mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:45:20 -06:00
The main significant change here is that the package name for the proto definition is "tfplugin5", which is important because this name is part of the wire protocol for references to types defined in our package. Along with that, we also move the generated package into "internal" to make it explicit that importing the generated Go package from elsewhere is not the right approach for externally-implemented SDKs, which should instead vendor the proto definition they are using and generate their own stubs to ensure that the wire protocol is the only hard dependency between Terraform Core and plugins. After this is merged, any provider binaries built against our helper/schema package will need to be rebuilt so that they use the new "tfplugin5" package name instead of "proto". In a future commit we will include more elaborate and organized documentation on how an external codebase might make use of our RPC interface definition to implement an SDK, but the primary concern here is to ensure we have the right wire package name before release.
155 lines
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155 lines
5.6 KiB
GOFMT_FILES?=$$(find . -name '*.go' | grep -v vendor)
default: test
GO111MODULE=off go get -u github.com/kardianos/govendor
GO111MODULE=off go get -u golang.org/x/tools/cmd/stringer
GO111MODULE=off go get -u golang.org/x/tools/cmd/cover
GO111MODULE=off go get -u github.com/golang/mock/mockgen
# bin generates the releaseable binaries for Terraform
bin: fmtcheck generate
@TF_RELEASE=1 sh -c "'$(CURDIR)/scripts/build.sh'"
# dev creates binaries for testing Terraform locally. These are put
# into ./bin/ as well as $GOPATH/bin
dev: fmtcheck generate
go install -mod=vendor .
quickdev: generate
go install -mod=vendor .
# Shorthand for building and installing just one plugin for local testing.
# Run as (for example): make plugin-dev PLUGIN=provider-aws
plugin-dev: generate
go install github.com/hashicorp/terraform/builtin/bins/$(PLUGIN)
mv $(GOPATH)/bin/$(PLUGIN) $(GOPATH)/bin/terraform-$(PLUGIN)
# test runs the unit tests
# we run this one package at a time here because running the entire suite in
# one command creates memory usage issues when running in Travis-CI.
test: fmtcheck generate
go list -mod=vendor $(TEST) | xargs -t -n4 go test $(TESTARGS) -mod=vendor -timeout=2m -parallel=4
# testacc runs acceptance tests
testacc: fmtcheck generate
@if [ "$(TEST)" = "./..." ]; then \
echo "ERROR: Set TEST to a specific package. For example,"; \
echo " make testacc TEST=./builtin/providers/test"; \
exit 1; \
TF_ACC=1 go test $(TEST) -v $(TESTARGS) -mod=vendor -timeout 120m
# e2etest runs the end-to-end tests against a generated Terraform binary
# The TF_ACC here allows network access, but does not require any special
# credentials since the e2etests use local-only providers such as "null".
e2etest: generate
TF_ACC=1 go test -mod=vendor -v ./command/e2etest
test-compile: fmtcheck generate
@if [ "$(TEST)" = "./..." ]; then \
echo "ERROR: Set TEST to a specific package. For example,"; \
echo " make test-compile TEST=./builtin/providers/test"; \
exit 1; \
go test -c $(TEST) $(TESTARGS)
# testrace runs the race checker
testrace: fmtcheck generate
TF_ACC= go test -mod=vendor -race $(TEST) $(TESTARGS)
@go tool cover 2>/dev/null; if [ $$? -eq 3 ]; then \
go get -u golang.org/x/tools/cmd/cover; \
go test $(TEST) -coverprofile=coverage.out
go tool cover -html=coverage.out
rm coverage.out
# generate runs `go generate` to build the dynamically generated
# source files, except the protobuf stubs which are built instead with
# "make protobuf".
@which stringer > /dev/null; if [ $$? -ne 0 ]; then \
GO111MODULE=off go get -u golang.org/x/tools/cmd/stringer; \
# We turn off modules for "go generate" because our downstream generate
# commands are not all ready to deal with Go modules yet, and this
# avoids downloading all of the deps that are in the vendor dir anyway.
GO111MODULE=off go generate ./...
GO111MODULE=off go fmt command/internal_plugin_list.go > /dev/null
# We separate the protobuf generation because most development tasks on
# Terraform do not involve changing protobuf files and protoc is not a
# go-gettable dependency and so getting it installed can be inconvenient.
# If you are working on changes to protobuf interfaces you may either use
# this target or run the individual scripts below directly.
bash internal/tfplugin5/generate.sh
bash plans/internal/planproto/generate.sh
gofmt -w $(GOFMT_FILES)
@sh -c "'$(CURDIR)/scripts/gofmtcheck.sh'"
@govendor status
ifeq (,$(wildcard $(GOPATH)/src/$(WEBSITE_REPO)))
echo "$(WEBSITE_REPO) not found in your GOPATH (necessary for layouts and assets), get-ting..."
git clone https://$(WEBSITE_REPO) $(GOPATH)/src/$(WEBSITE_REPO)
@echo "==> Starting core website in Docker..."
@docker run \
--interactive \
--rm \
--tty \
--publish "4567:4567" \
--publish "35729:35729" \
--volume "$(shell pwd)/website:/website" \
--volume "$(shell pwd):/ext/terraform" \
--volume "$(WEBSITE_PATH)/content:/terraform-website" \
--volume "$(WEBSITE_PATH)/content/source/assets:/website/docs/assets" \
--volume "$(WEBSITE_PATH)/content/source/layouts:/website/docs/layouts" \
--workdir /terraform-website \
ifeq (,$(wildcard $(GOPATH)/src/$(WEBSITE_REPO)))
echo "$(WEBSITE_REPO) not found in your GOPATH (necessary for layouts and assets), get-ting..."
git clone https://$(WEBSITE_REPO) $(GOPATH)/src/$(WEBSITE_REPO)
@echo "==> Testing core website in Docker..."
-@docker stop "tf-website-core-temp"
@docker run \
--detach \
--rm \
--name "tf-website-core-temp" \
--publish "4567:4567" \
--volume "$(shell pwd)/website:/website" \
--volume "$(shell pwd):/ext/terraform" \
--volume "$(WEBSITE_PATH)/content:/terraform-website" \
--volume "$(WEBSITE_PATH)/content/source/assets:/website/docs/assets" \
--volume "$(WEBSITE_PATH)/content/source/layouts:/website/docs/layouts" \
--workdir /terraform-website \
$(WEBSITE_PATH)/content/scripts/check-links.sh "" "/" "/docs/providers/*"
@docker stop "tf-website-core-temp"
# disallow any parallelism (-j) for Make. This is necessary since some
# commands during the build process create temporary files that collide
# under parallel conditions.
.PHONY: bin cover default dev e2etest fmt fmtcheck generate protobuf plugin-dev quickdev test-compile test testacc testrace tools vendor-status website website-test