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package providers
import (
// Interface represents the set of methods required for a complete resource
// provider plugin.
type Interface interface {
// GetSchema returns the complete schema for the provider.
GetProviderSchema() GetProviderSchemaResponse
// ValidateProviderConfig allows the provider to validate the configuration.
// The ValidateProviderConfigResponse.PreparedConfig field is unused. The
// final configuration is not stored in the state, and any modifications
// that need to be made must be made during the Configure method call.
ValidateProviderConfig(ValidateProviderConfigRequest) ValidateProviderConfigResponse
// ValidateResourceConfig allows the provider to validate the resource
// configuration values.
ValidateResourceConfig(ValidateResourceConfigRequest) ValidateResourceConfigResponse
// ValidateDataResourceConfig allows the provider to validate the data source
// configuration values.
ValidateDataResourceConfig(ValidateDataResourceConfigRequest) ValidateDataResourceConfigResponse
// UpgradeResourceState is called when the state loader encounters an
// instance state whose schema version is less than the one reported by the
// currently-used version of the corresponding provider, and the upgraded
// result is used for any further processing.
UpgradeResourceState(UpgradeResourceStateRequest) UpgradeResourceStateResponse
// Configure configures and initialized the provider.
ConfigureProvider(ConfigureProviderRequest) ConfigureProviderResponse
// Stop is called when the provider should halt any in-flight actions.
// Stop should not block waiting for in-flight actions to complete. It
// should take any action it wants and return immediately acknowledging it
// has received the stop request. Terraform will not make any further API
// calls to the provider after Stop is called.
// The error returned, if non-nil, is assumed to mean that signaling the
// stop somehow failed and that the user should expect potentially waiting
// a longer period of time.
Stop() error
// ReadResource refreshes a resource and returns its current state.
ReadResource(ReadResourceRequest) ReadResourceResponse
// PlanResourceChange takes the current state and proposed state of a
// resource, and returns the planned final state.
PlanResourceChange(PlanResourceChangeRequest) PlanResourceChangeResponse
// ApplyResourceChange takes the planned state for a resource, which may
// yet contain unknown computed values, and applies the changes returning
// the final state.
ApplyResourceChange(ApplyResourceChangeRequest) ApplyResourceChangeResponse
// ImportResourceState requests that the given resource be imported.
ImportResourceState(ImportResourceStateRequest) ImportResourceStateResponse
// ReadDataSource returns the data source's current state.
ReadDataSource(ReadDataSourceRequest) ReadDataSourceResponse
// Close shuts down the plugin process if applicable.
Close() error
type GetProviderSchemaResponse struct {
// Provider is the schema for the provider itself.
Provider Schema
// ProviderMeta is the schema for the provider's meta info in a module
ProviderMeta Schema
// ResourceTypes map the resource type name to that type's schema.
ResourceTypes map[string]Schema
// DataSources maps the data source name to that data source's schema.
DataSources map[string]Schema
// Diagnostics contains any warnings or errors from the method call.
Diagnostics tfdiags.Diagnostics
// ServerCapabilities lists optional features supported by the provider.
ServerCapabilities ServerCapabilities
// ServerCapabilities allows providers to communicate extra information
// regarding supported protocol features. This is used to indicate availability
// of certain forward-compatible changes which may be optional in a major
// protocol version, but cannot be tested for directly.
type ServerCapabilities struct {
// PlanDestroy signals that this provider expects to receive a
// PlanResourceChange call for resources that are to be destroyed.
PlanDestroy bool
type ValidateProviderConfigRequest struct {
// Config is the raw configuration value for the provider.
Config cty.Value
type ValidateProviderConfigResponse struct {
// PreparedConfig is unused and will be removed with support for plugin protocol v5.
PreparedConfig cty.Value
// Diagnostics contains any warnings or errors from the method call.
Diagnostics tfdiags.Diagnostics
type ValidateResourceConfigRequest struct {
// TypeName is the name of the resource type to validate.
TypeName string
// Config is the configuration value to validate, which may contain unknown
// values.
Config cty.Value
type ValidateResourceConfigResponse struct {
// Diagnostics contains any warnings or errors from the method call.
Diagnostics tfdiags.Diagnostics
type ValidateDataResourceConfigRequest struct {
// TypeName is the name of the data source type to validate.
TypeName string
// Config is the configuration value to validate, which may contain unknown
// values.
Config cty.Value
type ValidateDataResourceConfigResponse struct {
// Diagnostics contains any warnings or errors from the method call.
Diagnostics tfdiags.Diagnostics
type UpgradeResourceStateRequest struct {
// TypeName is the name of the resource type being upgraded
TypeName string
// Version is version of the schema that created the current state.
Version int64
// RawStateJSON and RawStateFlatmap contiain the state that needs to be
// upgraded to match the current schema version. Because the schema is
// unknown, this contains only the raw data as stored in the state.
// RawStateJSON is the current json state encoding.
// RawStateFlatmap is the legacy flatmap encoding.
// Only on of these fields may be set for the upgrade request.
RawStateJSON []byte
RawStateFlatmap map[string]string
type UpgradeResourceStateResponse struct {
// UpgradedState is the newly upgraded resource state.
UpgradedState cty.Value
// Diagnostics contains any warnings or errors from the method call.
Diagnostics tfdiags.Diagnostics
type ConfigureProviderRequest struct {
// Terraform version is the version string from the running instance of
// terraform. Providers can use TerraformVersion to verify compatibility,
// and to store for informational purposes.
TerraformVersion string
// Config is the complete configuration value for the provider.
Config cty.Value
type ConfigureProviderResponse struct {
// Diagnostics contains any warnings or errors from the method call.
Diagnostics tfdiags.Diagnostics
type ReadResourceRequest struct {
// TypeName is the name of the resource type being read.
TypeName string
// PriorState contains the previously saved state value for this resource.
PriorState cty.Value
// Private is an opaque blob that will be stored in state along with the
// resource. It is intended only for interpretation by the provider itself.
Private []byte
// ProviderMeta is the configuration for the provider_meta block for the
// module and provider this resource belongs to. Its use is defined by
// each provider, and it should not be used without coordination with
// HashiCorp. It is considered experimental and subject to change.
ProviderMeta cty.Value
type ReadResourceResponse struct {
// NewState contains the current state of the resource.
NewState cty.Value
// Diagnostics contains any warnings or errors from the method call.
Diagnostics tfdiags.Diagnostics
// Private is an opaque blob that will be stored in state along with the
// resource. It is intended only for interpretation by the provider itself.
Private []byte
type PlanResourceChangeRequest struct {
// TypeName is the name of the resource type to plan.
TypeName string
// PriorState is the previously saved state value for this resource.
PriorState cty.Value
// ProposedNewState is the expected state after the new configuration is
// applied. This is created by directly applying the configuration to the
// PriorState. The provider is then responsible for applying any further
// changes required to create the proposed final state.
ProposedNewState cty.Value
// Config is the resource configuration, before being merged with the
// PriorState. Any value not explicitly set in the configuration will be
// null. Config is supplied for reference, but Provider implementations
// should prefer the ProposedNewState in most circumstances.
Config cty.Value
// PriorPrivate is the previously saved private data returned from the
// provider during the last apply.
PriorPrivate []byte
// ProviderMeta is the configuration for the provider_meta block for the
// module and provider this resource belongs to. Its use is defined by
// each provider, and it should not be used without coordination with
// HashiCorp. It is considered experimental and subject to change.
ProviderMeta cty.Value
type PlanResourceChangeResponse struct {
// PlannedState is the expected state of the resource once the current
// configuration is applied.
PlannedState cty.Value
// RequiresReplace is the list of the attributes that are requiring
// resource replacement.
RequiresReplace []cty.Path
// PlannedPrivate is an opaque blob that is not interpreted by terraform
// core. This will be saved and relayed back to the provider during
// ApplyResourceChange.
PlannedPrivate []byte
// Diagnostics contains any warnings or errors from the method call.
Diagnostics tfdiags.Diagnostics
// LegacyTypeSystem is set only if the provider is using the legacy SDK
// whose type system cannot be precisely mapped into the Terraform type
// system. We use this to bypass certain consistency checks that would
// otherwise fail due to this imprecise mapping. No other provider or SDK
// implementation is permitted to set this.
LegacyTypeSystem bool
type ApplyResourceChangeRequest struct {
// TypeName is the name of the resource type being applied.
TypeName string
// PriorState is the current state of resource.
PriorState cty.Value
// Planned state is the state returned from PlanResourceChange, and should
// represent the new state, minus any remaining computed attributes.
PlannedState cty.Value
// Config is the resource configuration, before being merged with the
// PriorState. Any value not explicitly set in the configuration will be
// null. Config is supplied for reference, but Provider implementations
// should prefer the PlannedState in most circumstances.
Config cty.Value
// PlannedPrivate is the same value as returned by PlanResourceChange.
PlannedPrivate []byte
// ProviderMeta is the configuration for the provider_meta block for the
// module and provider this resource belongs to. Its use is defined by
// each provider, and it should not be used without coordination with
// HashiCorp. It is considered experimental and subject to change.
ProviderMeta cty.Value
type ApplyResourceChangeResponse struct {
// NewState is the new complete state after applying the planned change.
// In the event of an error, NewState should represent the most recent
// known state of the resource, if it exists.
NewState cty.Value
// Private is an opaque blob that will be stored in state along with the
// resource. It is intended only for interpretation by the provider itself.
Private []byte
// Diagnostics contains any warnings or errors from the method call.
Diagnostics tfdiags.Diagnostics
// LegacyTypeSystem is set only if the provider is using the legacy SDK
// whose type system cannot be precisely mapped into the Terraform type
// system. We use this to bypass certain consistency checks that would
// otherwise fail due to this imprecise mapping. No other provider or SDK
// implementation is permitted to set this.
LegacyTypeSystem bool
type ImportResourceStateRequest struct {
// TypeName is the name of the resource type to be imported.
TypeName string
// ID is a string with which the provider can identify the resource to be
// imported.
ID string
type ImportResourceStateResponse struct {
// ImportedResources contains one or more state values related to the
// imported resource. It is not required that these be complete, only that
// there is enough identifying information for the provider to successfully
// update the states in ReadResource.
ImportedResources []ImportedResource
// Diagnostics contains any warnings or errors from the method call.
Diagnostics tfdiags.Diagnostics
// ImportedResource represents an object being imported into Terraform with the
// help of a provider. An ImportedObject is a RemoteObject that has been read
// by the provider's import handler but hasn't yet been committed to state.
type ImportedResource struct {
// TypeName is the name of the resource type associated with the
// returned state. It's possible for providers to import multiple related
// types with a single import request.
TypeName string
// State is the state of the remote object being imported. This may not be
// complete, but must contain enough information to uniquely identify the
// resource.
State cty.Value
// Private is an opaque blob that will be stored in state along with the
// resource. It is intended only for interpretation by the provider itself.
Private []byte
// AsInstanceObject converts the receiving ImportedObject into a
// ResourceInstanceObject that has status ObjectReady.
// The returned object does not know its own resource type, so the caller must
// retain the ResourceType value from the source object if this information is
// needed.
// The returned object also has no dependency addresses, but the caller may
// freely modify the direct fields of the returned object without affecting
// the receiver.
func (ir ImportedResource) AsInstanceObject() *states.ResourceInstanceObject {
return &states.ResourceInstanceObject{
Status: states.ObjectReady,
Value: ir.State,
Private: ir.Private,
type ReadDataSourceRequest struct {
// TypeName is the name of the data source type to Read.
TypeName string
// Config is the complete configuration for the requested data source.
Config cty.Value
// ProviderMeta is the configuration for the provider_meta block for the
// module and provider this resource belongs to. Its use is defined by
// each provider, and it should not be used without coordination with
// HashiCorp. It is considered experimental and subject to change.
ProviderMeta cty.Value
type ReadDataSourceResponse struct {
// State is the current state of the requested data source.
State cty.Value
// Diagnostics contains any warnings or errors from the method call.
Diagnostics tfdiags.Diagnostics