|`Issue #7363 <https://github.com/pgadmin-org/pgadmin4/issues/7363>`_ - Remove the usage of MUI makeStyles as it doesn't support React 18.
Bug fixes
|`Issue #6357 <https://github.com/pgadmin-org/pgadmin4/issues/6357>`_ - Disable the query tool editor input if any SQL is being loaded to prevent users from typing.
|`Issue #7241 <https://github.com/pgadmin-org/pgadmin4/issues/7241>`_ - Fixed an issue where resizable data editors in query tool should not be allowed to resize beyond the app window bounds.
|`Issue #7295 <https://github.com/pgadmin-org/pgadmin4/issues/7295>`_ - Fixed new line indentation in query editor and add a user preference to disable it.
|`Issue #7306 <https://github.com/pgadmin-org/pgadmin4/issues/7306>`_ - Ensure that a user can connect to a server using SSL certificates and identity files from a shared storage.
|`Issue #7316 <https://github.com/pgadmin-org/pgadmin4/issues/7316>`_ - Fixed an issue where object explorer toolbar button not showing shortcut in the tooltip.
|`Issue #7476 <https://github.com/pgadmin-org/pgadmin4/issues/7476>`_ - Fixed an issue where changing a column name should reflect in all the constraints in table object dialog and ERD table dialog.
|`Issue #7481 <https://github.com/pgadmin-org/pgadmin4/issues/7481>`_ - Fixed an issue where dark theme shows white background when all tabs are closed.
|`Issue #7523 <https://github.com/pgadmin-org/pgadmin4/issues/7523>`_ - Fixed an issue where the schema diff incorrectly marked tables as different due to schema-qualified trigger functions in the trigger definitions.
|`Issue #7593 <https://github.com/pgadmin-org/pgadmin4/issues/7593>`_ - Fixed an issue where query tool auto-complete stops working after connection change.
|`Issue #7605 <https://github.com/pgadmin-org/pgadmin4/issues/7605>`_ - Fix the permissions issue in the pgAdmin installation directory on Debian and RHEL-8 platforms (CVE-2024-6238).
|`Issue #7616 <https://github.com/pgadmin-org/pgadmin4/issues/7616>`_ - Fixed an issue where delete button in Users data was enabled for incorrect rows.