Oleksandr Levchenkov 8361438c52
remove copyright headers from website examples and lock files (#1687)
Signed-off-by: ollevche <>
2024-05-28 13:40:19 -04:00

32 lines
866 B

// Configure the AWS provider to run fake credentials and without
// any validations. Not all providers support this, but when they
// do, you can run fully offline tests.
provider "aws" {
access_key = "foo"
secret_key = "bar"
skip_credentials_validation = true
skip_region_validation = true
skip_metadata_api_check = true
skip_requesting_account_id = true
run "test" {
// Run in plan mode to skip applying:
command = plan
// Disable the refresh to prevent reaching out to the AWS API:
plan_options {
refresh = false
// Test if the bucket name is correctly passed to the aws_s3_bucket
// resource:
variables {
bucket_name = "test"
assert {
condition = aws_s3_bucket.test.bucket == "test"
error_message = "Incorrect bucket name: ${aws_s3_bucket.test.bucket}"