2016-04-13 10:11:43 -05:00
['underscore', 'backbone', 'pgadmin', 'pgadmin.browser'],
function(_, Backbone, pgAdmin, pgBrowser) {
pgBrowser = pgBrowser || pgAdmin.Browser || {};
/* Wizard individual Page Model */
var WizardPage = pgBrowser.WizardPage = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
id: undefined, /* Id */
page_title: undefined, /* Page Title */
view: undefined, /* A Backbone View */
html: undefined, /* HTML tags to be rendered */
image: undefined, /* Left hand side image */
disable_prev: false, /* Previous Button Flag */
disable_next: false, /* Next Button Flag */
disable_cancel: false, /* Cancel Button Flag */
show_progress_bar: '',
/* Callback for OnLoad */
onLoad: function() {
return true;
/* Callback for before Next */
beforeNext: function() {
return true;
onNext: function(){},
onBefore: function() {},
/* Callback for before Previous */
beforePrev: function() {
return true;
var Wizard = pgBrowser.Wizard = Backbone.View.extend({
options: {
title: 'Wizard', /* Main Wizard Title */
image: 'left_panel.png', /* TODO:: We can use default image here */
curr_page: 0, /* Current Page to Load */
disable_next: false,
disable_prev: false,
disable_finish: false,
disable_cancel: false,
2016-05-25 07:10:36 -05:00
show_header_cancel_btn: false, /* show cancel button at wizard header */
2016-04-13 10:11:43 -05:00
height: 400,
width: 650,
show_left_panel: true
tmpl: _.template(
" <div class='pgadmin-wizard' style='height: <%= this.options.height %>px;"
+ " width: <%= this.options.width %>px'>"
+ " <div class='wizard-header wizard-badge'>"
+ " <div class='row'>"
+ " <div class='col-sm-9'>"
+ " <h3><span id='main-title'><%= this.options.title %></span> -"
+ " <span id='step-title'><%= page_title %></span></h3>"
+ " </div>"
2016-05-25 07:10:36 -05:00
+ " <% if (this.options.show_header_cancel_btn) { %>"
+ " <div class='col-sm-3'>"
+ " <button class='ajs-close wizard-cancel-event pull-right'></button>"
+ " </div>"
+ " <% } %>"
2016-04-13 10:11:43 -05:00
+ " </div>"
+ " </div>"
+ " <div class='wizard-content col-sm-12'>"
2016-05-25 07:10:36 -05:00
+ " <% if (this.options.show_left_panel) { %>"
2016-04-13 10:11:43 -05:00
+ " <div class='col-sm-3 wizard-left-panel'>"
+ " <img src='<%= this.options.image %>'></div>"
+ " <% } %>"
2016-05-25 07:10:36 -05:00
+ " <div class='col-sm-<% if (this.options.show_left_panel) { %>9<% }"
2016-04-13 10:11:43 -05:00
+ " else { %>12<% } %> wizard-right-panel'>"
2016-05-25 07:10:36 -05:00
+ " <% if ( typeof show_description != 'undefined'){ %>"
2016-04-13 10:11:43 -05:00
+ " <div class='wizard-description'>"
+ " <%= show_description %>"
+ " </div>"
+ " <% } %>"
+ " <div class='wizard-right-panel_content'>"
+ " </div>"
+ " </div>"
+ " </div>"
+ " <div class='col-sm-12 error_msg_div'>"
+ " <p></p>"
+ " </div>"
+ " <div class='footer col-sm-12'>"
+ " <div class='row'>"
+ " <div class='col-sm-4 wizard-progress-bar'>"
2016-05-25 07:10:36 -05:00
+ " <p><% if (show_progress_bar) { %><%= show_progress_bar %><% } %></p>"
2016-04-13 10:11:43 -05:00
+ " </div>"
+ " <div class='col-sm-8'>"
+ " <div class='wizard-buttons'>"
+ " <button class='btn btn-primary wizard-back' <%=this.options.disable_prev ? 'disabled' : ''%>>"
+ " <i class='fa fa-backward'></i>Back</button>"
+ " <button class='btn btn-primary wizard-next' <%=this.options.disable_next ? 'disabled' : ''%>>Next"
+ " <i class='fa fa-forward'></i></button>"
+ " <button class='btn btn-danger wizard-cancel' <%=this.options.disable_cancel ? 'disabled' : ''%>>"
+ " <i class='fa fa-lg fa-close'></i>Cancel</button>"
+ " <button class='btn btn-primary wizard-finish' <%=this.options.disable_finish ? 'disabled' : ''%>>"
+ " Finish</button>"
+ " </div>"
+ " </div>"
+ " </div>"
+ " </div>"
+ " </div>"),
events: {
"click button.wizard-next" : "nextPage",
"click button.wizard-back" : "prevPage",
"click button.wizard-cancel" : "onCancel",
2016-05-25 07:10:36 -05:00
"click button.wizard-cancel-event" : "onCancel",
2016-04-13 10:11:43 -05:00
"click button.wizard-finish" : "finishWizard",
initialize: function(options) {
this.options = _.extend({}, this.options, options.options);
this.currPage = this.collection.at(this.options.curr_page).toJSON();
render: function() {
var data = this.currPage;
/* Check Status of the buttons */
this.options.disable_next = (this.options.disable_next ? true : this.evalASFunc(this.currPage.disable_next));
this.options.disable_prev = (this.options.disable_prev ? true : this.evalASFunc(this.currPage.disable_prev));
this.options.disable_cancel = (this.currPage.canCancel ? true : this.evalASFunc(this.currPage.disable_cancel));
that = this;
/* HTML Content */
if (data.html) { data.content = data.html; }
/* Backbone View */
else if (data.view) { data.content = data.view.render().el;}
/* OnLoad Callback */
return this;
nextPage: function() {
this.options.curr_page.el = this.$el;
if (!this.beforeNext()) { return false; }
page_id = this.onNext();
if (page_id ) {
this.currPage = this.collection.get(page_id).toJSON();
this.options.curr_page = this.collection.indexOf(this.collection.get(page_id));
else if (this.options.curr_page < (this.collection.length-1)) {
this.options.curr_page = this.options.curr_page + 1;
this.currPage = this.collection.at(this.options.curr_page).toJSON();
return this.render();
prevPage: function() {
if (!this.beforePrev()) { return false; }
page_id = this.onPrev();
if (page_id){
this.currPage = this.collection.get(page_id).toJSON();
this.options.curr_page = this.collection.indexOf(this.collection.get(page_id));
else if (this.options.curr_page > 0) {
this.options.curr_page = this.options.curr_page - 1;
this.currPage = this.collection.at(this.options.curr_page).toJSON();
return this.render();
finishWizard: function() {
this.remove(); // Remove view from DOM
this.unbind(); // Unbind all local event bindings
delete this.$el; // Delete the jQuery wrapped object variable
delete this.el; // Delete the variable reference to this node
return true;
enableDisableNext: function(disable) {
if (typeof(disable) != 'undefined') {
this.options.disable_next = disable;
else if (this.options.curr_page >= (this.collection.length-1)) {
this.options.disable_next = true;
else {
this.options.disable_next = false;
enableDisablePrev: function(disable) {
if (typeof(disable) != 'undefined') {
this.options.disable_prev = disable;
else if (this.options.curr_page <= 0) {
this.options.disable_prev = true;
else {
this.options.disable_prev = false;
beforeNext: function(){
return this.evalASFunc(this.currPage.beforeNext);
beforePrev: function(){
return this.evalASFunc(this.currPage.beforePrev);
onPrev: function(){
return this.evalASFunc(this.currPage.onPrev);
onNext: function(){
return this.evalASFunc(this.currPage.onNext);
onLoad: function() {
return this.evalASFunc(this.currPage.onLoad);
onFinish: function() {
return true;
onCancel: function() {
return true;
evalASFunc: function(func, ctx) {
var self = this;
ctx = ctx || self.currPage;
return (_.isFunction(func) ? func.apply(ctx, [self]) : func);
return pgBrowser;