2018-02-05 09:32:14 -06:00
// pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools
// Copyright (C) 2013 - 2018, The pgAdmin Development Team
// This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence
// TrayIcon.cpp - Manages the tray icon
# include "pgAdmin4.h"
// QT headers
# include <QMessageBox>
// App headers
# include "ConfigWindow.h"
# include "LogWindow.h"
# include "TrayIcon.h"
TrayIcon : : TrayIcon ( QString logFile ) :
m_logFile ( logFile )
m_logWindow = NULL ;
m_trayIcon = NULL ;
m_trayIconMenu = NULL ;
m_newAction = NULL ;
m_configAction = NULL ;
m_logAction = NULL ;
m_quitAction = NULL ;
TrayIcon : : ~ TrayIcon ( )
bool TrayIcon : : Init ( )
if ( ! isSystemTrayAvailable ( ) )
return false ;
createTrayIcon ( ) ;
if ( m_trayIcon )
m_trayIcon - > show ( ) ;
return true ;
void TrayIcon : : setAppServerUrl ( QString appServerUrl )
m_appServerUrl = appServerUrl ;
// Check whether system tray exists
bool TrayIcon : : isSystemTrayAvailable ( )
int timeout = 10 ; // 30 sec * 10 = 5 minutes, thus we timeout after 5 minutes
int iteration = 0 ;
bool trayFound = false ;
while ( iteration < timeout )
// Check we can find the system tray.
if ( ! QSystemTrayIcon : : isSystemTrayAvailable ( ) )
// Wait for 30 seconds.
wait ( 3000 ) ;
trayFound = false ;
trayFound = true ;
break ;
iteration + + ;
return trayFound ;
// Make application wait for msec milliseconds
void TrayIcon : : wait ( int msec )
QMutex mutex ;
QWaitCondition wc ;
mutex . lock ( ) ;
wc . wait ( & mutex , msec ) ;
mutex . unlock ( ) ;
// Create the tray icon
void TrayIcon : : createTrayIcon ( )
createActions ( ) ;
if ( m_trayIconMenu )
delete m_trayIconMenu ;
m_trayIconMenu = NULL ;
m_trayIconMenu = new QMenu ( this ) ;
m_trayIconMenu - > addAction ( m_newAction ) ;
m_trayIconMenu - > addSeparator ( ) ;
m_trayIconMenu - > addAction ( m_configAction ) ;
m_trayIconMenu - > addAction ( m_logAction ) ;
m_trayIconMenu - > addSeparator ( ) ;
m_trayIconMenu - > addAction ( m_quitAction ) ;
if ( ! m_trayIcon )
m_trayIcon = new QSystemTrayIcon ( this ) ;
m_trayIcon - > setContextMenu ( m_trayIconMenu ) ;
// Setup the icon itself. For convenience, we'll also use it for the dialogue.
# ifdef Q_OS_MAC
QIcon icon ( " :pgAdmin4-mac.png " ) ;
# else
QIcon icon ( " :pgAdmin4.png " ) ;
# endif
m_trayIcon - > setIcon ( icon ) ;
setWindowIcon ( icon ) ;
// Create the menu actions
void TrayIcon : : createActions ( )
m_newAction = new QAction ( QString ( tr ( " &New %1 window... " ) ) . arg ( PGA_APP_NAME ) , this ) ;
connect ( m_newAction , SIGNAL ( triggered ( ) ) , this , SLOT ( onNew ( ) ) ) ;
m_configAction = new QAction ( tr ( " &Configure... " ) , this ) ;
connect ( m_configAction , SIGNAL ( triggered ( ) ) , this , SLOT ( onConfig ( ) ) ) ;
m_logAction = new QAction ( tr ( " &View log... " ) , this ) ;
connect ( m_logAction , SIGNAL ( triggered ( ) ) , this , SLOT ( onLog ( ) ) ) ;
m_quitAction = new QAction ( tr ( " &Shutdown server " ) , this ) ;
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m_quitAction - > setEnabled ( false ) ;
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connect ( m_quitAction , SIGNAL ( triggered ( ) ) , this , SLOT ( onQuit ( ) ) ) ;
// Create a new application browser window on user request
void TrayIcon : : onNew ( )
QSettings settings ;
QString cmd = settings . value ( " BrowserCommand " ) . toString ( ) ;
if ( ! cmd . isEmpty ( ) )
cmd . replace ( " %URL% " , m_appServerUrl ) ;
QProcess : : startDetached ( cmd ) ;
if ( ! QDesktopServices : : openUrl ( m_appServerUrl ) )
QString error ( QWidget : : tr ( " Failed to open the system default web browser. Is one installed?. " ) ) ;
QMessageBox : : critical ( NULL , QString ( QWidget : : tr ( " Fatal Error " ) ) , error ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
// Show the config dialogue
void TrayIcon : : onConfig ( )
QSettings settings ;
bool ok ;
ConfigWindow * dlg = new ConfigWindow ( ) ;
dlg - > setWindowTitle ( QString ( tr ( " %1 Configuration " ) ) . arg ( PGA_APP_NAME ) ) ;
dlg - > setBrowserCommand ( settings . value ( " BrowserCommand " ) . toString ( ) ) ;
dlg - > setPythonPath ( settings . value ( " PythonPath " ) . toString ( ) ) ;
dlg - > setApplicationPath ( settings . value ( " ApplicationPath " ) . toString ( ) ) ;
dlg - > setModal ( true ) ;
ok = dlg - > exec ( ) ;
QString browsercommand = dlg - > getBrowserCommand ( ) ;
QString pythonpath = dlg - > getPythonPath ( ) ;
QString applicationpath = dlg - > getApplicationPath ( ) ;
if ( ok )
bool needRestart = ( settings . value ( " PythonPath " ) . toString ( ) ! = pythonpath | |
settings . value ( " ApplicationPath " ) . toString ( ) ! = applicationpath ) ;
settings . setValue ( " BrowserCommand " , browsercommand ) ;
settings . setValue ( " PythonPath " , pythonpath ) ;
settings . setValue ( " ApplicationPath " , applicationpath ) ;
if ( needRestart )
if ( QMessageBox : : Yes = = QMessageBox : : question ( this , tr ( " Shutdown server? " ) , QString ( tr ( " The %1 server must be restarted for changes to take effect. Do you want to shutdown the server now? " ) ) . arg ( PGA_APP_NAME ) , QMessageBox : : Yes | QMessageBox : : No ) )
exit ( 0 ) ;
// Show the log window
void TrayIcon : : onLog ( )
QSettings settings ;
if ( ! m_logWindow )
m_logWindow = new LogWindow ( NULL , m_logFile ) ;
m_logWindow - > setWindowTitle ( QString ( tr ( " %1 Log " ) ) . arg ( PGA_APP_NAME ) ) ;
m_logWindow - > show ( ) ;
m_logWindow - > raise ( ) ;
m_logWindow - > activateWindow ( ) ;
QCoreApplication : : processEvents ( QEventLoop : : AllEvents , 100 ) ;
m_logWindow - > ReadLog ( ) ;
// Exit
void TrayIcon : : onQuit ( )
if ( QMessageBox : : Yes = = QMessageBox : : question ( this , tr ( " Shutdown server? " ) , QString ( tr ( " Are you sure you want to shutdown the %1 server? " ) ) . arg ( PGA_APP_NAME ) , QMessageBox : : Yes | QMessageBox : : No ) )
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// Emit the signal to shutdown the python server.
emit shutdownSignal ( m_appServerUrl ) ;
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exit ( 0 ) ;
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void TrayIcon : : enableShutdownMenu ( )
if ( m_quitAction ! = NULL )
m_quitAction - > setEnabled ( true ) ;