2021-08-23 03:10:14 -05:00
// pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools
2023-01-02 00:23:55 -06:00
// Copyright (C) 2013 - 2023, The pgAdmin Development Team
2021-08-23 03:10:14 -05:00
// This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence
import '../helper/enzyme.helper';
import { createMount } from '@material-ui/core/test-utils';
import ColumnSchema from '../../../pgadmin/browser/server_groups/servers/databases/schemas/tables/columns/static/js/column.ui';
import BaseUISchema from '../../../pgadmin/static/js/SchemaView/base_schema.ui';
import _ from 'lodash';
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import {genericBeforeEach, getCreateView, getEditView, getPropertiesView} from '../genericFunctions';
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class MockSchema extends BaseUISchema {
get baseFields() {
return [];
class ColumnInColl extends BaseUISchema {
constructor() {
get baseFields() {
return [{
id: 'columns', label: '', type: 'collection',
schema: new ColumnSchema(
()=>new MockSchema(),
editable: false,
canAdd: true, canEdit: false, canDelete: true, hasRole: true,
columns : ['name' , 'cltype', 'attlen', 'attprecision', 'attnotnull', 'is_primary_key'],
function getFieldDepChange(schema, id) {
return _.find(schema.fields, (f)=>f.id==id)?.depChange;
describe('ColumnSchema', ()=>{
let mount;
let schemaObj = new ColumnSchema(
()=>new MockSchema(),
let datatypes = [
{value: 'numeric', length: true, precision: true, min_val: 1, max_val: 140391},
{value: 'character varying', length: true, precision: false, min_val: 1, max_val: 140391},
let getInitData = ()=>Promise.resolve({});
/* Use createMount so that material ui components gets the required context */
/* https://material-ui.com/guides/testing/#api */
mount = createMount();
afterAll(() => {
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it('create', ()=>{
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it('edit', ()=>{
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mount(getEditView(schemaObj, getInitData));
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it('properties', ()=>{
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mount(getPropertiesView(schemaObj, getInitData));
2021-08-23 03:10:14 -05:00
it('create collection', ()=>{
let schemaCollObj = new ColumnInColl();
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let ctrl = mount(getCreateView(schemaCollObj));
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/* Make sure you hit every corner */
it('isTypeIdentity', ()=>{
let state = {colconstype: 'i'};
it('isTypeGenerated', ()=>{
let state = {colconstype: 'g'};
it('inSchemaWithModelCheck', ()=>{
let state = {attnum: 1};
schemaObj.nodeInfo.schema = {};
state.attnum = null;
schemaObj.nodeInfo = {};
it('attlenRange', ()=>{
schemaObj.datatypes = datatypes;
let state = {cltype: 'character varying'};
expect(schemaObj.attlenRange(state)).toEqual({min: 1, max: 140391});
it('attprecisionRange', ()=>{
schemaObj.datatypes = datatypes;
let state = {cltype: 'numeric'};
expect(schemaObj.attprecisionRange(state)).toEqual({min: 1, max: 140391});
it('inSchemaWithColumnCheck', ()=>{
let state = {};
schemaObj.nodeInfo = {schema: {}};
state.attnum = -1;
state.inheritedfrom = 140391;
schemaObj.nodeInfo.view = {};
schemaObj.nodeInfo = {};
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it('editableCheckForTable', ()=>{
let state = {};
schemaObj.nodeInfo = {};
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2021-08-23 03:10:14 -05:00
it('depChange', ()=>{
schemaObj.datatypes = datatypes;
let state = {cltype: 'numeric'};
getFieldDepChange(schemaObj, 'collspcname')(state);
expect(getFieldDepChange(schemaObj, 'attlen')(state)).toEqual({
cltype: 'numeric',
min_val_attlen: 1,
max_val_attlen: 140391,
expect(getFieldDepChange(schemaObj, 'attprecision')(state)).toEqual({
cltype: 'numeric',
min_val_attprecision: 1,
max_val_attprecision: 140391,
it('validate', ()=>{
let state = {};
let setError = jasmine.createSpy('setError');
state.cltype = 'bigint';
state.min_val_attlen = 5;
state.max_val_attlen = 10;
state.attlen = 3;
schemaObj.validate(state, setError);
expect(setError).toHaveBeenCalledWith('attlen', 'Length/Precision should not be less than: 5');
state.attlen = 11;
schemaObj.validate(state, setError);
expect(setError).toHaveBeenCalledWith('attlen', 'Length/Precision should not be greater than: 10');
state.attlen = 6;
state.min_val_attprecision = 5;
state.max_val_attprecision = 10;
state.attprecision = 3;
schemaObj.validate(state, setError);
expect(setError).toHaveBeenCalledWith('attprecision', 'Scale should not be less than: 5');
state.attprecision = 11;
schemaObj.validate(state, setError);
expect(setError).toHaveBeenCalledWith('attprecision', 'Scale should not be greater than: 10');
state.attprecision = 6;
state.colconstype = 'g';
schemaObj.validate(state, setError);
expect(setError).toHaveBeenCalledWith('genexpr', 'Expression value cannot be empty.');
state.attnum = 1;
state.attidentity = 'a';
state.colconstype = 'i';
schemaObj.origData = {attidentity:'a'};
schemaObj.validate(state, setError);
expect(setError).toHaveBeenCalledWith('seqincrement', 'Increment value cannot be empty.');
state.seqincrement = 1;
schemaObj.validate(state, setError);
expect(setError).toHaveBeenCalledWith('seqmin', 'Minimum value cannot be empty.');
state.seqmin = 1;
schemaObj.validate(state, setError);
expect(setError).toHaveBeenCalledWith('seqmax', 'Maximum value cannot be empty.');
state.seqmax = 1;
schemaObj.validate(state, setError);
expect(setError).toHaveBeenCalledWith('seqcache', 'Cache value cannot be empty.');
state.attnum = null;
state.seqmin = null;
state.seqmax = null;
schemaObj.origData.attidentity = undefined;
expect(schemaObj.validate(state, setError)).toBe(false);
state.seqmin = 3;
state.seqmax = 2;
schemaObj.validate(state, setError);
expect(setError).toHaveBeenCalledWith('seqmin', 'Minimum value must be less than maximum value.');
state.seqmin = 3;
state.seqmax = 5;
state.seqstart = 2;
schemaObj.validate(state, setError);
expect(setError).toHaveBeenCalledWith('seqstart', 'Start value cannot be less than minimum value.');
state.seqstart = 6;
schemaObj.validate(state, setError);
expect(setError).toHaveBeenCalledWith('seqstart', 'Start value cannot be greater than maximum value.');
state.seqstart = 4;
expect(schemaObj.validate(state, setError)).toBe(false);