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package rabbitmq
import (
func resourceUser() *schema.Resource {
return &schema.Resource{
Create: CreateUser,
Update: UpdateUser,
Read: ReadUser,
Delete: DeleteUser,
Importer: &schema.ResourceImporter{
State: schema.ImportStatePassthrough,
Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{
"name": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Required: true,
ForceNew: true,
"password": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Required: true,
Sensitive: true,
"tags": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeList,
Required: true,
Elem: &schema.Schema{Type: schema.TypeString},
func CreateUser(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
rmqc := meta.(*rabbithole.Client)
name := d.Get("name").(string)
var tagList []string
for _, v := range d.Get("tags").([]interface{}) {
tagList = append(tagList, v.(string))
tags := strings.Join(tagList, ",")
userSettings := rabbithole.UserSettings{
Password: d.Get("password").(string),
Tags: tags,
log.Printf("[DEBUG] RabbitMQ: Attempting to create user %s", name)
resp, err := rmqc.PutUser(name, userSettings)
log.Printf("[DEBUG] RabbitMQ: user creation response: %#v", resp)
if err != nil {
return err
if resp.StatusCode >= 400 {
return fmt.Errorf("Error creating RabbitMQ user: %s", resp.Status)
return ReadUser(d, meta)
func ReadUser(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
rmqc := meta.(*rabbithole.Client)
user, err := rmqc.GetUser(d.Id())
if err != nil {
return checkDeleted(d, err)
log.Printf("[DEBUG] RabbitMQ: User retrieved: %#v", user)
d.Set("name", user.Name)
tags := strings.Split(user.Tags, ",")
d.Set("tags", tags)
return nil
func UpdateUser(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
rmqc := meta.(*rabbithole.Client)
name := d.Id()
if d.HasChange("password") {
_, newPassword := d.GetChange("password")
userSettings := rabbithole.UserSettings{
Password: newPassword.(string),
log.Printf("[DEBUG] RabbitMQ: Attempting to update password for %s", name)
resp, err := rmqc.PutUser(name, userSettings)
log.Printf("[DEBUG] RabbitMQ: Password update response: %#v", resp)
if err != nil {
return err
if resp.StatusCode >= 400 {
return fmt.Errorf("Error updating RabbitMQ user: %s", resp.Status)
if d.HasChange("tags") {
_, newTags := d.GetChange("tags")
var tagList []string
for _, v := range newTags.([]interface{}) {
tagList = append(tagList, v.(string))
tags := strings.Join(tagList, ",")
userSettings := rabbithole.UserSettings{
Tags: tags,
log.Printf("[DEBUG] RabbitMQ: Attempting to update tags for %s", name)
resp, err := rmqc.PutUser(name, userSettings)
log.Printf("[DEBUG] RabbitMQ: Tags update response: %#v", resp)
if err != nil {
return err
if resp.StatusCode >= 400 {
return fmt.Errorf("Error updating RabbitMQ user: %s", resp.Status)
return ReadUser(d, meta)
func DeleteUser(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
rmqc := meta.(*rabbithole.Client)
name := d.Id()
log.Printf("[DEBUG] RabbitMQ: Attempting to delete user %s", name)
resp, err := rmqc.DeleteUser(name)
log.Printf("[DEBUG] RabbitMQ: User delete response: %#v", resp)
if err != nil {
return err
if resp.StatusCode == 404 {
// the user was automatically deleted
return nil
if resp.StatusCode >= 400 {
return fmt.Errorf("Error deleting RabbitMQ user: %s", resp.Status)
return nil