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2019-01-02 04:24:12 -06:00
// pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools
2020-01-02 08:43:50 -06:00
// Copyright (C) 2013 - 2020, The pgAdmin Development Team
2019-01-02 04:24:12 -06:00
// This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence
define('tools.restore', [
'sources/gettext', 'sources/url_for', 'jquery', 'underscore', 'backbone',
'pgadmin.alertifyjs', 'pgadmin.browser',
'pgadmin.backgrid', 'pgadmin.backform', 'sources/utils',
], function(
gettext, url_for, $, _, Backbone, alertify, pgBrowser, Backgrid, Backform,
commonUtils, menuUtils, supportedNodes, restoreDialog
) {
// if module is already initialized, refer to that.
if (pgBrowser.Restore) {
return pgBrowser.Restore;
//Restore Model (Objects like Database/Schema/Table)
var RestoreObjectModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
idAttribute: 'id',
defaults: {
custom: false,
file: undefined,
role: undefined,
format: 'custom',
verbose: true,
blobs: true,
encoding: undefined,
database: undefined,
schemas: undefined,
tables: undefined,
functions: undefined,
triggers: undefined,
trigger_funcs: undefined,
indexes: undefined,
// Default values!
initialize: function(attrs) {
// Set default options according to node type selection by user
var node_type = attrs.node_data.type;
if (node_type) {
// Only_Schema option
if (node_type === 'function' || node_type === 'index' ||
node_type === 'trigger') {
'only_schema': true,
}, {
silent: true,
// Only_Data option
if (node_type === 'table') {
'only_data': true,
}, {
silent: true,
// Clean option
if (node_type === 'function' || node_type === 'trigger_function') {
'clean': true,
}, {
silent: true,
Backbone.Model.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
schema: [{
id: 'format',
label: gettext('Format'),
type: 'text',
disabled: false,
control: 'select2',
select2: {
allowClear: false,
width: '100%',
options: [{
label: gettext('Custom or tar'),
value: 'custom',
label: gettext('Directory'),
value: 'directory',
}, {
id: 'file',
label: gettext('Filename'),
type: 'text',
disabled: false,
control: Backform.FileControl.extend({
render: function() {
var attributes = this.model.toJSON();
if (attributes.format == 'directory') {
this.field.attributes.dialog_type = 'select_folder';
else {
this.field.attributes.dialog_type = 'select_file';
Backform.InputControl.prototype.render.apply(this, arguments);
return this;
dialog_type: 'select_file',
supp_types: ['*', 'backup', 'sql', 'patch'],
deps: ['format'],
}, {
id: 'no_of_jobs',
label: gettext('Number of jobs'),
type: 'int',
}, {
id: 'role',
label: gettext('Role name'),
control: 'node-list-by-name',
node: 'role',
select2: {
allowClear: false,
}, {
type: 'nested',
control: 'fieldset',
label: gettext('Sections'),
group: gettext('Restore options'),
contentClass: 'row',
schema: [{
id: 'pre_data',
label: gettext('Pre-data'),
type: 'switch',
extraToggleClasses: 'pg-el-sm-6',
controlLabelClassName: 'control-label pg-el-sm-5 pg-el-12',
controlsClassName: 'pgadmin-controls pg-el-sm-7 pg-el-12',
group: gettext('Sections'),
deps: ['only_data', 'only_schema'],
disabled: function(m) {
return this.node.type !== 'function' && this.node.type !== 'table' &&
this.node.type !== 'trigger' &&
this.node.type !== 'trigger_function' &&
(m.get('only_data') || m.get('only_schema'));
}, {
id: 'data',
label: gettext('Data'),
type: 'switch',
extraToggleClasses: 'pg-el-sm-6',
controlLabelClassName: 'control-label pg-el-sm-5 pg-el-12',
controlsClassName: 'pgadmin-controls pg-el-sm-7 pg-el-12',
group: gettext('Sections'),
deps: ['only_data', 'only_schema'],
disabled: function(m) {
return this.node.type !== 'function' && this.node.type !== 'table' &&
this.node.type !== 'trigger' &&
this.node.type !== 'trigger_function' &&
(m.get('only_data') || m.get('only_schema'));
}, {
id: 'post_data',
label: gettext('Post-data'),
type: 'switch',
extraToggleClasses: 'pg-el-sm-6',
controlLabelClassName: 'control-label pg-el-sm-5 pg-el-12',
controlsClassName: 'pgadmin-controls pg-el-sm-7 pg-el-12',
group: gettext('Sections'),
deps: ['only_data', 'only_schema'],
disabled: function(m) {
return this.node.type !== 'function' && this.node.type !== 'table' &&
this.node.type !== 'trigger' &&
this.node.type !== 'trigger_function' &&
(m.get('only_data') || m.get('only_schema'));
}, {
type: 'nested',
control: 'fieldset',
label: gettext('Type of objects'),
group: gettext('Restore options'),
contentClass: 'row',
schema: [{
id: 'only_data',
label: gettext('Only data'),
type: 'switch',
extraToggleClasses: 'pg-el-sm-6',
controlLabelClassName: 'control-label pg-el-sm-5 pg-el-12',
controlsClassName: 'pgadmin-controls pg-el-sm-7 pg-el-12',
group: gettext('Type of objects'),
deps: ['pre_data', 'data', 'post_data', 'only_schema'],
disabled: function(m) {
return (this.node.type !== 'database' && this.node.type !== 'schema') ||
(m.get('pre_data') ||
m.get('data') ||
m.get('post_data') ||
}, {
id: 'only_schema',
label: gettext('Only schema'),
type: 'switch',
extraToggleClasses: 'pg-el-sm-6',
controlLabelClassName: 'control-label pg-el-sm-5 pg-el-12',
controlsClassName: 'pgadmin-controls pg-el-sm-7 pg-el-12',
group: gettext('Type of objects'),
deps: ['pre_data', 'data', 'post_data', 'only_data'],
disabled: function(m) {
return (this.node.type !== 'database' && this.node.type !== 'schema') ||
(m.get('pre_data') ||
m.get('data') ||
m.get('post_data') ||
}, {
type: 'nested',
control: 'fieldset',
label: gettext('Do not save'),
group: gettext('Restore options'),
contentClass: 'row',
schema: [{
id: 'dns_owner',
label: gettext('Owner'),
type: 'switch',
extraToggleClasses: 'pg-el-sm-6',
controlLabelClassName: 'control-label pg-el-sm-5 pg-el-12',
controlsClassName: 'pgadmin-controls pg-el-sm-7 pg-el-12',
disabled: false,
group: gettext('Do not save'),
}, {
id: 'dns_privilege',
label: gettext('Privilege'),
type: 'switch',
extraToggleClasses: 'pg-el-sm-6',
controlLabelClassName: 'control-label pg-el-sm-5 pg-el-12',
controlsClassName: 'pgadmin-controls pg-el-sm-7 pg-el-12',
disabled: false,
group: gettext('Do not save'),
}, {
id: 'dns_tablespace',
label: gettext('Tablespace'),
type: 'switch',
extraToggleClasses: 'pg-el-sm-6',
controlLabelClassName: 'control-label pg-el-sm-5 pg-el-12',
controlsClassName: 'pgadmin-controls pg-el-sm-7 pg-el-12',
disabled: false,
group: gettext('Do not save'),
}, {
id: 'no_comments',
label: gettext('Comments'),
type: 'switch',
extraToggleClasses: 'pg-el-sm-6',
controlLabelClassName: 'control-label pg-el-sm-5 pg-el-12',
controlsClassName: 'pgadmin-controls pg-el-sm-7 pg-el-12',
disabled: false,
group: gettext('Do not save'),
visible: function() {
var t = pgBrowser.tree,
i = t.selected(),
d = i && i.length == 1 ? t.itemData(i) : undefined,
s = pgBrowser.Nodes[d._type].getTreeNodeHierarchy(i)['server'];
return s.version >= 110000;
}, {
type: 'nested',
control: 'fieldset',
label: gettext('Queries'),
group: gettext('Restore options'),
contentClass: 'row',
schema: [{
id: 'include_create_database',
label: gettext('Include CREATE DATABASE statement'),
type: 'switch',
extraToggleClasses: 'pg-el-sm-6',
controlLabelClassName: 'control-label pg-el-sm-5 pg-el-12',
controlsClassName: 'pgadmin-controls pg-el-sm-7 pg-el-12',
disabled: false,
group: gettext('Queries'),
}, {
id: 'clean',
label: gettext('Clean before restore'),
type: 'switch',
extraToggleClasses: 'pg-el-sm-6',
controlLabelClassName: 'control-label pg-el-sm-5 pg-el-12',
controlsClassName: 'pgadmin-controls pg-el-sm-7 pg-el-12',
group: gettext('Queries'),
disabled: function() {
return this.node.type === 'function' ||
this.node.type === 'trigger_function';
}, {
id: 'single_transaction',
label: gettext('Single transaction'),
type: 'switch',
extraToggleClasses: 'pg-el-sm-6',
controlLabelClassName: 'control-label pg-el-sm-5 pg-el-12',
controlsClassName: 'pgadmin-controls pg-el-sm-7 pg-el-12',
disabled: false,
group: gettext('Queries'),
}, {
type: 'nested',
control: 'fieldset',
label: gettext('Disable'),
group: gettext('Restore options'),
contentClass: 'row',
schema: [{
id: 'disable_trigger',
label: gettext('Trigger'),
type: 'switch',
extraToggleClasses: 'pg-el-sm-6',
controlLabelClassName: 'control-label pg-el-sm-5 pg-el-12',
controlsClassName: 'pgadmin-controls pg-el-sm-7 pg-el-12',
group: gettext('Disable'),
}, {
id: 'no_data_fail_table',
label: gettext('No data for Failed Tables'),
type: 'switch',
extraToggleClasses: 'pg-el-sm-6',
controlLabelClassName: 'control-label pg-el-sm-5 pg-el-12',
controlsClassName: 'pgadmin-controls pg-el-sm-7 pg-el-12',
disabled: false,
group: gettext('Disable'),
}, {
type: 'nested',
control: 'fieldset',
label: gettext('Miscellaneous / Behavior'),
group: gettext('Restore options'),
contentClass: 'row',
schema: [{
id: 'verbose',
label: gettext('Verbose messages'),
type: 'switch',
extraToggleClasses: 'pg-el-sm-6',
controlLabelClassName: 'control-label pg-el-sm-5 pg-el-12',
controlsClassName: 'pgadmin-controls pg-el-sm-7 pg-el-12',
disabled: false,
group: gettext('Miscellaneous / Behavior'),
}, {
id: 'use_set_session_auth',
label: gettext('Use SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION'),
type: 'switch',
extraToggleClasses: 'pg-el-sm-6',
controlLabelClassName: 'control-label pg-el-sm-5 pg-el-12',
controlsClassName: 'pgadmin-controls pg-el-sm-7 pg-el-12',
disabled: false,
group: gettext('Miscellaneous / Behavior'),
}, {
id: 'exit_on_error',
label: gettext('Exit on error'),
type: 'switch',
extraToggleClasses: 'pg-el-sm-6',
controlLabelClassName: 'control-label pg-el-sm-5 pg-el-12',
controlsClassName: 'pgadmin-controls pg-el-sm-7 pg-el-12',
disabled: false,
group: gettext('Miscellaneous / Behavior'),
validate: function() {
return null;
// Create an Object Restore of pgBrowser class
pgBrowser.Restore = {
init: function() {
if (this.initialized)
this.initialized = true;
// Define the nodes on which the menus to be appear
var menus = [{
name: 'restore_object',
module: this,
applies: ['tools'],
callback: 'restore_objects',
priority: 13,
label: gettext('Restore...'),
icon: 'fa fa-upload',
enable: supportedNodes.enabled.bind(
null, pgBrowser.treeMenu, menuUtils.restoreSupportedNodes
for (var idx = 0; idx < menuUtils.restoreSupportedNodes.length; idx++) {
name: 'restore_' + menuUtils.restoreSupportedNodes[idx],
node: menuUtils.restoreSupportedNodes[idx],
module: this,
applies: ['context'],
callback: 'restore_objects',
priority: 13,
label: gettext('Restore...'),
icon: 'fa fa-upload',
enable: supportedNodes.enabled.bind(
null, pgBrowser.treeMenu, menuUtils.restoreSupportedNodes
return this;
// Callback to draw Backup Dialog for objects
restore_objects: function(action, treeItem) {
let dialog = new restoreDialog.RestoreDialog(
pgBrowser, $, alertify, RestoreObjectModel
Fixed following: - Base font size changed from 0.815rem to 0.875rem, for navbar from 0.875rem to 0.925rem. - Dialog sizes made consistent throughout the application. Now there are 3 size options for width and height each - sm, md, lg. Combination of any of these to be used hereafter - Alignment fix for controls of Node properties dialogs which includes showing text and label in one line without dialog size change, checkbox alignment, switch control alignment at places and other minor improvements in other dialogs - Error message design change in dialogs validation - SQL Editor data grid editor popup design changes which were missed - Design change for dashboard server activity grid - Login page language dropdown color fix - Properties accordion collapse design fix - Help, Info icon fixed across all dialogs which were not working if clicked exactly on the text - Added missing icon with buttons at few places - Shadow behind the dialogs is increased to make it look clearly separated and depth. - Control Alignment fix in maintenance dialog - Min height of alertify dialogs set for better UX - File dialog design fix when no files found - Grant wizard fixes - Scroll bar visibility on first page, use full space for SQL generated on the last page - Browser toolbar buttons changed to sync with SQL editor toolbar buttons - Rounded corners for docker floating dialog (no properties) - Renaming file in file dialog should show original file name - SQL data grid text edit popup buttons behaviour was swapped. This is fixed. - Import/Export dialog changes as per new design.
2019-01-02 03:35:15 -06:00
dialog.draw(action, treeItem,,;
return pgBrowser.Restore;