2022-08-11 00:19:45 -05:00
// pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools
2024-01-01 02:43:48 -06:00
// Copyright (C) 2013 - 2024, The pgAdmin Development Team
2022-08-11 00:19:45 -05:00
// This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence
2023-10-23 07:13:17 -05:00
2022-08-11 00:19:45 -05:00
import React from 'react';
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import { render, waitFor } from '@testing-library/react';
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import Theme from '../../../pgadmin/static/js/Theme';
import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter';
2023-08-01 02:34:06 -05:00
import axios from 'axios';
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import ProcessDetails from '../../../pgadmin/misc/bgprocess/static/js/ProcessDetails';
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import { BgProcessManagerProcessState } from '../../../pgadmin/misc/bgprocess/static/js/BgProcessConstants';
import BgProcessManager from '../../../pgadmin/misc/bgprocess/static/js/BgProcessManager';
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import pgAdmin from 'sources/pgadmin';
import _ from 'lodash';
const processData = {
acknowledge: null,
current_storage_dir: null,
desc: 'Doing some operation on the server \'PostgreSQL 12 (localhost:5432)\'',
details: {
cmd: '/Library/PostgreSQL/12/bin/mybin --testing',
message: 'Doing some detailed operation on the server \'PostgreSQL 12 (localhost:5432)\'...'
etime: null,
execution_time: 0.09,
exit_code: null,
id: '220803091429498400',
process_state: BgProcessManagerProcessState.PROCESS_STARTED,
stime: '2022-08-03T09:14:30.191940+00:00',
type_desc: 'Operation on the server',
utility_pid: 140391
const detailsResponse = {
err: {
done: true,
lines: [['220803091259931276', 'INFO: operation log err']],
pos: 123
execution_time: 1.27,
exit_code: 0,
out: {
done: true,
lines: [['220803091259931276', 'INFO: operation log out']],
pos: 123
start_time: '2022-08-03 09:12:59.774503 +0000'
describe('ProcessDetails', ()=>{
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let networkMock;
networkMock = new MockAdapter(axios);
let initialResp = _.cloneDeep(detailsResponse);
initialResp.err.done = false;
initialResp.out.done = false;
initialResp.exit_code = null;
networkMock.onGet(`/misc/bgprocess/${processData.id}/0/0/`).reply(200, initialResp);
networkMock.onGet(`/misc/bgprocess/${processData.id}/123/123/`).reply(200, detailsResponse);
afterAll(() => {
2023-10-23 07:13:17 -05:00
2022-08-11 00:19:45 -05:00
pgAdmin.Browser = pgAdmin.Browser || {};
pgAdmin.Browser.BgProcessManager = new BgProcessManager(pgAdmin.Browser);
describe('ProcessDetails', ()=>{
let ctrlMount = (props)=>{
2023-10-23 07:13:17 -05:00
return render(<Theme>
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2023-10-23 07:13:17 -05:00
it('running and success', async ()=>{
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let ctrl = ctrlMount({});
2023-10-23 07:13:17 -05:00
await waitFor(()=>{
expect(ctrl.container.querySelector('[data-test="notifier-message"]')).toHaveTextContent('Successfully completed.');
}, {timeout: 2000});
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