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This is part of a general effort to move all of Terraform's non-library package surface under internal in order to reinforce that these are for internal use within Terraform only. If you were previously importing packages under this prefix into an external codebase, you could pin to an earlier release tag as an interim solution until you've make a plan to achieve the same functionality some other way.
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374 lines
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package views
import (
// Test is the view interface for the "terraform test" command.
type Test interface {
// Results presents the given test results.
Results(map[string]*moduletest.Suite) tfdiags.Diagnostics
// Diagnostics is for reporting warnings or errors that occurred with the
// mechanics of running tests. For this command in particular, some
// errors are considered to be test failures rather than mechanism failures,
// and so those will be reported via Results rather than via Diagnostics.
// NewTest returns an implementation of Test configured to respect the
// settings described in the given arguments.
func NewTest(base *View, args arguments.TestOutput) Test {
return &testHuman{
streams: base.streams,
showDiagnostics: base.Diagnostics,
colorize: base.colorize,
junitXMLFile: args.JUnitXMLFile,
type testHuman struct {
// This is the subset of functionality we need from the base view.
streams *terminal.Streams
showDiagnostics func(diags tfdiags.Diagnostics)
colorize *colorstring.Colorize
// If junitXMLFile is not empty then results will be written to
// the given file path in addition to the usual output.
junitXMLFile string
func (v *testHuman) Results(results map[string]*moduletest.Suite) tfdiags.Diagnostics {
var diags tfdiags.Diagnostics
// FIXME: Due to how this prototype command evolved concurrently with
// establishing the idea of command views, the handling of JUnit output
// as part of the "human" view rather than as a separate view in its
// own right is a little odd and awkward. We should refactor this
// prior to making "terraform test" a real supported command to make
// it be structured more like the other commands that use the views
// package.
if v.junitXMLFile != "" {
moreDiags := v.junitXMLResults(results, v.junitXMLFile)
diags = diags.Append(moreDiags)
return diags
func (v *testHuman) Diagnostics(diags tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
if len(diags) == 0 {
func (v *testHuman) humanResults(results map[string]*moduletest.Suite) {
failCount := 0
width := v.streams.Stderr.Columns()
suiteNames := make([]string, 0, len(results))
for suiteName := range results {
suiteNames = append(suiteNames, suiteName)
for _, suiteName := range suiteNames {
suite := results[suiteName]
componentNames := make([]string, 0, len(suite.Components))
for componentName := range suite.Components {
componentNames = append(componentNames, componentName)
for _, componentName := range componentNames {
component := suite.Components[componentName]
assertionNames := make([]string, 0, len(component.Assertions))
for assertionName := range component.Assertions {
assertionNames = append(assertionNames, assertionName)
for _, assertionName := range assertionNames {
assertion := component.Assertions[assertionName]
fullName := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s.%s", suiteName, componentName, assertionName)
if strings.HasPrefix(componentName, "(") {
// parenthesis-prefixed components are placeholders that
// the test harness generates to represent problems that
// prevented checking any assertions at all, so we'll
// just hide them and show the suite name.
fullName = suiteName
headingExtra := fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", fullName, assertion.Description)
switch assertion.Outcome {
case moduletest.Failed:
// Failed means that the assertion was successfully
// excecuted but that the assertion condition didn't hold.
v.eprintRuleHeading("yellow", "Failed", headingExtra)
case moduletest.Error:
// Error means that the system encountered an unexpected
// error when trying to evaluate the assertion.
v.eprintRuleHeading("red", "Error", headingExtra)
// We don't do anything for moduletest.Passed or
// moduletest.Skipped. Perhaps in future we'll offer a
// -verbose option to include information about those.
if len(assertion.Message) > 0 {
dispMsg := format.WordWrap(assertion.Message, width)
if len(assertion.Diagnostics) > 0 {
// We'll do our own writing of the diagnostics in this
// case, rather than using v.Diagnostics, because we
// specifically want all of these diagnostics to go to
// Stderr along with all of the other output we've
// generated.
for _, diag := range assertion.Diagnostics {
diagStr := format.Diagnostic(diag, nil, v.colorize, width)
if failCount > 0 {
// If we've printed at least one failure then we'll have printed at
// least one horizontal rule across the terminal, and so we'll balance
// that with another horizontal rule.
if width > 1 {
rule := strings.Repeat("─", width-1)
v.streams.Eprintln(v.colorize.Color("[dark_gray]" + rule))
if failCount == 0 {
if len(results) > 0 {
// This is not actually an error, but it's convenient if all of our
// result output goes to the same stream for when this is running in
// automation that might be gathering this output via a pipe.
v.streams.Eprint(v.colorize.Color("[bold][green]Success![reset] All of the test assertions passed.\n\n"))
} else {
v.streams.Eprint(v.colorize.Color("[bold][yellow]No tests defined.[reset] This module doesn't have any test suites to run.\n\n"))
// Try to flush any buffering that might be happening. (This isn't always
// successful, depending on what sort of fd Stderr is connected to.)
func (v *testHuman) junitXMLResults(results map[string]*moduletest.Suite, filename string) tfdiags.Diagnostics {
var diags tfdiags.Diagnostics
// "JUnit XML" is a file format that has become a de-facto standard for
// test reporting tools but that is not formally specified anywhere, and
// so each producer and consumer implementation unfortunately tends to
// differ in certain ways from others.
// With that in mind, this is a best effort sort of thing aimed at being
// broadly compatible with various consumers, but it's likely that
// some consumers will present these results better than others.
// This implementation is based mainly on the pseudo-specification of the
// format curated here, based on the Jenkins parser implementation:
// https://llg.cubic.org/docs/junit/
// An "Outcome" represents one of the various XML elements allowed inside
// a testcase element to indicate the test outcome.
type Outcome struct {
Message string `xml:"message,omitempty"`
// TestCase represents an individual test case as part of a suite. Note
// that a JUnit XML incorporates both the "component" and "assertion"
// levels of our model: we pretend that component is a class name and
// assertion is a method name in order to match with the Java-flavored
// expectations of JUnit XML, which are hopefully close enough to get
// a test result rendering that's useful to humans.
type TestCase struct {
AssertionName string `xml:"name"`
ComponentName string `xml:"classname"`
// These fields represent the different outcomes of a TestCase. Only one
// of these should be populated in each TestCase; this awkward
// structure is just to make this play nicely with encoding/xml's
// expecatations.
Skipped *Outcome `xml:"skipped,omitempty"`
Error *Outcome `xml:"error,omitempty"`
Failure *Outcome `xml:"failure,omitempty"`
Stderr string `xml:"system-out,omitempty"`
// TestSuite represents an individual test suite, of potentially many
// in a JUnit XML document.
type TestSuite struct {
Name string `xml:"name"`
TotalCount int `xml:"tests"`
SkippedCount int `xml:"skipped"`
ErrorCount int `xml:"errors"`
FailureCount int `xml:"failures"`
Cases []*TestCase `xml:"testcase"`
// TestSuites represents the root element of the XML document.
type TestSuites struct {
XMLName struct{} `xml:"testsuites"`
ErrorCount int `xml:"errors"`
FailureCount int `xml:"failures"`
TotalCount int `xml:"tests"`
Suites []*TestSuite `xml:"testsuite"`
xmlSuites := TestSuites{}
suiteNames := make([]string, 0, len(results))
for suiteName := range results {
suiteNames = append(suiteNames, suiteName)
for _, suiteName := range suiteNames {
suite := results[suiteName]
xmlSuite := &TestSuite{
Name: suiteName,
xmlSuites.Suites = append(xmlSuites.Suites, xmlSuite)
componentNames := make([]string, 0, len(suite.Components))
for componentName := range suite.Components {
componentNames = append(componentNames, componentName)
for _, componentName := range componentNames {
component := suite.Components[componentName]
assertionNames := make([]string, 0, len(component.Assertions))
for assertionName := range component.Assertions {
assertionNames = append(assertionNames, assertionName)
for _, assertionName := range assertionNames {
assertion := component.Assertions[assertionName]
xmlCase := &TestCase{
ComponentName: componentName,
AssertionName: assertionName,
xmlSuite.Cases = append(xmlSuite.Cases, xmlCase)
switch assertion.Outcome {
case moduletest.Pending:
// We represent "pending" cases -- cases blocked by
// upstream errors -- as if they were "skipped" in JUnit
// terms, because we didn't actually check them and so
// can't say whether they succeeded or not.
xmlCase.Skipped = &Outcome{
Message: assertion.Message,
case moduletest.Failed:
xmlCase.Failure = &Outcome{
Message: assertion.Message,
case moduletest.Error:
xmlCase.Error = &Outcome{
Message: assertion.Message,
// We'll also include the diagnostics in the "stderr"
// portion of the output, so they'll hopefully be visible
// in a test log viewer in JUnit-XML-Consuming CI systems.
var buf strings.Builder
for _, diag := range assertion.Diagnostics {
diagStr := format.DiagnosticPlain(diag, nil, 68)
xmlCase.Stderr = buf.String()
xmlOut, err := xml.MarshalIndent(&xmlSuites, "", " ")
if err != nil {
// If marshalling fails then that's a bug in the code above,
// because we should always be producing a value that is
// accepted by encoding/xml.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid values to marshal as JUnit XML: %s", err))
err = ioutil.WriteFile(filename, xmlOut, 0644)
if err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(tfdiags.Sourceless(
"Failed to write JUnit XML file",
"Could not create %s to record the test results in JUnit XML format: %s.",
return diags
func (v *testHuman) eprintRuleHeading(color, prefix, extra string) {
const lineCell string = "─"
textLen := len(prefix) + len(": ") + len(extra)
spacingLen := 2
leftLineLen := 3
rightLineLen := 0
width := v.streams.Stderr.Columns()
if (textLen + spacingLen + leftLineLen) < (width - 1) {
// (we allow an extra column at the end because some terminals can't
// print in the final column without wrapping to the next line)
rightLineLen = width - (textLen + spacingLen + leftLineLen) - 1
colorCode := "[" + color + "]"
// We'll prepare what we're going to print in memory first, so that we can
// send it all to stderr in one write in case other programs are also
// concurrently trying to write to the terminal for some reason.
var buf strings.Builder
buf.WriteString(v.colorize.Color(colorCode + strings.Repeat(lineCell, leftLineLen)))
buf.WriteByte(' ')
buf.WriteString(v.colorize.Color("[bold]" + colorCode + prefix + ":"))
buf.WriteByte(' ')
if rightLineLen > 0 {
buf.WriteByte(' ')
buf.WriteString(v.colorize.Color(colorCode + strings.Repeat(lineCell, rightLineLen)))