Paul Hinze 069425a700 consul: Fix several problems w/ consul_keys update
Implementation notes:

 * The hash implementation was not considering key value, causing "diffs
   did not match" errors when a value was updated. Switching to default
   HashResource implementation fixes this
 * Using HashResource as a default exposed a bug in helper/schema that
   needed to be fixed so the Set function is picked up properly during
 * Stop writing back values into the `key` attribute; it triggers extra
   diffs when `default` is used. Computed values all just go into `var`.
 * Includes a state migration to prevent unnecessary diffs based on
   "key" attribute hashcodes changing.

In the tests:

 * Switch from leaning on the public demo Consul instance to requiring a
   CONSUL_HTTP_ADDR variable be set pointing to a `consul agent -dev`
   instance to be used only for testing.
 * Add a test that exposes the updating issues and covers the fixes

Fixes #774
Fixes #1866
Fixes #3023
2016-01-26 14:46:26 -06:00

119 lines
2.8 KiB

package consul
import (
consulapi ""
func TestAccConsulKeys_basic(t *testing.T) {
resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },
Providers: testAccProviders,
CheckDestroy: testAccCheckConsulKeysDestroy,
Steps: []resource.TestStep{
Config: testAccConsulKeysConfig,
Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(
testAccCheckConsulKeysValue("", "enabled", "true"),
testAccCheckConsulKeysValue("", "set", "acceptance"),
Config: testAccConsulKeysConfig_Update,
Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(
testAccCheckConsulKeysValue("", "enabled", "true"),
testAccCheckConsulKeysValue("", "set", "acceptanceUpdated"),
func testAccCheckConsulKeysDestroy(s *terraform.State) error {
kv := testAccProvider.Meta().(*consulapi.Client).KV()
opts := &consulapi.QueryOptions{Datacenter: "dc1"}
pair, _, err := kv.Get("test/set", opts)
if err != nil {
return err
if pair != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Key still exists: %#v", pair)
return nil
func testAccCheckConsulKeysExists() resource.TestCheckFunc {
return func(s *terraform.State) error {
kv := testAccProvider.Meta().(*consulapi.Client).KV()
opts := &consulapi.QueryOptions{Datacenter: "dc1"}
pair, _, err := kv.Get("test/set", opts)
if err != nil {
return err
if pair == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Key 'test/set' does not exist")
return nil
func testAccCheckConsulKeysValue(n, attr, val string) resource.TestCheckFunc {
return func(s *terraform.State) error {
rn, ok := s.RootModule().Resources[n]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("Resource not found")
out, ok := rn.Primary.Attributes["var."+attr]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("Attribute '%s' not found: %#v", attr, rn.Primary.Attributes)
if val != "<any>" && out != val {
return fmt.Errorf("Attribute '%s' value '%s' != '%s'", attr, out, val)
if val == "<any>" && out == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("Attribute '%s' value '%s'", attr, out)
return nil
const testAccConsulKeysConfig = `
resource "consul_keys" "app" {
datacenter = "dc1"
key {
name = "enabled"
path = "test/enabled"
default = "true"
key {
name = "set"
path = "test/set"
value = "acceptance"
delete = true
const testAccConsulKeysConfig_Update = `
resource "consul_keys" "app" {
datacenter = "dc1"
key {
name = "enabled"
path = "test/enabled"
default = "true"
key {
name = "set"
path = "test/set"
value = "acceptanceUpdated"
delete = true