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synced 2025-02-25 18:45:20 -06:00
This is not currently gated by the experiment only because it is awkward to do so in the context of evaluationStateData, which doesn't have any concept of experiments at the moment.
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453 lines
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package lang
import (
// ExpandBlock expands any "dynamic" blocks present in the given body. The
// result is a body with those blocks expanded, ready to be evaluated with
// EvalBlock.
// If the returned diagnostics contains errors then the result may be
// incomplete or invalid.
func (s *Scope) ExpandBlock(body hcl.Body, schema *configschema.Block) (hcl.Body, tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
spec := schema.DecoderSpec()
traversals := dynblock.ExpandVariablesHCLDec(body, spec)
refs, diags := References(traversals)
ctx, ctxDiags := s.EvalContext(refs)
diags = diags.Append(ctxDiags)
return dynblock.Expand(body, ctx), diags
// EvalBlock evaluates the given body using the given block schema and returns
// a cty object value representing its contents. The type of the result conforms
// to the implied type of the given schema.
// This function does not automatically expand "dynamic" blocks within the
// body. If that is desired, first call the ExpandBlock method to obtain
// an expanded body to pass to this method.
// If the returned diagnostics contains errors then the result may be
// incomplete or invalid.
func (s *Scope) EvalBlock(body hcl.Body, schema *configschema.Block) (cty.Value, tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
spec := schema.DecoderSpec()
refs, diags := ReferencesInBlock(body, schema)
ctx, ctxDiags := s.EvalContext(refs)
diags = diags.Append(ctxDiags)
if diags.HasErrors() {
// We'll stop early if we found problems in the references, because
// it's likely evaluation will produce redundant copies of the same errors.
return cty.UnknownVal(schema.ImpliedType()), diags
// HACK: In order to remain compatible with some assumptions made in
// Terraform v0.11 and earlier about the approximate equivalence of
// attribute vs. block syntax, we do a just-in-time fixup here to allow
// any attribute in the schema that has a list-of-objects or set-of-objects
// kind to potentially be populated instead by one or more nested blocks
// whose type is the attribute name.
body = blocktoattr.FixUpBlockAttrs(body, schema)
val, evalDiags := hcldec.Decode(body, spec, ctx)
diags = diags.Append(evalDiags)
return val, diags
// EvalSelfBlock evaluates the given body only within the scope of the provided
// object and instance key data. References to the object must use self, and the
// key data will only contain count.index or each.key. The static values for
// terraform and path will also be available in this context.
func (s *Scope) EvalSelfBlock(body hcl.Body, self cty.Value, schema *configschema.Block, keyData instances.RepetitionData) (cty.Value, tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
var diags tfdiags.Diagnostics
spec := schema.DecoderSpec()
vals := make(map[string]cty.Value)
vals["self"] = self
if !keyData.CountIndex.IsNull() {
vals["count"] = cty.ObjectVal(map[string]cty.Value{
"index": keyData.CountIndex,
if !keyData.EachKey.IsNull() {
vals["each"] = cty.ObjectVal(map[string]cty.Value{
"key": keyData.EachKey,
refs, refDiags := References(hcldec.Variables(body, spec))
diags = diags.Append(refDiags)
terraformAttrs := map[string]cty.Value{}
pathAttrs := map[string]cty.Value{}
// We could always load the static values for Path and Terraform values,
// but we want to parse the references so that we can get source ranges for
// user diagnostics.
for _, ref := range refs {
// we already loaded the self value
if ref.Subject == addrs.Self {
switch subj := ref.Subject.(type) {
case addrs.PathAttr:
val, valDiags := normalizeRefValue(s.Data.GetPathAttr(subj, ref.SourceRange))
diags = diags.Append(valDiags)
pathAttrs[subj.Name] = val
case addrs.TerraformAttr:
val, valDiags := normalizeRefValue(s.Data.GetTerraformAttr(subj, ref.SourceRange))
diags = diags.Append(valDiags)
terraformAttrs[subj.Name] = val
case addrs.CountAttr, addrs.ForEachAttr:
// each and count have already been handled.
// This should have been caught in validation, but point the user
// to the correct location in case something slipped through.
diags = diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: `Invalid reference`,
Detail: fmt.Sprintf("The reference to %q is not valid in this context", ref.Subject),
Subject: ref.SourceRange.ToHCL().Ptr(),
vals["path"] = cty.ObjectVal(pathAttrs)
vals["terraform"] = cty.ObjectVal(terraformAttrs)
ctx := &hcl.EvalContext{
Variables: vals,
Functions: s.Functions(),
val, decDiags := hcldec.Decode(body, schema.DecoderSpec(), ctx)
diags = diags.Append(decDiags)
return val, diags
// EvalExpr evaluates a single expression in the receiving context and returns
// the resulting value. The value will be converted to the given type before
// it is returned if possible, or else an error diagnostic will be produced
// describing the conversion error.
// Pass an expected type of cty.DynamicPseudoType to skip automatic conversion
// and just obtain the returned value directly.
// If the returned diagnostics contains errors then the result may be
// incomplete, but will always be of the requested type.
func (s *Scope) EvalExpr(expr hcl.Expression, wantType cty.Type) (cty.Value, tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
refs, diags := ReferencesInExpr(expr)
ctx, ctxDiags := s.EvalContext(refs)
diags = diags.Append(ctxDiags)
if diags.HasErrors() {
// We'll stop early if we found problems in the references, because
// it's likely evaluation will produce redundant copies of the same errors.
return cty.UnknownVal(wantType), diags
val, evalDiags := expr.Value(ctx)
diags = diags.Append(evalDiags)
if wantType != cty.DynamicPseudoType {
var convErr error
val, convErr = convert.Convert(val, wantType)
if convErr != nil {
val = cty.UnknownVal(wantType)
diags = diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Incorrect value type",
Detail: fmt.Sprintf("Invalid expression value: %s.", tfdiags.FormatError(convErr)),
Subject: expr.Range().Ptr(),
Expression: expr,
EvalContext: ctx,
return val, diags
// EvalReference evaluates the given reference in the receiving scope and
// returns the resulting value. The value will be converted to the given type before
// it is returned if possible, or else an error diagnostic will be produced
// describing the conversion error.
// Pass an expected type of cty.DynamicPseudoType to skip automatic conversion
// and just obtain the returned value directly.
// If the returned diagnostics contains errors then the result may be
// incomplete, but will always be of the requested type.
func (s *Scope) EvalReference(ref *addrs.Reference, wantType cty.Type) (cty.Value, tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
var diags tfdiags.Diagnostics
// We cheat a bit here and just build an EvalContext for our requested
// reference with the "self" address overridden, and then pull the "self"
// result out of it to return.
ctx, ctxDiags := s.evalContext([]*addrs.Reference{ref}, ref.Subject)
diags = diags.Append(ctxDiags)
val := ctx.Variables["self"]
if val == cty.NilVal {
val = cty.DynamicVal
var convErr error
val, convErr = convert.Convert(val, wantType)
if convErr != nil {
val = cty.UnknownVal(wantType)
diags = diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Incorrect value type",
Detail: fmt.Sprintf("Invalid expression value: %s.", tfdiags.FormatError(convErr)),
Subject: ref.SourceRange.ToHCL().Ptr(),
return val, diags
// EvalContext constructs a HCL expression evaluation context whose variable
// scope contains sufficient values to satisfy the given set of references.
// Most callers should prefer to use the evaluation helper methods that
// this type offers, but this is here for less common situations where the
// caller will handle the evaluation calls itself.
func (s *Scope) EvalContext(refs []*addrs.Reference) (*hcl.EvalContext, tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
return s.evalContext(refs, s.SelfAddr)
func (s *Scope) evalContext(refs []*addrs.Reference, selfAddr addrs.Referenceable) (*hcl.EvalContext, tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
if s == nil {
panic("attempt to construct EvalContext for nil Scope")
var diags tfdiags.Diagnostics
vals := make(map[string]cty.Value)
funcs := s.Functions()
ctx := &hcl.EvalContext{
Variables: vals,
Functions: funcs,
if len(refs) == 0 {
// Easy path for common case where there are no references at all.
return ctx, diags
// First we'll do static validation of the references. This catches things
// early that might otherwise not get caught due to unknown values being
// present in the scope during planning.
if staticDiags := s.Data.StaticValidateReferences(refs, selfAddr); staticDiags.HasErrors() {
diags = diags.Append(staticDiags)
return ctx, diags
// The reference set we are given has not been de-duped, and so there can
// be redundant requests in it for two reasons:
// - The same item is referenced multiple times
// - Both an item and that item's container are separately referenced.
// We will still visit every reference here and ask our data source for
// it, since that allows us to gather a full set of any errors and
// warnings, but once we've gathered all the data we'll then skip anything
// that's redundant in the process of populating our values map.
dataResources := map[string]map[string]cty.Value{}
managedResources := map[string]map[string]cty.Value{}
wholeModules := map[string]cty.Value{}
inputVariables := map[string]cty.Value{}
localValues := map[string]cty.Value{}
pathAttrs := map[string]cty.Value{}
terraformAttrs := map[string]cty.Value{}
countAttrs := map[string]cty.Value{}
forEachAttrs := map[string]cty.Value{}
var self cty.Value
for _, ref := range refs {
rng := ref.SourceRange
rawSubj := ref.Subject
if rawSubj == addrs.Self {
if selfAddr == nil {
diags = diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: `Invalid "self" reference`,
// This detail message mentions some current practice that
// this codepath doesn't really "know about". If the "self"
// object starts being supported in more contexts later then
// we'll need to adjust this message.
Detail: `The "self" object is not available in this context. This object can be used only in resource provisioner, connection, and postcondition blocks.`,
Subject: ref.SourceRange.ToHCL().Ptr(),
if selfAddr == addrs.Self {
// Programming error: the self address cannot alias itself.
panic("scope SelfAddr attempting to alias itself")
// self can only be used within a resource instance
subj := selfAddr.(addrs.ResourceInstance)
val, valDiags := normalizeRefValue(s.Data.GetResource(subj.ContainingResource(), rng))
diags = diags.Append(valDiags)
// Self is an exception in that it must always resolve to a
// particular instance. We will still insert the full resource into
// the context below.
var hclDiags hcl.Diagnostics
// We should always have a valid self index by this point, but in
// the case of an error, self may end up as a cty.DynamicValue.
switch k := subj.Key.(type) {
case addrs.IntKey:
self, hclDiags = hcl.Index(val, cty.NumberIntVal(int64(k)), ref.SourceRange.ToHCL().Ptr())
diags = diags.Append(hclDiags)
case addrs.StringKey:
self, hclDiags = hcl.Index(val, cty.StringVal(string(k)), ref.SourceRange.ToHCL().Ptr())
diags = diags.Append(hclDiags)
self = val
// This type switch must cover all of the "Referenceable" implementations
// in package addrs, however we are removing the possibility of
// Instances beforehand.
switch addr := rawSubj.(type) {
case addrs.ResourceInstance:
rawSubj = addr.ContainingResource()
case addrs.ModuleCallInstance:
rawSubj = addr.Call
case addrs.ModuleCallInstanceOutput:
rawSubj = addr.Call.Call
switch subj := rawSubj.(type) {
case addrs.Resource:
var into map[string]map[string]cty.Value
switch subj.Mode {
case addrs.ManagedResourceMode:
into = managedResources
case addrs.DataResourceMode:
into = dataResources
panic(fmt.Errorf("unsupported ResourceMode %s", subj.Mode))
val, valDiags := normalizeRefValue(s.Data.GetResource(subj, rng))
diags = diags.Append(valDiags)
r := subj
if into[r.Type] == nil {
into[r.Type] = make(map[string]cty.Value)
into[r.Type][r.Name] = val
case addrs.ModuleCall:
val, valDiags := normalizeRefValue(s.Data.GetModule(subj, rng))
diags = diags.Append(valDiags)
wholeModules[subj.Name] = val
case addrs.InputVariable:
val, valDiags := normalizeRefValue(s.Data.GetInputVariable(subj, rng))
diags = diags.Append(valDiags)
inputVariables[subj.Name] = val
case addrs.LocalValue:
val, valDiags := normalizeRefValue(s.Data.GetLocalValue(subj, rng))
diags = diags.Append(valDiags)
localValues[subj.Name] = val
case addrs.PathAttr:
val, valDiags := normalizeRefValue(s.Data.GetPathAttr(subj, rng))
diags = diags.Append(valDiags)
pathAttrs[subj.Name] = val
case addrs.TerraformAttr:
val, valDiags := normalizeRefValue(s.Data.GetTerraformAttr(subj, rng))
diags = diags.Append(valDiags)
terraformAttrs[subj.Name] = val
case addrs.CountAttr:
val, valDiags := normalizeRefValue(s.Data.GetCountAttr(subj, rng))
diags = diags.Append(valDiags)
countAttrs[subj.Name] = val
case addrs.ForEachAttr:
val, valDiags := normalizeRefValue(s.Data.GetForEachAttr(subj, rng))
diags = diags.Append(valDiags)
forEachAttrs[subj.Name] = val
// Should never happen
panic(fmt.Errorf("Scope.buildEvalContext cannot handle address type %T", rawSubj))
// Managed resources are exposed in two different locations. The primary
// is at the top level where the resource type name is the root of the
// traversal, but we also expose them under "resource" as an escaping
// technique if we add a reserved name in a future language edition which
// conflicts with someone's existing provider.
for k, v := range buildResourceObjects(managedResources) {
vals[k] = v
vals["resource"] = cty.ObjectVal(buildResourceObjects(managedResources))
vals["data"] = cty.ObjectVal(buildResourceObjects(dataResources))
vals["module"] = cty.ObjectVal(wholeModules)
vals["var"] = cty.ObjectVal(inputVariables)
vals["local"] = cty.ObjectVal(localValues)
vals["path"] = cty.ObjectVal(pathAttrs)
vals["terraform"] = cty.ObjectVal(terraformAttrs)
vals["count"] = cty.ObjectVal(countAttrs)
vals["each"] = cty.ObjectVal(forEachAttrs)
if self != cty.NilVal {
vals["self"] = self
return ctx, diags
func buildResourceObjects(resources map[string]map[string]cty.Value) map[string]cty.Value {
vals := make(map[string]cty.Value)
for typeName, nameVals := range resources {
vals[typeName] = cty.ObjectVal(nameVals)
return vals
func normalizeRefValue(val cty.Value, diags tfdiags.Diagnostics) (cty.Value, tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
if diags.HasErrors() {
// If there are errors then we will force an unknown result so that
// we can still evaluate and catch type errors but we'll avoid
// producing redundant re-statements of the same errors we've already
// dealt with here.
return cty.UnknownVal(val.Type()), diags
return val, diags