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synced 2025-02-25 18:45:20 -06:00
When an error occurs in a function call, the error message text often includes references to particular parameters in the function signature. This commit improves that reporting by also including a summary of the full function signature as part of the diagnostic context in that case, so a reader can see which parameter is which given that function arguments are always assigned positionally and so the parameter names do not appear in the caller's source code.
320 lines
10 KiB
320 lines
10 KiB
package format
import (
viewsjson "github.com/hashicorp/terraform/internal/command/views/json"
wordwrap "github.com/mitchellh/go-wordwrap"
var disabledColorize = &colorstring.Colorize{
Colors: colorstring.DefaultColors,
Disable: true,
// Diagnostic formats a single diagnostic message.
// The width argument specifies at what column the diagnostic messages will
// be wrapped. If set to zero, messages will not be wrapped by this function
// at all. Although the long-form text parts of the message are wrapped,
// not all aspects of the message are guaranteed to fit within the specified
// terminal width.
func Diagnostic(diag tfdiags.Diagnostic, sources map[string][]byte, color *colorstring.Colorize, width int) string {
return DiagnosticFromJSON(viewsjson.NewDiagnostic(diag, sources), color, width)
func DiagnosticFromJSON(diag *viewsjson.Diagnostic, color *colorstring.Colorize, width int) string {
if diag == nil {
// No good reason to pass a nil diagnostic in here...
return ""
var buf bytes.Buffer
// these leftRule* variables are markers for the beginning of the lines
// containing the diagnostic that are intended to help sighted users
// better understand the information hierarchy when diagnostics appear
// alongside other information or alongside other diagnostics.
// Without this, it seems (based on folks sharing incomplete messages when
// asking questions, or including extra content that's not part of the
// diagnostic) that some readers have trouble easily identifying which
// text belongs to the diagnostic and which does not.
var leftRuleLine, leftRuleStart, leftRuleEnd string
var leftRuleWidth int // in visual character cells
switch diag.Severity {
case viewsjson.DiagnosticSeverityError:
buf.WriteString(color.Color("[bold][red]Error: [reset]"))
leftRuleLine = color.Color("[red]│[reset] ")
leftRuleStart = color.Color("[red]╷[reset]")
leftRuleEnd = color.Color("[red]╵[reset]")
leftRuleWidth = 2
case viewsjson.DiagnosticSeverityWarning:
buf.WriteString(color.Color("[bold][yellow]Warning: [reset]"))
leftRuleLine = color.Color("[yellow]│[reset] ")
leftRuleStart = color.Color("[yellow]╷[reset]")
leftRuleEnd = color.Color("[yellow]╵[reset]")
leftRuleWidth = 2
// Clear out any coloring that might be applied by Terraform's UI helper,
// so our result is not context-sensitive.
// We don't wrap the summary, since we expect it to be terse, and since
// this is where we put the text of a native Go error it may not always
// be pure text that lends itself well to word-wrapping.
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, color.Color("[bold]%s[reset]\n\n"), diag.Summary)
appendSourceSnippets(&buf, diag, color)
if diag.Detail != "" {
paraWidth := width - leftRuleWidth - 1 // leave room for the left rule
if paraWidth > 0 {
lines := strings.Split(diag.Detail, "\n")
for _, line := range lines {
if !strings.HasPrefix(line, " ") {
line = wordwrap.WrapString(line, uint(paraWidth))
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%s\n", line)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%s\n", diag.Detail)
// Before we return, we'll finally add the left rule prefixes to each
// line so that the overall message is visually delimited from what's
// around it. We'll do that by scanning over what we already generated
// and adding the prefix for each line.
var ruleBuf strings.Builder
sc := bufio.NewScanner(&buf)
for sc.Scan() {
line := sc.Text()
prefix := leftRuleLine
if line == "" {
// Don't print the space after the line if there would be nothing
// after it anyway.
prefix = strings.TrimSpace(prefix)
return ruleBuf.String()
// DiagnosticPlain is an alternative to Diagnostic which minimises the use of
// virtual terminal formatting sequences.
// It is intended for use in automation and other contexts in which diagnostic
// messages are parsed from the Terraform output.
func DiagnosticPlain(diag tfdiags.Diagnostic, sources map[string][]byte, width int) string {
return DiagnosticPlainFromJSON(viewsjson.NewDiagnostic(diag, sources), width)
func DiagnosticPlainFromJSON(diag *viewsjson.Diagnostic, width int) string {
if diag == nil {
// No good reason to pass a nil diagnostic in here...
return ""
var buf bytes.Buffer
switch diag.Severity {
case viewsjson.DiagnosticSeverityError:
buf.WriteString("\nError: ")
case viewsjson.DiagnosticSeverityWarning:
buf.WriteString("\nWarning: ")
// We don't wrap the summary, since we expect it to be terse, and since
// this is where we put the text of a native Go error it may not always
// be pure text that lends itself well to word-wrapping.
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%s\n\n", diag.Summary)
appendSourceSnippets(&buf, diag, disabledColorize)
if diag.Detail != "" {
if width > 1 {
lines := strings.Split(diag.Detail, "\n")
for _, line := range lines {
if !strings.HasPrefix(line, " ") {
line = wordwrap.WrapString(line, uint(width-1))
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%s\n", line)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%s\n", diag.Detail)
return buf.String()
// DiagnosticWarningsCompact is an alternative to Diagnostic for when all of
// the given diagnostics are warnings and we want to show them compactly,
// with only two lines per warning and excluding all of the detail information.
// The caller may optionally pre-process the given diagnostics with
// ConsolidateWarnings, in which case this function will recognize consolidated
// messages and include an indication that they are consolidated.
// Do not pass non-warning diagnostics to this function, or the result will
// be nonsense.
func DiagnosticWarningsCompact(diags tfdiags.Diagnostics, color *colorstring.Colorize) string {
var b strings.Builder
for _, diag := range diags {
sources := tfdiags.WarningGroupSourceRanges(diag)
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("- %s\n", diag.Description().Summary))
if len(sources) > 0 {
mainSource := sources[0]
if mainSource.Subject != nil {
if len(sources) > 1 {
" on %s line %d (and %d more)\n",
} else {
" on %s line %d\n",
} else if len(sources) > 1 {
" (%d occurences of this warning)\n",
return b.String()
func appendSourceSnippets(buf *bytes.Buffer, diag *viewsjson.Diagnostic, color *colorstring.Colorize) {
if diag.Address != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, " with %s,\n", diag.Address)
if diag.Range == nil {
if diag.Snippet == nil {
// This should generally not happen, as long as sources are always
// loaded through the main loader. We may load things in other
// ways in weird cases, so we'll tolerate it at the expense of
// a not-so-helpful error message.
fmt.Fprintf(buf, " on %s line %d:\n (source code not available)\n", diag.Range.Filename, diag.Range.Start.Line)
} else {
snippet := diag.Snippet
code := snippet.Code
var contextStr string
if snippet.Context != nil {
contextStr = fmt.Sprintf(", in %s", *snippet.Context)
fmt.Fprintf(buf, " on %s line %d%s:\n", diag.Range.Filename, diag.Range.Start.Line, contextStr)
// Split the snippet and render the highlighted section with underlines
start := snippet.HighlightStartOffset
end := snippet.HighlightEndOffset
// Only buggy diagnostics can have an end range before the start, but
// we need to ensure we don't crash here if that happens.
if end < start {
end = start + 1
if end > len(code) {
end = len(code)
// If either start or end is out of range for the code buffer then
// we'll cap them at the bounds just to avoid a panic, although
// this would happen only if there's a bug in the code generating
// the snippet objects.
if start < 0 {
start = 0
} else if start > len(code) {
start = len(code)
if end < 0 {
end = 0
} else if end > len(code) {
end = len(code)
before, highlight, after := code[0:start], code[start:end], code[end:]
code = fmt.Sprintf(color.Color("%s[underline]%s[reset]%s"), before, highlight, after)
// Split the snippet into lines and render one at a time
lines := strings.Split(code, "\n")
for i, line := range lines {
buf, "%4d: %s\n",
if len(snippet.Values) > 0 || (snippet.FunctionCall != nil && snippet.FunctionCall.Signature != nil) {
// The diagnostic may also have information about the dynamic
// values of relevant variables at the point of evaluation.
// This is particularly useful for expressions that get evaluated
// multiple times with different values, such as blocks using
// "count" and "for_each", or within "for" expressions.
values := make([]viewsjson.DiagnosticExpressionValue, len(snippet.Values))
copy(values, snippet.Values)
sort.Slice(values, func(i, j int) bool {
return values[i].Traversal < values[j].Traversal
fmt.Fprint(buf, color.Color(" [dark_gray]├────────────────[reset]\n"))
if callInfo := snippet.FunctionCall; callInfo != nil && callInfo.Signature != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, color.Color(" [dark_gray]│[reset] while calling [bold]%s[reset]("), callInfo.CalledAs)
for i, param := range callInfo.Signature.Params {
if i > 0 {
buf.WriteString(", ")
if param := callInfo.Signature.VariadicParam; param != nil {
if len(callInfo.Signature.Params) > 0 {
buf.WriteString(", ")
for _, value := range values {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, color.Color(" [dark_gray]│[reset] [bold]%s[reset] %s\n"), value.Traversal, value.Statement)