2022-06-15 01:07:54 -05:00
// pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools
2023-01-02 00:23:55 -06:00
// Copyright (C) 2013 - 2023, The pgAdmin Development Team
2022-06-15 01:07:54 -05:00
// This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence
import $ from 'jquery';
window.jQuery = window.$ = $;
import 'wcdocker';
import '../helper/enzyme.helper';
import React from 'react';
import { createMount } from '@material-ui/core/test-utils';
import jasmineEnzyme from 'jasmine-enzyme';
import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter';
2023-08-01 02:34:06 -05:00
import axios from 'axios';
2022-06-15 01:07:54 -05:00
import url_for from 'sources/url_for';
import pgAdmin from 'sources/pgadmin';
import { messages } from '../fake_messages';
import FunctionArguments from '../../../pgadmin/tools/debugger/static/js/debugger_ui';
import Debugger from '../../../pgadmin/tools/debugger/static/js/DebuggerModule';
import { TreeFake } from '../tree/tree_fake';
import MockDebuggerComponent from './MockDebuggerComponent';
import EventBus from '../../../pgadmin/static/js/helpers/EventBus';
import { Stack } from '../../../pgadmin/tools/debugger/static/js/components/Stack';
describe('Debugger Stack', () => {
let mount;
let funcArgs;
let debuggerInstance;
let mountDOM;
let tree;
let params;
let networkMock;
let pref;
/* Use createMount so that material ui components gets the required context */
/* https://material-ui.com/guides/testing/#api */
beforeAll(() => {
mount = createMount();
afterAll(() => {
afterEach(() => {
beforeEach(() => {
// Element for mount wcDocker panel
mountDOM = $('<div class="dockerContainer">');
$(document.body).append($('<div id="debugger-main-container">'));
/* messages used by validators */
pgAdmin.Browser = pgAdmin.Browser || {};
pgAdmin.Browser.messages = pgAdmin.Browser.messages || messages;
pgAdmin.Browser.utils = pgAdmin.Browser.utils || {};
funcArgs = new FunctionArguments();
debuggerInstance = new Debugger(pgAdmin, pgAdmin.Browser);
pref = [
'id': 115,
'cid': 13,
'name': 'btn_step_into',
'label': 'Accesskey (Step into)',
'type': 'keyboardshortcut',
'help_str': null,
'control_props': {},
'min_val': null,
'max_val': null,
'options': null,
'select': null,
'value': {
'key': {
'key_code': 73,
'char': 'i'
'fields': [
'name': 'key',
'type': 'keyCode',
'label': 'Key'
'disabled': false,
'dependents': null,
'mid': 83,
'module': 'debugger',
}, {
'id': 116,
'cid': 13,
'name': 'btn_step_over',
'label': 'Accesskey (Step over)',
'type': 'keyboardshortcut',
'help_str': null,
'control_props': {},
'min_val': null,
'max_val': null,
'options': null,
'select': null,
'value': {
'key': {
'key_code': 79,
'char': 'o'
'fields': [
'name': 'key',
'type': 'keyCode',
'label': 'Key'
'disabled': false,
'dependents': null,
'mid': 83,
'module': 'debugger',
'id': 113,
'cid': 13,
'name': 'btn_start',
'label': 'Accesskey (Continue/Start)',
'type': 'keyboardshortcut',
'help_str': null,
'control_props': {},
'min_val': null,
'max_val': null,
'options': null,
'select': null,
'value': {
'key': {
'key_code': 67,
'char': 'c'
'fields': [
'name': 'key',
'type': 'keyCode',
'label': 'Key'
'disabled': false,
'dependents': null,
'mid': 83,
'module': 'debugger',
}, {
'id': 114,
'cid': 13,
'name': 'btn_stop',
'label': 'Accesskey (Stop)',
'type': 'keyboardshortcut',
'help_str': null,
'control_props': {},
'min_val': null,
'max_val': null,
'options': null,
'select': null,
'value': {
'key': {
'key_code': 83,
'char': 's'
'fields': [
'name': 'key',
'type': 'keyCode',
'label': 'Key'
'disabled': false,
'dependents': null,
'mid': 83,
'module': 'debugger',
}, {
'id': 117,
'cid': 13,
'name': 'btn_toggle_breakpoint',
'label': 'Accesskey (Toggle breakpoint)',
'type': 'keyboardshortcut',
'help_str': null,
'control_props': {},
'min_val': null,
'max_val': null,
'options': null,
'select': null,
'value': {
'key': {
'key_code': 84,
'char': 't'
'fields': [
'name': 'key',
'type': 'keyCode',
'label': 'Key'
'disabled': false,
'dependents': null,
'mid': 83,
'module': 'debugger',
}, {
'id': 118,
'cid': 13,
'name': 'btn_clear_breakpoints',
'label': 'Accesskey (Clear all breakpoints)',
'type': 'keyboardshortcut',
'help_str': null,
'control_props': {},
'min_val': null,
'max_val': null,
'options': null,
'select': null,
'value': {
'key': {
'key_code': 88,
'char': 'x'
'fields': [
'name': 'key',
'type': 'keyCode',
'label': 'Key'
'disabled': false,
'dependents': null,
'mid': 83,
'module': 'debugger',
pgAdmin.Browser.preferences_cache = pref;
// eslint-disable-next-line
let docker = new wcDocker(
'.dockerContainer', {
allowContextMenu: false,
allowCollapse: false,
loadingClass: 'pg-sp-icon',
tree = new TreeFake();
pgAdmin.Browser.tree = tree;
pgAdmin.Browser.docker = docker;
params = {
transId: 1234,
directDebugger: debuggerInstance,
funcArgsInstance: funcArgs
networkMock = new MockAdapter(axios);
it('Statck Init', () => {
networkMock.onGet(url_for('debugger.select_frame', { 'trans_id': params.transId, 'frame_id': 3 })).reply(200, {'success':0,'errormsg':'','info':'','result':null,'data':{'status':true,'result':[{'func':3138947,'targetname':'_test()','linenumber':10,'src':'\nDECLARE\n v_deptno NUMERIC;\n v_empno NUMERIC;\n v_ename VARCHAR;\n v_rows INTEGER;\n r_emp_query EMP_QUERY_TYPE;\nBEGIN\n v_deptno := 30;\n v_empno := 0;\n v_ename := \'Martin\';\n r_emp_query := emp_query(v_deptno, v_empno, v_ename);\n RAISE INFO \'Department : %\', v_deptno;\n RAISE INFO \'Employee No: %\', (r_emp_query).empno;\n RAISE INFO \'Name : %\', (r_emp_query).ename;\n RAISE INFO \'Job : %\', (r_emp_query).job;\n RAISE INFO \'Hire Date : %\', (r_emp_query).hiredate;\n RAISE INFO \'Salary : %\', (r_emp_query).sal;\n RETURN \'1\';\nEXCEPTION\n WHEN OTHERS THEN\n RAISE INFO \'The following is SQLERRM : %\', SQLERRM;\n RAISE INFO \'The following is SQLSTATE: %\', SQLSTATE;\n RETURN \'1\';\nEND;\n','args':''}]}});
<MockDebuggerComponent value={{
docker: '',
api: networkMock,
modal: {},
params: params,
preferences: pgAdmin.Browser.preferences_cache,
eventsvalue={new EventBus()}>