|`Issue #5332 <https://redmine.postgresql.org/issues/5332>`_ - Improve code coverage and API test cases for Columns and Constraints (Index, Foreign Key, Check, Exclusion).
|`Issue #4216 <https://redmine.postgresql.org/issues/4216>`_ - Ensure that schema names starting with 'pg' should be visible in browser tree when standard_conforming_strings is set to off.
|`Issue #5746 <https://redmine.postgresql.org/issues/5746>`_ - Fixed an issue where --load-server does not allow loading connections that use pg_services.
|`Issue #5751 <https://redmine.postgresql.org/issues/5751>`_ - Enable the 'Configure' and 'View log' menu option when the server taking longer than usual time to start.
|`Issue #5754 <https://redmine.postgresql.org/issues/5754>`_ - Fixed an issue where schema diff is not working when providing the options to Foreign Data Wrapper, Foreign Server, and User Mapping.
|`Issue #5765 <https://redmine.postgresql.org/issues/5765>`_ - Fixed an issue in the query tool when columns are having the same name as javascript object internal functions.
|`Issue #5815 <https://redmine.postgresql.org/issues/5815>`_ - Fixed an issue where clicking on the 'Generate script' button shows a forever spinner due to pop up blocker.