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synced 2025-02-20 11:48:24 -06:00
The "find route in table" helper code was not properly handling routes with no destination CIDR block - like vpc_endpoint routes - so if one of those routes would come up before the target route in the loop, we'd get a crash. Fixes #6337
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package aws
import (
// How long to sleep if a limit-exceeded event happens
var routeTargetValidationError = errors.New("Error: more than 1 target specified. Only 1 of gateway_id" +
"nat_gateway_id, instance_id, network_interface_id, route_table_id or" +
"vpc_peering_connection_id is allowed.")
// AWS Route resource Schema declaration
func resourceAwsRoute() *schema.Resource {
return &schema.Resource{
Create: resourceAwsRouteCreate,
Read: resourceAwsRouteRead,
Update: resourceAwsRouteUpdate,
Delete: resourceAwsRouteDelete,
Exists: resourceAwsRouteExists,
Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{
"destination_cidr_block": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Required: true,
ForceNew: true,
"destination_prefix_list_id": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Computed: true,
"gateway_id": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Optional: true,
Computed: true,
"nat_gateway_id": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Optional: true,
Computed: true,
"instance_id": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Optional: true,
Computed: true,
"instance_owner_id": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Computed: true,
"network_interface_id": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Optional: true,
Computed: true,
"origin": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Computed: true,
"state": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Computed: true,
"route_table_id": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Required: true,
"vpc_peering_connection_id": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Optional: true,
func resourceAwsRouteCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
conn := meta.(*AWSClient).ec2conn
var numTargets int
var setTarget string
allowedTargets := []string{
// Check if more than 1 target is specified
for _, target := range allowedTargets {
if len(d.Get(target).(string)) > 0 {
setTarget = target
if numTargets > 1 {
return routeTargetValidationError
createOpts := &ec2.CreateRouteInput{}
// Formulate CreateRouteInput based on the target type
switch setTarget {
case "gateway_id":
createOpts = &ec2.CreateRouteInput{
RouteTableId: aws.String(d.Get("route_table_id").(string)),
DestinationCidrBlock: aws.String(d.Get("destination_cidr_block").(string)),
GatewayId: aws.String(d.Get("gateway_id").(string)),
case "nat_gateway_id":
createOpts = &ec2.CreateRouteInput{
RouteTableId: aws.String(d.Get("route_table_id").(string)),
DestinationCidrBlock: aws.String(d.Get("destination_cidr_block").(string)),
NatGatewayId: aws.String(d.Get("nat_gateway_id").(string)),
case "instance_id":
createOpts = &ec2.CreateRouteInput{
RouteTableId: aws.String(d.Get("route_table_id").(string)),
DestinationCidrBlock: aws.String(d.Get("destination_cidr_block").(string)),
InstanceId: aws.String(d.Get("instance_id").(string)),
case "network_interface_id":
createOpts = &ec2.CreateRouteInput{
RouteTableId: aws.String(d.Get("route_table_id").(string)),
DestinationCidrBlock: aws.String(d.Get("destination_cidr_block").(string)),
NetworkInterfaceId: aws.String(d.Get("network_interface_id").(string)),
case "vpc_peering_connection_id":
createOpts = &ec2.CreateRouteInput{
RouteTableId: aws.String(d.Get("route_table_id").(string)),
DestinationCidrBlock: aws.String(d.Get("destination_cidr_block").(string)),
VpcPeeringConnectionId: aws.String(d.Get("vpc_peering_connection_id").(string)),
return fmt.Errorf("Error: invalid target type specified.")
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Route create config: %s", createOpts)
// Create the route
var err error
err = resource.Retry(2*time.Minute, func() *resource.RetryError {
_, err = conn.CreateRoute(createOpts)
if err != nil {
ec2err, ok := err.(awserr.Error)
if !ok {
return resource.NonRetryableError(err)
if ec2err.Code() == "InvalidParameterException" {
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Trying to create route again: %q", ec2err.Message())
return resource.RetryableError(err)
return resource.NonRetryableError(err)
return nil
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error creating route: %s", err)
route, err := findResourceRoute(conn, d.Get("route_table_id").(string), d.Get("destination_cidr_block").(string))
if err != nil {
return err
d.SetId(routeIDHash(d, route))
return resourceAwsRouteRead(d, meta)
func resourceAwsRouteRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
conn := meta.(*AWSClient).ec2conn
route, err := findResourceRoute(conn, d.Get("route_table_id").(string), d.Get("destination_cidr_block").(string))
if err != nil {
return err
d.Set("destination_prefix_list_id", route.DestinationPrefixListId)
d.Set("gateway_id", route.GatewayId)
d.Set("nat_gateway_id", route.NatGatewayId)
d.Set("instance_id", route.InstanceId)
d.Set("instance_owner_id", route.InstanceOwnerId)
d.Set("network_interface_id", route.NetworkInterfaceId)
d.Set("origin", route.Origin)
d.Set("state", route.State)
d.Set("vpc_peering_connection_id", route.VpcPeeringConnectionId)
return nil
func resourceAwsRouteUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
conn := meta.(*AWSClient).ec2conn
var numTargets int
var setTarget string
allowedTargets := []string{
replaceOpts := &ec2.ReplaceRouteInput{}
// Check if more than 1 target is specified
for _, target := range allowedTargets {
if len(d.Get(target).(string)) > 0 {
setTarget = target
if numTargets > 1 {
return routeTargetValidationError
// Formulate ReplaceRouteInput based on the target type
switch setTarget {
case "gateway_id":
replaceOpts = &ec2.ReplaceRouteInput{
RouteTableId: aws.String(d.Get("route_table_id").(string)),
DestinationCidrBlock: aws.String(d.Get("destination_cidr_block").(string)),
GatewayId: aws.String(d.Get("gateway_id").(string)),
case "nat_gateway_id":
replaceOpts = &ec2.ReplaceRouteInput{
RouteTableId: aws.String(d.Get("route_table_id").(string)),
DestinationCidrBlock: aws.String(d.Get("destination_cidr_block").(string)),
NatGatewayId: aws.String(d.Get("nat_gateway_id").(string)),
case "instance_id":
replaceOpts = &ec2.ReplaceRouteInput{
RouteTableId: aws.String(d.Get("route_table_id").(string)),
DestinationCidrBlock: aws.String(d.Get("destination_cidr_block").(string)),
InstanceId: aws.String(d.Get("instance_id").(string)),
//NOOP: Ensure we don't blow away network interface id that is set after instance is launched
NetworkInterfaceId: aws.String(d.Get("network_interface_id").(string)),
case "network_interface_id":
replaceOpts = &ec2.ReplaceRouteInput{
RouteTableId: aws.String(d.Get("route_table_id").(string)),
DestinationCidrBlock: aws.String(d.Get("destination_cidr_block").(string)),
NetworkInterfaceId: aws.String(d.Get("network_interface_id").(string)),
case "vpc_peering_connection_id":
replaceOpts = &ec2.ReplaceRouteInput{
RouteTableId: aws.String(d.Get("route_table_id").(string)),
DestinationCidrBlock: aws.String(d.Get("destination_cidr_block").(string)),
VpcPeeringConnectionId: aws.String(d.Get("vpc_peering_connection_id").(string)),
return fmt.Errorf("Error: invalid target type specified.")
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Route replace config: %s", replaceOpts)
// Replace the route
_, err := conn.ReplaceRoute(replaceOpts)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func resourceAwsRouteDelete(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
conn := meta.(*AWSClient).ec2conn
deleteOpts := &ec2.DeleteRouteInput{
RouteTableId: aws.String(d.Get("route_table_id").(string)),
DestinationCidrBlock: aws.String(d.Get("destination_cidr_block").(string)),
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Route delete opts: %s", deleteOpts)
var err error
err = resource.Retry(5*time.Minute, func() *resource.RetryError {
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Trying to delete route with opts %s", deleteOpts)
resp, err := conn.DeleteRoute(deleteOpts)
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Route delete result: %s", resp)
if err == nil {
return nil
ec2err, ok := err.(awserr.Error)
if !ok {
return resource.NonRetryableError(err)
if ec2err.Code() == "InvalidParameterException" {
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Trying to delete route again: %q",
return resource.RetryableError(err)
return resource.NonRetryableError(err)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func resourceAwsRouteExists(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) (bool, error) {
conn := meta.(*AWSClient).ec2conn
routeTableId := d.Get("route_table_id").(string)
findOpts := &ec2.DescribeRouteTablesInput{
RouteTableIds: []*string{&routeTableId},
res, err := conn.DescribeRouteTables(findOpts)
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("Error while checking if route exists: %s", err)
if len(res.RouteTables) < 1 || res.RouteTables[0] == nil {
log.Printf("[WARN] Route table %s is gone, so route does not exist.",
return false, nil
cidr := d.Get("destination_cidr_block").(string)
for _, route := range (*res.RouteTables[0]).Routes {
if route.DestinationCidrBlock != nil && *route.DestinationCidrBlock == cidr {
return true, nil
return false, nil
// Create an ID for a route
func routeIDHash(d *schema.ResourceData, r *ec2.Route) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("r-%s%d", d.Get("route_table_id").(string), hashcode.String(*r.DestinationCidrBlock))
// Helper: retrieve a route
func findResourceRoute(conn *ec2.EC2, rtbid string, cidr string) (*ec2.Route, error) {
routeTableID := rtbid
findOpts := &ec2.DescribeRouteTablesInput{
RouteTableIds: []*string{&routeTableID},
resp, err := conn.DescribeRouteTables(findOpts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(resp.RouteTables) < 1 || resp.RouteTables[0] == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Route table %s is gone, so route does not exist.",
for _, route := range (*resp.RouteTables[0]).Routes {
if route.DestinationCidrBlock != nil && *route.DestinationCidrBlock == cidr {
return route, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`
error finding matching route for Route table (%s) and destination CIDR block (%s)`,
rtbid, cidr)