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synced 2025-02-25 18:45:20 -06:00
There does not appear to be any real reason that these Schemas fields are not exported, and exporting them makes it possible to directly construct Schemas for tests without pulling in an entire context.
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package terraform
import (
// Schemas is a container for various kinds of schema that Terraform needs
// during processing.
type Schemas struct {
Providers map[string]*ProviderSchema
Provisioners map[string]*configschema.Block
// ProviderSchema returns the entire ProviderSchema object that was produced
// by the plugin for the given provider, or nil if no such schema is available.
// It's usually better to go use the more precise methods offered by type
// Schemas to handle this detail automatically.
func (ss *Schemas) ProviderSchema(typeName string) *ProviderSchema {
if ss.Providers == nil {
return nil
return ss.Providers[typeName]
// ProviderConfig returns the schema for the provider configuration of the
// given provider type, or nil if no such schema is available.
func (ss *Schemas) ProviderConfig(typeName string) *configschema.Block {
ps := ss.ProviderSchema(typeName)
if ps == nil {
return nil
return ps.Provider
// ResourceTypeConfig returns the schema for the configuration of a given
// resource type belonging to a given provider type, or nil of no such
// schema is available.
// In many cases the provider type is inferrable from the resource type name,
// but this is not always true because users can override the provider for
// a resource using the "provider" meta-argument. Therefore it's important to
// always pass the correct provider name, even though it many cases it feels
// redundant.
func (ss *Schemas) ResourceTypeConfig(providerType string, resourceType string) *configschema.Block {
ps := ss.ProviderSchema(providerType)
if ps == nil || ps.ResourceTypes == nil {
return nil
return ps.ResourceTypes[resourceType]
// DataSourceConfig returns the schema for the configuration of a given
// data source belonging to a given provider type, or nil of no such
// schema is available.
// In many cases the provider type is inferrable from the data source name,
// but this is not always true because users can override the provider for
// a resource using the "provider" meta-argument. Therefore it's important to
// always pass the correct provider name, even though it many cases it feels
// redundant.
func (ss *Schemas) DataSourceConfig(providerType string, dataSource string) *configschema.Block {
ps := ss.ProviderSchema(providerType)
if ps == nil || ps.DataSources == nil {
return nil
return ps.DataSources[dataSource]
// ProvisionerConfig returns the schema for the configuration of a given
// provisioner, or nil of no such schema is available.
func (ss *Schemas) ProvisionerConfig(name string) *configschema.Block {
return ss.Provisioners[name]
// LoadSchemas searches the given configuration, state and plan (any of which
// may be nil) for constructs that have an associated schema, requests the
// necessary schemas from the given component factory (which must _not_ be nil),
// and returns a single object representing all of the necessary schemas.
// If an error is returned, it may be a wrapped tfdiags.Diagnostics describing
// errors across multiple separate objects. Errors here will usually indicate
// either misbehavior on the part of one of the providers or of the provider
// protocol itself. When returned with errors, the returned schemas object is
// still valid but may be incomplete.
func LoadSchemas(config *configs.Config, state *states.State, components contextComponentFactory) (*Schemas, error) {
schemas := &Schemas{
Providers: map[string]*ProviderSchema{},
Provisioners: map[string]*configschema.Block{},
var diags tfdiags.Diagnostics
newDiags := loadProviderSchemas(schemas.Providers, config, state, components)
diags = diags.Append(newDiags)
newDiags = loadProvisionerSchemas(schemas.Provisioners, config, components)
diags = diags.Append(newDiags)
return schemas, diags.Err()
func loadProviderSchemas(schemas map[string]*ProviderSchema, config *configs.Config, state *states.State, components contextComponentFactory) tfdiags.Diagnostics {
var diags tfdiags.Diagnostics
ensure := func(typeName string) {
if _, exists := schemas[typeName]; exists {
log.Printf("[TRACE] LoadSchemas: retrieving schema for provider type %q", typeName)
provider, err := components.ResourceProvider(typeName, "early/"+typeName)
if err != nil {
// We'll put a stub in the map so we won't re-attempt this on
// future calls.
schemas[typeName] = &ProviderSchema{}
diags = diags.Append(
fmt.Errorf("Failed to instantiate provider %q to obtain schema: %s", typeName, err),
defer func() {
resp := provider.GetSchema()
if resp.Diagnostics.HasErrors() {
// We'll put a stub in the map so we won't re-attempt this on
// future calls.
schemas[typeName] = &ProviderSchema{}
diags = diags.Append(
fmt.Errorf("Failed to retrieve schema from provider %q: %s", typeName, resp.Diagnostics.Err()),
s := &ProviderSchema{
Provider: resp.Provider.Block,
ResourceTypes: make(map[string]*configschema.Block),
DataSources: make(map[string]*configschema.Block),
for t, r := range resp.ResourceTypes {
s.ResourceTypes[t] = r.Block
for t, d := range resp.DataSources {
s.DataSources[t] = d.Block
schemas[typeName] = s
if config != nil {
for _, typeName := range config.ProviderTypes() {
if state != nil {
needed := providers.AddressedTypesAbs(state.ProviderAddrs())
for _, typeName := range needed {
return diags
func loadProvisionerSchemas(schemas map[string]*configschema.Block, config *configs.Config, components contextComponentFactory) tfdiags.Diagnostics {
var diags tfdiags.Diagnostics
ensure := func(name string) {
if _, exists := schemas[name]; exists {
log.Printf("[TRACE] LoadSchemas: retrieving schema for provisioner %q", name)
provisioner, err := components.ResourceProvisioner(name, "early/"+name)
if err != nil {
// We'll put a stub in the map so we won't re-attempt this on
// future calls.
schemas[name] = &configschema.Block{}
diags = diags.Append(
fmt.Errorf("Failed to instantiate provisioner %q to obtain schema: %s", name, err),
defer func() {
if closer, ok := provisioner.(ResourceProvisionerCloser); ok {
resp := provisioner.GetSchema()
if resp.Diagnostics.HasErrors() {
// We'll put a stub in the map so we won't re-attempt this on
// future calls.
schemas[name] = &configschema.Block{}
diags = diags.Append(
fmt.Errorf("Failed to retrieve schema from provisioner %q: %s", name, resp.Diagnostics.Err()),
schemas[name] = resp.Provisioner
if config != nil {
for _, rc := range config.Module.ManagedResources {
for _, pc := range rc.Managed.Provisioners {
// Must also visit our child modules, recursively.
for _, cc := range config.Children {
childDiags := loadProvisionerSchemas(schemas, cc, components)
diags = diags.Append(childDiags)
return diags
// ProviderSchema represents the schema for a provider's own configuration
// and the configuration for some or all of its resources and data sources.
// The completeness of this structure depends on how it was constructed.
// When constructed for a configuration, it will generally include only
// resource types and data sources used by that configuration.
type ProviderSchema struct {
Provider *configschema.Block
ResourceTypes map[string]*configschema.Block
DataSources map[string]*configschema.Block
// SchemaForResourceAddr attempts to find a schema for the mode and type from
// the given resource address. Returns nil if no such schema is available.
func (ps *ProviderSchema) SchemaForResourceAddr(addr addrs.Resource) *configschema.Block {
var m map[string]*configschema.Block
switch addr.Mode {
case addrs.ManagedResourceMode:
m = ps.ResourceTypes
case addrs.DataResourceMode:
m = ps.DataSources
// Shouldn't happen, because the above cases are comprehensive.
return nil
return m[addr.Type]
// ProviderSchemaRequest is used to describe to a ResourceProvider which
// aspects of schema are required, when calling the GetSchema method.
type ProviderSchemaRequest struct {
ResourceTypes []string
DataSources []string