James Bardin 36b8be43e8 use the new version package
Update all references to the version values to use the new package.
The VersionString function was left in the terraform package
specifically for the aws provider, which is vendored. We can remove that
last call once the provider is updated.
2017-10-19 21:48:08 -04:00

492 lines
12 KiB

package terraform
import (
// EvalCompareDiff is an EvalNode implementation that compares two diffs
// and errors if the diffs are not equal.
type EvalCompareDiff struct {
Info *InstanceInfo
One, Two **InstanceDiff
// TODO: test
func (n *EvalCompareDiff) Eval(ctx EvalContext) (interface{}, error) {
one, two := *n.One, *n.Two
// If either are nil, let them be empty
if one == nil {
one = new(InstanceDiff)
if two == nil {
two = new(InstanceDiff)
oneId, _ := one.GetAttribute("id")
twoId, _ := two.GetAttribute("id")
defer func() {
if oneId != nil {
one.SetAttribute("id", oneId)
if twoId != nil {
two.SetAttribute("id", twoId)
if same, reason := one.Same(two); !same {
log.Printf("[ERROR] %s: diffs didn't match", n.Info.Id)
log.Printf("[ERROR] %s: reason: %s", n.Info.Id, reason)
log.Printf("[ERROR] %s: diff one: %#v", n.Info.Id, one)
log.Printf("[ERROR] %s: diff two: %#v", n.Info.Id, two)
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"%s: diffs didn't match during apply. This is a bug with "+
"Terraform and should be reported as a GitHub Issue.\n"+
"Please include the following information in your report:\n"+
" Terraform Version: %s\n"+
" Resource ID: %s\n"+
" Mismatch reason: %s\n"+
" Diff One (usually from plan): %#v\n"+
" Diff Two (usually from apply): %#v\n"+
"Also include as much context as you can about your config, state, "+
"and the steps you performed to trigger this error.\n",
n.Info.Id, version.Version, n.Info.Id, reason, one, two)
return nil, nil
// EvalDiff is an EvalNode implementation that does a refresh for
// a resource.
type EvalDiff struct {
Name string
Info *InstanceInfo
Config **ResourceConfig
Provider *ResourceProvider
Diff **InstanceDiff
State **InstanceState
OutputDiff **InstanceDiff
OutputState **InstanceState
// Resource is needed to fetch the ignore_changes list so we can
// filter user-requested ignored attributes from the diff.
Resource *config.Resource
// Stub is used to flag the generated InstanceDiff as a stub. This is used to
// ensure that the node exists to perform interpolations and generate
// computed paths off of, but not as an actual diff where resouces should be
// counted, and not as a diff that should be acted on.
Stub bool
// TODO: test
func (n *EvalDiff) Eval(ctx EvalContext) (interface{}, error) {
state := *n.State
config := *n.Config
provider := *n.Provider
// Call pre-diff hook
if !n.Stub {
err := ctx.Hook(func(h Hook) (HookAction, error) {
return h.PreDiff(n.Info, state)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// The state for the diff must never be nil
diffState := state
if diffState == nil {
diffState = new(InstanceState)
// Diff!
diff, err := provider.Diff(n.Info, diffState, config)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if diff == nil {
diff = new(InstanceDiff)
// Set DestroyDeposed if we have deposed instances
_, err = readInstanceFromState(ctx, n.Name, nil, func(rs *ResourceState) (*InstanceState, error) {
if len(rs.Deposed) > 0 {
diff.DestroyDeposed = true
return nil, nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Preserve the DestroyTainted flag
if n.Diff != nil {
// Require a destroy if there is an ID and it requires new.
if diff.RequiresNew() && state != nil && state.ID != "" {
// If we're creating a new resource, compute its ID
if diff.RequiresNew() || state == nil || state.ID == "" {
var oldID string
if state != nil {
oldID = state.Attributes["id"]
// Add diff to compute new ID
diff.SetAttribute("id", &ResourceAttrDiff{
Old: oldID,
NewComputed: true,
RequiresNew: true,
Type: DiffAttrOutput,
// filter out ignored resources
if err := n.processIgnoreChanges(diff); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Call post-refresh hook
if !n.Stub {
err = ctx.Hook(func(h Hook) (HookAction, error) {
return h.PostDiff(n.Info, diff)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Update our output if we care
if n.OutputDiff != nil {
*n.OutputDiff = diff
// Update the state if we care
if n.OutputState != nil {
*n.OutputState = state
// Merge our state so that the state is updated with our plan
if !diff.Empty() && n.OutputState != nil {
*n.OutputState = state.MergeDiff(diff)
return nil, nil
func (n *EvalDiff) processIgnoreChanges(diff *InstanceDiff) error {
if diff == nil || n.Resource == nil || n.Resource.Id() == "" {
return nil
ignoreChanges := n.Resource.Lifecycle.IgnoreChanges
if len(ignoreChanges) == 0 {
return nil
// If we're just creating the resource, we shouldn't alter the
// Diff at all
if diff.ChangeType() == DiffCreate {
return nil
// If the resource has been tainted then we don't process ignore changes
// since we MUST recreate the entire resource.
if diff.GetDestroyTainted() {
return nil
attrs := diff.CopyAttributes()
// get the complete set of keys we want to ignore
ignorableAttrKeys := make(map[string]bool)
for _, ignoredKey := range ignoreChanges {
for k := range attrs {
if ignoredKey == "*" || strings.HasPrefix(k, ignoredKey) {
ignorableAttrKeys[k] = true
// If the resource was being destroyed, check to see if we can ignore the
// reason for it being destroyed.
if diff.GetDestroy() {
for k, v := range attrs {
if k == "id" {
// id will always be changed if we intended to replace this instance
if v.Empty() || v.NewComputed {
// If any RequiresNew attribute isn't ignored, we need to keep the diff
// as-is to be able to replace the resource.
if v.RequiresNew && !ignorableAttrKeys[k] {
return nil
// Now that we know that we aren't replacing the instance, we can filter
// out all the empty and computed attributes. There may be a bunch of
// extraneous attribute diffs for the other non-requires-new attributes
// going from "" -> "configval" or "" -> "<computed>".
// We must make sure any flatmapped containers are filterred (or not) as a
// whole.
containers := groupContainers(diff)
keep := map[string]bool{}
for _, v := range containers {
if v.keepDiff() {
// At least one key has changes, so list all the sibling keys
// to keep in the diff.
for k := range v {
keep[k] = true
for k, v := range attrs {
if (v.Empty() || v.NewComputed) && !keep[k] {
ignorableAttrKeys[k] = true
// Here we undo the two reactions to RequireNew in EvalDiff - the "id"
// attribute diff and the Destroy boolean field
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Removing 'id' diff and setting Destroy to false " +
"because after ignore_changes, this diff no longer requires replacement")
// If we didn't hit any of our early exit conditions, we can filter the diff.
for k := range ignorableAttrKeys {
log.Printf("[DEBUG] [EvalIgnoreChanges] %s - Ignoring diff attribute: %s",
n.Resource.Id(), k)
return nil
// a group of key-*ResourceAttrDiff pairs from the same flatmapped container
type flatAttrDiff map[string]*ResourceAttrDiff
// we need to keep all keys if any of them have a diff
func (f flatAttrDiff) keepDiff() bool {
for _, v := range f {
if !v.Empty() && !v.NewComputed {
return true
return false
// sets, lists and maps need to be compared for diff inclusion as a whole, so
// group the flatmapped keys together for easier comparison.
func groupContainers(d *InstanceDiff) map[string]flatAttrDiff {
isIndex := multiVal.MatchString
containers := map[string]flatAttrDiff{}
attrs := d.CopyAttributes()
// we need to loop once to find the index key
for k := range attrs {
if isIndex(k) {
// add the key, always including the final dot to fully qualify it
containers[k[:len(k)-1]] = flatAttrDiff{}
// loop again to find all the sub keys
for prefix, values := range containers {
for k, attrDiff := range attrs {
// we include the index value as well, since it could be part of the diff
if strings.HasPrefix(k, prefix) {
values[k] = attrDiff
return containers
// EvalDiffDestroy is an EvalNode implementation that returns a plain
// destroy diff.
type EvalDiffDestroy struct {
Info *InstanceInfo
State **InstanceState
Output **InstanceDiff
// TODO: test
func (n *EvalDiffDestroy) Eval(ctx EvalContext) (interface{}, error) {
state := *n.State
// If there is no state or we don't have an ID, we're already destroyed
if state == nil || state.ID == "" {
return nil, nil
// Call pre-diff hook
err := ctx.Hook(func(h Hook) (HookAction, error) {
return h.PreDiff(n.Info, state)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// The diff
diff := &InstanceDiff{Destroy: true}
// Call post-diff hook
err = ctx.Hook(func(h Hook) (HookAction, error) {
return h.PostDiff(n.Info, diff)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Update our output
*n.Output = diff
return nil, nil
// EvalDiffDestroyModule is an EvalNode implementation that writes the diff to
// the full diff.
type EvalDiffDestroyModule struct {
Path []string
// TODO: test
func (n *EvalDiffDestroyModule) Eval(ctx EvalContext) (interface{}, error) {
diff, lock := ctx.Diff()
// Acquire the lock so that we can do this safely concurrently
defer lock.Unlock()
// Write the diff
modDiff := diff.ModuleByPath(n.Path)
if modDiff == nil {
modDiff = diff.AddModule(n.Path)
modDiff.Destroy = true
return nil, nil
// EvalFilterDiff is an EvalNode implementation that filters the diff
// according to some filter.
type EvalFilterDiff struct {
// Input and output
Diff **InstanceDiff
Output **InstanceDiff
// Destroy, if true, will only include a destroy diff if it is set.
Destroy bool
func (n *EvalFilterDiff) Eval(ctx EvalContext) (interface{}, error) {
if *n.Diff == nil {
return nil, nil
input := *n.Diff
result := new(InstanceDiff)
if n.Destroy {
if input.GetDestroy() || input.RequiresNew() {
if n.Output != nil {
*n.Output = result
return nil, nil
// EvalReadDiff is an EvalNode implementation that writes the diff to
// the full diff.
type EvalReadDiff struct {
Name string
Diff **InstanceDiff
func (n *EvalReadDiff) Eval(ctx EvalContext) (interface{}, error) {
diff, lock := ctx.Diff()
// Acquire the lock so that we can do this safely concurrently
defer lock.Unlock()
// Write the diff
modDiff := diff.ModuleByPath(ctx.Path())
if modDiff == nil {
return nil, nil
*n.Diff = modDiff.Resources[n.Name]
return nil, nil
// EvalWriteDiff is an EvalNode implementation that writes the diff to
// the full diff.
type EvalWriteDiff struct {
Name string
Diff **InstanceDiff
// TODO: test
func (n *EvalWriteDiff) Eval(ctx EvalContext) (interface{}, error) {
diff, lock := ctx.Diff()
// The diff to write, if its empty it should write nil
var diffVal *InstanceDiff
if n.Diff != nil {
diffVal = *n.Diff
if diffVal.Empty() {
diffVal = nil
// Acquire the lock so that we can do this safely concurrently
defer lock.Unlock()
// Write the diff
modDiff := diff.ModuleByPath(ctx.Path())
if modDiff == nil {
modDiff = diff.AddModule(ctx.Path())
if diffVal != nil {
modDiff.Resources[n.Name] = diffVal
} else {
delete(modDiff.Resources, n.Name)
return nil, nil