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synced 2025-02-25 18:45:20 -06:00
Due to how deeply the configuration types go into Terraform Core, there isn't a great way to switch out to HCL2 gradually. As a consequence, this huge commit gets us from the old state to a _compilable_ new state, but does not yet attempt to fix any tests and has a number of known missing parts and bugs. We will continue to iterate on this in forthcoming commits, heading back towards passing tests and making Terraform fully-functional again. The three main goals here are: - Use the configuration models from the "configs" package instead of the older models in the "config" package, which is now deprecated and preserved only to help us write our migration tool. - Do expression inspection and evaluation using the functionality of the new "lang" package, instead of the Interpolator type and related functionality in the main "terraform" package. - Represent addresses of various objects using types in the addrs package, rather than hand-constructed strings. This is not critical to support the above, but was a big help during the implementation of these other points since it made it much more explicit what kind of address is expected in each context. Since our new packages are built to accommodate some future planned features that are not yet implemented (e.g. the "for_each" argument on resources, "count"/"for_each" on modules), and since there's still a fair amount of functionality still using old-style APIs, there is a moderate amount of shimming here to connect new assumptions with old, hopefully in a way that makes it easier to find and eliminate these shims later. I apologize in advance to the person who inevitably just found this huge commit while spelunking through the commit history.
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package local
import (
func (b *Local) opApply(
stopCtx context.Context,
cancelCtx context.Context,
op *backend.Operation,
runningOp *backend.RunningOperation) {
log.Printf("[INFO] backend/local: starting Apply operation")
var diags tfdiags.Diagnostics
// If we have a nil module at this point, then set it to an empty tree
// to avoid any potential crashes.
if op.Plan == nil && !op.Destroy && !op.HasConfig() {
diags = diags.Append(tfdiags.Sourceless(
"No configuration files",
"Apply requires configuration to be present. Applying without a configuration would mark everything for destruction, which is normally not what is desired. If you would like to destroy everything, run 'terraform destroy' instead.",
b.ReportResult(runningOp, diags)
// Setup our count hook that keeps track of resource changes
countHook := new(CountHook)
stateHook := new(StateHook)
if b.ContextOpts == nil {
b.ContextOpts = new(terraform.ContextOpts)
old := b.ContextOpts.Hooks
defer func() { b.ContextOpts.Hooks = old }()
b.ContextOpts.Hooks = append(b.ContextOpts.Hooks, countHook, stateHook)
// Get our context
tfCtx, opState, err := b.context(op)
if err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(err)
b.ReportResult(runningOp, diags)
// Setup the state
runningOp.State = tfCtx.State()
// If we weren't given a plan, then we refresh/plan
if op.Plan == nil {
// If we're refreshing before apply, perform that
if op.PlanRefresh {
log.Printf("[INFO] backend/local: apply calling Refresh")
_, err := tfCtx.Refresh()
if err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(err)
runningOp.Result = backend.OperationFailure
// Perform the plan
log.Printf("[INFO] backend/local: apply calling Plan")
plan, err := tfCtx.Plan()
if err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(err)
b.ReportResult(runningOp, diags)
dispPlan := format.NewPlan(plan)
trivialPlan := dispPlan.Empty()
hasUI := op.UIOut != nil && op.UIIn != nil
mustConfirm := hasUI && ((op.Destroy && (!op.DestroyForce && !op.AutoApprove)) || (!op.Destroy && !op.AutoApprove && !trivialPlan))
if mustConfirm {
var desc, query string
if op.Destroy {
if op.Workspace != "default" {
query = "Do you really want to destroy all resources in workspace \"" + op.Workspace + "\"?"
} else {
query = "Do you really want to destroy all resources?"
desc = "Terraform will destroy all your managed infrastructure, as shown above.\n" +
"There is no undo. Only 'yes' will be accepted to confirm."
} else {
if op.Workspace != "default" {
query = "Do you want to perform these actions in workspace \"" + op.Workspace + "\"?"
} else {
query = "Do you want to perform these actions?"
desc = "Terraform will perform the actions described above.\n" +
"Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve."
if !trivialPlan {
// Display the plan of what we are going to apply/destroy.
v, err := op.UIIn.Input(&terraform.InputOpts{
Id: "approve",
Query: query,
Description: desc,
if err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(errwrap.Wrapf("Error asking for approval: {{err}}", err))
b.ReportResult(runningOp, diags)
if v != "yes" {
if op.Destroy {
b.CLI.Info("Destroy cancelled.")
} else {
b.CLI.Info("Apply cancelled.")
runningOp.Result = backend.OperationFailure
// Setup our hook for continuous state updates
stateHook.State = opState
// Start the apply in a goroutine so that we can be interrupted.
var applyState *terraform.State
var applyDiags tfdiags.Diagnostics
doneCh := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
defer close(doneCh)
_, applyDiags = tfCtx.Apply()
// we always want the state, even if apply failed
applyState = tfCtx.State()
if b.opWait(doneCh, stopCtx, cancelCtx, tfCtx, opState) {
// Store the final state
runningOp.State = applyState
// Persist the state
if err := opState.WriteState(applyState); err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(b.backupStateForError(applyState, err))
b.ReportResult(runningOp, diags)
if err := opState.PersistState(); err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(b.backupStateForError(applyState, err))
b.ReportResult(runningOp, diags)
diags = diags.Append(applyDiags)
if applyDiags.HasErrors() {
b.ReportResult(runningOp, diags)
// If we've accumulated any warnings along the way then we'll show them
// here just before we show the summary and next steps. If we encountered
// errors then we would've returned early at some other point above.
// If we have a UI, output the results
if b.CLI != nil {
if op.Destroy {
"Destroy complete! Resources: %d destroyed.",
} else {
"Apply complete! Resources: %d added, %d changed, %d destroyed.",
// only show the state file help message if the state is local.
if (countHook.Added > 0 || countHook.Changed > 0) && b.StateOutPath != "" {
"The state of your infrastructure has been saved to the path\n"+
"below. This state is required to modify and destroy your\n"+
"infrastructure, so keep it safe. To inspect the complete state\n"+
"use the `terraform show` command.\n\n"+
"State path: %s",
// backupStateForError is called in a scenario where we're unable to persist the
// state for some reason, and will attempt to save a backup copy of the state
// to local disk to help the user recover. This is a "last ditch effort" sort
// of thing, so we really don't want to end up in this codepath; we should do
// everything we possibly can to get the state saved _somewhere_.
func (b *Local) backupStateForError(applyState *terraform.State, err error) error {
b.CLI.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to save state: %s\n", err))
local := &state.LocalState{Path: "errored.tfstate"}
writeErr := local.WriteState(applyState)
if writeErr != nil {
"Also failed to create local state file for recovery: %s\n\n", writeErr,
// To avoid leaving the user with no state at all, our last resort
// is to print the JSON state out onto the terminal. This is an awful
// UX, so we should definitely avoid doing this if at all possible,
// but at least the user has _some_ path to recover if we end up
// here for some reason.
stateBuf := new(bytes.Buffer)
jsonErr := terraform.WriteState(applyState, stateBuf)
if jsonErr != nil {
"Also failed to JSON-serialize the state to print it: %s\n\n", jsonErr,
return errors.New(stateWriteFatalError)
return errors.New(stateWriteConsoleFallbackError)
return errors.New(stateWriteBackedUpError)
const stateWriteBackedUpError = `Failed to persist state to backend.
The error shown above has prevented Terraform from writing the updated state
to the configured backend. To allow for recovery, the state has been written
to the file "errored.tfstate" in the current working directory.
Running "terraform apply" again at this point will create a forked state,
making it harder to recover.
To retry writing this state, use the following command:
terraform state push errored.tfstate
const stateWriteConsoleFallbackError = `Failed to persist state to backend.
The errors shown above prevented Terraform from writing the updated state to
the configured backend and from creating a local backup file. As a fallback,
the raw state data is printed above as a JSON object.
To retry writing this state, copy the state data (from the first { to the
last } inclusive) and save it into a local file called errored.tfstate, then
run the following command:
terraform state push errored.tfstate
const stateWriteFatalError = `Failed to save state after apply.
A catastrophic error has prevented Terraform from persisting the state file
or creating a backup. Unfortunately this means that the record of any resources
created during this apply has been lost, and such resources may exist outside
of Terraform's management.
For resources that support import, it is possible to recover by manually
importing each resource using its id from the target system.
This is a serious bug in Terraform and should be reported.
const earlyStateWriteErrorFmt = `Error saving current state: %s
Terraform encountered an error attempting to save the state before cancelling
the current operation. Once the operation is complete another attempt will be
made to save the final state.