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//go:build e2e
// +build e2e
package main
import (
expect "github.com/Netflix/go-expect"
tfe "github.com/hashicorp/go-tfe"
func Test_migrate_single_to_tfc(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
cases := map[string]struct {
operations []operationSets
validations func(t *testing.T, orgName string)
"migrate using cloud workspace name strategy": {
operations: []operationSets{
prep: func(t *testing.T, orgName, dir string) {
tfBlock := terraformConfigLocalBackend()
writeMainTF(t, tfBlock, dir)
commands: []tfCommand{
command: []string{"init"},
expectedCmdOutput: `Successfully configured the backend "local"!`,
command: []string{"apply"},
expectedCmdOutput: `Do you want to perform these actions?`,
userInput: []string{"yes"},
postInputOutput: []string{`Apply complete!`},
prep: func(t *testing.T, orgName, dir string) {
wsName := "new-workspace"
tfBlock := terraformConfigCloudBackendName(orgName, wsName)
writeMainTF(t, tfBlock, dir)
commands: []tfCommand{
command: []string{"init", "-migrate-state"},
expectedCmdOutput: `Do you want to copy existing state to Terraform Cloud?`,
userInput: []string{"yes"},
postInputOutput: []string{`Terraform Cloud has been successfully initialized!`},
command: []string{"workspace", "list"},
expectedCmdOutput: `new-workspace`,
validations: func(t *testing.T, orgName string) {
wsList, err := tfeClient.Workspaces.List(ctx, orgName, tfe.WorkspaceListOptions{})
if err != nil {
ws := wsList.Items[0]
if ws.Name != "new-workspace" {
t.Fatalf("Expected workspace to be `new-workspace`, but is %s", ws.Name)
"migrate using cloud workspace tags strategy": {
operations: []operationSets{
prep: func(t *testing.T, orgName, dir string) {
tfBlock := terraformConfigLocalBackend()
writeMainTF(t, tfBlock, dir)
commands: []tfCommand{
command: []string{"init"},
expectedCmdOutput: `Successfully configured the backend "local"!`,
command: []string{"apply"},
expectedCmdOutput: `Do you want to perform these actions?`,
userInput: []string{"yes"},
postInputOutput: []string{`Apply complete!`},
prep: func(t *testing.T, orgName, dir string) {
tag := "app"
tfBlock := terraformConfigCloudBackendTags(orgName, tag)
writeMainTF(t, tfBlock, dir)
commands: []tfCommand{
command: []string{"init", "-migrate-state"},
expectedCmdOutput: `Terraform Cloud configuration only allows named workspaces!`,
userInput: []string{"new-workspace", "yes"},
postInputOutput: []string{
`Do you want to copy existing state to Terraform Cloud?`,
`Terraform Cloud has been successfully initialized!`},
command: []string{"workspace", "list"},
expectedCmdOutput: `new-workspace`,
validations: func(t *testing.T, orgName string) {
wsList, err := tfeClient.Workspaces.List(ctx, orgName, tfe.WorkspaceListOptions{
Tags: tfe.String("app"),
if err != nil {
ws := wsList.Items[0]
if ws.Name != "new-workspace" {
t.Fatalf("Expected workspace to be `new-workspace`, but is %s", ws.Name)
for name, tc := range cases {
t.Log("Test: ", name)
organization, cleanup := createOrganization(t)
defer cleanup()
exp, err := expect.NewConsole(expect.WithStdout(os.Stdout), expect.WithDefaultTimeout(expectConsoleTimeout))
if err != nil {
defer exp.Close()
tmpDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "terraform-test")
if err != nil {
defer os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)
tf := e2e.NewBinary(terraformBin, tmpDir)
defer tf.Close()
for _, op := range tc.operations {
op.prep(t, organization.Name, tf.WorkDir())
for _, tfCmd := range op.commands {
cmd := tf.Cmd(tfCmd.command...)
cmd.Stdin = exp.Tty()
cmd.Stdout = exp.Tty()
cmd.Stderr = exp.Tty()
err = cmd.Start()
if err != nil {
if tfCmd.expectedCmdOutput != "" {
_, err := exp.ExpectString(tfCmd.expectedCmdOutput)
if err != nil {
lenInput := len(tfCmd.userInput)
lenInputOutput := len(tfCmd.postInputOutput)
if lenInput > 0 {
for i := 0; i < lenInput; i++ {
input := tfCmd.userInput[i]
// use the index to find the corresponding
// output that matches the input.
if lenInputOutput-1 >= i {
output := tfCmd.postInputOutput[i]
_, err := exp.ExpectString(output)
if err != nil {
err = cmd.Wait()
if err != nil {
if tc.validations != nil {
tc.validations(t, organization.Name)