James Bardin 903852b8e2 skip unset values in conection blocks
There's no valid, null value for the connection strings, so we can skip
over any unset values from the schema.
2018-10-16 18:49:20 -07:00

402 lines
10 KiB

package terraform
import (
// EvalApply is an EvalNode implementation that writes the diff to
// the full diff.
type EvalApply struct {
Addr addrs.ResourceInstance
State **InstanceState
Diff **InstanceDiff
Provider *ResourceProvider
Output **InstanceState
CreateNew *bool
Error *error
// TODO: test
func (n *EvalApply) Eval(ctx EvalContext) (interface{}, error) {
diff := *n.Diff
provider := *n.Provider
state := *n.State
// The provider API still expects our legacy InstanceInfo type, so we must shim it.
legacyInfo := NewInstanceInfo(n.Addr.Absolute(ctx.Path()))
if diff.Empty() {
log.Printf("[DEBUG] apply %s: diff is empty, so skipping.", n.Addr)
return nil, nil
// Remove any output values from the diff
for k, ad := range diff.CopyAttributes() {
if ad.Type == DiffAttrOutput {
// If the state is nil, make it non-nil
if state == nil {
state = new(InstanceState)
// Flag if we're creating a new instance
if n.CreateNew != nil {
*n.CreateNew = state.ID == "" && !diff.GetDestroy() || diff.RequiresNew()
// With the completed diff, apply!
log.Printf("[DEBUG] apply %s: executing Apply", n.Addr)
state, err := provider.Apply(legacyInfo, state, diff)
if state == nil {
state = new(InstanceState)
// Force the "id" attribute to be our ID
if state.ID != "" {
state.Attributes["id"] = state.ID
// If the value is the unknown variable value, then it is an error.
// In this case we record the error and remove it from the state
for ak, av := range state.Attributes {
if av == config.UnknownVariableValue {
err = multierror.Append(err, fmt.Errorf(
"Attribute with unknown value: %s", ak))
delete(state.Attributes, ak)
// Write the final state
if n.Output != nil {
*n.Output = state
// If there are no errors, then we append it to our output error
// if we have one, otherwise we just output it.
if err != nil {
if n.Error != nil {
helpfulErr := fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", n.Addr, err.Error())
*n.Error = multierror.Append(*n.Error, helpfulErr)
} else {
return nil, err
return nil, nil
// EvalApplyPre is an EvalNode implementation that does the pre-Apply work
type EvalApplyPre struct {
Addr addrs.ResourceInstance
State **InstanceState
Diff **InstanceDiff
// TODO: test
func (n *EvalApplyPre) Eval(ctx EvalContext) (interface{}, error) {
state := *n.State
diff := *n.Diff
// The hook API still uses our legacy InstanceInfo type, so we must
// shim it.
legacyInfo := NewInstanceInfo(n.Addr.Absolute(ctx.Path()))
// If the state is nil, make it non-nil
if state == nil {
state = new(InstanceState)
if resourceHasUserVisibleApply(legacyInfo) {
// Call post-apply hook
err := ctx.Hook(func(h Hook) (HookAction, error) {
return h.PreApply(legacyInfo, state, diff)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, nil
// EvalApplyPost is an EvalNode implementation that does the post-Apply work
type EvalApplyPost struct {
Addr addrs.ResourceInstance
State **InstanceState
Error *error
// TODO: test
func (n *EvalApplyPost) Eval(ctx EvalContext) (interface{}, error) {
state := *n.State
// The hook API still uses our legacy InstanceInfo type, so we must
// shim it.
legacyInfo := NewInstanceInfo(n.Addr.Absolute(ctx.Path()))
if resourceHasUserVisibleApply(legacyInfo) {
// Call post-apply hook
err := ctx.Hook(func(h Hook) (HookAction, error) {
return h.PostApply(legacyInfo, state, *n.Error)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, *n.Error
// resourceHasUserVisibleApply returns true if the given resource is one where
// apply actions should be exposed to the user.
// Certain resources do apply actions only as an implementation detail, so
// these should not be advertised to code outside of this package.
func resourceHasUserVisibleApply(info *InstanceInfo) bool {
addr := info.ResourceAddress()
// Only managed resources have user-visible apply actions.
// In particular, this excludes data resources since we "apply" these
// only as an implementation detail of removing them from state when
// they are destroyed. (When reading, they don't get here at all because
// we present them as "Refresh" actions.)
return addr.Mode == config.ManagedResourceMode
// EvalApplyProvisioners is an EvalNode implementation that executes
// the provisioners for a resource.
// TODO(mitchellh): This should probably be split up into a more fine-grained
// ApplyProvisioner (single) that is looped over.
type EvalApplyProvisioners struct {
Addr addrs.ResourceInstance
State **InstanceState
ResourceConfig *configs.Resource
CreateNew *bool
Error *error
// When is the type of provisioner to run at this point
When configs.ProvisionerWhen
// TODO: test
func (n *EvalApplyProvisioners) Eval(ctx EvalContext) (interface{}, error) {
state := *n.State
// The hook API still uses the legacy InstanceInfo type, so we need to shim it.
legacyInfo := NewInstanceInfo(n.Addr.Absolute(ctx.Path()))
if n.CreateNew != nil && !*n.CreateNew {
// If we're not creating a new resource, then don't run provisioners
return nil, nil
provs := n.filterProvisioners()
if len(provs) == 0 {
// We have no provisioners, so don't do anything
return nil, nil
// taint tells us whether to enable tainting.
taint := n.When == configs.ProvisionerWhenCreate
if n.Error != nil && *n.Error != nil {
if taint {
state.Tainted = true
// We're already tainted, so just return out
return nil, nil
// Call pre hook
err := ctx.Hook(func(h Hook) (HookAction, error) {
return h.PreProvisionResource(legacyInfo, state)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If there are no errors, then we append it to our output error
// if we have one, otherwise we just output it.
err := n.apply(ctx, provs)
if err != nil {
if taint {
state.Tainted = true
*n.Error = multierror.Append(*n.Error, err)
return nil, err
// Call post hook
err := ctx.Hook(func(h Hook) (HookAction, error) {
return h.PostProvisionResource(legacyInfo, state)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, nil
// filterProvisioners filters the provisioners on the resource to only
// the provisioners specified by the "when" option.
func (n *EvalApplyProvisioners) filterProvisioners() []*configs.Provisioner {
// Fast path the zero case
if n.ResourceConfig == nil || n.ResourceConfig.Managed == nil {
return nil
if len(n.ResourceConfig.Managed.Provisioners) == 0 {
return nil
result := make([]*configs.Provisioner, 0, len(n.ResourceConfig.Managed.Provisioners))
for _, p := range n.ResourceConfig.Managed.Provisioners {
if p.When == n.When {
result = append(result, p)
return result
func (n *EvalApplyProvisioners) apply(ctx EvalContext, provs []*configs.Provisioner) error {
instanceAddr := n.Addr
state := *n.State
// The hook API still uses the legacy InstanceInfo type, so we need to shim it.
legacyInfo := NewInstanceInfo(n.Addr.Absolute(ctx.Path()))
// Store the original connection info, restore later
origConnInfo := state.Ephemeral.ConnInfo
defer func() {
state.Ephemeral.ConnInfo = origConnInfo
var diags tfdiags.Diagnostics
for _, prov := range provs {
// Get the provisioner
provisioner := ctx.Provisioner(prov.Type)
schema := ctx.ProvisionerSchema(prov.Type)
// Evaluate the main provisioner configuration.
config, _, configDiags := ctx.EvaluateBlock(prov.Config, schema, instanceAddr, instanceAddr.Key)
diags = diags.Append(configDiags)
// A provisioner may not have a connection block
if prov.Connection != nil {
connInfo, _, connInfoDiags := ctx.EvaluateBlock(prov.Connection.Config, connectionBlockSupersetSchema, instanceAddr, instanceAddr.Key)
diags = diags.Append(connInfoDiags)
if configDiags.HasErrors() || connInfoDiags.HasErrors() {
// Merge the connection information, and also lower everything to strings
// for compatibility with the communicator API.
overlay := make(map[string]string)
if origConnInfo != nil {
for k, v := range origConnInfo {
overlay[k] = v
for it := connInfo.ElementIterator(); it.Next(); {
kv, vv := it.Element()
var k, v string
// there are no unset or null values in a connection block, and
// everything needs to map to a string.
if vv.IsNull() {
err := gocty.FromCtyValue(kv, &k)
if err != nil {
// Should never happen, because connectionBlockSupersetSchema requires all primitives
err = gocty.FromCtyValue(vv, &v)
if err != nil {
// Should never happen, because connectionBlockSupersetSchema requires all primitives
overlay[k] = v
state.Ephemeral.ConnInfo = overlay
// Call pre hook
err := ctx.Hook(func(h Hook) (HookAction, error) {
return h.PreProvision(legacyInfo, prov.Type)
if err != nil {
return err
// The output function
outputFn := func(msg string) {
ctx.Hook(func(h Hook) (HookAction, error) {
h.ProvisionOutput(legacyInfo, prov.Type, msg)
return HookActionContinue, nil
// The provisioner API still uses our legacy ResourceConfig type, so
// we need to shim it.
legacyRC := NewResourceConfigShimmed(config, schema)
// Invoke the Provisioner
output := CallbackUIOutput{OutputFn: outputFn}
applyErr := provisioner.Apply(&output, state, legacyRC)
// Call post hook
hookErr := ctx.Hook(func(h Hook) (HookAction, error) {
return h.PostProvision(legacyInfo, prov.Type, applyErr)
// Handle the error before we deal with the hook
if applyErr != nil {
// Determine failure behavior
switch prov.OnFailure {
case configs.ProvisionerOnFailureContinue:
log.Printf("[INFO] apply %s [%s]: error during provision, but continuing as requested in configuration", n.Addr, prov.Type)
case configs.ProvisionerOnFailureFail:
return applyErr
// Deal with the hook
if hookErr != nil {
return hookErr
return diags.ErrWithWarnings()