// Service Principal (Client Secret)
ClientSecret: config.ClientSecret,
// Managed Service Identity
MsiEndpoint: config.MsiEndpoint,
IDToken: config.OIDCToken,
IDTokenFilePath: config.OIDCTokenFilePath,
IDTokenRequestURL: config.OIDCRequestURL,
IDTokenRequestToken: config.OIDCRequestToken,
// Feature Toggles
SupportsAzureCliToken: true,
SupportsClientCertAuth: true,
SupportsClientSecretAuth: true,
SupportsManagedServiceIdentity: config.UseMsi,
SupportsOIDCAuth: config.UseOIDC,
UseMicrosoftGraph: true,
armConfig, err := builder.Build()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error building ARM Config: %+v", err)
oauthConfig, err := armConfig.BuildOAuthConfig(env.ActiveDirectoryEndpoint)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
hamiltonEnv, err := environments.EnvironmentFromString(config.Environment)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sender := sender.BuildSender("backend/remote-state/azure")
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Obtaining an MSAL / Microsoft Graph token for Resource Manager..")
auth, err := armConfig.GetMSALToken(ctx, hamiltonEnv.ResourceManager, sender, oauthConfig, env.TokenAudience)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if config.UseAzureADAuthentication {
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Obtaining an MSAL / Microsoft Graph token for Storage..")
storageAuth, err := armConfig.GetMSALToken(ctx, hamiltonEnv.Storage, sender, oauthConfig, env.ResourceIdentifiers.Storage)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
client.azureAdStorageAuth = &storageAuth
accountsClient := armStorage.NewAccountsClientWithBaseURI(env.ResourceManagerEndpoint, armConfig.SubscriptionID)
client.configureClient(&accountsClient.Client, auth)
client.storageAccountsClient = &accountsClient
groupsClient := resources.NewGroupsClientWithBaseURI(env.ResourceManagerEndpoint, armConfig.SubscriptionID)
client.configureClient(&groupsClient.Client, auth)
client.groupsClient = &groupsClient
return &client, nil
func (c ArmClient) getBlobClient(ctx context.Context) (*blobs.Client, error) {
if c.sasToken != "" {
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Building the Blob Client from a SAS Token")
storageAuth, err := autorest.NewSASTokenAuthorizer(c.sasToken)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error building Authorizer: %+v", err)
blobsClient := blobs.NewWithEnvironment(c.environment)
c.configureClient(&blobsClient.Client, storageAuth)
return &blobsClient, nil
if c.azureAdStorageAuth != nil {
blobsClient := blobs.NewWithEnvironment(c.environment)
c.configureClient(&blobsClient.Client, *c.azureAdStorageAuth)
return &blobsClient, nil
accessKey := c.accessKey
if accessKey == "" {
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Building the Blob Client from an Access Token (using user credentials)")
keys, err := c.storageAccountsClient.ListKeys(ctx, c.resourceGroupName, c.storageAccountName, "")
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error retrieving keys for Storage Account %q: %s", c.storageAccountName, err)
if keys.Keys == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Nil key returned for storage account %q", c.storageAccountName)
accessKeys := *keys.Keys
accessKey = *accessKeys[0].Value
storageAuth, err := autorest.NewSharedKeyAuthorizer(c.storageAccountName, accessKey, autorest.SharedKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error building Authorizer: %+v", err)
blobsClient := blobs.NewWithEnvironment(c.environment)
c.configureClient(&blobsClient.Client, storageAuth)
return &blobsClient, nil
func (c ArmClient) getContainersClient(ctx context.Context) (*containers.Client, error) {
if c.sasToken != "" {
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Building the Container Client from a SAS Token")
storageAuth, err := autorest.NewSASTokenAuthorizer(c.sasToken)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error building Authorizer: %+v", err)
containersClient := containers.NewWithEnvironment(c.environment)
c.configureClient(&containersClient.Client, storageAuth)
return &containersClient, nil
if c.azureAdStorageAuth != nil {
containersClient := containers.NewWithEnvironment(c.environment)
c.configureClient(&containersClient.Client, *c.azureAdStorageAuth)
return &containersClient, nil
accessKey := c.accessKey
if accessKey == "" {
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Building the Container Client from an Access Token (using user credentials)")
keys, err := c.storageAccountsClient.ListKeys(ctx, c.resourceGroupName, c.storageAccountName, "")
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error retrieving keys for Storage Account %q: %s", c.storageAccountName, err)
if keys.Keys == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Nil key returned for storage account %q", c.storageAccountName)
accessKeys := *keys.Keys
accessKey = *accessKeys[0].Value
storageAuth, err := autorest.NewSharedKeyAuthorizer(c.storageAccountName, accessKey, autorest.SharedKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error building Authorizer: %+v", err)
containersClient := containers.NewWithEnvironment(c.environment)
c.configureClient(&containersClient.Client, storageAuth)
return &containersClient, nil
func (c *ArmClient) configureClient(client *autorest.Client, auth autorest.Authorizer) {
client.UserAgent = buildUserAgent()
client.Authorizer = auth
client.Sender = buildSender()
client.SkipResourceProviderRegistration = false
client.PollingDuration = 60 * time.Minute
func buildUserAgent() string {
userAgent := httpclient.TerraformUserAgent(version.Version)
// append the CloudShell version to the user agent if it exists
if azureAgent := os.Getenv("AZURE_HTTP_USER_AGENT"); azureAgent != "" {
userAgent = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", userAgent, azureAgent)
return userAgent