mirror of
synced 2024-12-27 09:21:14 -06:00
1217 lines
36 KiB
1217 lines
36 KiB
package format
import (
ctyjson "github.com/zclconf/go-cty/cty/json"
// ResourceChange returns a string representation of a change to a particular
// resource, for inclusion in user-facing plan output.
// The resource schema must be provided along with the change so that the
// formatted change can reflect the configuration structure for the associated
// resource.
// If "color" is non-nil, it will be used to color the result. Otherwise,
// no color codes will be included.
func ResourceChange(
change *plans.ResourceInstanceChangeSrc,
tainted bool,
schema *configschema.Block,
color *colorstring.Colorize,
) string {
addr := change.Addr
var buf bytes.Buffer
if color == nil {
color = &colorstring.Colorize{
Colors: colorstring.DefaultColors,
Disable: true,
Reset: false,
dispAddr := addr.String()
if change.DeposedKey != states.NotDeposed {
dispAddr = fmt.Sprintf("%s (deposed object %s)", dispAddr, change.DeposedKey)
switch change.Action {
case plans.Create:
buf.WriteString(color.Color(fmt.Sprintf("[bold] # %s[reset] will be created", dispAddr)))
case plans.Read:
buf.WriteString(color.Color(fmt.Sprintf("[bold] # %s[reset] will be read during apply\n # (config refers to values not yet known)", dispAddr)))
case plans.Update:
buf.WriteString(color.Color(fmt.Sprintf("[bold] # %s[reset] will be updated in-place", dispAddr)))
case plans.CreateThenDelete, plans.DeleteThenCreate:
if tainted {
buf.WriteString(color.Color(fmt.Sprintf("[bold] # %s[reset] is tainted, so must be [bold][red]replaced", dispAddr)))
} else {
buf.WriteString(color.Color(fmt.Sprintf("[bold] # %s[reset] must be [bold][red]replaced", dispAddr)))
case plans.Delete:
buf.WriteString(color.Color(fmt.Sprintf("[bold] # %s[reset] will be [bold][red]destroyed", dispAddr)))
// should never happen, since the above is exhaustive
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s has an action the plan renderer doesn't support (this is a bug)", dispAddr))
buf.WriteString(color.Color(DiffActionSymbol(change.Action)) + " ")
switch addr.Resource.Resource.Mode {
case addrs.ManagedResourceMode:
"resource %q %q",
case addrs.DataResourceMode:
"data %q %q ",
// should never happen, since the above is exhaustive
buf.WriteString(" {")
p := blockBodyDiffPrinter{
buf: &buf,
color: color,
action: change.Action,
requiredReplace: change.RequiredReplace,
// Most commonly-used resources have nested blocks that result in us
// going at least three traversals deep while we recurse here, so we'll
// start with that much capacity and then grow as needed for deeper
// structures.
path := make(cty.Path, 0, 3)
changeV, err := change.Decode(schema.ImpliedType())
if err != nil {
// Should never happen in here, since we've already been through
// loads of layers of encode/decode of the planned changes before now.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to decode plan for %s while rendering diff: %s", addr, err))
// We currently have an opt-out that permits the legacy SDK to return values
// that defy our usual conventions around handling of nesting blocks. To
// avoid the rendering code from needing to handle all of these, we'll
// normalize first.
// (Ideally we'd do this as part of the SDK opt-out implementation in core,
// but we've added it here for now to reduce risk of unexpected impacts
// on other code in core.)
changeV.Change.Before = objchange.NormalizeObjectFromLegacySDK(changeV.Change.Before, schema)
changeV.Change.After = objchange.NormalizeObjectFromLegacySDK(changeV.Change.After, schema)
bodyWritten := p.writeBlockBodyDiff(schema, changeV.Before, changeV.After, 6, path)
if bodyWritten {
buf.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", 4))
return buf.String()
type blockBodyDiffPrinter struct {
buf *bytes.Buffer
color *colorstring.Colorize
action plans.Action
requiredReplace cty.PathSet
const forcesNewResourceCaption = " [red]# forces replacement[reset]"
// writeBlockBodyDiff writes attribute or block differences
// and returns true if any differences were found and written
func (p *blockBodyDiffPrinter) writeBlockBodyDiff(schema *configschema.Block, old, new cty.Value, indent int, path cty.Path) bool {
path = ctyEnsurePathCapacity(path, 1)
bodyWritten := false
blankBeforeBlocks := false
attrNames := make([]string, 0, len(schema.Attributes))
attrNameLen := 0
for name := range schema.Attributes {
oldVal := ctyGetAttrMaybeNull(old, name)
newVal := ctyGetAttrMaybeNull(new, name)
if oldVal.IsNull() && newVal.IsNull() {
// Skip attributes where both old and new values are null
// (we do this early here so that we'll do our value alignment
// based on the longest attribute name that has a change, rather
// than the longest attribute name in the full set.)
attrNames = append(attrNames, name)
if len(name) > attrNameLen {
attrNameLen = len(name)
if len(attrNames) > 0 {
blankBeforeBlocks = true
for _, name := range attrNames {
attrS := schema.Attributes[name]
oldVal := ctyGetAttrMaybeNull(old, name)
newVal := ctyGetAttrMaybeNull(new, name)
bodyWritten = true
p.writeAttrDiff(name, attrS, oldVal, newVal, attrNameLen, indent, path)
blockTypeNames := make([]string, 0, len(schema.BlockTypes))
for name := range schema.BlockTypes {
blockTypeNames = append(blockTypeNames, name)
for _, name := range blockTypeNames {
blockS := schema.BlockTypes[name]
oldVal := ctyGetAttrMaybeNull(old, name)
newVal := ctyGetAttrMaybeNull(new, name)
bodyWritten = true
p.writeNestedBlockDiffs(name, blockS, oldVal, newVal, blankBeforeBlocks, indent, path)
// Always include a blank for any subsequent block types.
blankBeforeBlocks = true
return bodyWritten
func (p *blockBodyDiffPrinter) writeAttrDiff(name string, attrS *configschema.Attribute, old, new cty.Value, nameLen, indent int, path cty.Path) {
path = append(path, cty.GetAttrStep{Name: name})
p.buf.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", indent))
showJustNew := false
var action plans.Action
switch {
case old.IsNull():
action = plans.Create
showJustNew = true
case new.IsNull():
action = plans.Delete
case ctyEqualWithUnknown(old, new):
action = plans.NoOp
showJustNew = true
action = plans.Update
p.buf.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", nameLen-len(name)))
p.buf.WriteString(" = ")
if attrS.Sensitive {
p.buf.WriteString("(sensitive value)")
} else {
switch {
case showJustNew:
p.writeValue(new, action, indent+2)
if p.pathForcesNewResource(path) {
// We show new even if it is null to emphasize the fact
// that it is being unset, since otherwise it is easy to
// misunderstand that the value is still set to the old value.
p.writeValueDiff(old, new, indent+2, path)
func (p *blockBodyDiffPrinter) writeNestedBlockDiffs(name string, blockS *configschema.NestedBlock, old, new cty.Value, blankBefore bool, indent int, path cty.Path) {
path = append(path, cty.GetAttrStep{Name: name})
if old.IsNull() && new.IsNull() {
// Nothing to do if both old and new is null
// Where old/new are collections representing a nesting mode other than
// NestingSingle, we assume the collection value can never be unknown
// since we always produce the container for the nested objects, even if
// the objects within are computed.
switch blockS.Nesting {
case configschema.NestingSingle, configschema.NestingGroup:
var action plans.Action
eqV := new.Equals(old)
switch {
case old.IsNull():
action = plans.Create
case new.IsNull():
action = plans.Delete
case !new.IsWhollyKnown() || !old.IsWhollyKnown():
// "old" should actually always be known due to our contract
// that old values must never be unknown, but we'll allow it
// anyway to be robust.
action = plans.Update
case !eqV.IsKnown() || !eqV.True():
action = plans.Update
if blankBefore {
p.writeNestedBlockDiff(name, nil, &blockS.Block, action, old, new, indent, path)
case configschema.NestingList:
// For the sake of handling nested blocks, we'll treat a null list
// the same as an empty list since the config language doesn't
// distinguish these anyway.
old = ctyNullBlockListAsEmpty(old)
new = ctyNullBlockListAsEmpty(new)
oldItems := ctyCollectionValues(old)
newItems := ctyCollectionValues(new)
// Here we intentionally preserve the index-based correspondance
// between old and new, rather than trying to detect insertions
// and removals in the list, because this more accurately reflects
// how Terraform Core and providers will understand the change,
// particularly when the nested block contains computed attributes
// that will themselves maintain correspondance by index.
// commonLen is number of elements that exist in both lists, which
// will be presented as updates (~). Any additional items in one
// of the lists will be presented as either creates (+) or deletes (-)
// depending on which list they belong to.
var commonLen int
switch {
case len(oldItems) < len(newItems):
commonLen = len(oldItems)
commonLen = len(newItems)
if blankBefore && (len(oldItems) > 0 || len(newItems) > 0) {
for i := 0; i < commonLen; i++ {
path := append(path, cty.IndexStep{Key: cty.NumberIntVal(int64(i))})
oldItem := oldItems[i]
newItem := newItems[i]
action := plans.Update
if oldItem.RawEquals(newItem) {
action = plans.NoOp
p.writeNestedBlockDiff(name, nil, &blockS.Block, action, oldItem, newItem, indent, path)
for i := commonLen; i < len(oldItems); i++ {
path := append(path, cty.IndexStep{Key: cty.NumberIntVal(int64(i))})
oldItem := oldItems[i]
newItem := cty.NullVal(oldItem.Type())
p.writeNestedBlockDiff(name, nil, &blockS.Block, plans.Delete, oldItem, newItem, indent, path)
for i := commonLen; i < len(newItems); i++ {
path := append(path, cty.IndexStep{Key: cty.NumberIntVal(int64(i))})
newItem := newItems[i]
oldItem := cty.NullVal(newItem.Type())
p.writeNestedBlockDiff(name, nil, &blockS.Block, plans.Create, oldItem, newItem, indent, path)
case configschema.NestingSet:
// For the sake of handling nested blocks, we'll treat a null set
// the same as an empty set since the config language doesn't
// distinguish these anyway.
old = ctyNullBlockSetAsEmpty(old)
new = ctyNullBlockSetAsEmpty(new)
oldItems := ctyCollectionValues(old)
newItems := ctyCollectionValues(new)
if (len(oldItems) + len(newItems)) == 0 {
// Nothing to do if both sets are empty
allItems := make([]cty.Value, 0, len(oldItems)+len(newItems))
allItems = append(allItems, oldItems...)
allItems = append(allItems, newItems...)
all := cty.SetVal(allItems)
if blankBefore {
for it := all.ElementIterator(); it.Next(); {
_, val := it.Element()
var action plans.Action
var oldValue, newValue cty.Value
switch {
case !val.IsKnown():
action = plans.Update
newValue = val
case !old.HasElement(val).True():
action = plans.Create
oldValue = cty.NullVal(val.Type())
newValue = val
case !new.HasElement(val).True():
action = plans.Delete
oldValue = val
newValue = cty.NullVal(val.Type())
action = plans.NoOp
oldValue = val
newValue = val
path := append(path, cty.IndexStep{Key: val})
p.writeNestedBlockDiff(name, nil, &blockS.Block, action, oldValue, newValue, indent, path)
case configschema.NestingMap:
// For the sake of handling nested blocks, we'll treat a null map
// the same as an empty map since the config language doesn't
// distinguish these anyway.
old = ctyNullBlockMapAsEmpty(old)
new = ctyNullBlockMapAsEmpty(new)
oldItems := old.AsValueMap()
newItems := new.AsValueMap()
if (len(oldItems) + len(newItems)) == 0 {
// Nothing to do if both maps are empty
allKeys := make(map[string]bool)
for k := range oldItems {
allKeys[k] = true
for k := range newItems {
allKeys[k] = true
allKeysOrder := make([]string, 0, len(allKeys))
for k := range allKeys {
allKeysOrder = append(allKeysOrder, k)
if blankBefore {
for _, k := range allKeysOrder {
var action plans.Action
oldValue := oldItems[k]
newValue := newItems[k]
switch {
case oldValue == cty.NilVal:
oldValue = cty.NullVal(newValue.Type())
action = plans.Create
case newValue == cty.NilVal:
newValue = cty.NullVal(oldValue.Type())
action = plans.Delete
case !newValue.RawEquals(oldValue):
action = plans.Update
action = plans.NoOp
path := append(path, cty.IndexStep{Key: cty.StringVal(k)})
p.writeNestedBlockDiff(name, &k, &blockS.Block, action, oldValue, newValue, indent, path)
func (p *blockBodyDiffPrinter) writeNestedBlockDiff(name string, label *string, blockS *configschema.Block, action plans.Action, old, new cty.Value, indent int, path cty.Path) {
p.buf.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", indent))
if label != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(p.buf, "%s %q {", name, *label)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(p.buf, "%s {", name)
if action != plans.NoOp && (p.pathForcesNewResource(path) || p.pathForcesNewResource(path[:len(path)-1])) {
bodyWritten := p.writeBlockBodyDiff(blockS, old, new, indent+4, path)
if bodyWritten {
p.buf.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", indent+2))
func (p *blockBodyDiffPrinter) writeValue(val cty.Value, action plans.Action, indent int) {
if !val.IsKnown() {
p.buf.WriteString("(known after apply)")
if val.IsNull() {
ty := val.Type()
switch {
case ty.IsPrimitiveType():
switch ty {
case cty.String:
// Special behavior for JSON strings containing array or object
src := []byte(val.AsString())
ty, err := ctyjson.ImpliedType(src)
// check for the special case of "null", which decodes to nil,
// and just allow it to be printed out directly
if err == nil && !ty.IsPrimitiveType() && strings.TrimSpace(val.AsString()) != "null" {
jv, err := ctyjson.Unmarshal(src, ty)
if err == nil {
if jv.LengthInt() == 0 {
p.writeValue(jv, action, 0)
} else {
p.buf.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", indent+4))
p.writeValue(jv, action, indent+4)
p.buf.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", indent))
break // don't *also* do the normal behavior below
if strings.Contains(val.AsString(), "\n") {
// It's a multi-line string, so we want to use the multi-line
// rendering so it'll be readable. Rather than re-implement
// that here, we'll just re-use the multi-line string diff
// printer with no changes, which ends up producing the
// result we want here.
// The path argument is nil because we don't track path
// information into strings and we know that a string can't
// have any indices or attributes that might need to be marked
// as (requires replacement), which is what that argument is for.
p.writeValueDiff(val, val, indent, nil)
fmt.Fprintf(p.buf, "%q", val.AsString())
case cty.Bool:
if val.True() {
} else {
case cty.Number:
bf := val.AsBigFloat()
p.buf.WriteString(bf.Text('f', -1))
// should never happen, since the above is exhaustive
fmt.Fprintf(p.buf, "%#v", val)
case ty.IsListType() || ty.IsSetType() || ty.IsTupleType():
it := val.ElementIterator()
for it.Next() {
_, val := it.Element()
p.buf.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", indent+2))
p.writeValue(val, action, indent+4)
if val.LengthInt() > 0 {
p.buf.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", indent))
case ty.IsMapType():
keyLen := 0
for it := val.ElementIterator(); it.Next(); {
key, _ := it.Element()
if keyStr := key.AsString(); len(keyStr) > keyLen {
keyLen = len(keyStr)
for it := val.ElementIterator(); it.Next(); {
key, val := it.Element()
p.buf.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", indent+2))
p.writeValue(key, action, indent+4)
p.buf.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", keyLen-len(key.AsString())))
p.buf.WriteString(" = ")
p.writeValue(val, action, indent+4)
if val.LengthInt() > 0 {
p.buf.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", indent))
case ty.IsObjectType():
atys := ty.AttributeTypes()
attrNames := make([]string, 0, len(atys))
nameLen := 0
for attrName := range atys {
attrNames = append(attrNames, attrName)
if len(attrName) > nameLen {
nameLen = len(attrName)
for _, attrName := range attrNames {
val := val.GetAttr(attrName)
p.buf.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", indent+2))
p.buf.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", nameLen-len(attrName)))
p.buf.WriteString(" = ")
p.writeValue(val, action, indent+4)
if len(attrNames) > 0 {
p.buf.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", indent))
func (p *blockBodyDiffPrinter) writeValueDiff(old, new cty.Value, indent int, path cty.Path) {
ty := old.Type()
typesEqual := ctyTypesEqual(ty, new.Type())
// We have some specialized diff implementations for certain complex
// values where it's useful to see a visualization of the diff of
// the nested elements rather than just showing the entire old and
// new values verbatim.
// However, these specialized implementations can apply only if both
// values are known and non-null.
if old.IsKnown() && new.IsKnown() && !old.IsNull() && !new.IsNull() && typesEqual {
switch {
case ty == cty.String:
// We have special behavior for both multi-line strings in general
// and for strings that can parse as JSON. For the JSON handling
// to apply, both old and new must be valid JSON.
// For single-line strings that don't parse as JSON we just fall
// out of this switch block and do the default old -> new rendering.
oldS := old.AsString()
newS := new.AsString()
// Special behavior for JSON strings containing object or
// list values.
oldBytes := []byte(oldS)
newBytes := []byte(newS)
oldType, oldErr := ctyjson.ImpliedType(oldBytes)
newType, newErr := ctyjson.ImpliedType(newBytes)
if oldErr == nil && newErr == nil && !(oldType.IsPrimitiveType() && newType.IsPrimitiveType()) {
oldJV, oldErr := ctyjson.Unmarshal(oldBytes, oldType)
newJV, newErr := ctyjson.Unmarshal(newBytes, newType)
if oldErr == nil && newErr == nil {
if !oldJV.RawEquals(newJV) { // two JSON values may differ only in insignificant whitespace
p.buf.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", indent+2))
p.writeValueDiff(oldJV, newJV, indent+4, path)
p.buf.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", indent))
} else {
// if they differ only in insigificant whitespace
// then we'll note that but still expand out the
// effective value.
if p.pathForcesNewResource(path) {
p.buf.WriteString(p.color.Color("jsonencode( [red]# whitespace changes force replacement[reset]"))
} else {
p.buf.WriteString(p.color.Color("jsonencode( [dim]# whitespace changes[reset]"))
p.buf.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", indent+4))
p.writeValue(oldJV, plans.NoOp, indent+4)
p.buf.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", indent))
if strings.Index(oldS, "\n") < 0 && strings.Index(newS, "\n") < 0 {
if p.pathForcesNewResource(path) {
var oldLines, newLines []cty.Value
r := strings.NewReader(oldS)
sc := bufio.NewScanner(r)
for sc.Scan() {
oldLines = append(oldLines, cty.StringVal(sc.Text()))
r := strings.NewReader(newS)
sc := bufio.NewScanner(r)
for sc.Scan() {
newLines = append(newLines, cty.StringVal(sc.Text()))
diffLines := ctySequenceDiff(oldLines, newLines)
for _, diffLine := range diffLines {
p.buf.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", indent+2))
switch diffLine.Action {
case plans.NoOp, plans.Delete:
case plans.Create:
// Should never happen since the above covers all
// actions that ctySequenceDiff can return for strings
p.buf.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", indent)) // +4 here because there's no symbol
case ty.IsSetType():
if p.pathForcesNewResource(path) {
var addedVals, removedVals, allVals []cty.Value
for it := old.ElementIterator(); it.Next(); {
_, val := it.Element()
allVals = append(allVals, val)
if new.HasElement(val).False() {
removedVals = append(removedVals, val)
for it := new.ElementIterator(); it.Next(); {
_, val := it.Element()
allVals = append(allVals, val)
if val.IsKnown() && old.HasElement(val).False() {
addedVals = append(addedVals, val)
var all, added, removed cty.Value
if len(allVals) > 0 {
all = cty.SetVal(allVals)
} else {
all = cty.SetValEmpty(ty.ElementType())
if len(addedVals) > 0 {
added = cty.SetVal(addedVals)
} else {
added = cty.SetValEmpty(ty.ElementType())
if len(removedVals) > 0 {
removed = cty.SetVal(removedVals)
} else {
removed = cty.SetValEmpty(ty.ElementType())
for it := all.ElementIterator(); it.Next(); {
_, val := it.Element()
p.buf.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", indent+2))
var action plans.Action
switch {
case !val.IsKnown():
action = plans.Update
case added.HasElement(val).True():
action = plans.Create
case removed.HasElement(val).True():
action = plans.Delete
action = plans.NoOp
p.writeValue(val, action, indent+4)
p.buf.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", indent))
case ty.IsListType() || ty.IsTupleType():
if p.pathForcesNewResource(path) {
elemDiffs := ctySequenceDiff(old.AsValueSlice(), new.AsValueSlice())
for _, elemDiff := range elemDiffs {
p.buf.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", indent+2))
switch elemDiff.Action {
case plans.NoOp, plans.Delete:
p.writeValue(elemDiff.Before, elemDiff.Action, indent+4)
case plans.Update:
p.writeValueDiff(elemDiff.Before, elemDiff.After, indent+4, path)
case plans.Create:
p.writeValue(elemDiff.After, elemDiff.Action, indent+4)
// Should never happen since the above covers all
// actions that ctySequenceDiff can return.
p.writeValue(elemDiff.After, elemDiff.Action, indent+4)
p.buf.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", indent))
case ty.IsMapType():
if p.pathForcesNewResource(path) {
var allKeys []string
keyLen := 0
for it := old.ElementIterator(); it.Next(); {
k, _ := it.Element()
keyStr := k.AsString()
allKeys = append(allKeys, keyStr)
if len(keyStr) > keyLen {
keyLen = len(keyStr)
for it := new.ElementIterator(); it.Next(); {
k, _ := it.Element()
keyStr := k.AsString()
allKeys = append(allKeys, keyStr)
if len(keyStr) > keyLen {
keyLen = len(keyStr)
lastK := ""
for i, k := range allKeys {
if i > 0 && lastK == k {
continue // skip duplicates (list is sorted)
lastK = k
p.buf.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", indent+2))
kV := cty.StringVal(k)
var action plans.Action
if old.HasIndex(kV).False() {
action = plans.Create
} else if new.HasIndex(kV).False() {
action = plans.Delete
} else if eqV := old.Index(kV).Equals(new.Index(kV)); eqV.IsKnown() && eqV.True() {
action = plans.NoOp
} else {
action = plans.Update
path := append(path, cty.IndexStep{Key: kV})
p.writeValue(kV, action, indent+4)
p.buf.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", keyLen-len(k)))
p.buf.WriteString(" = ")
switch action {
case plans.Create, plans.NoOp:
v := new.Index(kV)
p.writeValue(v, action, indent+4)
case plans.Delete:
oldV := old.Index(kV)
newV := cty.NullVal(oldV.Type())
p.writeValueDiff(oldV, newV, indent+4, path)
oldV := old.Index(kV)
newV := new.Index(kV)
p.writeValueDiff(oldV, newV, indent+4, path)
p.buf.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", indent))
case ty.IsObjectType():
forcesNewResource := p.pathForcesNewResource(path)
var allKeys []string
keyLen := 0
for it := old.ElementIterator(); it.Next(); {
k, _ := it.Element()
keyStr := k.AsString()
allKeys = append(allKeys, keyStr)
if len(keyStr) > keyLen {
keyLen = len(keyStr)
for it := new.ElementIterator(); it.Next(); {
k, _ := it.Element()
keyStr := k.AsString()
allKeys = append(allKeys, keyStr)
if len(keyStr) > keyLen {
keyLen = len(keyStr)
lastK := ""
for i, k := range allKeys {
if i > 0 && lastK == k {
continue // skip duplicates (list is sorted)
lastK = k
p.buf.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", indent+2))
kV := k
var action plans.Action
if !old.Type().HasAttribute(kV) {
action = plans.Create
} else if !new.Type().HasAttribute(kV) {
action = plans.Delete
} else if eqV := old.GetAttr(kV).Equals(new.GetAttr(kV)); eqV.IsKnown() && eqV.True() {
action = plans.NoOp
} else {
action = plans.Update
path := append(path, cty.GetAttrStep{Name: kV})
p.buf.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", keyLen-len(k)))
p.buf.WriteString(" = ")
switch action {
case plans.Create, plans.NoOp:
v := new.GetAttr(kV)
p.writeValue(v, action, indent+4)
case plans.Delete:
oldV := old.GetAttr(kV)
newV := cty.NullVal(oldV.Type())
p.writeValueDiff(oldV, newV, indent+4, path)
oldV := old.GetAttr(kV)
newV := new.GetAttr(kV)
p.writeValueDiff(oldV, newV, indent+4, path)
p.buf.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", indent))
if forcesNewResource {
// In all other cases, we just show the new and old values as-is
p.writeValue(old, plans.Delete, indent)
if new.IsNull() {
p.buf.WriteString(p.color.Color(" [dark_gray]->[reset] "))
} else {
p.buf.WriteString(p.color.Color(" [yellow]->[reset] "))
p.writeValue(new, plans.Create, indent)
if p.pathForcesNewResource(path) {
// writeActionSymbol writes a symbol to represent the given action, followed
// by a space.
// It only supports the actions that can be represented with a single character:
// Create, Delete, Update and NoAction.
func (p *blockBodyDiffPrinter) writeActionSymbol(action plans.Action) {
switch action {
case plans.Create:
p.buf.WriteString(p.color.Color("[green]+[reset] "))
case plans.Delete:
p.buf.WriteString(p.color.Color("[red]-[reset] "))
case plans.Update:
p.buf.WriteString(p.color.Color("[yellow]~[reset] "))
case plans.NoOp:
p.buf.WriteString(" ")
// Should never happen
p.buf.WriteString(p.color.Color("? "))
func (p *blockBodyDiffPrinter) pathForcesNewResource(path cty.Path) bool {
if !p.action.IsReplace() || p.requiredReplace.Empty() {
// "requiredReplace" only applies when the instance is being replaced,
// and we should only inspect that set if it is not empty
return false
return p.requiredReplace.Has(path)
func ctyEmptyString(value cty.Value) bool {
if !value.IsNull() && value.IsKnown() {
valueType := value.Type()
if valueType == cty.String && value.AsString() == "" {
return true
return false
func ctyGetAttrMaybeNull(val cty.Value, name string) cty.Value {
attrType := val.Type().AttributeType(name)
if val.IsNull() {
return cty.NullVal(attrType)
// We treat "" as null here
// as existing SDK doesn't support null yet.
// This allows us to avoid spurious diffs
// until we introduce null to the SDK.
attrValue := val.GetAttr(name)
if ctyEmptyString(attrValue) {
return cty.NullVal(attrType)
return attrValue
func ctyCollectionValues(val cty.Value) []cty.Value {
if !val.IsKnown() || val.IsNull() {
return nil
ret := make([]cty.Value, 0, val.LengthInt())
for it := val.ElementIterator(); it.Next(); {
_, value := it.Element()
ret = append(ret, value)
return ret
// ctySequenceDiff returns differences between given sequences of cty.Value(s)
// in the form of Create, Delete, or Update actions (for objects).
func ctySequenceDiff(old, new []cty.Value) []*plans.Change {
var ret []*plans.Change
lcs := objchange.LongestCommonSubsequence(old, new)
var oldI, newI, lcsI int
for oldI < len(old) || newI < len(new) || lcsI < len(lcs) {
for oldI < len(old) && (lcsI >= len(lcs) || !old[oldI].RawEquals(lcs[lcsI])) {
isObjectDiff := old[oldI].Type().IsObjectType() && newI < len(new) && new[newI].Type().IsObjectType() && (lcsI >= len(lcs) || !new[newI].RawEquals(lcs[lcsI]))
if isObjectDiff {
ret = append(ret, &plans.Change{
Action: plans.Update,
Before: old[oldI],
After: new[newI],
newI++ // we also consume the next "new" in this case
ret = append(ret, &plans.Change{
Action: plans.Delete,
Before: old[oldI],
After: cty.NullVal(old[oldI].Type()),
for newI < len(new) && (lcsI >= len(lcs) || !new[newI].RawEquals(lcs[lcsI])) {
ret = append(ret, &plans.Change{
Action: plans.Create,
Before: cty.NullVal(new[newI].Type()),
After: new[newI],
if lcsI < len(lcs) {
ret = append(ret, &plans.Change{
Action: plans.NoOp,
Before: lcs[lcsI],
After: lcs[lcsI],
// All of our indexes advance together now, since the line
// is common to all three sequences.
return ret
func ctyEqualWithUnknown(old, new cty.Value) bool {
if !old.IsWhollyKnown() || !new.IsWhollyKnown() {
return false
return old.Equals(new).True()
// ctyTypesEqual checks equality of two types more loosely
// by avoiding checks of object/tuple elements
// as we render differences on element-by-element basis anyway
func ctyTypesEqual(oldT, newT cty.Type) bool {
if oldT.IsObjectType() && newT.IsObjectType() {
return true
if oldT.IsTupleType() && newT.IsTupleType() {
return true
return oldT.Equals(newT)
func ctyEnsurePathCapacity(path cty.Path, minExtra int) cty.Path {
if cap(path)-len(path) >= minExtra {
return path
newCap := cap(path) * 2
if newCap < (len(path) + minExtra) {
newCap = len(path) + minExtra
newPath := make(cty.Path, len(path), newCap)
copy(newPath, path)
return newPath
// ctyNullBlockListAsEmpty either returns the given value verbatim if it is non-nil
// or returns an empty value of a suitable type to serve as a placeholder for it.
// In particular, this function handles the special situation where a "list" is
// actually represented as a tuple type where nested blocks contain
// dynamically-typed values.
func ctyNullBlockListAsEmpty(in cty.Value) cty.Value {
if !in.IsNull() {
return in
if ty := in.Type(); ty.IsListType() {
return cty.ListValEmpty(ty.ElementType())
return cty.EmptyTupleVal // must need a tuple, then
// ctyNullBlockMapAsEmpty either returns the given value verbatim if it is non-nil
// or returns an empty value of a suitable type to serve as a placeholder for it.
// In particular, this function handles the special situation where a "map" is
// actually represented as an object type where nested blocks contain
// dynamically-typed values.
func ctyNullBlockMapAsEmpty(in cty.Value) cty.Value {
if !in.IsNull() {
return in
if ty := in.Type(); ty.IsMapType() {
return cty.MapValEmpty(ty.ElementType())
return cty.EmptyObjectVal // must need an object, then
// ctyNullBlockSetAsEmpty either returns the given value verbatim if it is non-nil
// or returns an empty value of a suitable type to serve as a placeholder for it.
func ctyNullBlockSetAsEmpty(in cty.Value) cty.Value {
if !in.IsNull() {
return in
// Dynamically-typed attributes are not supported inside blocks backed by
// sets, so our result here is always a set.
return cty.SetValEmpty(in.Type().ElementType())
// DiffActionSymbol returns a string that, once passed through a
// colorstring.Colorize, will produce a result that can be written
// to a terminal to produce a symbol made of three printable
// characters, possibly interspersed with VT100 color codes.
func DiffActionSymbol(action plans.Action) string {
switch action {
case plans.DeleteThenCreate:
return "[red]-[reset]/[green]+[reset]"
case plans.CreateThenDelete:
return "[green]+[reset]/[red]-[reset]"
case plans.Create:
return " [green]+[reset]"
case plans.Delete:
return " [red]-[reset]"
case plans.Read:
return " [cyan]<=[reset]"
case plans.Update:
return " [yellow]~[reset]"
return " ?"