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synced 2025-02-20 11:48:24 -06:00
Discovered after #11619 was fixed, and while fixing acceptance tests for the `aws_spot_instance_request` resource. Previously the `aws_spot_instance_request` resource wouldn't populate any of the block device attributes from the resulting instance's metadata. This fixes that issue, and also fixes the `aws_spot_instance_request` acceptance tests to be more equipped for running in parallel. ``` make testacc TEST=./builtin/providers/aws TESTARGS='-run=TestAccAWSSpotInstanceRequest_' ==> Checking that code complies with gofmt requirements... go generate $(go list ./... | grep -v /terraform/vendor/) 2017/02/02 18:02:37 Generated command/internal_plugin_list.go TF_ACC=1 go test ./builtin/providers/aws -v -run=TestAccAWSSpotInstanceRequest_ -timeout 120m === RUN TestAccAWSSpotInstanceRequest_basic --- PASS: TestAccAWSSpotInstanceRequest_basic (111.96s) === RUN TestAccAWSSpotInstanceRequest_withBlockDuration --- PASS: TestAccAWSSpotInstanceRequest_withBlockDuration (105.12s) === RUN TestAccAWSSpotInstanceRequest_vpc --- PASS: TestAccAWSSpotInstanceRequest_vpc (115.81s) === RUN TestAccAWSSpotInstanceRequest_SubnetAndSG --- PASS: TestAccAWSSpotInstanceRequest_SubnetAndSG (130.46s) PASS ok github.com/hashicorp/terraform/builtin/providers/aws 463.377s ```
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package aws
import (
func TestAccAWSSpotInstanceRequest_basic(t *testing.T) {
var sir ec2.SpotInstanceRequest
rInt := acctest.RandInt()
resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },
Providers: testAccProviders,
CheckDestroy: testAccCheckAWSSpotInstanceRequestDestroy,
Steps: []resource.TestStep{
Config: testAccAWSSpotInstanceRequestConfig(rInt),
Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(
"aws_spot_instance_request.foo", &sir),
testCheckKeyPair(fmt.Sprintf("tmp-key-%d", rInt), &sir),
"aws_spot_instance_request.foo", "spot_bid_status", "fulfilled"),
"aws_spot_instance_request.foo", "spot_request_state", "active"),
func TestAccAWSSpotInstanceRequest_withBlockDuration(t *testing.T) {
var sir ec2.SpotInstanceRequest
rInt := acctest.RandInt()
resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },
Providers: testAccProviders,
CheckDestroy: testAccCheckAWSSpotInstanceRequestDestroy,
Steps: []resource.TestStep{
Config: testAccAWSSpotInstanceRequestConfig_withBlockDuration(rInt),
Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(
"aws_spot_instance_request.foo", &sir),
testCheckKeyPair(fmt.Sprintf("tmp-key-%d", rInt), &sir),
"aws_spot_instance_request.foo", "spot_bid_status", "fulfilled"),
"aws_spot_instance_request.foo", "spot_request_state", "active"),
"aws_spot_instance_request.foo", "block_duration_minutes", "60"),
func TestAccAWSSpotInstanceRequest_vpc(t *testing.T) {
var sir ec2.SpotInstanceRequest
rInt := acctest.RandInt()
resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },
Providers: testAccProviders,
CheckDestroy: testAccCheckAWSSpotInstanceRequestDestroy,
Steps: []resource.TestStep{
Config: testAccAWSSpotInstanceRequestConfigVPC(rInt),
Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(
"aws_spot_instance_request.foo_VPC", &sir),
testCheckKeyPair(fmt.Sprintf("tmp-key-%d", rInt), &sir),
"aws_spot_instance_request.foo_VPC", "spot_bid_status", "fulfilled"),
"aws_spot_instance_request.foo_VPC", "spot_request_state", "active"),
func TestAccAWSSpotInstanceRequest_SubnetAndSG(t *testing.T) {
var sir ec2.SpotInstanceRequest
rInt := acctest.RandInt()
resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },
Providers: testAccProviders,
CheckDestroy: testAccCheckAWSSpotInstanceRequestDestroy,
Steps: []resource.TestStep{
Config: testAccAWSSpotInstanceRequestConfig_SubnetAndSG(rInt),
Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(
"aws_spot_instance_request.foo", &sir),
testAccCheckAWSSpotInstanceRequest_InstanceAttributes(&sir, rInt),
func testCheckKeyPair(keyName string, sir *ec2.SpotInstanceRequest) resource.TestCheckFunc {
return func(*terraform.State) error {
if sir.LaunchSpecification.KeyName == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("No Key Pair found, expected(%s)", keyName)
if sir.LaunchSpecification.KeyName != nil && *sir.LaunchSpecification.KeyName != keyName {
return fmt.Errorf("Bad key name, expected (%s), got (%s)", keyName, *sir.LaunchSpecification.KeyName)
return nil
func testAccCheckAWSSpotInstanceRequestDestroy(s *terraform.State) error {
conn := testAccProvider.Meta().(*AWSClient).ec2conn
for _, rs := range s.RootModule().Resources {
if rs.Type != "aws_spot_instance_request" {
req := &ec2.DescribeSpotInstanceRequestsInput{
SpotInstanceRequestIds: []*string{aws.String(rs.Primary.ID)},
resp, err := conn.DescribeSpotInstanceRequests(req)
var s *ec2.SpotInstanceRequest
if err == nil {
for _, sir := range resp.SpotInstanceRequests {
if sir.SpotInstanceRequestId != nil && *sir.SpotInstanceRequestId == rs.Primary.ID {
s = sir
if s == nil {
// not found
return nil
if *s.State == "canceled" {
// Requests stick around for a while, so we make sure it's cancelled
return nil
// Verify the error is what we expect
ec2err, ok := err.(awserr.Error)
if !ok {
return err
if ec2err.Code() != "InvalidSpotInstanceRequestID.NotFound" {
return err
// Now check if the associated Spot Instance was also destroyed
instId := rs.Primary.Attributes["spot_instance_id"]
instResp, instErr := conn.DescribeInstances(&ec2.DescribeInstancesInput{
InstanceIds: []*string{aws.String(instId)},
if instErr == nil {
if len(instResp.Reservations) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("Instance still exists.")
return nil
// Verify the error is what we expect
ec2err, ok = err.(awserr.Error)
if !ok {
return err
if ec2err.Code() != "InvalidInstanceID.NotFound" {
return err
return nil
func testAccCheckAWSSpotInstanceRequestExists(
n string, sir *ec2.SpotInstanceRequest) resource.TestCheckFunc {
return func(s *terraform.State) error {
rs, ok := s.RootModule().Resources[n]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("Not found: %s", n)
if rs.Primary.ID == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("No SNS subscription with that ARN exists")
conn := testAccProvider.Meta().(*AWSClient).ec2conn
params := &ec2.DescribeSpotInstanceRequestsInput{
SpotInstanceRequestIds: []*string{&rs.Primary.ID},
resp, err := conn.DescribeSpotInstanceRequests(params)
if err != nil {
return err
if v := len(resp.SpotInstanceRequests); v != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("Expected 1 request returned, got %d", v)
*sir = *resp.SpotInstanceRequests[0]
return nil
func testAccCheckAWSSpotInstanceRequestAttributes(
sir *ec2.SpotInstanceRequest) resource.TestCheckFunc {
return func(s *terraform.State) error {
if *sir.SpotPrice != "0.050000" {
return fmt.Errorf("Unexpected spot price: %s", *sir.SpotPrice)
if *sir.State != "active" {
return fmt.Errorf("Unexpected request state: %s", *sir.State)
if *sir.Status.Code != "fulfilled" {
return fmt.Errorf("Unexpected bid status: %s", *sir.State)
return nil
func testAccCheckAWSSpotInstanceRequest_InstanceAttributes(
sir *ec2.SpotInstanceRequest, rInt int) resource.TestCheckFunc {
return func(s *terraform.State) error {
conn := testAccProvider.Meta().(*AWSClient).ec2conn
resp, err := conn.DescribeInstances(&ec2.DescribeInstancesInput{
InstanceIds: []*string{sir.InstanceId},
if err != nil {
if ec2err, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok && ec2err.Code() == "InvalidInstanceID.NotFound" {
return fmt.Errorf("Spot Instance not found")
return err
// If nothing was found, then return no state
if len(resp.Reservations) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("Spot Instance not found")
instance := resp.Reservations[0].Instances[0]
var sgMatch bool
for _, s := range instance.SecurityGroups {
// Hardcoded name for the security group that should be added inside the
// VPC
if *s.GroupName == fmt.Sprintf("tf_test_sg_ssh-%d", rInt) {
sgMatch = true
if !sgMatch {
return fmt.Errorf("Error in matching Spot Instance Security Group, expected 'tf_test_sg_ssh-%d', got %s", rInt, instance.SecurityGroups)
return nil
func testAccCheckAWSSpotInstanceRequestAttributesVPC(
sir *ec2.SpotInstanceRequest) resource.TestCheckFunc {
return func(s *terraform.State) error {
if sir.LaunchSpecification.SubnetId == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("SubnetID was not passed, but should have been for this instance to belong to a VPC")
return nil
func testAccAWSSpotInstanceRequestConfig(rInt int) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(`
resource "aws_key_pair" "debugging" {
key_name = "tmp-key-%d"
public_key = "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQD3F6tyPEFEzV0LX3X8BsXdMsQz1x2cEikKDEY0aIj41qgxMCP/iteneqXSIFZBp5vizPvaoIR3Um9xK7PGoW8giupGn+EPuxIA4cDM4vzOqOkiMPhz5XK0whEjkVzTo4+S0puvDZuwIsdiW9mxhJc7tgBNL0cYlWSYVkz4G/fslNfRPW5mYAM49f4fhtxPb5ok4Q2Lg9dPKVHO/Bgeu5woMc7RY0p1ej6D4CKFE6lymSDJpW0YHX/wqE9+cfEauh7xZcG0q9t2ta6F6fmX0agvpFyZo8aFbXeUBr7osSCJNgvavWbM/06niWrOvYX2xwWdhXmXSrbX8ZbabVohBK41 phodgson@thoughtworks.com"
resource "aws_spot_instance_request" "foo" {
ami = "ami-4fccb37f"
instance_type = "m1.small"
key_name = "${aws_key_pair.debugging.key_name}"
// base price is $0.044 hourly, so bidding above that should theoretically
// always fulfill
spot_price = "0.05"
// we wait for fulfillment because we want to inspect the launched instance
// and verify termination behavior
wait_for_fulfillment = true
tags {
Name = "terraform-test"
}`, rInt)
func testAccAWSSpotInstanceRequestConfig_withBlockDuration(rInt int) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(`
resource "aws_key_pair" "debugging" {
key_name = "tmp-key-%d"
public_key = "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQD3F6tyPEFEzV0LX3X8BsXdMsQz1x2cEikKDEY0aIj41qgxMCP/iteneqXSIFZBp5vizPvaoIR3Um9xK7PGoW8giupGn+EPuxIA4cDM4vzOqOkiMPhz5XK0whEjkVzTo4+S0puvDZuwIsdiW9mxhJc7tgBNL0cYlWSYVkz4G/fslNfRPW5mYAM49f4fhtxPb5ok4Q2Lg9dPKVHO/Bgeu5woMc7RY0p1ej6D4CKFE6lymSDJpW0YHX/wqE9+cfEauh7xZcG0q9t2ta6F6fmX0agvpFyZo8aFbXeUBr7osSCJNgvavWbM/06niWrOvYX2xwWdhXmXSrbX8ZbabVohBK41 phodgson@thoughtworks.com"
resource "aws_spot_instance_request" "foo" {
ami = "ami-4fccb37f"
instance_type = "m1.small"
key_name = "${aws_key_pair.debugging.key_name}"
// base price is $0.044 hourly, so bidding above that should theoretically
// always fulfill
spot_price = "0.05"
// we wait for fulfillment because we want to inspect the launched instance
// and verify termination behavior
wait_for_fulfillment = true
block_duration_minutes = 60
tags {
Name = "terraform-test"
}`, rInt)
func testAccAWSSpotInstanceRequestConfigVPC(rInt int) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(`
resource "aws_vpc" "foo_VPC" {
cidr_block = ""
resource "aws_subnet" "foo_VPC" {
cidr_block = ""
vpc_id = "${aws_vpc.foo_VPC.id}"
resource "aws_key_pair" "debugging" {
key_name = "tmp-key-%d"
public_key = "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQD3F6tyPEFEzV0LX3X8BsXdMsQz1x2cEikKDEY0aIj41qgxMCP/iteneqXSIFZBp5vizPvaoIR3Um9xK7PGoW8giupGn+EPuxIA4cDM4vzOqOkiMPhz5XK0whEjkVzTo4+S0puvDZuwIsdiW9mxhJc7tgBNL0cYlWSYVkz4G/fslNfRPW5mYAM49f4fhtxPb5ok4Q2Lg9dPKVHO/Bgeu5woMc7RY0p1ej6D4CKFE6lymSDJpW0YHX/wqE9+cfEauh7xZcG0q9t2ta6F6fmX0agvpFyZo8aFbXeUBr7osSCJNgvavWbM/06niWrOvYX2xwWdhXmXSrbX8ZbabVohBK41 phodgson@thoughtworks.com"
resource "aws_spot_instance_request" "foo_VPC" {
ami = "ami-4fccb37f"
instance_type = "m1.small"
key_name = "${aws_key_pair.debugging.key_name}"
// base price is $0.044 hourly, so bidding above that should theoretically
// always fulfill
spot_price = "0.05"
// VPC settings
subnet_id = "${aws_subnet.foo_VPC.id}"
// we wait for fulfillment because we want to inspect the launched instance
// and verify termination behavior
wait_for_fulfillment = true
tags {
Name = "terraform-test-VPC"
}`, rInt)
func testAccAWSSpotInstanceRequestConfig_SubnetAndSG(rInt int) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(`
resource "aws_spot_instance_request" "foo" {
ami = "ami-4fccb37f"
instance_type = "m1.small"
spot_price = "0.05"
wait_for_fulfillment = true
subnet_id = "${aws_subnet.tf_test_subnet.id}"
vpc_security_group_ids = ["${aws_security_group.tf_test_sg_ssh.id}"]
associate_public_ip_address = true
resource "aws_vpc" "default" {
cidr_block = ""
enable_dns_hostnames = true
tags {
Name = "tf_test_vpc"
resource "aws_subnet" "tf_test_subnet" {
vpc_id = "${aws_vpc.default.id}"
cidr_block = ""
map_public_ip_on_launch = true
tags {
Name = "tf_test_subnet-%d"
resource "aws_security_group" "tf_test_sg_ssh" {
name = "tf_test_sg_ssh-%d"
description = "tf_test_sg_ssh"
vpc_id = "${aws_vpc.default.id}"
tags {
Name = "tf_test_sg_ssh-%d"
}`, rInt, rInt, rInt)