2021-06-25 12:49:07 -04:00

1288 lines
39 KiB

package terraform
import (
func TestContext2Plan_removedDuringRefresh(t *testing.T) {
// This tests the situation where an object tracked in the previous run
// state has been deleted outside of Terraform, which we should detect
// during the refresh step and thus ultimately produce a plan to recreate
// the object, since it's still present in the configuration.
m := testModuleInline(t, map[string]string{
"": `
resource "test_object" "a" {
p := simpleMockProvider()
p.GetProviderSchemaResponse = &providers.GetProviderSchemaResponse{
Provider: providers.Schema{Block: simpleTestSchema()},
ResourceTypes: map[string]providers.Schema{
"test_object": {
Block: &configschema.Block{
Attributes: map[string]*configschema.Attribute{
"arg": {Type: cty.String, Optional: true},
p.ReadResourceFn = func(req providers.ReadResourceRequest) (resp providers.ReadResourceResponse) {
resp.NewState = cty.NullVal(req.PriorState.Type())
return resp
p.UpgradeResourceStateFn = func(req providers.UpgradeResourceStateRequest) (resp providers.UpgradeResourceStateResponse) {
// We should've been given the prior state JSON as our input to upgrade.
if !bytes.Contains(req.RawStateJSON, []byte("previous_run")) {
t.Fatalf("UpgradeResourceState request doesn't contain the previous run object\n%s", req.RawStateJSON)
// We'll put something different in "arg" as part of upgrading, just
// so that we can verify below that PrevRunState contains the upgraded
// (but NOT refreshed) version of the object.
resp.UpgradedState = cty.ObjectVal(map[string]cty.Value{
"arg": cty.StringVal("upgraded"),
return resp
addr := mustResourceInstanceAddr("test_object.a")
state := states.BuildState(func(s *states.SyncState) {
s.SetResourceInstanceCurrent(addr, &states.ResourceInstanceObjectSrc{
AttrsJSON: []byte(`{"arg":"previous_run"}`),
Status: states.ObjectTainted,
}, mustProviderConfig(`provider[""]`))
ctx := testContext2(t, &ContextOpts{
Config: m,
State: state,
Providers: map[addrs.Provider]providers.Factory{
addrs.NewDefaultProvider("test"): testProviderFuncFixed(p),
plan, diags := ctx.Plan()
if diags.HasErrors() {
if !p.UpgradeResourceStateCalled {
t.Errorf("Provider's UpgradeResourceState wasn't called; should've been")
if !p.ReadResourceCalled {
t.Errorf("Provider's ReadResource wasn't called; should've been")
// The object should be absent from the plan's prior state, because that
// records the result of refreshing.
if got := plan.PriorState.ResourceInstance(addr); got != nil {
"instance %s is in the prior state after planning; should've been removed\n%s",
addr, spew.Sdump(got),
// However, the object should still be in the PrevRunState, because
// that reflects what we believed to exist before refreshing.
if got := plan.PrevRunState.ResourceInstance(addr); got == nil {
"instance %s is missing from the previous run state after planning; should've been preserved",
} else {
if !bytes.Contains(got.Current.AttrsJSON, []byte("upgraded")) {
t.Fatalf("previous run state has non-upgraded object\n%s", got.Current.AttrsJSON)
// Because the configuration still mentions test_object.a, we should've
// planned to recreate it in order to fix the drift.
for _, c := range plan.Changes.Resources {
if c.Action != plans.Create {
t.Fatalf("expected Create action for missing %s, got %s", c.Addr, c.Action)
func TestContext2Plan_noChangeDataSourceSensitiveNestedSet(t *testing.T) {
m := testModuleInline(t, map[string]string{
"": `
variable "bar" {
sensitive = true
default = "baz"
data "test_data_source" "foo" {
foo {
bar =
p := new(MockProvider)
p.GetProviderSchemaResponse = getProviderSchemaResponseFromProviderSchema(&ProviderSchema{
DataSources: map[string]*configschema.Block{
"test_data_source": {
Attributes: map[string]*configschema.Attribute{
"id": {
Type: cty.String,
Computed: true,
BlockTypes: map[string]*configschema.NestedBlock{
"foo": {
Block: configschema.Block{
Attributes: map[string]*configschema.Attribute{
"bar": {Type: cty.String, Optional: true},
Nesting: configschema.NestingSet,
p.ReadDataSourceResponse = &providers.ReadDataSourceResponse{
State: cty.ObjectVal(map[string]cty.Value{
"id": cty.StringVal("data_id"),
"foo": cty.SetVal([]cty.Value{cty.ObjectVal(map[string]cty.Value{"bar": cty.StringVal("baz")})}),
state := states.NewState()
root := state.EnsureModule(addrs.RootModuleInstance)
Status: states.ObjectReady,
AttrsJSON: []byte(`{"id":"data_id", "foo":[{"bar":"baz"}]}`),
AttrSensitivePaths: []cty.PathValueMarks{
Path: cty.GetAttrPath("foo"),
Marks: cty.NewValueMarks(marks.Sensitive),
ctx := testContext2(t, &ContextOpts{
Config: m,
Providers: map[addrs.Provider]providers.Factory{
addrs.NewDefaultProvider("test"): testProviderFuncFixed(p),
State: state,
plan, diags := ctx.Plan()
if diags.HasErrors() {
for _, res := range plan.Changes.Resources {
if res.Action != plans.NoOp {
t.Fatalf("expected NoOp, got: %q %s", res.Addr, res.Action)
func TestContext2Plan_orphanDataInstance(t *testing.T) {
// ensure the planned replacement of the data source is evaluated properly
m := testModuleInline(t, map[string]string{
"": `
data "test_object" "a" {
for_each = { new = "ok" }
output "out" {
value = [ for k, _ in data.test_object.a: k ]
p := simpleMockProvider()
p.ReadDataSourceFn = func(req providers.ReadDataSourceRequest) (resp providers.ReadDataSourceResponse) {
resp.State = req.Config
return resp
state := states.BuildState(func(s *states.SyncState) {
s.SetResourceInstanceCurrent(mustResourceInstanceAddr(`data.test_object.a["old"]`), &states.ResourceInstanceObjectSrc{
AttrsJSON: []byte(`{"test_string":"foo"}`),
Status: states.ObjectReady,
}, mustProviderConfig(`provider[""]`))
ctx := testContext2(t, &ContextOpts{
Config: m,
State: state,
Providers: map[addrs.Provider]providers.Factory{
addrs.NewDefaultProvider("test"): testProviderFuncFixed(p),
plan, diags := ctx.Plan()
if diags.HasErrors() {
change, err := plan.Changes.Outputs[0].Decode()
if err != nil {
expected := cty.TupleVal([]cty.Value{cty.StringVal("new")})
if change.After.Equals(expected).False() {
t.Fatalf("expected %#v, got %#v\n", expected, change.After)
func TestContext2Plan_basicConfigurationAliases(t *testing.T) {
m := testModuleInline(t, map[string]string{
"": `
provider "test" {
alias = "z"
test_string = "config"
module "mod" {
source = "./mod"
providers = {
test.x = test.z
"mod/": `
terraform {
required_providers {
test = {
source = ""
configuration_aliases = [ test.x ]
resource "test_object" "a" {
provider = test.x
p := simpleMockProvider()
// The resource within the module should be using the provider configured
// from the root module. We should never see an empty configuration.
p.ConfigureProviderFn = func(req providers.ConfigureProviderRequest) (resp providers.ConfigureProviderResponse) {
if req.Config.GetAttr("test_string").IsNull() {
resp.Diagnostics = resp.Diagnostics.Append(errors.New("missing test_string value"))
return resp
ctx := testContext2(t, &ContextOpts{
Config: m,
Providers: map[addrs.Provider]providers.Factory{
addrs.NewDefaultProvider("test"): testProviderFuncFixed(p),
_, diags := ctx.Plan()
if diags.HasErrors() {
func TestContext2Plan_dataReferencesResourceInModules(t *testing.T) {
p := testProvider("test")
p.ReadDataSourceFn = func(req providers.ReadDataSourceRequest) (resp providers.ReadDataSourceResponse) {
cfg := req.Config.AsValueMap()
cfg["id"] = cty.StringVal("d")
resp.State = cty.ObjectVal(cfg)
return resp
m := testModuleInline(t, map[string]string{
"": `
locals {
things = {
old = "first"
new = "second"
module "mod" {
source = "./mod"
for_each = local.things
"./mod/": `
resource "test_resource" "a" {
data "test_data_source" "d" {
depends_on = [test_resource.a]
resource "test_resource" "b" {
value =
oldDataAddr := mustResourceInstanceAddr(`module.mod["old"].data.test_data_source.d`)
state := states.BuildState(func(s *states.SyncState) {
AttrsJSON: []byte(`{"id":"a"}`),
Status: states.ObjectReady,
}, mustProviderConfig(`provider[""]`),
AttrsJSON: []byte(`{"id":"b","value":"d"}`),
Status: states.ObjectReady,
}, mustProviderConfig(`provider[""]`),
AttrsJSON: []byte(`{"id":"d"}`),
Status: states.ObjectReady,
}, mustProviderConfig(`provider[""]`),
ctx := testContext2(t, &ContextOpts{
Config: m,
Providers: map[addrs.Provider]providers.Factory{
addrs.NewDefaultProvider("test"): testProviderFuncFixed(p),
State: state,
plan, diags := ctx.Plan()
assertNoErrors(t, diags)
oldMod := oldDataAddr.Module
for _, c := range plan.Changes.Resources {
// there should be no changes from the old module instance
if c.Addr.Module.Equal(oldMod) && c.Action != plans.NoOp {
t.Errorf("unexpected change %s for %s\n", c.Action, c.Addr)
func TestContext2Plan_destroyWithRefresh(t *testing.T) {
m := testModuleInline(t, map[string]string{
"": `
resource "test_object" "a" {
p := simpleMockProvider()
p.GetProviderSchemaResponse = &providers.GetProviderSchemaResponse{
Provider: providers.Schema{Block: simpleTestSchema()},
ResourceTypes: map[string]providers.Schema{
"test_object": {
Block: &configschema.Block{
Attributes: map[string]*configschema.Attribute{
"arg": {Type: cty.String, Optional: true},
p.ReadResourceFn = func(req providers.ReadResourceRequest) (resp providers.ReadResourceResponse) {
newVal, err := cty.Transform(req.PriorState, func(path cty.Path, v cty.Value) (cty.Value, error) {
if len(path) == 1 && path[0] == (cty.GetAttrStep{Name: "arg"}) {
return cty.StringVal("current"), nil
return v, nil
if err != nil {
// shouldn't get here
t.Fatalf("ReadResourceFn transform failed")
return providers.ReadResourceResponse{}
return providers.ReadResourceResponse{
NewState: newVal,
p.UpgradeResourceStateFn = func(req providers.UpgradeResourceStateRequest) (resp providers.UpgradeResourceStateResponse) {
t.Logf("UpgradeResourceState %s", req.RawStateJSON)
// In the destroy-with-refresh codepath we end up calling
// UpgradeResourceState twice, because we do so once during refreshing
// (as part making a normal plan) and then again during the plan-destroy
// walk. The second call recieves the result of the earlier refresh,
// so we need to tolerate both "before" and "current" as possible
// inputs here.
if !bytes.Contains(req.RawStateJSON, []byte("before")) {
if !bytes.Contains(req.RawStateJSON, []byte("current")) {
t.Fatalf("UpgradeResourceState request doesn't contain the 'before' object or the 'current' object\n%s", req.RawStateJSON)
// We'll put something different in "arg" as part of upgrading, just
// so that we can verify below that PrevRunState contains the upgraded
// (but NOT refreshed) version of the object.
resp.UpgradedState = cty.ObjectVal(map[string]cty.Value{
"arg": cty.StringVal("upgraded"),
return resp
addr := mustResourceInstanceAddr("test_object.a")
state := states.BuildState(func(s *states.SyncState) {
s.SetResourceInstanceCurrent(addr, &states.ResourceInstanceObjectSrc{
AttrsJSON: []byte(`{"arg":"before"}`),
Status: states.ObjectReady,
}, mustProviderConfig(`provider[""]`))
ctx := testContext2(t, &ContextOpts{
Config: m,
State: state,
Providers: map[addrs.Provider]providers.Factory{
addrs.NewDefaultProvider("test"): testProviderFuncFixed(p),
PlanMode: plans.DestroyMode,
SkipRefresh: false,
plan, diags := ctx.Plan()
if diags.HasErrors() {
if !p.UpgradeResourceStateCalled {
t.Errorf("Provider's UpgradeResourceState wasn't called; should've been")
if !p.ReadResourceCalled {
t.Errorf("Provider's ReadResource wasn't called; should've been")
if plan.PriorState == nil {
t.Fatal("missing plan state")
for _, c := range plan.Changes.Resources {
if c.Action != plans.Delete {
t.Errorf("unexpected %s change for %s", c.Action, c.Addr)
if instState := plan.PrevRunState.ResourceInstance(addr); instState == nil {
t.Errorf("%s has no previous run state at all after plan", addr)
} else {
if instState.Current == nil {
t.Errorf("%s has no current object in the previous run state", addr)
} else if got, want := instState.Current.AttrsJSON, `"upgraded"`; !bytes.Contains(got, []byte(want)) {
t.Errorf("%s has wrong previous run state after plan\ngot:\n%s\n\nwant substring: %s", addr, got, want)
if instState := plan.PriorState.ResourceInstance(addr); instState == nil {
t.Errorf("%s has no prior state at all after plan", addr)
} else {
if instState.Current == nil {
t.Errorf("%s has no current object in the prior state", addr)
} else if got, want := instState.Current.AttrsJSON, `"current"`; !bytes.Contains(got, []byte(want)) {
t.Errorf("%s has wrong prior state after plan\ngot:\n%s\n\nwant substring: %s", addr, got, want)
func TestContext2Plan_destroySkipRefresh(t *testing.T) {
m := testModuleInline(t, map[string]string{
"": `
resource "test_object" "a" {
p := simpleMockProvider()
p.GetProviderSchemaResponse = &providers.GetProviderSchemaResponse{
Provider: providers.Schema{Block: simpleTestSchema()},
ResourceTypes: map[string]providers.Schema{
"test_object": {
Block: &configschema.Block{
Attributes: map[string]*configschema.Attribute{
"arg": {Type: cty.String, Optional: true},
p.ReadResourceFn = func(req providers.ReadResourceRequest) (resp providers.ReadResourceResponse) {
t.Errorf("unexpected call to ReadResource")
resp.NewState = req.PriorState
return resp
p.UpgradeResourceStateFn = func(req providers.UpgradeResourceStateRequest) (resp providers.UpgradeResourceStateResponse) {
t.Logf("UpgradeResourceState %s", req.RawStateJSON)
// We should've been given the prior state JSON as our input to upgrade.
if !bytes.Contains(req.RawStateJSON, []byte("before")) {
t.Fatalf("UpgradeResourceState request doesn't contain the 'before' object\n%s", req.RawStateJSON)
// We'll put something different in "arg" as part of upgrading, just
// so that we can verify below that PrevRunState contains the upgraded
// (but NOT refreshed) version of the object.
resp.UpgradedState = cty.ObjectVal(map[string]cty.Value{
"arg": cty.StringVal("upgraded"),
return resp
addr := mustResourceInstanceAddr("test_object.a")
state := states.BuildState(func(s *states.SyncState) {
s.SetResourceInstanceCurrent(addr, &states.ResourceInstanceObjectSrc{
AttrsJSON: []byte(`{"arg":"before"}`),
Status: states.ObjectReady,
}, mustProviderConfig(`provider[""]`))
ctx := testContext2(t, &ContextOpts{
Config: m,
State: state,
Providers: map[addrs.Provider]providers.Factory{
addrs.NewDefaultProvider("test"): testProviderFuncFixed(p),
PlanMode: plans.DestroyMode,
SkipRefresh: true,
plan, diags := ctx.Plan()
if diags.HasErrors() {
if !p.UpgradeResourceStateCalled {
t.Errorf("Provider's UpgradeResourceState wasn't called; should've been")
if p.ReadResourceCalled {
t.Errorf("Provider's ReadResource was called; shouldn't have been")
if plan.PriorState == nil {
t.Fatal("missing plan state")
for _, c := range plan.Changes.Resources {
if c.Action != plans.Delete {
t.Errorf("unexpected %s change for %s", c.Action, c.Addr)
if instState := plan.PrevRunState.ResourceInstance(addr); instState == nil {
t.Errorf("%s has no previous run state at all after plan", addr)
} else {
if instState.Current == nil {
t.Errorf("%s has no current object in the previous run state", addr)
} else if got, want := instState.Current.AttrsJSON, `"upgraded"`; !bytes.Contains(got, []byte(want)) {
t.Errorf("%s has wrong previous run state after plan\ngot:\n%s\n\nwant substring: %s", addr, got, want)
if instState := plan.PriorState.ResourceInstance(addr); instState == nil {
t.Errorf("%s has no prior state at all after plan", addr)
} else {
if instState.Current == nil {
t.Errorf("%s has no current object in the prior state", addr)
} else if got, want := instState.Current.AttrsJSON, `"upgraded"`; !bytes.Contains(got, []byte(want)) {
// NOTE: The prior state should still have been _upgraded_, even
// though we skipped running refresh after upgrading it.
t.Errorf("%s has wrong prior state after plan\ngot:\n%s\n\nwant substring: %s", addr, got, want)
func TestContext2Plan_unmarkingSensitiveAttributeForOutput(t *testing.T) {
m := testModuleInline(t, map[string]string{
"": `
resource "test_resource" "foo" {
output "result" {
value = nonsensitive(
p := new(MockProvider)
p.GetProviderSchemaResponse = getProviderSchemaResponseFromProviderSchema(&ProviderSchema{
ResourceTypes: map[string]*configschema.Block{
"test_resource": {
Attributes: map[string]*configschema.Attribute{
"id": {
Type: cty.String,
Computed: true,
"sensitive_attr": {
Type: cty.String,
Computed: true,
Sensitive: true,
p.PlanResourceChangeFn = func(req providers.PlanResourceChangeRequest) providers.PlanResourceChangeResponse {
return providers.PlanResourceChangeResponse{
PlannedState: cty.UnknownVal(cty.Object(map[string]cty.Type{
"id": cty.String,
"sensitive_attr": cty.String,
state := states.NewState()
ctx := testContext2(t, &ContextOpts{
Config: m,
Providers: map[addrs.Provider]providers.Factory{
addrs.NewDefaultProvider("test"): testProviderFuncFixed(p),
State: state,
plan, diags := ctx.Plan()
if diags.HasErrors() {
for _, res := range plan.Changes.Resources {
if res.Action != plans.Create {
t.Fatalf("expected create, got: %q %s", res.Addr, res.Action)
func TestContext2Plan_destroyNoProviderConfig(t *testing.T) {
// providers do not need to be configured during a destroy plan
p := simpleMockProvider()
p.ValidateProviderConfigFn = func(req providers.ValidateProviderConfigRequest) (resp providers.ValidateProviderConfigResponse) {
v := req.Config.GetAttr("test_string")
if v.IsNull() || !v.IsKnown() || v.AsString() != "ok" {
resp.Diagnostics = resp.Diagnostics.Append(errors.New("invalid provider configuration"))
return resp
m := testModuleInline(t, map[string]string{
"": `
locals {
value = "ok"
provider "test" {
test_string = local.value
addr := mustResourceInstanceAddr("test_object.a")
state := states.BuildState(func(s *states.SyncState) {
s.SetResourceInstanceCurrent(addr, &states.ResourceInstanceObjectSrc{
AttrsJSON: []byte(`{"test_string":"foo"}`),
Status: states.ObjectReady,
}, mustProviderConfig(`provider[""]`))
ctx := testContext2(t, &ContextOpts{
Config: m,
State: state,
Providers: map[addrs.Provider]providers.Factory{
addrs.NewDefaultProvider("test"): testProviderFuncFixed(p),
PlanMode: plans.DestroyMode,
_, diags := ctx.Plan()
if diags.HasErrors() {
func TestContext2Plan_refreshOnlyMode(t *testing.T) {
addr := mustResourceInstanceAddr("test_object.a")
// The configuration, the prior state, and the refresh result intentionally
// have different values for "test_string" so we can observe that the
// refresh took effect but the configuration change wasn't considered.
m := testModuleInline(t, map[string]string{
"": `
resource "test_object" "a" {
arg = "after"
output "out" {
value = test_object.a.arg
state := states.BuildState(func(s *states.SyncState) {
s.SetResourceInstanceCurrent(addr, &states.ResourceInstanceObjectSrc{
AttrsJSON: []byte(`{"arg":"before"}`),
Status: states.ObjectReady,
}, mustProviderConfig(`provider[""]`))
p := simpleMockProvider()
p.GetProviderSchemaResponse = &providers.GetProviderSchemaResponse{
Provider: providers.Schema{Block: simpleTestSchema()},
ResourceTypes: map[string]providers.Schema{
"test_object": {
Block: &configschema.Block{
Attributes: map[string]*configschema.Attribute{
"arg": {Type: cty.String, Optional: true},
p.ReadResourceFn = func(req providers.ReadResourceRequest) providers.ReadResourceResponse {
newVal, err := cty.Transform(req.PriorState, func(path cty.Path, v cty.Value) (cty.Value, error) {
if len(path) == 1 && path[0] == (cty.GetAttrStep{Name: "arg"}) {
return cty.StringVal("current"), nil
return v, nil
if err != nil {
// shouldn't get here
t.Fatalf("ReadResourceFn transform failed")
return providers.ReadResourceResponse{}
return providers.ReadResourceResponse{
NewState: newVal,
p.UpgradeResourceStateFn = func(req providers.UpgradeResourceStateRequest) (resp providers.UpgradeResourceStateResponse) {
// We should've been given the prior state JSON as our input to upgrade.
if !bytes.Contains(req.RawStateJSON, []byte("before")) {
t.Fatalf("UpgradeResourceState request doesn't contain the 'before' object\n%s", req.RawStateJSON)
// We'll put something different in "arg" as part of upgrading, just
// so that we can verify below that PrevRunState contains the upgraded
// (but NOT refreshed) version of the object.
resp.UpgradedState = cty.ObjectVal(map[string]cty.Value{
"arg": cty.StringVal("upgraded"),
return resp
ctx := testContext2(t, &ContextOpts{
Config: m,
State: state,
Providers: map[addrs.Provider]providers.Factory{
addrs.NewDefaultProvider("test"): testProviderFuncFixed(p),
PlanMode: plans.RefreshOnlyMode,
plan, diags := ctx.Plan()
if diags.HasErrors() {
t.Fatalf("unexpected errors\n%s", diags.Err().Error())
if !p.UpgradeResourceStateCalled {
t.Errorf("Provider's UpgradeResourceState wasn't called; should've been")
if !p.ReadResourceCalled {
t.Errorf("Provider's ReadResource wasn't called; should've been")
if got, want := len(plan.Changes.Resources), 0; got != want {
t.Errorf("plan contains resource changes; want none\n%s", spew.Sdump(plan.Changes.Resources))
if instState := plan.PriorState.ResourceInstance(addr); instState == nil {
t.Errorf("%s has no prior state at all after plan", addr)
} else {
if instState.Current == nil {
t.Errorf("%s has no current object after plan", addr)
} else if got, want := instState.Current.AttrsJSON, `"current"`; !bytes.Contains(got, []byte(want)) {
// Should've saved the result of refreshing
t.Errorf("%s has wrong prior state after plan\ngot:\n%s\n\nwant substring: %s", addr, got, want)
if instState := plan.PrevRunState.ResourceInstance(addr); instState == nil {
t.Errorf("%s has no previous run state at all after plan", addr)
} else {
if instState.Current == nil {
t.Errorf("%s has no current object in the previous run state", addr)
} else if got, want := instState.Current.AttrsJSON, `"upgraded"`; !bytes.Contains(got, []byte(want)) {
// Should've saved the result of upgrading
t.Errorf("%s has wrong previous run state after plan\ngot:\n%s\n\nwant substring: %s", addr, got, want)
// The output value should also have updated. If not, it's likely that we
// skipped updating the working state to match the refreshed state when we
// were evaluating the resource.
if outChangeSrc := plan.Changes.OutputValue(addrs.RootModuleInstance.OutputValue("out")); outChangeSrc == nil {
t.Errorf("no change planned for output value 'out'")
} else {
outChange, err := outChangeSrc.Decode()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to decode output value 'out': %s", err)
got := outChange.After
want := cty.StringVal("current")
if !want.RawEquals(got) {
t.Errorf("wrong value for output value 'out'\ngot: %#v\nwant: %#v", got, want)
func TestContext2Plan_refreshOnlyMode_deposed(t *testing.T) {
addr := mustResourceInstanceAddr("test_object.a")
deposedKey := states.DeposedKey("byebye")
// The configuration, the prior state, and the refresh result intentionally
// have different values for "test_string" so we can observe that the
// refresh took effect but the configuration change wasn't considered.
m := testModuleInline(t, map[string]string{
"": `
resource "test_object" "a" {
arg = "after"
output "out" {
value = test_object.a.arg
state := states.BuildState(func(s *states.SyncState) {
// Note that we're intentionally recording a _deposed_ object here,
// and not including a current object, so a normal (non-refresh)
// plan would normally plan to create a new object _and_ destroy
// the deposed one, but refresh-only mode should prevent that.
s.SetResourceInstanceDeposed(addr, deposedKey, &states.ResourceInstanceObjectSrc{
AttrsJSON: []byte(`{"arg":"before"}`),
Status: states.ObjectReady,
}, mustProviderConfig(`provider[""]`))
p := simpleMockProvider()
p.GetProviderSchemaResponse = &providers.GetProviderSchemaResponse{
Provider: providers.Schema{Block: simpleTestSchema()},
ResourceTypes: map[string]providers.Schema{
"test_object": {
Block: &configschema.Block{
Attributes: map[string]*configschema.Attribute{
"arg": {Type: cty.String, Optional: true},
p.ReadResourceFn = func(req providers.ReadResourceRequest) providers.ReadResourceResponse {
newVal, err := cty.Transform(req.PriorState, func(path cty.Path, v cty.Value) (cty.Value, error) {
if len(path) == 1 && path[0] == (cty.GetAttrStep{Name: "arg"}) {
return cty.StringVal("current"), nil
return v, nil
if err != nil {
// shouldn't get here
t.Fatalf("ReadResourceFn transform failed")
return providers.ReadResourceResponse{}
return providers.ReadResourceResponse{
NewState: newVal,
p.UpgradeResourceStateFn = func(req providers.UpgradeResourceStateRequest) (resp providers.UpgradeResourceStateResponse) {
// We should've been given the prior state JSON as our input to upgrade.
if !bytes.Contains(req.RawStateJSON, []byte("before")) {
t.Fatalf("UpgradeResourceState request doesn't contain the 'before' object\n%s", req.RawStateJSON)
// We'll put something different in "arg" as part of upgrading, just
// so that we can verify below that PrevRunState contains the upgraded
// (but NOT refreshed) version of the object.
resp.UpgradedState = cty.ObjectVal(map[string]cty.Value{
"arg": cty.StringVal("upgraded"),
return resp
ctx := testContext2(t, &ContextOpts{
Config: m,
State: state,
Providers: map[addrs.Provider]providers.Factory{
addrs.NewDefaultProvider("test"): testProviderFuncFixed(p),
PlanMode: plans.RefreshOnlyMode,
plan, diags := ctx.Plan()
if diags.HasErrors() {
t.Fatalf("unexpected errors\n%s", diags.Err().Error())
if !p.UpgradeResourceStateCalled {
t.Errorf("Provider's UpgradeResourceState wasn't called; should've been")
if !p.ReadResourceCalled {
t.Errorf("Provider's ReadResource wasn't called; should've been")
if got, want := len(plan.Changes.Resources), 0; got != want {
t.Errorf("plan contains resource changes; want none\n%s", spew.Sdump(plan.Changes.Resources))
if instState := plan.PriorState.ResourceInstance(addr); instState == nil {
t.Errorf("%s has no prior state at all after plan", addr)
} else {
if obj := instState.Deposed[deposedKey]; obj == nil {
t.Errorf("%s has no deposed object after plan", addr)
} else if got, want := obj.AttrsJSON, `"current"`; !bytes.Contains(got, []byte(want)) {
// Should've saved the result of refreshing
t.Errorf("%s has wrong prior state after plan\ngot:\n%s\n\nwant substring: %s", addr, got, want)
if instState := plan.PrevRunState.ResourceInstance(addr); instState == nil {
t.Errorf("%s has no previous run state at all after plan", addr)
} else {
if obj := instState.Deposed[deposedKey]; obj == nil {
t.Errorf("%s has no deposed object in the previous run state", addr)
} else if got, want := obj.AttrsJSON, `"upgraded"`; !bytes.Contains(got, []byte(want)) {
// Should've saved the result of upgrading
t.Errorf("%s has wrong previous run state after plan\ngot:\n%s\n\nwant substring: %s", addr, got, want)
// The output value should also have updated. If not, it's likely that we
// skipped updating the working state to match the refreshed state when we
// were evaluating the resource.
if outChangeSrc := plan.Changes.OutputValue(addrs.RootModuleInstance.OutputValue("out")); outChangeSrc == nil {
t.Errorf("no change planned for output value 'out'")
} else {
outChange, err := outChangeSrc.Decode()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to decode output value 'out': %s", err)
got := outChange.After
want := cty.UnknownVal(cty.String)
if !want.RawEquals(got) {
t.Errorf("wrong value for output value 'out'\ngot: %#v\nwant: %#v", got, want)
func TestContext2Plan_invalidSensitiveModuleOutput(t *testing.T) {
m := testModuleInline(t, map[string]string{
"child/": `
output "out" {
value = sensitive("xyz")
"": `
module "child" {
source = "./child"
output "root" {
value = module.child.out
ctx := testContext2(t, &ContextOpts{
Config: m,
_, diags := ctx.Plan()
if !diags.HasErrors() {
t.Fatal("succeeded; want errors")
if got, want := diags.Err().Error(), "Output refers to sensitive values"; !strings.Contains(got, want) {
t.Fatalf("wrong error:\ngot: %s\nwant: message containing %q", got, want)
func TestContext2Plan_planDataSourceSensitiveNested(t *testing.T) {
m := testModuleInline(t, map[string]string{
"": `
resource "test_instance" "bar" {
data "test_data_source" "foo" {
foo {
bar =
p := new(MockProvider)
p.PlanResourceChangeFn = func(req providers.PlanResourceChangeRequest) (resp providers.PlanResourceChangeResponse) {
resp.PlannedState = cty.ObjectVal(map[string]cty.Value{
"sensitive": cty.UnknownVal(cty.String),
return resp
p.GetProviderSchemaResponse = getProviderSchemaResponseFromProviderSchema(&ProviderSchema{
ResourceTypes: map[string]*configschema.Block{
"test_instance": {
Attributes: map[string]*configschema.Attribute{
"sensitive": {
Type: cty.String,
Computed: true,
Sensitive: true,
DataSources: map[string]*configschema.Block{
"test_data_source": {
Attributes: map[string]*configschema.Attribute{
"id": {
Type: cty.String,
Computed: true,
BlockTypes: map[string]*configschema.NestedBlock{
"foo": {
Block: configschema.Block{
Attributes: map[string]*configschema.Attribute{
"bar": {Type: cty.String, Optional: true},
Nesting: configschema.NestingSet,
state := states.NewState()
root := state.EnsureModule(addrs.RootModuleInstance)
Status: states.ObjectReady,
AttrsJSON: []byte(`{"string":"data_id", "foo":[{"bar":"old"}]}`),
AttrSensitivePaths: []cty.PathValueMarks{
Path: cty.GetAttrPath("foo"),
Marks: cty.NewValueMarks(marks.Sensitive),
Status: states.ObjectReady,
AttrsJSON: []byte(`{"sensitive":"old"}`),
AttrSensitivePaths: []cty.PathValueMarks{
Path: cty.GetAttrPath("sensitive"),
Marks: cty.NewValueMarks(marks.Sensitive),
ctx := testContext2(t, &ContextOpts{
Config: m,
Providers: map[addrs.Provider]providers.Factory{
addrs.NewDefaultProvider("test"): testProviderFuncFixed(p),
State: state,
plan, diags := ctx.Plan()
if diags.HasErrors() {
for _, res := range plan.Changes.Resources {
switch res.Addr.String() {
case "":
if res.Action != plans.Update {
t.Fatalf("unexpected %s change for %s", res.Action, res.Addr)
case "":
if res.Action != plans.Read {
t.Fatalf("unexpected %s change for %s", res.Action, res.Addr)
t.Fatalf("unexpected %s change for %s", res.Action, res.Addr)
func TestContext2Plan_forceReplace(t *testing.T) {
addrA := mustResourceInstanceAddr("test_object.a")
addrB := mustResourceInstanceAddr("test_object.b")
m := testModuleInline(t, map[string]string{
"": `
resource "test_object" "a" {
resource "test_object" "b" {
state := states.BuildState(func(s *states.SyncState) {
s.SetResourceInstanceCurrent(addrA, &states.ResourceInstanceObjectSrc{
AttrsJSON: []byte(`{}`),
Status: states.ObjectReady,
}, mustProviderConfig(`provider[""]`))
s.SetResourceInstanceCurrent(addrB, &states.ResourceInstanceObjectSrc{
AttrsJSON: []byte(`{}`),
Status: states.ObjectReady,
}, mustProviderConfig(`provider[""]`))
p := simpleMockProvider()
ctx := testContext2(t, &ContextOpts{
Config: m,
State: state,
Providers: map[addrs.Provider]providers.Factory{
addrs.NewDefaultProvider("test"): testProviderFuncFixed(p),
ForceReplace: []addrs.AbsResourceInstance{
plan, diags := ctx.Plan()
if diags.HasErrors() {
t.Fatalf("unexpected errors\n%s", diags.Err().Error())
t.Run(addrA.String(), func(t *testing.T) {
instPlan := plan.Changes.ResourceInstance(addrA)
if instPlan == nil {
t.Fatalf("no plan for %s at all", addrA)
if got, want := instPlan.Action, plans.DeleteThenCreate; got != want {
t.Errorf("wrong planned action\ngot: %s\nwant: %s", got, want)
if got, want := instPlan.ActionReason, plans.ResourceInstanceReplaceByRequest; got != want {
t.Errorf("wrong action reason\ngot: %s\nwant: %s", got, want)
t.Run(addrB.String(), func(t *testing.T) {
instPlan := plan.Changes.ResourceInstance(addrB)
if instPlan == nil {
t.Fatalf("no plan for %s at all", addrB)
if got, want := instPlan.Action, plans.NoOp; got != want {
t.Errorf("wrong planned action\ngot: %s\nwant: %s", got, want)
if got, want := instPlan.ActionReason, plans.ResourceInstanceChangeNoReason; got != want {
t.Errorf("wrong action reason\ngot: %s\nwant: %s", got, want)
func TestContext2Plan_forceReplaceIncompleteAddr(t *testing.T) {
addr0 := mustResourceInstanceAddr("test_object.a[0]")
addr1 := mustResourceInstanceAddr("test_object.a[1]")
addrBare := mustResourceInstanceAddr("test_object.a")
m := testModuleInline(t, map[string]string{
"": `
resource "test_object" "a" {
count = 2
state := states.BuildState(func(s *states.SyncState) {
s.SetResourceInstanceCurrent(addr0, &states.ResourceInstanceObjectSrc{
AttrsJSON: []byte(`{}`),
Status: states.ObjectReady,
}, mustProviderConfig(`provider[""]`))
s.SetResourceInstanceCurrent(addr1, &states.ResourceInstanceObjectSrc{
AttrsJSON: []byte(`{}`),
Status: states.ObjectReady,
}, mustProviderConfig(`provider[""]`))
p := simpleMockProvider()
ctx := testContext2(t, &ContextOpts{
Config: m,
State: state,
Providers: map[addrs.Provider]providers.Factory{
addrs.NewDefaultProvider("test"): testProviderFuncFixed(p),
ForceReplace: []addrs.AbsResourceInstance{
plan, diags := ctx.Plan()
if diags.HasErrors() {
t.Fatalf("unexpected errors\n%s", diags.Err().Error())
diagsErr := diags.ErrWithWarnings()
if diagsErr == nil {
t.Fatalf("no warnings were returned")
if got, want := diagsErr.Error(), "Incompletely-matched force-replace resource instance"; !strings.Contains(got, want) {
t.Errorf("missing expected warning\ngot:\n%s\n\nwant substring: %s", got, want)
t.Run(addr0.String(), func(t *testing.T) {
instPlan := plan.Changes.ResourceInstance(addr0)
if instPlan == nil {
t.Fatalf("no plan for %s at all", addr0)
if got, want := instPlan.Action, plans.NoOp; got != want {
t.Errorf("wrong planned action\ngot: %s\nwant: %s", got, want)
if got, want := instPlan.ActionReason, plans.ResourceInstanceChangeNoReason; got != want {
t.Errorf("wrong action reason\ngot: %s\nwant: %s", got, want)
t.Run(addr1.String(), func(t *testing.T) {
instPlan := plan.Changes.ResourceInstance(addr1)
if instPlan == nil {
t.Fatalf("no plan for %s at all", addr1)
if got, want := instPlan.Action, plans.NoOp; got != want {
t.Errorf("wrong planned action\ngot: %s\nwant: %s", got, want)
if got, want := instPlan.ActionReason, plans.ResourceInstanceChangeNoReason; got != want {
t.Errorf("wrong action reason\ngot: %s\nwant: %s", got, want)