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synced 2025-02-25 18:45:20 -06:00
For situations where the default network-based discovery is inappropriate or inconvenient, this allows users to provide a hard-coded discovery document for a particular hostname in the CLI config. This is a new config block, rather than combined with the existing "credentials" block, because credentials should ideally live in separate files from other config so that they can be managed more carefully. However, this new "host" block _is_ designed to have room for additional host-specific configuration _other than_ credentials in future, which might include TLS certificate overrides or other such things used during the discovery step.
313 lines
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313 lines
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//go:generate go run ./scripts/generate-plugins.go
package main
import (
const pluginCacheDirEnvVar = "TF_PLUGIN_CACHE_DIR"
// Config is the structure of the configuration for the Terraform CLI.
// This is not the configuration for Terraform itself. That is in the
// "config" package.
type Config struct {
Providers map[string]string
Provisioners map[string]string
DisableCheckpoint bool `hcl:"disable_checkpoint"`
DisableCheckpointSignature bool `hcl:"disable_checkpoint_signature"`
// If set, enables local caching of plugins in this directory to
// avoid repeatedly re-downloading over the Internet.
PluginCacheDir string `hcl:"plugin_cache_dir"`
Hosts map[string]*ConfigHost `hcl:"host"`
Credentials map[string]map[string]interface{} `hcl:"credentials"`
CredentialsHelpers map[string]*ConfigCredentialsHelper `hcl:"credentials_helper"`
// ConfigHost is the structure of the "host" nested block within the CLI
// configuration, which can be used to override the default service host
// discovery behavior for a particular hostname.
type ConfigHost struct {
Services map[string]interface{} `hcl:"services"`
// ConfigCredentialsHelper is the structure of the "credentials_helper"
// nested block within the CLI configuration.
type ConfigCredentialsHelper struct {
Args []string `hcl:"args"`
// BuiltinConfig is the built-in defaults for the configuration. These
// can be overridden by user configurations.
var BuiltinConfig Config
// PluginOverrides are paths that override discovered plugins, set from
// the config file.
var PluginOverrides command.PluginOverrides
// ConfigFile returns the default path to the configuration file.
// On Unix-like systems this is the ".terraformrc" file in the home directory.
// On Windows, this is the "terraform.rc" file in the application data
// directory.
func ConfigFile() (string, error) {
return configFile()
// ConfigDir returns the configuration directory for Terraform.
func ConfigDir() (string, error) {
return configDir()
// LoadConfig reads the CLI configuration from the various filesystem locations
// and from the environment, returning a merged configuration along with any
// diagnostics (errors and warnings) encountered along the way.
func LoadConfig() (*Config, tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
var diags tfdiags.Diagnostics
configVal := BuiltinConfig // copy
config := &configVal
if mainFilename, err := cliConfigFile(); err == nil {
if _, err := os.Stat(mainFilename); err == nil {
mainConfig, mainDiags := loadConfigFile(mainFilename)
diags = diags.Append(mainDiags)
config = config.Merge(mainConfig)
if configDir, err := ConfigDir(); err == nil {
if info, err := os.Stat(configDir); err == nil && info.IsDir() {
dirConfig, dirDiags := loadConfigDir(configDir)
diags = diags.Append(dirDiags)
config = config.Merge(dirConfig)
if envConfig := EnvConfig(); envConfig != nil {
// envConfig takes precedence
config = envConfig.Merge(config)
diags = diags.Append(config.Validate())
return config, diags
// loadConfigFile loads the CLI configuration from ".terraformrc" files.
func loadConfigFile(path string) (*Config, tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
var diags tfdiags.Diagnostics
result := &Config{}
log.Printf("Loading CLI configuration from %s", path)
// Read the HCL file and prepare for parsing
d, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(fmt.Errorf("Error reading %s: %s", path, err))
return result, diags
// Parse it
obj, err := hcl.Parse(string(d))
if err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(fmt.Errorf("Error parsing %s: %s", path, err))
return result, diags
// Build up the result
if err := hcl.DecodeObject(&result, obj); err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(fmt.Errorf("Error parsing %s: %s", path, err))
return result, diags
// Replace all env vars
for k, v := range result.Providers {
result.Providers[k] = os.ExpandEnv(v)
for k, v := range result.Provisioners {
result.Provisioners[k] = os.ExpandEnv(v)
if result.PluginCacheDir != "" {
result.PluginCacheDir = os.ExpandEnv(result.PluginCacheDir)
return result, diags
func loadConfigDir(path string) (*Config, tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
var diags tfdiags.Diagnostics
result := &Config{}
entries, err := ioutil.ReadDir(path)
if err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(fmt.Errorf("Error reading %s: %s", path, err))
return result, diags
for _, entry := range entries {
name := entry.Name()
// Ignoring errors here because it is used only to indicate pattern
// syntax errors, and our patterns are hard-coded here.
hclMatched, _ := filepath.Match("*.tfrc", name)
jsonMatched, _ := filepath.Match("*.tfrc.json", name)
if !(hclMatched || jsonMatched) {
filePath := filepath.Join(path, name)
fileConfig, fileDiags := loadConfigFile(filePath)
diags = diags.Append(fileDiags)
result = result.Merge(fileConfig)
return result, diags
// EnvConfig returns a Config populated from environment variables.
// Any values specified in this config should override those set in the
// configuration file.
func EnvConfig() *Config {
config := &Config{}
if envPluginCacheDir := os.Getenv(pluginCacheDirEnvVar); envPluginCacheDir != "" {
// No Expandenv here, because expanding environment variables inside
// an environment variable would be strange and seems unnecessary.
// (User can expand variables into the value while setting it using
// standard shell features.)
config.PluginCacheDir = envPluginCacheDir
return config
// Validate checks for errors in the configuration that cannot be detected
// just by HCL decoding, returning any problems as diagnostics.
// On success, the returned diagnostics will return false from the HasErrors
// method. A non-nil diagnostics is not necessarily an error, since it may
// contain just warnings.
func (c *Config) Validate() tfdiags.Diagnostics {
var diags tfdiags.Diagnostics
if c == nil {
return diags
// FIXME: Right now our config parsing doesn't retain enough information
// to give proper source references to any errors. We should improve
// on this when we change the CLI config parser to use HCL2.
// Check that all "host" blocks have valid hostnames.
for givenHost := range c.Hosts {
_, err := svchost.ForComparison(givenHost)
if err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(
fmt.Errorf("The host %q block has an invalid hostname: %s", givenHost, err),
// Check that all "credentials" blocks have valid hostnames.
for givenHost := range c.Credentials {
_, err := svchost.ForComparison(givenHost)
if err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(
fmt.Errorf("The credentials %q block has an invalid hostname: %s", givenHost, err),
// Should have zero or one "credentials_helper" blocks
if len(c.CredentialsHelpers) > 1 {
diags = diags.Append(
fmt.Errorf("No more than one credentials_helper block may be specified"),
return diags
// Merge merges two configurations and returns a third entirely
// new configuration with the two merged.
func (c1 *Config) Merge(c2 *Config) *Config {
var result Config
result.Providers = make(map[string]string)
result.Provisioners = make(map[string]string)
for k, v := range c1.Providers {
result.Providers[k] = v
for k, v := range c2.Providers {
if v1, ok := c1.Providers[k]; ok {
log.Printf("[INFO] Local %s provider configuration '%s' overrides '%s'", k, v, v1)
result.Providers[k] = v
for k, v := range c1.Provisioners {
result.Provisioners[k] = v
for k, v := range c2.Provisioners {
if v1, ok := c1.Provisioners[k]; ok {
log.Printf("[INFO] Local %s provisioner configuration '%s' overrides '%s'", k, v, v1)
result.Provisioners[k] = v
result.DisableCheckpoint = c1.DisableCheckpoint || c2.DisableCheckpoint
result.DisableCheckpointSignature = c1.DisableCheckpointSignature || c2.DisableCheckpointSignature
result.PluginCacheDir = c1.PluginCacheDir
if result.PluginCacheDir == "" {
result.PluginCacheDir = c2.PluginCacheDir
if (len(c1.Hosts) + len(c2.Hosts)) > 0 {
result.Hosts = make(map[string]*ConfigHost)
for name, host := range c1.Hosts {
result.Hosts[name] = host
for name, host := range c2.Hosts {
result.Hosts[name] = host
if (len(c1.Credentials) + len(c2.Credentials)) > 0 {
result.Credentials = make(map[string]map[string]interface{})
for host, creds := range c1.Credentials {
result.Credentials[host] = creds
for host, creds := range c2.Credentials {
// We just clobber an entry from the other file right now. Will
// improve on this later using the more-robust merging behavior
// built in to HCL2.
result.Credentials[host] = creds
if (len(c1.CredentialsHelpers) + len(c2.CredentialsHelpers)) > 0 {
result.CredentialsHelpers = make(map[string]*ConfigCredentialsHelper)
for name, helper := range c1.CredentialsHelpers {
result.CredentialsHelpers[name] = helper
for name, helper := range c2.CredentialsHelpers {
result.CredentialsHelpers[name] = helper
return &result