|`Issue #5453 <https://github.com/pgadmin-org/pgadmin4/issues/5453>`_ - Fixed an issue where Transaction IDs were not found in session in the Query Tool.
|`Issue #5536 <https://github.com/pgadmin-org/pgadmin4/issues/5536>`_ - Fixed an issue where properties tab was refreshing on tab change even if the selected node is same.
|`Issue #5598 <https://github.com/pgadmin-org/pgadmin4/issues/5598>`_ - Fixed an issue while updating server node info removes the clear saved password menu.
|`Issue #5603 <https://github.com/pgadmin-org/pgadmin4/issues/5603>`_ - Fixed an issue where master password was not set correctly with external config database.
|`Issue #5637 <https://github.com/pgadmin-org/pgadmin4/issues/5637>`_ - Ensure that the BigAnimal displays PG version 11-14 for Oracle compatible databases type.