James Bardin 906d399189 remove refresh!
Delete all the code associated with the Refresh walk
2020-09-22 10:27:45 -04:00

364 lines
11 KiB

package terraform
import (
// nodeExpandOutput is the placeholder for an output that has not yet had
// its module path expanded.
type nodeExpandOutput struct {
Addr addrs.OutputValue
Module addrs.Module
Config *configs.Output
var (
_ GraphNodeReferenceable = (*nodeExpandOutput)(nil)
_ GraphNodeReferencer = (*nodeExpandOutput)(nil)
_ GraphNodeReferenceOutside = (*nodeExpandOutput)(nil)
_ GraphNodeDynamicExpandable = (*nodeExpandOutput)(nil)
_ graphNodeTemporaryValue = (*nodeExpandOutput)(nil)
_ graphNodeExpandsInstances = (*nodeExpandOutput)(nil)
func (n *nodeExpandOutput) expandsInstances() {}
func (n *nodeExpandOutput) temporaryValue() bool {
// this must always be evaluated if it is a root module output
return !n.Module.IsRoot()
func (n *nodeExpandOutput) DynamicExpand(ctx EvalContext) (*Graph, error) {
var g Graph
expander := ctx.InstanceExpander()
for _, module := range expander.ExpandModule(n.Module) {
o := &NodeApplyableOutput{
Addr: n.Addr.Absolute(module),
Config: n.Config,
log.Printf("[TRACE] Expanding output: adding %s as %T", o.Addr.String(), o)
return &g, nil
func (n *nodeExpandOutput) Name() string {
path := n.Module.String()
addr := n.Addr.String() + " (expand)"
if path != "" {
return path + "." + addr
return addr
// GraphNodeModulePath
func (n *nodeExpandOutput) ModulePath() addrs.Module {
return n.Module
// GraphNodeReferenceable
func (n *nodeExpandOutput) ReferenceableAddrs() []addrs.Referenceable {
// An output in the root module can't be referenced at all.
if n.Module.IsRoot() {
return nil
// the output is referenced through the module call, and via the
// module itself.
_, call := n.Module.Call()
callOutput := addrs.ModuleCallOutput{
Call: call,
Name: n.Addr.Name,
// Otherwise, we can reference the output via the
// module call itself
return []addrs.Referenceable{call, callOutput}
// GraphNodeReferenceOutside implementation
func (n *nodeExpandOutput) ReferenceOutside() (selfPath, referencePath addrs.Module) {
// Output values have their expressions resolved in the context of the
// module where they are defined.
referencePath = n.Module
// ...but they are referenced in the context of their calling module.
selfPath = referencePath.Parent()
return // uses named return values
// GraphNodeReferencer
func (n *nodeExpandOutput) References() []*addrs.Reference {
return referencesForOutput(n.Config)
// NodeApplyableOutput represents an output that is "applyable":
// it is ready to be applied.
type NodeApplyableOutput struct {
Addr addrs.AbsOutputValue
Config *configs.Output // Config is the output in the config
var (
_ GraphNodeModuleInstance = (*NodeApplyableOutput)(nil)
_ GraphNodeReferenceable = (*NodeApplyableOutput)(nil)
_ GraphNodeReferencer = (*NodeApplyableOutput)(nil)
_ GraphNodeReferenceOutside = (*NodeApplyableOutput)(nil)
_ GraphNodeExecutable = (*NodeApplyableOutput)(nil)
_ graphNodeTemporaryValue = (*NodeApplyableOutput)(nil)
_ dag.GraphNodeDotter = (*NodeApplyableOutput)(nil)
func (n *NodeApplyableOutput) temporaryValue() bool {
// this must always be evaluated if it is a root module output
return !n.Addr.Module.IsRoot()
func (n *NodeApplyableOutput) Name() string {
return n.Addr.String()
// GraphNodeModuleInstance
func (n *NodeApplyableOutput) Path() addrs.ModuleInstance {
return n.Addr.Module
// GraphNodeModulePath
func (n *NodeApplyableOutput) ModulePath() addrs.Module {
return n.Addr.Module.Module()
func referenceOutsideForOutput(addr addrs.AbsOutputValue) (selfPath, referencePath addrs.Module) {
// Output values have their expressions resolved in the context of the
// module where they are defined.
referencePath = addr.Module.Module()
// ...but they are referenced in the context of their calling module.
selfPath = addr.Module.Parent().Module()
return // uses named return values
// GraphNodeReferenceOutside implementation
func (n *NodeApplyableOutput) ReferenceOutside() (selfPath, referencePath addrs.Module) {
return referenceOutsideForOutput(n.Addr)
func referenceableAddrsForOutput(addr addrs.AbsOutputValue) []addrs.Referenceable {
// An output in the root module can't be referenced at all.
if addr.Module.IsRoot() {
return nil
// Otherwise, we can be referenced via a reference to our output name
// on the parent module's call, or via a reference to the entire call.
// e.g. or just .
// Note that our ReferenceOutside method causes these addresses to be
// relative to the calling module, not the module where the output
// was declared.
_, outp := addr.ModuleCallOutput()
_, call := addr.Module.CallInstance()
return []addrs.Referenceable{outp, call}
// GraphNodeReferenceable
func (n *NodeApplyableOutput) ReferenceableAddrs() []addrs.Referenceable {
return referenceableAddrsForOutput(n.Addr)
func referencesForOutput(c *configs.Output) []*addrs.Reference {
impRefs, _ := lang.ReferencesInExpr(c.Expr)
expRefs, _ := lang.References(c.DependsOn)
l := len(impRefs) + len(expRefs)
if l == 0 {
return nil
refs := make([]*addrs.Reference, 0, l)
refs = append(refs, impRefs...)
refs = append(refs, expRefs...)
return refs
// GraphNodeReferencer
func (n *NodeApplyableOutput) References() []*addrs.Reference {
return referencesForOutput(n.Config)
// GraphNodeExecutable
func (n *NodeApplyableOutput) Execute(ctx EvalContext, op walkOperation) error {
switch op {
// Everything except walkImport
case walkEval, walkPlan, walkApply, walkValidate, walkDestroy, walkPlanDestroy:
// This has to run before we have a state lock, since evaluation also
// reads the state
val, diags := ctx.EvaluateExpr(n.Config.Expr, cty.DynamicPseudoType, nil)
// We'll handle errors below, after we have loaded the module.
// Outputs don't have a separate mode for validation, so validate
// depends_on expressions here too
diags = diags.Append(validateDependsOn(ctx, n.Config.DependsOn))
state := ctx.State()
if state == nil {
return nil
changes := ctx.Changes() // may be nil, if we're not working on a changeset
// handling the interpolation error
if diags.HasErrors() {
if flagWarnOutputErrors {
log.Printf("[ERROR] Output interpolation %q failed: %s", n.Addr, diags.Err())
// if we're continuing, make sure the output is included, and
// marked as unknown. If the evaluator was able to find a type
// for the value in spite of the error then we'll use it.
n.setValue(state, changes, cty.UnknownVal(val.Type()))
return EvalEarlyExitError{}
return diags.Err()
n.setValue(state, changes, val)
// If we were able to evaluate a new value, we can update that in the
// refreshed state as well.
if state = ctx.RefreshState(); state != nil && val.IsWhollyKnown() {
n.setValue(state, changes, val)
return nil
return nil
// dag.GraphNodeDotter impl.
func (n *NodeApplyableOutput) DotNode(name string, opts *dag.DotOpts) *dag.DotNode {
return &dag.DotNode{
Name: name,
Attrs: map[string]string{
"label": n.Name(),
"shape": "note",
// NodeDestroyableOutput represents an output that is "destroybale":
// its application will remove the output from the state.
type NodeDestroyableOutput struct {
Addr addrs.AbsOutputValue
Config *configs.Output // Config is the output in the config
var (
_ GraphNodeExecutable = (*NodeDestroyableOutput)(nil)
_ dag.GraphNodeDotter = (*NodeDestroyableOutput)(nil)
func (n *NodeDestroyableOutput) Name() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s (destroy)", n.Addr.String())
// GraphNodeModulePath
func (n *NodeDestroyableOutput) ModulePath() addrs.Module {
return n.Addr.Module.Module()
func (n *NodeDestroyableOutput) temporaryValue() bool {
// this must always be evaluated if it is a root module output
return !n.Addr.Module.IsRoot()
// GraphNodeExecutable
func (n *NodeDestroyableOutput) Execute(ctx EvalContext, op walkOperation) error {
state := ctx.State()
if state == nil {
return nil
return nil
// dag.GraphNodeDotter impl.
func (n *NodeDestroyableOutput) DotNode(name string, opts *dag.DotOpts) *dag.DotNode {
return &dag.DotNode{
Name: name,
Attrs: map[string]string{
"label": n.Name(),
"shape": "note",
func (n *NodeApplyableOutput) setValue(state *states.SyncState, changes *plans.ChangesSync, val cty.Value) {
if val.IsKnown() && !val.IsNull() {
// The state itself doesn't represent unknown values, so we null them
// out here and then we'll save the real unknown value in the planned
// changeset below, if we have one on this graph walk.
log.Printf("[TRACE] EvalWriteOutput: Saving value for %s in state", n.Addr)
stateVal := cty.UnknownAsNull(val)
state.SetOutputValue(n.Addr, stateVal, n.Config.Sensitive)
} else {
log.Printf("[TRACE] EvalWriteOutput: Removing %s from state (it is now null)", n.Addr)
// If we also have an active changeset then we'll replicate the value in
// there. This is used in preference to the state where present, since it
// *is* able to represent unknowns, while the state cannot.
if changes != nil {
// For the moment we are not properly tracking changes to output
// values, and just marking them always as "Create" or "Destroy"
// actions. A future release will rework the output lifecycle so we
// can track their changes properly, in a similar way to how we work
// with resource instances.
var change *plans.OutputChange
if !val.IsNull() {
change = &plans.OutputChange{
Addr: n.Addr,
Sensitive: n.Config.Sensitive,
Change: plans.Change{
Action: plans.Create,
Before: cty.NullVal(cty.DynamicPseudoType),
After: val,
} else {
change = &plans.OutputChange{
Addr: n.Addr,
Sensitive: n.Config.Sensitive,
Change: plans.Change{
// This is just a weird placeholder delete action since
// we don't have an actual prior value to indicate.
// FIXME: Generate real planned changes for output values
// that include the old values.
Action: plans.Delete,
Before: cty.NullVal(cty.DynamicPseudoType),
After: cty.NullVal(cty.DynamicPseudoType),
cs, err := change.Encode()
if err != nil {
// Should never happen, since we just constructed this right above
panic(fmt.Sprintf("planned change for %s could not be encoded: %s", n.Addr, err))
log.Printf("[TRACE] ExecuteWriteOutput: Saving %s change for %s in changeset", change.Action, n.Addr)
changes.RemoveOutputChange(n.Addr) // remove any existing planned change, if present
changes.AppendOutputChange(cs) // add the new planned change