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synced 2025-01-28 17:34:24 -06:00
* provider/openstack: Detect Region for Importing Resources This commit changes the way the OpenStack region is detected and set. Any time a region is required, the region attribute will first be checked. Next, the OS_REGION_NAME environment variable will be checked. While schema.EnvDefaultFunc handles this same situation, it is not applicable when importing resources. * provider/openstack: No longer ignore region in importing tests * provider/openstack: Network and Subnet Import Fixes This commit fixes the OpenStack Network and Subnet resources so that importing of those resources is successful.
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package openstack
import (
func resourceBlockStorageVolumeV2() *schema.Resource {
return &schema.Resource{
Create: resourceBlockStorageVolumeV2Create,
Read: resourceBlockStorageVolumeV2Read,
Update: resourceBlockStorageVolumeV2Update,
Delete: resourceBlockStorageVolumeV2Delete,
Importer: &schema.ResourceImporter{
State: schema.ImportStatePassthrough,
Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{
"region": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Required: true,
ForceNew: true,
DefaultFunc: schema.EnvDefaultFunc("OS_REGION_NAME", ""),
"size": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeInt,
Required: true,
ForceNew: true,
"name": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Optional: true,
ForceNew: false,
"description": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Optional: true,
ForceNew: false,
"availability_zone": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Optional: true,
ForceNew: true,
Computed: true,
"metadata": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeMap,
Optional: true,
ForceNew: false,
Computed: true,
"snapshot_id": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Optional: true,
ForceNew: true,
"source_vol_id": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Optional: true,
ForceNew: true,
"image_id": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Optional: true,
ForceNew: true,
"volume_type": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Optional: true,
ForceNew: true,
Computed: true,
"consistency_group_id": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Optional: true,
ForceNew: true,
"source_replica": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Optional: true,
ForceNew: true,
"attachment": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeSet,
Computed: true,
Elem: &schema.Resource{
Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{
"id": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Computed: true,
"instance_id": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Computed: true,
"device": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Computed: true,
Set: resourceVolumeV2AttachmentHash,
func resourceBlockStorageVolumeV2Create(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
config := meta.(*Config)
blockStorageClient, err := config.blockStorageV2Client(GetRegion(d))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error creating OpenStack block storage client: %s", err)
createOpts := &volumes.CreateOpts{
AvailabilityZone: d.Get("availability_zone").(string),
ConsistencyGroupID: d.Get("consistency_group_id").(string),
Description: d.Get("description").(string),
ImageID: d.Get("image_id").(string),
Metadata: resourceContainerMetadataV2(d),
Name: d.Get("name").(string),
Size: d.Get("size").(int),
SnapshotID: d.Get("snapshot_id").(string),
SourceReplica: d.Get("source_replica").(string),
SourceVolID: d.Get("source_vol_id").(string),
VolumeType: d.Get("volume_type").(string),
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Create Options: %#v", createOpts)
v, err := volumes.Create(blockStorageClient, createOpts).Extract()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error creating OpenStack volume: %s", err)
log.Printf("[INFO] Volume ID: %s", v.ID)
// Store the ID now
// Wait for the volume to become available.
"[DEBUG] Waiting for volume (%s) to become available",
stateConf := &resource.StateChangeConf{
Pending: []string{"downloading", "creating"},
Target: []string{"available"},
Refresh: VolumeV2StateRefreshFunc(blockStorageClient, v.ID),
Timeout: 10 * time.Minute,
Delay: 10 * time.Second,
MinTimeout: 3 * time.Second,
_, err = stateConf.WaitForState()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(
"Error waiting for volume (%s) to become ready: %s",
v.ID, err)
return resourceBlockStorageVolumeV2Read(d, meta)
func resourceBlockStorageVolumeV2Read(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
config := meta.(*Config)
blockStorageClient, err := config.blockStorageV2Client(GetRegion(d))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error creating OpenStack block storage client: %s", err)
v, err := volumes.Get(blockStorageClient, d.Id()).Extract()
if err != nil {
return CheckDeleted(d, err, "volume")
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Retrieved volume %s: %+v", d.Id(), v)
d.Set("size", v.Size)
d.Set("description", v.Description)
d.Set("availability_zone", v.AvailabilityZone)
d.Set("name", v.Name)
d.Set("snapshot_id", v.SnapshotID)
d.Set("source_vol_id", v.SourceVolID)
d.Set("volume_type", v.VolumeType)
d.Set("metadata", v.Metadata)
d.Set("region", GetRegion(d))
attachments := make([]map[string]interface{}, len(v.Attachments))
for i, attachment := range v.Attachments {
attachments[i] = make(map[string]interface{})
attachments[i]["id"] = attachment.ID
attachments[i]["instance_id"] = attachment.ServerID
attachments[i]["device"] = attachment.Device
log.Printf("[DEBUG] attachment: %v", attachment)
d.Set("attachment", attachments)
return nil
func resourceBlockStorageVolumeV2Update(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
config := meta.(*Config)
blockStorageClient, err := config.blockStorageV2Client(GetRegion(d))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error creating OpenStack block storage client: %s", err)
updateOpts := volumes.UpdateOpts{
Name: d.Get("name").(string),
Description: d.Get("description").(string),
if d.HasChange("metadata") {
updateOpts.Metadata = resourceVolumeMetadataV2(d)
_, err = volumes.Update(blockStorageClient, d.Id(), updateOpts).Extract()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error updating OpenStack volume: %s", err)
return resourceBlockStorageVolumeV2Read(d, meta)
func resourceBlockStorageVolumeV2Delete(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
config := meta.(*Config)
blockStorageClient, err := config.blockStorageV2Client(GetRegion(d))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error creating OpenStack block storage client: %s", err)
v, err := volumes.Get(blockStorageClient, d.Id()).Extract()
if err != nil {
return CheckDeleted(d, err, "volume")
// make sure this volume is detached from all instances before deleting
if len(v.Attachments) > 0 {
log.Printf("[DEBUG] detaching volumes")
if computeClient, err := config.computeV2Client(GetRegion(d)); err != nil {
return err
} else {
for _, volumeAttachment := range v.Attachments {
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Attachment: %v", volumeAttachment)
if err := volumeattach.Delete(computeClient, volumeAttachment.ServerID, volumeAttachment.ID).ExtractErr(); err != nil {
return err
stateConf := &resource.StateChangeConf{
Pending: []string{"in-use", "attaching", "detaching"},
Target: []string{"available"},
Refresh: VolumeV2StateRefreshFunc(blockStorageClient, d.Id()),
Timeout: 10 * time.Minute,
Delay: 10 * time.Second,
MinTimeout: 3 * time.Second,
_, err = stateConf.WaitForState()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(
"Error waiting for volume (%s) to become available: %s",
d.Id(), err)
// It's possible that this volume was used as a boot device and is currently
// in a "deleting" state from when the instance was terminated.
// If this is true, just move on. It'll eventually delete.
if v.Status != "deleting" {
if err := volumes.Delete(blockStorageClient, d.Id()).ExtractErr(); err != nil {
return CheckDeleted(d, err, "volume")
// Wait for the volume to delete before moving on.
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Waiting for volume (%s) to delete", d.Id())
stateConf := &resource.StateChangeConf{
Pending: []string{"deleting", "downloading", "available"},
Target: []string{"deleted"},
Refresh: VolumeV2StateRefreshFunc(blockStorageClient, d.Id()),
Timeout: 10 * time.Minute,
Delay: 10 * time.Second,
MinTimeout: 3 * time.Second,
_, err = stateConf.WaitForState()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(
"Error waiting for volume (%s) to delete: %s",
d.Id(), err)
return nil
func resourceVolumeMetadataV2(d *schema.ResourceData) map[string]string {
m := make(map[string]string)
for key, val := range d.Get("metadata").(map[string]interface{}) {
m[key] = val.(string)
return m
// VolumeV2StateRefreshFunc returns a resource.StateRefreshFunc that is used to watch
// an OpenStack volume.
func VolumeV2StateRefreshFunc(client *gophercloud.ServiceClient, volumeID string) resource.StateRefreshFunc {
return func() (interface{}, string, error) {
v, err := volumes.Get(client, volumeID).Extract()
if err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(gophercloud.ErrDefault404); ok {
return v, "deleted", nil
return nil, "", err
return v, v.Status, nil
func resourceVolumeV2AttachmentHash(v interface{}) int {
var buf bytes.Buffer
m := v.(map[string]interface{})
if m["instance_id"] != nil {
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s-", m["instance_id"].(string)))
return hashcode.String(buf.String())