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synced 2025-02-25 18:45:20 -06:00
In the case of highly-connected graphs, the TransitiveReduction process was far too computationally intensive. Since no operations are applied to the nodes, and the walk order is not even user visible, we don't need to sort them n^2 times.
475 lines
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475 lines
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package dag
import (
const (
typeOperation = "Operation"
typeTransform = "Transform"
typeWalk = "Walk"
typeDepthFirstWalk = "DepthFirstWalk"
typeReverseDepthFirstWalk = "ReverseDepthFirstWalk"
typeTransitiveReduction = "TransitiveReduction"
typeEdgeInfo = "EdgeInfo"
typeVertexInfo = "VertexInfo"
typeVisitInfo = "VisitInfo"
// the marshal* structs are for serialization of the graph data.
type marshalGraph struct {
// Type is always "Graph", for identification as a top level object in the
// JSON stream.
Type string
// Each marshal structure requires a unique ID so that it can be referenced
// by other structures.
ID string `json:",omitempty"`
// Human readable name for this graph.
Name string `json:",omitempty"`
// Arbitrary attributes that can be added to the output.
Attrs map[string]string `json:",omitempty"`
// List of graph vertices, sorted by ID.
Vertices []*marshalVertex `json:",omitempty"`
// List of edges, sorted by Source ID.
Edges []*marshalEdge `json:",omitempty"`
// Any number of subgraphs. A subgraph itself is considered a vertex, and
// may be referenced by either end of an edge.
Subgraphs []*marshalGraph `json:",omitempty"`
// Any lists of vertices that are included in cycles.
Cycles [][]*marshalVertex `json:",omitempty"`
// The add, remove, connect, removeEdge methods mirror the basic Graph
// manipulations to reconstruct a marshalGraph from a debug log.
func (g *marshalGraph) add(v *marshalVertex) {
g.Vertices = append(g.Vertices, v)
func (g *marshalGraph) remove(v *marshalVertex) {
for i, existing := range g.Vertices {
if v.ID == existing.ID {
g.Vertices = append(g.Vertices[:i], g.Vertices[i+1:]...)
func (g *marshalGraph) connect(e *marshalEdge) {
g.Edges = append(g.Edges, e)
func (g *marshalGraph) removeEdge(e *marshalEdge) {
for i, existing := range g.Edges {
if e.Source == existing.Source && e.Target == existing.Target {
g.Edges = append(g.Edges[:i], g.Edges[i+1:]...)
func (g *marshalGraph) vertexByID(id string) *marshalVertex {
for _, v := range g.Vertices {
if id == v.ID {
return v
return nil
type marshalVertex struct {
// Unique ID, used to reference this vertex from other structures.
ID string
// Human readable name
Name string `json:",omitempty"`
Attrs map[string]string `json:",omitempty"`
// This is to help transition from the old Dot interfaces. We record if the
// node was a GraphNodeDotter here, so we can call it to get attributes.
graphNodeDotter GraphNodeDotter
func newMarshalVertex(v Vertex) *marshalVertex {
dn, ok := v.(GraphNodeDotter)
if !ok {
dn = nil
return &marshalVertex{
ID: marshalVertexID(v),
Name: VertexName(v),
Attrs: make(map[string]string),
graphNodeDotter: dn,
// vertices is a sort.Interface implementation for sorting vertices by ID
type vertices []*marshalVertex
func (v vertices) Less(i, j int) bool { return v[i].Name < v[j].Name }
func (v vertices) Len() int { return len(v) }
func (v vertices) Swap(i, j int) { v[i], v[j] = v[j], v[i] }
type marshalEdge struct {
// Human readable name
Name string
// Source and Target Vertices by ID
Source string
Target string
Attrs map[string]string `json:",omitempty"`
func newMarshalEdge(e Edge) *marshalEdge {
return &marshalEdge{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("%s|%s", VertexName(e.Source()), VertexName(e.Target())),
Source: marshalVertexID(e.Source()),
Target: marshalVertexID(e.Target()),
Attrs: make(map[string]string),
// edges is a sort.Interface implementation for sorting edges by Source ID
type edges []*marshalEdge
func (e edges) Less(i, j int) bool { return e[i].Name < e[j].Name }
func (e edges) Len() int { return len(e) }
func (e edges) Swap(i, j int) { e[i], e[j] = e[j], e[i] }
// build a marshalGraph structure from a *Graph
func newMarshalGraph(name string, g *Graph) *marshalGraph {
mg := &marshalGraph{
Type: "Graph",
Name: name,
Attrs: make(map[string]string),
for _, v := range g.Vertices() {
id := marshalVertexID(v)
if sg, ok := marshalSubgrapher(v); ok {
smg := newMarshalGraph(VertexName(v), sg)
smg.ID = id
mg.Subgraphs = append(mg.Subgraphs, smg)
mv := newMarshalVertex(v)
mg.Vertices = append(mg.Vertices, mv)
for _, e := range g.Edges() {
mg.Edges = append(mg.Edges, newMarshalEdge(e))
for _, c := range (&AcyclicGraph{*g}).Cycles() {
var cycle []*marshalVertex
for _, v := range c {
mv := newMarshalVertex(v)
cycle = append(cycle, mv)
mg.Cycles = append(mg.Cycles, cycle)
return mg
// Attempt to return a unique ID for any vertex.
func marshalVertexID(v Vertex) string {
val := reflect.ValueOf(v)
switch val.Kind() {
case reflect.Chan, reflect.Func, reflect.Map, reflect.Ptr, reflect.Slice, reflect.UnsafePointer:
return strconv.Itoa(int(val.Pointer()))
case reflect.Interface:
return strconv.Itoa(int(val.InterfaceData()[1]))
if v, ok := v.(Hashable); ok {
h := v.Hashcode()
if h, ok := h.(string); ok {
return h
// fallback to a name, which we hope is unique.
return VertexName(v)
// we could try harder by attempting to read the arbitrary value from the
// interface, but we shouldn't get here from terraform right now.
// check for a Subgrapher, and return the underlying *Graph.
func marshalSubgrapher(v Vertex) (*Graph, bool) {
sg, ok := v.(Subgrapher)
if !ok {
return nil, false
switch g := sg.Subgraph().DirectedGraph().(type) {
case *Graph:
return g, true
case *AcyclicGraph:
return &g.Graph, true
return nil, false
// The DebugOperationEnd func type provides a way to call an End function via a
// method call, allowing for the chaining of methods in a defer statement.
type DebugOperationEnd func(string)
// End calls function e with the info parameter, marking the end of this
// operation in the logs.
func (e DebugOperationEnd) End(info string) { e(info) }
// encoder provides methods to write debug data to an io.Writer, and is a noop
// when no writer is present
type encoder struct {
w io.Writer
// Encode is analogous to json.Encoder.Encode
func (e *encoder) Encode(i interface{}) {
if e == nil || e.w == nil {
defer e.Unlock()
js, err := json.Marshal(i)
if err != nil {
log.Println("[ERROR] dag:", err)
js = append(js, '\n')
_, err = e.w.Write(js)
if err != nil {
log.Println("[ERROR] dag:", err)
func (e *encoder) Add(v Vertex) {
if e == nil {
Type: typeTransform,
AddVertex: newMarshalVertex(v),
// Remove records the removal of Vertex v.
func (e *encoder) Remove(v Vertex) {
if e == nil {
Type: typeTransform,
RemoveVertex: newMarshalVertex(v),
func (e *encoder) Connect(edge Edge) {
if e == nil {
Type: typeTransform,
AddEdge: newMarshalEdge(edge),
func (e *encoder) RemoveEdge(edge Edge) {
if e == nil {
Type: typeTransform,
RemoveEdge: newMarshalEdge(edge),
// BeginOperation marks the start of set of graph transformations, and returns
// an EndDebugOperation func to be called once the opration is complete.
func (e *encoder) BeginOperation(op string, info string) DebugOperationEnd {
if e == nil {
return func(string) {}
Type: typeOperation,
Begin: op,
Info: info,
return func(info string) {
Type: typeOperation,
End: op,
Info: info,
// structure for recording graph transformations
type marshalTransform struct {
// Type: "Transform"
Type string
AddEdge *marshalEdge `json:",omitempty"`
RemoveEdge *marshalEdge `json:",omitempty"`
AddVertex *marshalVertex `json:",omitempty"`
RemoveVertex *marshalVertex `json:",omitempty"`
func (t marshalTransform) Transform(g *marshalGraph) {
switch {
case t.AddEdge != nil:
case t.RemoveEdge != nil:
case t.AddVertex != nil:
case t.RemoveVertex != nil:
// this structure allows us to decode any object in the json stream for
// inspection, then re-decode it into a proper struct if needed.
type streamDecode struct {
Type string
Map map[string]interface{}
JSON []byte
func (s *streamDecode) UnmarshalJSON(d []byte) error {
s.JSON = d
err := json.Unmarshal(d, &s.Map)
if err != nil {
return err
if t, ok := s.Map["Type"]; ok {
s.Type, _ = t.(string)
return nil
// structure for recording the beginning and end of any multi-step
// transformations. These are informational, and not required to reproduce the
// graph state.
type marshalOperation struct {
Type string
Begin string `json:",omitempty"`
End string `json:",omitempty"`
Info string `json:",omitempty"`
// decodeGraph decodes a marshalGraph from an encoded graph stream.
func decodeGraph(r io.Reader) (*marshalGraph, error) {
dec := json.NewDecoder(r)
// a stream should always start with a graph
g := &marshalGraph{}
err := dec.Decode(g)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// now replay any operations that occurred on the original graph
for dec.More() {
s := &streamDecode{}
err := dec.Decode(s)
if err != nil {
return g, err
// the only Type we're concerned with here is Transform to complete the
// Graph
if s.Type != typeTransform {
t := &marshalTransform{}
err = json.Unmarshal(s.JSON, t)
if err != nil {
return g, err
return g, nil
// marshalVertexInfo allows encoding arbitrary information about the a single
// Vertex in the logs. These are accumulated for informational display while
// rebuilding the graph.
type marshalVertexInfo struct {
Type string
Vertex *marshalVertex
Info string
func newVertexInfo(infoType string, v Vertex, info string) *marshalVertexInfo {
return &marshalVertexInfo{
Type: infoType,
Vertex: newMarshalVertex(v),
Info: info,
// marshalEdgeInfo allows encoding arbitrary information about the a single
// Edge in the logs. These are accumulated for informational display while
// rebuilding the graph.
type marshalEdgeInfo struct {
Type string
Edge *marshalEdge
Info string
func newEdgeInfo(infoType string, e Edge, info string) *marshalEdgeInfo {
return &marshalEdgeInfo{
Type: infoType,
Edge: newMarshalEdge(e),
Info: info,
// JSON2Dot reads a Graph debug log from and io.Reader, and converts the final
// graph dot format.
// TODO: Allow returning the output at a certain point during decode.
// Encode extra information from the json log into the Dot.
func JSON2Dot(r io.Reader) ([]byte, error) {
g, err := decodeGraph(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return g.Dot(nil), nil