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* Grafana provider * grafana_data_source resource. Allows data sources to be created in Grafana. Supports all data source types that are accepted in the current version of Grafana, and will support any future ones that fit into the existing structure. * Vendoring of apparentlymart/go-grafana-api This is in anticipation of adding a Grafana provider plugin. * grafana_dashboard resource * Website documentation for the Grafana provider.
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// Copyright 2013 Beego Authors
// Copyright 2014 Unknwon
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"): you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
// a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// Package session a middleware that provides the session management of Macaron.
package session
import (
const _VERSION = "0.2.0"
func Version() string {
return _VERSION
// RawStore is the interface that operates the session data.
type RawStore interface {
// Set sets value to given key in session.
Set(interface{}, interface{}) error
// Get gets value by given key in session.
Get(interface{}) interface{}
// Delete deletes a key from session.
Delete(interface{}) error
// ID returns current session ID.
ID() string
// Release releases session resource and save data to provider.
Release() error
// Flush deletes all session data.
Flush() error
// Store is the interface that contains all data for one session process with specific ID.
type Store interface {
// Read returns raw session store by session ID.
Read(string) (RawStore, error)
// Destory deletes a session.
Destory(*macaron.Context) error
// RegenerateId regenerates a session store from old session ID to new one.
RegenerateId(*macaron.Context) (RawStore, error)
// Count counts and returns number of sessions.
Count() int
// GC calls GC to clean expired sessions.
type store struct {
var _ Store = &store{}
// Options represents a struct for specifying configuration options for the session middleware.
type Options struct {
// Name of provider. Default is "memory".
Provider string
// Provider configuration, it's corresponding to provider.
ProviderConfig string
// Cookie name to save session ID. Default is "MacaronSession".
CookieName string
// Cookie path to store. Default is "/".
CookiePath string
// GC interval time in seconds. Default is 3600.
Gclifetime int64
// Max life time in seconds. Default is whatever GC interval time is.
Maxlifetime int64
// Use HTTPS only. Default is false.
Secure bool
// Cookie life time. Default is 0.
CookieLifeTime int
// Cookie domain name. Default is empty.
Domain string
// Session ID length. Default is 16.
IDLength int
// Configuration section name. Default is "session".
Section string
func prepareOptions(options []Options) Options {
var opt Options
if len(options) > 0 {
opt = options[0]
if len(opt.Section) == 0 {
opt.Section = "session"
sec := macaron.Config().Section(opt.Section)
if len(opt.Provider) == 0 {
opt.Provider = sec.Key("PROVIDER").MustString("memory")
if len(opt.ProviderConfig) == 0 {
opt.ProviderConfig = sec.Key("PROVIDER_CONFIG").MustString("data/sessions")
if len(opt.CookieName) == 0 {
opt.CookieName = sec.Key("COOKIE_NAME").MustString("MacaronSession")
if len(opt.CookiePath) == 0 {
opt.CookiePath = sec.Key("COOKIE_PATH").MustString("/")
if opt.Gclifetime == 0 {
opt.Gclifetime = sec.Key("GC_INTERVAL_TIME").MustInt64(3600)
if opt.Maxlifetime == 0 {
opt.Maxlifetime = sec.Key("MAX_LIFE_TIME").MustInt64(opt.Gclifetime)
if !opt.Secure {
opt.Secure = sec.Key("SECURE").MustBool()
if opt.CookieLifeTime == 0 {
opt.CookieLifeTime = sec.Key("COOKIE_LIFE_TIME").MustInt()
if len(opt.Domain) == 0 {
opt.Domain = sec.Key("DOMAIN").String()
if opt.IDLength == 0 {
opt.IDLength = sec.Key("ID_LENGTH").MustInt(16)
return opt
// Sessioner is a middleware that maps a session.SessionStore service into the Macaron handler chain.
// An single variadic session.Options struct can be optionally provided to configure.
func Sessioner(options ...Options) macaron.Handler {
opt := prepareOptions(options)
manager, err := NewManager(opt.Provider, opt)
if err != nil {
go manager.startGC()
return func(ctx *macaron.Context) {
sess, err := manager.Start(ctx)
if err != nil {
panic("session(start): " + err.Error())
// Get flash.
vals, _ := url.ParseQuery(ctx.GetCookie("macaron_flash"))
if len(vals) > 0 {
f := &Flash{Values: vals}
f.ErrorMsg = f.Get("error")
f.SuccessMsg = f.Get("success")
f.InfoMsg = f.Get("info")
f.WarningMsg = f.Get("warning")
ctx.Data["Flash"] = f
ctx.SetCookie("macaron_flash", "", -1, opt.CookiePath)
f := &Flash{ctx, url.Values{}, "", "", "", ""}
ctx.Resp.Before(func(macaron.ResponseWriter) {
if flash := f.Encode(); len(flash) > 0 {
ctx.SetCookie("macaron_flash", flash, 0, opt.CookiePath)
s := store{
RawStore: sess,
Manager: manager,
ctx.MapTo(s, (*Store)(nil))
if err = sess.Release(); err != nil {
panic("session(release): " + err.Error())
// Provider is the interface that provides session manipulations.
type Provider interface {
// Init initializes session provider.
Init(gclifetime int64, config string) error
// Read returns raw session store by session ID.
Read(sid string) (RawStore, error)
// Exist returns true if session with given ID exists.
Exist(sid string) bool
// Destory deletes a session by session ID.
Destory(sid string) error
// Regenerate regenerates a session store from old session ID to new one.
Regenerate(oldsid, sid string) (RawStore, error)
// Count counts and returns number of sessions.
Count() int
// GC calls GC to clean expired sessions.
var providers = make(map[string]Provider)
// Register registers a provider.
func Register(name string, provider Provider) {
if provider == nil {
panic("session: cannot register provider with nil value")
if _, dup := providers[name]; dup {
panic(fmt.Errorf("session: cannot register provider '%s' twice", name))
providers[name] = provider
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// Manager represents a struct that contains session provider and its configuration.
type Manager struct {
provider Provider
opt Options
// NewManager creates and returns a new session manager by given provider name and configuration.
// It panics when given provider isn't registered.
func NewManager(name string, opt Options) (*Manager, error) {
p, ok := providers[name]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("session: unknown provider '%s'(forgotten import?)", name)
return &Manager{p, opt}, p.Init(opt.Maxlifetime, opt.ProviderConfig)
// sessionId generates a new session ID with rand string, unix nano time, remote addr by hash function.
func (m *Manager) sessionId() string {
return hex.EncodeToString(generateRandomKey(m.opt.IDLength / 2))
// Start starts a session by generating new one
// or retrieve existence one by reading session ID from HTTP request if it's valid.
func (m *Manager) Start(ctx *macaron.Context) (RawStore, error) {
sid := ctx.GetCookie(m.opt.CookieName)
if len(sid) > 0 && m.provider.Exist(sid) {
return m.provider.Read(sid)
sid = m.sessionId()
sess, err := m.provider.Read(sid)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cookie := &http.Cookie{
Name: m.opt.CookieName,
Value: sid,
Path: m.opt.CookiePath,
HttpOnly: true,
Secure: m.opt.Secure,
Domain: m.opt.Domain,
if m.opt.CookieLifeTime >= 0 {
cookie.MaxAge = m.opt.CookieLifeTime
http.SetCookie(ctx.Resp, cookie)
return sess, nil
// Read returns raw session store by session ID.
func (m *Manager) Read(sid string) (RawStore, error) {
return m.provider.Read(sid)
// Destory deletes a session by given ID.
func (m *Manager) Destory(ctx *macaron.Context) error {
sid := ctx.GetCookie(m.opt.CookieName)
if len(sid) == 0 {
return nil
if err := m.provider.Destory(sid); err != nil {
return err
cookie := &http.Cookie{
Name: m.opt.CookieName,
Path: m.opt.CookiePath,
HttpOnly: true,
Expires: time.Now(),
MaxAge: -1,
http.SetCookie(ctx.Resp, cookie)
return nil
// RegenerateId regenerates a session store from old session ID to new one.
func (m *Manager) RegenerateId(ctx *macaron.Context) (sess RawStore, err error) {
sid := m.sessionId()
oldsid := ctx.GetCookie(m.opt.CookieName)
sess, err = m.provider.Regenerate(oldsid, sid)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ck := &http.Cookie{
Name: m.opt.CookieName,
Value: sid,
Path: m.opt.CookiePath,
HttpOnly: true,
Secure: m.opt.Secure,
Domain: m.opt.Domain,
if m.opt.CookieLifeTime >= 0 {
ck.MaxAge = m.opt.CookieLifeTime
http.SetCookie(ctx.Resp, ck)
return sess, nil
// Count counts and returns number of sessions.
func (m *Manager) Count() int {
return m.provider.Count()
// GC starts GC job in a certain period.
func (m *Manager) GC() {
// startGC starts GC job in a certain period.
func (m *Manager) startGC() {
time.AfterFunc(time.Duration(m.opt.Gclifetime)*time.Second, func() { m.startGC() })
// SetSecure indicates whether to set cookie with HTTPS or not.
func (m *Manager) SetSecure(secure bool) {
m.opt.Secure = secure
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type Flash struct {
ctx *macaron.Context
ErrorMsg, WarningMsg, InfoMsg, SuccessMsg string
func (f *Flash) set(name, msg string, current ...bool) {
isShow := false
if (len(current) == 0 && macaron.FlashNow) ||
(len(current) > 0 && current[0]) {
isShow = true
if isShow {
f.ctx.Data["Flash"] = f
} else {
f.Set(name, msg)
func (f *Flash) Error(msg string, current ...bool) {
f.ErrorMsg = msg
f.set("error", msg, current...)
func (f *Flash) Warning(msg string, current ...bool) {
f.WarningMsg = msg
f.set("warning", msg, current...)
func (f *Flash) Info(msg string, current ...bool) {
f.InfoMsg = msg
f.set("info", msg, current...)
func (f *Flash) Success(msg string, current ...bool) {
f.SuccessMsg = msg
f.set("success", msg, current...)