Martin Atkins 514184cc9d internal/getproviders: Functions to determine installation directories
The existing functionality in this package deals with finding packages
that are either available for installation or already installed. In order
to support installation we also need to determine the location where a
package should be installed.

This lives in the getproviders package because that way all of the logic
related to the filesystem layout for local provider directories lives
together here where they can be maintained together more easily in future.
2020-03-25 11:29:48 -07:00

221 lines
8.1 KiB

package getproviders
import (
svchost ""
// SearchLocalDirectory performs an immediate, one-off scan of the given base
// directory for provider plugins using the directory structure defined for
// FilesystemMirrorSource.
// This is separated to allow other callers, such as the provider plugin cache
// management in the "internal/providercache" package, to use the same
// directory structure conventions.
func SearchLocalDirectory(baseDir string) (map[addrs.Provider]PackageMetaList, error) {
ret := make(map[addrs.Provider]PackageMetaList)
err := filepath.Walk(baseDir, func(fullPath string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot search %s: %s", fullPath, err)
// There are two valid directory structures that we support here...
// Unpacked: (a directory)
// Packed: (a file)
// Both of these give us enough information to identify the package
// metadata.
fsPath, err := filepath.Rel(baseDir, fullPath)
if err != nil {
// This should never happen because the filepath.Walk contract is
// for the paths to include the base path.
log.Printf("[TRACE] FilesystemMirrorSource: ignoring malformed path %q during walk: %s", fullPath, err)
return nil
relPath := filepath.ToSlash(fsPath)
parts := strings.Split(relPath, "/")
if len(parts) < 3 {
// Likely a prefix of a valid path, so we'll ignore it and visit
// the full valid path on a later call.
return nil
hostnameGiven := parts[0]
namespace := parts[1]
typeName := parts[2]
hostname, err := svchost.ForComparison(hostnameGiven)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[WARN] local provider path %q contains invalid hostname %q; ignoring", fullPath, hostnameGiven)
return nil
var providerAddr addrs.Provider
if namespace == addrs.LegacyProviderNamespace {
if hostname != addrs.DefaultRegistryHost {
log.Printf("[WARN] local provider path %q indicates a legacy provider not on the default registry host; ignoring", fullPath)
return nil
providerAddr = addrs.NewLegacyProvider(typeName)
} else {
providerAddr = addrs.NewProvider(hostname, namespace, typeName)
switch len(parts) {
case 5: // Might be unpacked layout
if !info.IsDir() {
return nil // packed layout requires a directory
versionStr := parts[3]
version, err := ParseVersion(versionStr)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[WARN] ignoring local provider path %q with invalid version %q: %s", fullPath, versionStr, err)
return nil
platformStr := parts[4]
platform, err := ParsePlatform(platformStr)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[WARN] ignoring local provider path %q with invalid platform %q: %s", fullPath, platformStr, err)
return nil
log.Printf("[TRACE] FilesystemMirrorSource: found %s v%s for %s at %s", providerAddr, version, platform, fullPath)
meta := PackageMeta{
Provider: providerAddr,
Version: version,
// FIXME: How do we populate this?
ProtocolVersions: nil,
TargetPlatform: platform,
// Because this is already unpacked, the filename is synthetic
// based on the standard naming scheme.
Filename: fmt.Sprintf("", providerAddr.Type, version, platform),
Location: PackageLocalDir(fullPath),
// FIXME: What about the SHA256Sum field? As currently specified
// it's a hash of the zip file, but this thing is already
// unpacked and so we don't have the zip file to hash.
ret[providerAddr] = append(ret[providerAddr], meta)
case 4: // Might be packed layout
if info.IsDir() {
return nil // packed layout requires a file
filename := filepath.Base(fsPath)
// the filename components are matched case-insensitively, and
// the normalized form of them is in lowercase so we'll convert
// to lowercase for comparison here. (This normalizes only for case,
// because that is the primary constraint affecting compatibility
// between filesystem implementations on different platforms;
// filenames are expected to be pre-normalized and valid in other
// regards.)
normFilename := strings.ToLower(filename)
// In the packed layout, the version number and target platform
// are derived from the package filename, but only if the
// filename has the expected prefix identifying it as a package
// for the provider in question, and the suffix identifying it
// as a zip file.
prefix := "terraform-provider-" + providerAddr.Type + "_"
const suffix = ".zip"
if !strings.HasPrefix(normFilename, prefix) {
log.Printf("[WARN] ignoring file %q as possible package for %s: lacks expected prefix %q", filename, providerAddr, prefix)
return nil
if !strings.HasSuffix(normFilename, suffix) {
log.Printf("[WARN] ignoring file %q as possible package for %s: lacks expected suffix %q", filename, providerAddr, suffix)
return nil
// Extract the version and target part of the filename, which
// will look like "2.1.0_linux_amd64"
infoSlice := normFilename[len(prefix) : len(normFilename)-len(suffix)]
infoParts := strings.Split(infoSlice, "_")
if len(infoParts) < 3 {
log.Printf("[WARN] ignoring file %q as possible package for %s: filename does not include version number, target OS, and target architecture", filename, providerAddr)
return nil
versionStr := infoParts[0]
version, err := ParseVersion(versionStr)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[WARN] ignoring local provider path %q with invalid version %q: %s", fullPath, versionStr, err)
return nil
// We'll reassemble this back into a single string just so we can
// easily re-use our existing parser and its normalization rules.
platformStr := infoParts[1] + "_" + infoParts[2]
platform, err := ParsePlatform(platformStr)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[WARN] ignoring local provider path %q with invalid platform %q: %s", fullPath, platformStr, err)
return nil
log.Printf("[TRACE] FilesystemMirrorSource: found %s v%s for %s at %s", providerAddr, version, platform, fullPath)
meta := PackageMeta{
Provider: providerAddr,
Version: version,
// FIXME: How do we populate this?
ProtocolVersions: nil,
TargetPlatform: platform,
// Because this is already unpacked, the filename is synthetic
// based on the standard naming scheme.
Filename: normFilename, // normalized filename, because this field says what it _should_ be called, not what it _is_ called
Location: PackageLocalArchive(fullPath), // non-normalized here, because this is the actual physical location
// TODO: Also populate the SHA256Sum field. Skipping that
// for now because our initial uses of this result --
// scanning already-installed providers in local directories,
// rather than explicit filesystem mirrors -- doesn't do
// any hash verification anyway, and this is consistent with
// the FIXME in the unpacked case above even though technically
// we _could_ populate SHA256Sum here right now.
ret[providerAddr] = append(ret[providerAddr], meta)
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Sort the results to be deterministic (aside from semver build metadata)
// and consistent with ordering from other functions.
for _, l := range ret {
return ret, nil
// UnpackedDirectoryPathForPackage is similar to
// PackageMeta.UnpackedDirectoryPath but makes its decision based on
// individually-passed provider address, version, and target platform so that
// it can be used by callers outside this package that may have other
// types that represent package identifiers.
func UnpackedDirectoryPathForPackage(baseDir string, provider addrs.Provider, version Version, platform Platform) string {
return filepath.ToSlash(filepath.Join(
provider.Hostname.ForDisplay(), provider.Namespace, provider.Type,