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package aws
import (
func resourceAwsVolumeAttachment() *schema.Resource {
return &schema.Resource{
Create: resourceAwsVolumeAttachmentCreate,
Read: resourceAwsVolumeAttachmentRead,
Delete: resourceAwsVolumeAttachmentDelete,
Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{
"device_name": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Required: true,
ForceNew: true,
"instance_id": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Required: true,
ForceNew: true,
"volume_id": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Required: true,
ForceNew: true,
"force_detach": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeBool,
Optional: true,
Computed: true,
func resourceAwsVolumeAttachmentCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
conn := meta.(*AWSClient).ec2conn
name := d.Get("device_name").(string)
iID := d.Get("instance_id").(string)
vID := d.Get("volume_id").(string)
opts := &ec2.AttachVolumeInput{
Device: aws.String(name),
InstanceID: aws.String(iID),
VolumeID: aws.String(vID),
stateConf := &resource.StateChangeConf{
Pending: []string{"pending"},
Target: "attaching",
Refresh: attachVolumeFunc(conn, opts),
Timeout: 1 * time.Minute,
Delay: 5 * time.Second,
MinTimeout: 3 * time.Second,
_, err := stateConf.WaitForState()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error attaching volume %s to instance %s: %s", vID, iID, err)
d.SetId(volumeAttachmentID(name, vID, iID))
return resourceAwsVolumeAttachmentRead(d, meta)
func attachVolumeFunc(conn *ec2.EC2, opts *ec2.AttachVolumeInput) resource.StateRefreshFunc {
return func() (interface{}, string, error) {
va, err := conn.AttachVolume(opts)
if err != nil {
awsErr, ok := err.(awserr.Error)
if ok && awsErr.Code() == "VolumeInUse" && *va.InstanceID == *opts.InstanceID {
return nil, "attaching", nil
return nil, "error", err
return va, *va.State, nil
func resourceAwsVolumeAttachmentRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
conn := meta.(*AWSClient).ec2conn
request := &ec2.DescribeVolumesInput{
VolumeIDs: []*string{aws.String(d.Get("volume_id").(string))},
Filters: []*ec2.Filter{
Name: aws.String("attachment.instance-id"),
Values: []*string{aws.String(d.Get("instance_id").(string))},
_, err := conn.DescribeVolumes(request)
if err != nil {
if ec2err, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok && ec2err.Code() == "InvalidVolume.NotFound" {
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("Error reading EC2 volume %s for instance: %s: %#v", d.Get("volume_id").(string), d.Get("instance_id").(string), err)
return nil
func resourceAwsVolumeAttachmentDelete(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
conn := meta.(*AWSClient).ec2conn
volume := d.Get("volume_id").(string)
instance := d.Get("instance_id").(string)
opts := &ec2.DetachVolumeInput{
Device: aws.String(d.Get("device_name").(string)),
InstanceID: aws.String(instance),
VolumeID: aws.String(volume),
Force: aws.Boolean(d.Get("force_detach").(bool)),
return resource.Retry(1*time.Minute, func() error {
resp, err := conn.DetachVolume(opts)
if err != nil {
awsErr, ok := err.(awserr.Error)
if ok && (awsErr.Code() == "IncorrectState" || awsErr.Code() == "InvalidVolume.NotFound") {
// volume attachment is not in a valid "attachment state"
return nil
return err
if resp.State != nil && *resp.State == "detaching" {
return fmt.Errorf("waiting for volume %s to detach from instance %s", volume, instance)
} else if *resp.State == "detached" {
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("Error detaching volume %s from instance %s", volume, instance)
func volumeAttachmentID(name, volumeID, instanceID string) string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s-", name))
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s-", instanceID))
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s-", volumeID))
return fmt.Sprintf("vai-%d", hashcode.String(buf.String()))