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synced 2025-02-25 18:45:20 -06:00
Go 1.19's "fmt" has some awareness of the new doc comment formatting conventions and adjusts the presentation of the source comments to make it clearer how godoc would interpret them. Therefore this commit includes various updates made by "go fmt" to acheve that. In line with our usual convention that we make stylistic/grammar/spelling tweaks typically only when we're "in the area" changing something else anyway, I also took this opportunity to review most of the comments that this updated to see if there were any other opportunities to improve them.
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package addrs
import (
tfaddr "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-registry-address"
svchost "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-svchost"
// Provider encapsulates a single provider type. In the future this will be
// extended to include additional fields including Namespace and SourceHost
type Provider = tfaddr.Provider
// DefaultProviderRegistryHost is the hostname used for provider addresses that do
// not have an explicit hostname.
const DefaultProviderRegistryHost = tfaddr.DefaultProviderRegistryHost
// BuiltInProviderHost is the pseudo-hostname used for the "built-in" provider
// namespace. Built-in provider addresses must also have their namespace set
// to BuiltInProviderNamespace in order to be considered as built-in.
const BuiltInProviderHost = tfaddr.BuiltInProviderHost
// BuiltInProviderNamespace is the provider namespace used for "built-in"
// providers. Built-in provider addresses must also have their hostname
// set to BuiltInProviderHost in order to be considered as built-in.
// The this namespace is literally named "builtin", in the hope that users
// who see FQNs containing this will be able to infer the way in which they are
// special, even if they haven't encountered the concept formally yet.
const BuiltInProviderNamespace = tfaddr.BuiltInProviderNamespace
// LegacyProviderNamespace is the special string used in the Namespace field
// of type Provider to mark a legacy provider address. This special namespace
// value would normally be invalid, and can be used only when the hostname is
// DefaultRegistryHost because that host owns the mapping from legacy name to
// FQN.
const LegacyProviderNamespace = tfaddr.LegacyProviderNamespace
func IsDefaultProvider(addr Provider) bool {
return addr.Hostname == DefaultProviderRegistryHost && addr.Namespace == "hashicorp"
// NewProvider constructs a provider address from its parts, and normalizes
// the namespace and type parts to lowercase using unicode case folding rules
// so that resulting addrs.Provider values can be compared using standard
// Go equality rules (==).
// The hostname is given as a svchost.Hostname, which is required by the
// contract of that type to have already been normalized for equality testing.
// This function will panic if the given namespace or type name are not valid.
// When accepting namespace or type values from outside the program, use
// ParseProviderPart first to check that the given value is valid.
func NewProvider(hostname svchost.Hostname, namespace, typeName string) Provider {
return tfaddr.NewProvider(hostname, namespace, typeName)
// ImpliedProviderForUnqualifiedType represents the rules for inferring what
// provider FQN a user intended when only a naked type name is available.
// For all except the type name "terraform" this returns a so-called "default"
// provider, which is under the registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ namespace.
// As a special case, the string "terraform" maps to
// "terraform.io/builtin/terraform" because that is the more likely user
// intent than the now-unmaintained "registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/terraform"
// which remains only for compatibility with older Terraform versions.
func ImpliedProviderForUnqualifiedType(typeName string) Provider {
switch typeName {
case "terraform":
// Note for future maintainers: any additional strings we add here
// as implied to be builtin must never also be use as provider names
// in the registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/... namespace, because
// otherwise older versions of Terraform could implicitly select
// the registry name instead of the internal one.
return NewBuiltInProvider(typeName)
return NewDefaultProvider(typeName)
// NewDefaultProvider returns the default address of a HashiCorp-maintained,
// Registry-hosted provider.
func NewDefaultProvider(name string) Provider {
return tfaddr.Provider{
Type: MustParseProviderPart(name),
Namespace: "hashicorp",
Hostname: DefaultProviderRegistryHost,
// NewBuiltInProvider returns the address of a "built-in" provider. See
// the docs for Provider.IsBuiltIn for more information.
func NewBuiltInProvider(name string) Provider {
return tfaddr.Provider{
Type: MustParseProviderPart(name),
Namespace: BuiltInProviderNamespace,
Hostname: BuiltInProviderHost,
// NewLegacyProvider returns a mock address for a provider.
// This will be removed when ProviderType is fully integrated.
func NewLegacyProvider(name string) Provider {
return Provider{
// We intentionally don't normalize and validate the legacy names,
// because existing code expects legacy provider names to pass through
// verbatim, even if not compliant with our new naming rules.
Type: name,
Namespace: LegacyProviderNamespace,
Hostname: DefaultProviderRegistryHost,
// ParseProviderSourceString parses a value of the form expected in the "source"
// argument of a required_providers entry and returns the corresponding
// fully-qualified provider address. This is intended primarily to parse the
// FQN-like strings returned by terraform-config-inspect.
// The following are valid source string formats:
// - name
// - namespace/name
// - hostname/namespace/name
func ParseProviderSourceString(str string) (tfaddr.Provider, tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
var diags tfdiags.Diagnostics
ret, err := tfaddr.ParseProviderSource(str)
if pe, ok := err.(*tfaddr.ParserError); ok {
diags = diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: pe.Summary,
Detail: pe.Detail,
return ret, diags
if !ret.HasKnownNamespace() {
ret.Namespace = "hashicorp"
return ret, nil
// MustParseProviderSourceString is a wrapper around ParseProviderSourceString that panics if
// it returns an error.
func MustParseProviderSourceString(str string) Provider {
result, diags := ParseProviderSourceString(str)
if diags.HasErrors() {
return result
// ParseProviderPart processes an addrs.Provider namespace or type string
// provided by an end-user, producing a normalized version if possible or
// an error if the string contains invalid characters.
// A provider part is processed in the same way as an individual label in a DNS
// domain name: it is transformed to lowercase per the usual DNS case mapping
// and normalization rules and may contain only letters, digits, and dashes.
// Additionally, dashes may not appear at the start or end of the string.
// These restrictions are intended to allow these names to appear in fussy
// contexts such as directory/file names on case-insensitive filesystems,
// repository names on GitHub, etc. We're using the DNS rules in particular,
// rather than some similar rules defined locally, because the hostname part
// of an addrs.Provider is already a hostname and it's ideal to use exactly
// the same case folding and normalization rules for all of the parts.
// In practice a provider type string conventionally does not contain dashes
// either. Such names are permitted, but providers with such type names will be
// hard to use because their resource type names will not be able to contain
// the provider type name and thus each resource will need an explicit provider
// address specified. (A real-world example of such a provider is the
// "google-beta" variant of the GCP provider, which has resource types that
// start with the "google_" prefix instead.)
// It's valid to pass the result of this function as the argument to a
// subsequent call, in which case the result will be identical.
func ParseProviderPart(given string) (string, error) {
return tfaddr.ParseProviderPart(given)
// MustParseProviderPart is a wrapper around ParseProviderPart that panics if
// it returns an error.
func MustParseProviderPart(given string) string {
result, err := ParseProviderPart(given)
if err != nil {
return result
// IsProviderPartNormalized compares a given string to the result of ParseProviderPart(string)
func IsProviderPartNormalized(str string) (bool, error) {
normalized, err := ParseProviderPart(str)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if str == normalized {
return true, nil
return false, nil