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synced 2025-02-25 18:45:20 -06:00
* internal/initwd: fix panics with relative submodules in DirFromModule There were two related issues here: 1. panic with any local module with submodules 1. panic with a relative directory that was above the workdir ("../") The first panic was caused by the local installer looking up the root module with the (nonexistant) key "root.", instead of "". The second panic was caused by the installer trying to determine the relative path from ".". This was fixed by detecting "." as the source path and using the absolute path for the call to filepath.Rel. Added test cases for both panics and updated the existing e2e tests with the correct install paths.
397 lines
14 KiB
397 lines
14 KiB
package initwd
import (
version "github.com/hashicorp/go-version"
const initFromModuleRootCallName = "root"
const initFromModuleRootKeyPrefix = initFromModuleRootCallName + "."
// DirFromModule populates the given directory (which must exist and be
// empty) with the contents of the module at the given source address.
// It does this by installing the given module and all of its descendent
// modules in a temporary root directory and then copying the installed
// files into suitable locations. As a consequence, any diagnostics it
// generates will reveal the location of this temporary directory to the
// user.
// This rather roundabout installation approach is taken to ensure that
// installation proceeds in a manner identical to normal module installation.
// If the given source address specifies a sub-directory of the given
// package then only the sub-directory and its descendents will be copied
// into the given root directory, which will cause any relative module
// references using ../ from that module to be unresolvable. Error diagnostics
// are produced in that case, to prompt the user to rewrite the source strings
// to be absolute references to the original remote module.
func DirFromModule(rootDir, modulesDir, sourceAddr string, reg *registry.Client, hooks ModuleInstallHooks) tfdiags.Diagnostics {
var diags tfdiags.Diagnostics
// The way this function works is pretty ugly, but we accept it because
// -from-module is a less important case than normal module installation
// and so it's better to keep this ugly complexity out here rather than
// adding even more complexity to the normal module installer.
// The target directory must exist but be empty.
entries, err := ioutil.ReadDir(rootDir)
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
diags = diags.Append(tfdiags.Sourceless(
"Target directory does not exist",
fmt.Sprintf("Cannot initialize non-existent directory %s.", rootDir),
} else {
diags = diags.Append(tfdiags.Sourceless(
"Failed to read target directory",
fmt.Sprintf("Error reading %s to ensure it is empty: %s.", rootDir, err),
return diags
haveEntries := false
for _, entry := range entries {
if entry.Name() == "." || entry.Name() == ".." || entry.Name() == ".terraform" {
haveEntries = true
if haveEntries {
diags = diags.Append(tfdiags.Sourceless(
"Can't populate non-empty directory",
fmt.Sprintf("The target directory %s is not empty, so it cannot be initialized with the -from-module=... option.", rootDir),
return diags
instDir := filepath.Join(rootDir, ".terraform/init-from-module")
inst := NewModuleInstaller(instDir, reg)
log.Printf("[DEBUG] installing modules in %s to initialize working directory from %q", instDir, sourceAddr)
os.RemoveAll(instDir) // if this fails then we'll fail on MkdirAll below too
err := os.MkdirAll(instDir, os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(tfdiags.Sourceless(
"Failed to create temporary directory",
fmt.Sprintf("Failed to create temporary directory %s: %s.", instDir, err),
return diags
instManifest := make(modsdir.Manifest)
retManifest := make(modsdir.Manifest)
fakeFilename := fmt.Sprintf("-from-module=%q", sourceAddr)
fakePos := tfconfig.SourcePos{
Filename: fakeFilename,
Line: 1,
// -from-module allows relative paths but it's different than a normal
// module address where it'd be resolved relative to the module call
// (which is synthetic, here.) To address this, we'll just patch up any
// relative paths to be absolute paths before we run, ensuring we'll
// get the right result. This also, as an important side-effect, ensures
// that the result will be "downloaded" with go-getter (copied from the
// source location), rather than just recorded as a relative path.
maybePath := filepath.ToSlash(sourceAddr)
if maybePath == "." || strings.HasPrefix(maybePath, "./") || strings.HasPrefix(maybePath, "../") {
if wd, err := os.Getwd(); err == nil {
sourceAddr = filepath.Join(wd, sourceAddr)
log.Printf("[TRACE] -from-module relative path rewritten to absolute path %s", sourceAddr)
// Now we need to create an artificial root module that will seed our
// installation process.
fakeRootModule := &tfconfig.Module{
ModuleCalls: map[string]*tfconfig.ModuleCall{
initFromModuleRootCallName: {
Name: initFromModuleRootCallName,
Source: sourceAddr,
Pos: fakePos,
// wrapHooks filters hook notifications to only include Download calls
// and to trim off the initFromModuleRootCallName prefix. We'll produce
// our own Install notifications directly below.
wrapHooks := installHooksInitDir{
Wrapped: hooks,
getter := reusingGetter{}
_, instDiags := inst.installDescendentModules(fakeRootModule, rootDir, instManifest, true, wrapHooks, getter)
diags = append(diags, instDiags...)
if instDiags.HasErrors() {
return diags
// If all of that succeeded then we'll now migrate what was installed
// into the final directory structure.
err = os.MkdirAll(modulesDir, os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(tfdiags.Sourceless(
"Failed to create local modules directory",
fmt.Sprintf("Failed to create modules directory %s: %s.", modulesDir, err),
return diags
recordKeys := make([]string, 0, len(instManifest))
for k := range instManifest {
recordKeys = append(recordKeys, k)
for _, recordKey := range recordKeys {
record := instManifest[recordKey]
if record.Key == initFromModuleRootCallName {
// We've found the module the user requested, which we must
// now copy into rootDir so it can be used directly.
log.Printf("[TRACE] copying new root module from %s to %s", record.Dir, rootDir)
err := copydir.CopyDir(rootDir, record.Dir)
if err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(tfdiags.Sourceless(
"Failed to copy root module",
fmt.Sprintf("Error copying root module %q from %s to %s: %s.", sourceAddr, record.Dir, rootDir, err),
// We'll try to load the newly-copied module here just so we can
// sniff for any module calls that ../ out of the root directory
// and must thus be rewritten to be absolute addresses again.
// For now we can't do this rewriting automatically, but we'll
// generate an error to help the user do it manually.
mod, _ := earlyconfig.LoadModule(rootDir) // ignore diagnostics since we're just doing value-add here anyway
if mod != nil {
for _, mc := range mod.ModuleCalls {
if pathTraversesUp(mc.Source) {
packageAddr, givenSubdir := splitAddrSubdir(sourceAddr)
newSubdir := filepath.Join(givenSubdir, mc.Source)
if pathTraversesUp(newSubdir) {
// This should never happen in any reasonable
// configuration since this suggests a path that
// traverses up out of the package root. We'll just
// ignore this, since we'll fail soon enough anyway
// trying to resolve this path when this module is
// loaded.
var newAddr = packageAddr
if newSubdir != "" {
newAddr = fmt.Sprintf("%s//%s", newAddr, filepath.ToSlash(newSubdir))
diags = diags.Append(tfdiags.Sourceless(
"Root module references parent directory",
fmt.Sprintf("The requested module %q refers to a module via its parent directory. To use this as a new root module this source string must be rewritten as a remote source address, such as %q.", sourceAddr, newAddr),
retManifest[""] = modsdir.Record{
Key: "",
Dir: rootDir,
if !strings.HasPrefix(record.Key, initFromModuleRootKeyPrefix) {
// Ignore the *real* root module, whose key is empty, since
// we're only interested in the module named "root" and its
// descendents.
newKey := record.Key[len(initFromModuleRootKeyPrefix):]
instPath := filepath.Join(modulesDir, newKey)
tempPath := filepath.Join(instDir, record.Key)
// tempPath won't be present for a module that was installed from
// a relative path, so in that case we just record the installation
// directory and assume it was already copied into place as part
// of its parent.
if _, err := os.Stat(tempPath); err != nil {
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
diags = diags.Append(tfdiags.Sourceless(
"Failed to stat temporary module install directory",
fmt.Sprintf("Error from stat %s for module %s: %s.", instPath, newKey, err),
var parentKey string
if lastDot := strings.LastIndexByte(newKey, '.'); lastDot != -1 {
parentKey = newKey[:lastDot]
var parentOld modsdir.Record
// "" is the root module; all other modules get `root.` added as a prefix
if parentKey == "" {
parentOld = instManifest[parentKey]
} else {
parentOld = instManifest[initFromModuleRootKeyPrefix+parentKey]
parentNew := retManifest[parentKey]
// We need to figure out which portion of our directory is the
// parent package path and which portion is the subdirectory
// under that.
var baseDirRel string
baseDirRel, err = filepath.Rel(parentOld.Dir, record.Dir)
if err != nil {
// This error may occur when installing a local module with a
// relative path, for e.g. if the source is in a directory above
// the destination ("../")
if parentOld.Dir == "." {
absDir, err := filepath.Abs(parentOld.Dir)
if err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(tfdiags.Sourceless(
"Failed to determine module install directory",
fmt.Sprintf("Error determine relative source directory for module %s: %s.", newKey, err),
baseDirRel, err = filepath.Rel(absDir, record.Dir)
if err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(tfdiags.Sourceless(
"Failed to determine relative module source location",
fmt.Sprintf("Error determining relative source for module %s: %s.", newKey, err),
} else {
diags = diags.Append(tfdiags.Sourceless(
"Failed to determine relative module source location",
fmt.Sprintf("Error determining relative source for module %s: %s.", newKey, err),
newDir := filepath.Join(parentNew.Dir, baseDirRel)
log.Printf("[TRACE] relative reference for %s rewritten from %s to %s", newKey, record.Dir, newDir)
newRecord := record // shallow copy
newRecord.Dir = newDir
newRecord.Key = newKey
retManifest[newKey] = newRecord
hooks.Install(newRecord.Key, newRecord.Version, newRecord.Dir)
err = os.MkdirAll(instPath, os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(tfdiags.Sourceless(
"Failed to create module install directory",
fmt.Sprintf("Error creating directory %s for module %s: %s.", instPath, newKey, err),
// We copy rather than "rename" here because renaming between directories
// can be tricky in edge-cases like network filesystems, etc.
log.Printf("[TRACE] copying new module %s from %s to %s", newKey, record.Dir, instPath)
err := copydir.CopyDir(instPath, tempPath)
if err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(tfdiags.Sourceless(
"Failed to copy descendent module",
fmt.Sprintf("Error copying module %q from %s to %s: %s.", newKey, tempPath, rootDir, err),
subDir, err := filepath.Rel(tempPath, record.Dir)
if err != nil {
// Should never happen, because we constructed both directories
// from the same base and so they must have a common prefix.
newRecord := record // shallow copy
newRecord.Dir = filepath.Join(instPath, subDir)
newRecord.Key = newKey
retManifest[newKey] = newRecord
hooks.Install(newRecord.Key, newRecord.Version, newRecord.Dir)
if err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(tfdiags.Sourceless(
"Failed to write module manifest",
fmt.Sprintf("Error writing module manifest: %s.", err),
if !diags.HasErrors() {
// Try to clean up our temporary directory, but don't worry if we don't
// succeed since it shouldn't hurt anything.
return diags
func pathTraversesUp(path string) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(filepath.ToSlash(path), "../")
// installHooksInitDir is an adapter wrapper for an InstallHooks that
// does some fakery to make downloads look like they are happening in their
// final locations, rather than in the temporary loader we use.
// It also suppresses "Install" calls entirely, since InitDirFromModule
// does its own installation steps after the initial installation pass
// has completed.
type installHooksInitDir struct {
Wrapped ModuleInstallHooks
func (h installHooksInitDir) Download(moduleAddr, packageAddr string, version *version.Version) {
if !strings.HasPrefix(moduleAddr, initFromModuleRootKeyPrefix) {
// We won't announce the root module, since hook implementations
// don't expect to see that and the caller will usually have produced
// its own user-facing notification about what it's doing anyway.
trimAddr := moduleAddr[len(initFromModuleRootKeyPrefix):]
h.Wrapped.Download(trimAddr, packageAddr, version)