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synced 2025-02-25 18:45:20 -06:00
replace_triggered_by references are scoped to the current module, so we need to filter changes for the current module instance. Rather than creating a ConfigResource and filtering the result, make a Changes.InstancesForAbsResource method to get only the AbsResource changes.
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package terraform
import (
// BuiltinEvalContext is an EvalContext implementation that is used by
// Terraform by default.
type BuiltinEvalContext struct {
// StopContext is the context used to track whether we're complete
StopContext context.Context
// PathValue is the Path that this context is operating within.
PathValue addrs.ModuleInstance
// pathSet indicates that this context was explicitly created for a
// specific path, and can be safely used for evaluation. This lets us
// differentiate between PathValue being unset, and the zero value which is
// equivalent to RootModuleInstance. Path and Evaluation methods will
// panic if this is not set.
pathSet bool
// Evaluator is used for evaluating expressions within the scope of this
// eval context.
Evaluator *Evaluator
// VariableValues contains the variable values across all modules. This
// structure is shared across the entire containing context, and so it
// may be accessed only when holding VariableValuesLock.
// The keys of the first level of VariableValues are the string
// representations of addrs.ModuleInstance values. The second-level keys
// are variable names within each module instance.
VariableValues map[string]map[string]cty.Value
VariableValuesLock *sync.Mutex
// Plugins is a library of plugin components (providers and provisioners)
// available for use during a graph walk.
Plugins *contextPlugins
Hooks []Hook
InputValue UIInput
ProviderCache map[string]providers.Interface
ProviderInputConfig map[string]map[string]cty.Value
ProviderLock *sync.Mutex
ProvisionerCache map[string]provisioners.Interface
ProvisionerLock *sync.Mutex
ChangesValue *plans.ChangesSync
StateValue *states.SyncState
ConditionsValue *plans.ConditionsSync
RefreshStateValue *states.SyncState
PrevRunStateValue *states.SyncState
InstanceExpanderValue *instances.Expander
MoveResultsValue refactoring.MoveResults
// BuiltinEvalContext implements EvalContext
var _ EvalContext = (*BuiltinEvalContext)(nil)
func (ctx *BuiltinEvalContext) WithPath(path addrs.ModuleInstance) EvalContext {
newCtx := *ctx
newCtx.pathSet = true
newCtx.PathValue = path
return &newCtx
func (ctx *BuiltinEvalContext) Stopped() <-chan struct{} {
// This can happen during tests. During tests, we just block forever.
if ctx.StopContext == nil {
return nil
return ctx.StopContext.Done()
func (ctx *BuiltinEvalContext) Hook(fn func(Hook) (HookAction, error)) error {
for _, h := range ctx.Hooks {
action, err := fn(h)
if err != nil {
return err
switch action {
case HookActionContinue:
case HookActionHalt:
// Return an early exit error to trigger an early exit
log.Printf("[WARN] Early exit triggered by hook: %T", h)
return nil
return nil
func (ctx *BuiltinEvalContext) Input() UIInput {
return ctx.InputValue
func (ctx *BuiltinEvalContext) InitProvider(addr addrs.AbsProviderConfig) (providers.Interface, error) {
// If we already initialized, it is an error
if p := ctx.Provider(addr); p != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s is already initialized", addr)
// Warning: make sure to acquire these locks AFTER the call to Provider
// above, since it also acquires locks.
defer ctx.ProviderLock.Unlock()
key := addr.String()
p, err := ctx.Plugins.NewProviderInstance(addr.Provider)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Printf("[TRACE] BuiltinEvalContext: Initialized %q provider for %s", addr.String(), addr)
ctx.ProviderCache[key] = p
return p, nil
func (ctx *BuiltinEvalContext) Provider(addr addrs.AbsProviderConfig) providers.Interface {
defer ctx.ProviderLock.Unlock()
return ctx.ProviderCache[addr.String()]
func (ctx *BuiltinEvalContext) ProviderSchema(addr addrs.AbsProviderConfig) (*ProviderSchema, error) {
return ctx.Plugins.ProviderSchema(addr.Provider)
func (ctx *BuiltinEvalContext) CloseProvider(addr addrs.AbsProviderConfig) error {
defer ctx.ProviderLock.Unlock()
key := addr.String()
provider := ctx.ProviderCache[key]
if provider != nil {
delete(ctx.ProviderCache, key)
return provider.Close()
return nil
func (ctx *BuiltinEvalContext) ConfigureProvider(addr addrs.AbsProviderConfig, cfg cty.Value) tfdiags.Diagnostics {
var diags tfdiags.Diagnostics
if !addr.Module.Equal(ctx.Path().Module()) {
// This indicates incorrect use of ConfigureProvider: it should be used
// only from the module that the provider configuration belongs to.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%s configured by wrong module %s", addr, ctx.Path()))
p := ctx.Provider(addr)
if p == nil {
diags = diags.Append(fmt.Errorf("%s not initialized", addr))
return diags
providerSchema, err := ctx.ProviderSchema(addr)
if err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(fmt.Errorf("failed to read schema for %s: %s", addr, err))
return diags
if providerSchema == nil {
diags = diags.Append(fmt.Errorf("schema for %s is not available", addr))
return diags
req := providers.ConfigureProviderRequest{
TerraformVersion: version.String(),
Config: cfg,
resp := p.ConfigureProvider(req)
return resp.Diagnostics
func (ctx *BuiltinEvalContext) ProviderInput(pc addrs.AbsProviderConfig) map[string]cty.Value {
defer ctx.ProviderLock.Unlock()
if !pc.Module.Equal(ctx.Path().Module()) {
// This indicates incorrect use of InitProvider: it should be used
// only from the module that the provider configuration belongs to.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%s initialized by wrong module %s", pc, ctx.Path()))
if !ctx.Path().IsRoot() {
// Only root module provider configurations can have input.
return nil
return ctx.ProviderInputConfig[pc.String()]
func (ctx *BuiltinEvalContext) SetProviderInput(pc addrs.AbsProviderConfig, c map[string]cty.Value) {
absProvider := pc
if !pc.Module.IsRoot() {
// Only root module provider configurations can have input.
log.Printf("[WARN] BuiltinEvalContext: attempt to SetProviderInput for non-root module")
// Save the configuration
ctx.ProviderInputConfig[absProvider.String()] = c
func (ctx *BuiltinEvalContext) Provisioner(n string) (provisioners.Interface, error) {
defer ctx.ProvisionerLock.Unlock()
p, ok := ctx.ProvisionerCache[n]
if !ok {
var err error
p, err = ctx.Plugins.NewProvisionerInstance(n)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ctx.ProvisionerCache[n] = p
return p, nil
func (ctx *BuiltinEvalContext) ProvisionerSchema(n string) (*configschema.Block, error) {
return ctx.Plugins.ProvisionerSchema(n)
func (ctx *BuiltinEvalContext) CloseProvisioners() error {
var diags tfdiags.Diagnostics
defer ctx.ProvisionerLock.Unlock()
for name, prov := range ctx.ProvisionerCache {
err := prov.Close()
if err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(fmt.Errorf("provisioner.Close %s: %s", name, err))
return diags.Err()
func (ctx *BuiltinEvalContext) EvaluateBlock(body hcl.Body, schema *configschema.Block, self addrs.Referenceable, keyData InstanceKeyEvalData) (cty.Value, hcl.Body, tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
var diags tfdiags.Diagnostics
scope := ctx.EvaluationScope(self, keyData)
body, evalDiags := scope.ExpandBlock(body, schema)
diags = diags.Append(evalDiags)
val, evalDiags := scope.EvalBlock(body, schema)
diags = diags.Append(evalDiags)
return val, body, diags
func (ctx *BuiltinEvalContext) EvaluateExpr(expr hcl.Expression, wantType cty.Type, self addrs.Referenceable) (cty.Value, tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
scope := ctx.EvaluationScope(self, EvalDataForNoInstanceKey)
return scope.EvalExpr(expr, wantType)
func (ctx *BuiltinEvalContext) EvaluateReplaceTriggeredBy(expr hcl.Expression, repData instances.RepetitionData) (*addrs.Reference, bool, tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
// get the reference to lookup changes in the plan
ref, diags := evalReplaceTriggeredByExpr(expr, repData)
if diags.HasErrors() {
return nil, false, diags
var changes []*plans.ResourceInstanceChangeSrc
// store the address once we get it for validation
var resourceAddr addrs.Resource
// The reference is either a resource or resource instance
switch sub := ref.Subject.(type) {
case addrs.Resource:
resourceAddr = sub
rc := sub.Absolute(ctx.Path())
changes = ctx.Changes().GetChangesForAbsResource(rc)
case addrs.ResourceInstance:
resourceAddr = sub.ContainingResource()
rc := sub.Absolute(ctx.Path())
change := ctx.Changes().GetResourceInstanceChange(rc, states.CurrentGen)
if change != nil {
// we'll generate an error below if there was no change
changes = append(changes, change)
// Do some validation to make sure we are expecting a change at all
cfg := ctx.Evaluator.Config.Descendent(ctx.Path().Module())
resCfg := cfg.Module.ResourceByAddr(resourceAddr)
if resCfg == nil {
diags = diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: `Reference to undeclared resource`,
Detail: fmt.Sprintf(`A resource %s has not been declared in %s`, ref.Subject, moduleDisplayAddr(ctx.Path())),
Subject: expr.Range().Ptr(),
return nil, false, diags
if len(changes) == 0 {
// If the resource is valid there should always be at least one change.
diags = diags.Append(fmt.Errorf("no change found for %s in %s", ref.Subject, moduleDisplayAddr(ctx.Path())))
return nil, false, diags
// If we don't have a traversal beyond the resource, then we can just look
// for any change.
if len(ref.Remaining) == 0 {
for _, c := range changes {
switch c.ChangeSrc.Action {
// Only immediate changes to the resource will trigger replacement.
case plans.Update, plans.DeleteThenCreate, plans.CreateThenDelete:
return ref, true, diags
// no change triggered
return nil, false, diags
// This must be an instances to have a remaining traversal, which means a
// single change.
change := changes[0]
// Make sure the change is actionable. A create or delete action will have
// a change in value, but are not valid for our purposes here.
switch change.ChangeSrc.Action {
case plans.Update, plans.DeleteThenCreate, plans.CreateThenDelete:
// OK
return nil, false, diags
// Since we have a traversal after the resource reference, we will need to
// decode the changes, which means we need a schema.
providerAddr := change.ProviderAddr
schema, err := ctx.ProviderSchema(providerAddr)
if err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(err)
return nil, false, diags
resAddr := change.Addr.ContainingResource().Resource
resSchema, _ := schema.SchemaForResourceType(resAddr.Mode, resAddr.Type)
ty := resSchema.ImpliedType()
before, err := change.ChangeSrc.Before.Decode(ty)
if err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(err)
return nil, false, diags
after, err := change.ChangeSrc.After.Decode(ty)
if err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(err)
return nil, false, diags
path := traversalToPath(ref.Remaining)
attrBefore, _ := path.Apply(before)
attrAfter, _ := path.Apply(after)
if attrBefore == cty.NilVal || attrAfter == cty.NilVal {
replace := attrBefore != attrAfter
return ref, replace, diags
replace := !attrBefore.RawEquals(attrAfter)
return ref, replace, diags
func (ctx *BuiltinEvalContext) EvaluationScope(self addrs.Referenceable, keyData instances.RepetitionData) *lang.Scope {
if !ctx.pathSet {
panic("context path not set")
data := &evaluationStateData{
Evaluator: ctx.Evaluator,
ModulePath: ctx.PathValue,
InstanceKeyData: keyData,
Operation: ctx.Evaluator.Operation,
scope := ctx.Evaluator.Scope(data, self)
// ctx.PathValue is the path of the module that contains whatever
// expression the caller will be trying to evaluate, so this will
// activate only the experiments from that particular module, to
// be consistent with how experiment checking in the "configs"
// package itself works. The nil check here is for robustness in
// incompletely-mocked testing situations; mc should never be nil in
// real situations.
if mc := ctx.Evaluator.Config.DescendentForInstance(ctx.PathValue); mc != nil {
return scope
func (ctx *BuiltinEvalContext) Path() addrs.ModuleInstance {
if !ctx.pathSet {
panic("context path not set")
return ctx.PathValue
func (ctx *BuiltinEvalContext) SetRootModuleArgument(addr addrs.InputVariable, v cty.Value) {
defer ctx.VariableValuesLock.Unlock()
log.Printf("[TRACE] BuiltinEvalContext: Storing final value for variable %s", addr.Absolute(addrs.RootModuleInstance))
key := addrs.RootModuleInstance.String()
args := ctx.VariableValues[key]
if args == nil {
args = make(map[string]cty.Value)
ctx.VariableValues[key] = args
args[addr.Name] = v
func (ctx *BuiltinEvalContext) SetModuleCallArgument(callAddr addrs.ModuleCallInstance, varAddr addrs.InputVariable, v cty.Value) {
defer ctx.VariableValuesLock.Unlock()
if !ctx.pathSet {
panic("context path not set")
childPath := callAddr.ModuleInstance(ctx.PathValue)
log.Printf("[TRACE] BuiltinEvalContext: Storing final value for variable %s", varAddr.Absolute(childPath))
key := childPath.String()
args := ctx.VariableValues[key]
if args == nil {
args = make(map[string]cty.Value)
ctx.VariableValues[key] = args
args[varAddr.Name] = v
func (ctx *BuiltinEvalContext) GetVariableValue(addr addrs.AbsInputVariableInstance) cty.Value {
defer ctx.VariableValuesLock.Unlock()
modKey := addr.Module.String()
modVars := ctx.VariableValues[modKey]
val, ok := modVars[addr.Variable.Name]
if !ok {
return cty.DynamicVal
return val
func (ctx *BuiltinEvalContext) Changes() *plans.ChangesSync {
return ctx.ChangesValue
func (ctx *BuiltinEvalContext) State() *states.SyncState {
return ctx.StateValue
func (ctx *BuiltinEvalContext) Conditions() *plans.ConditionsSync {
return ctx.ConditionsValue
func (ctx *BuiltinEvalContext) RefreshState() *states.SyncState {
return ctx.RefreshStateValue
func (ctx *BuiltinEvalContext) PrevRunState() *states.SyncState {
return ctx.PrevRunStateValue
func (ctx *BuiltinEvalContext) InstanceExpander() *instances.Expander {
return ctx.InstanceExpanderValue
func (ctx *BuiltinEvalContext) MoveResults() refactoring.MoveResults {
return ctx.MoveResultsValue