mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:31 -06:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ Bug fixes
| `Bug #4171 <https://redmine.postgresql.org/issues/4171>`_ - Fix issue where reverse engineered SQL was failing for foreign tables, if it had "=" in the options.
| `Bug #4195 <https://redmine.postgresql.org/issues/4195>`_ - Fix keyboard navigation in "inner" tabsets such as the Query Tool and Debugger.
| `Bug #4253 <https://redmine.postgresql.org/issues/4253>`_ - Fix issue where new column should be created with Default value.
| `Bug #4283 <https://redmine.postgresql.org/issues/4283>`_ - Initial support for PostgreSQL 12.
| `Bug #4288 <https://redmine.postgresql.org/issues/4288>`_ - Initial support for PostgreSQL 12.
| `Bug #4290 <https://redmine.postgresql.org/issues/4290>`_ - Initial support for PostgreSQL 12.
| `Bug #4255 <https://redmine.postgresql.org/issues/4255>`_ - Prevent the geometry viewer grabbing key presses when not in focus under Firefox, IE and Edge.
| `Bug #4310 <https://redmine.postgresql.org/issues/4310>`_ - Ensure that the Return key can be used to submit the Master Password dialogue.
| `Bug #4317 <https://redmine.postgresql.org/issues/4317>`_ - Ensure that browser auto-fill doesn't cause Help pages to be opened unexpectedly.
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
oid as conoid, conname, contype, pg_get_constraintdef(oid, true) as consrc,
connoinherit, convalidated, conislocal
ORDER by conname;
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ class PartitionsView(BaseTableView, DataTypeReader, VacuumSettings):
{'get': 'properties', 'delete': 'delete', 'put': 'update'},
{'get': 'list', 'post': 'create'}
'delete': [{'delete': 'delete'}],
'delete': [{'delete': 'delete'}, {'delete': 'delete'}],
'nodes': [{'get': 'nodes'}, {'get': 'nodes'}],
'children': [{'get': 'children'}],
'sql': [{'get': 'sql'}],
@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ class PartitionsView(BaseTableView, DataTypeReader, VacuumSettings):
return internal_server_error(errormsg=str(e))
def delete(self, gid, sid, did, scid, tid, ptid):
def delete(self, gid, sid, did, scid, tid, ptid=None):
This function will delete the table object
@ -601,31 +601,47 @@ class PartitionsView(BaseTableView, DataTypeReader, VacuumSettings):
did: Database ID
scid: Schema ID
tid: Table ID
ptid: Partition Table ID
if ptid is None:
data = request.form if request.form else json.loads(
request.data, encoding='utf-8'
data = {'ids': [ptid]}
SQL = render_template(
"/".join([self.partition_template_path, 'properties.sql']),
did=did, scid=scid, tid=tid, ptid=ptid,
status, res = self.conn.execute_dict(SQL)
if not status:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=res)
if not res['rows']:
return make_json_response(
'Error: Object not found.'
'The specified partition could not be found.\n'
for ptid in data['ids']:
SQL = render_template(
"/".join([self.partition_template_path, 'properties.sql']),
did=did, scid=scid, tid=tid, ptid=ptid,
status, res = self.conn.execute_dict(SQL)
if not status:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=res)
return super(PartitionsView, self).delete(
gid, sid, did, scid, tid, res)
if not res['rows']:
return make_json_response(
'Error: Object not found.'
'The specified partition could not be found.\n'
status, res = super(PartitionsView, self).delete(
gid, sid, did, scid, tid, res)
if not status:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=res)
return make_json_response(
info=gettext("Partition dropped")
except Exception as e:
return internal_server_error(errormsg=str(e))
@ -342,12 +342,32 @@ define('pgadmin.node.table', [
}, cache_node: 'database', cache_level: 'database',
id: 'spcname', label: gettext('Tablespace'), node: 'tablespace',
type: 'text', control: 'node-list-by-name', disabled: 'inSchema',
type: 'text', control: 'node-list-by-name',
mode: ['properties', 'create', 'edit'],
filter: function(d) {
// If tablespace name is not "pg_global" then we need to exclude them
return (!(d && d.label.match(/pg_global/)));
deps: ['is_partitioned'],
disabled: function(m) {
if(this.node_info && 'catalog' in this.node_info) {
return true;
if(!_.isUndefined(m.node_info) && !_.isUndefined(m.node_info.server)
&& !_.isUndefined(m.node_info.server.version) &&
m.node_info.server.version >= 120000 &&
m.get('is_partitioned')) {
setTimeout( function() {
m.set('spcname', undefined);
}, 10);
return true;
return false;
id: 'partition', type: 'group', label: gettext('Partition'),
mode: ['edit', 'create'], min_version: 100000,
@ -773,7 +793,15 @@ define('pgadmin.node.table', [
id: 'relhasoids', label: gettext('Has OIDs?'), cell: 'switch',
type: 'switch', mode: ['properties', 'create', 'edit'],
disabled: 'inSchema', group: gettext('advanced'),
group: gettext('advanced'),
disabled: function(m) {
if(!_.isUndefined(m.node_info) && !_.isUndefined(m.node_info.server)
&& !_.isUndefined(m.node_info.server.version) &&
m.node_info.server.version >= 120000)
return true;
return m.inSchema();
id: 'relpersistence', label: gettext('Unlogged?'), cell: 'switch',
type: 'switch', mode: ['properties', 'create', 'edit'],
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
SELECT rel.oid, rel.relname AS name, rel.reltablespace AS spcoid,rel.relacl AS relacl_str,
(CASE WHEN length(spc.spcname) > 0 THEN spc.spcname ELSE
(SELECT sp.spcname FROM pg_database dtb
JOIN pg_tablespace sp ON dtb.dattablespace=sp.oid
WHERE dtb.oid = {{ did }}::oid)
END) as spcname,
(select nspname FROM pg_namespace WHERE oid = {{scid}}::oid ) as parent_schema,
nsp.nspname as schema,
pg_get_userbyid(rel.relowner) AS relowner, rel.relispartition,
rel.relhassubclass, rel.reltuples::bigint, des.description, con.conname, con.conkey,
EXISTS(select 1 FROM pg_trigger
JOIN pg_proc pt ON pt.oid=tgfoid AND pt.proname='logtrigger'
JOIN pg_proc pc ON pc.pronamespace=pt.pronamespace AND pc.proname='slonyversion'
WHERE tgrelid=rel.oid) AS isrepl,
(SELECT count(*) FROM pg_trigger WHERE tgrelid=rel.oid AND tgisinternal = FALSE) AS triggercount,
ELSE quote_ident(c.relname) END AS inherited_tables
FROM pg_inherits i
JOIN pg_class c ON c.oid = i.inhparent
JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid=c.relnamespace
WHERE i.inhrelid = rel.oid ORDER BY inhseqno)) AS coll_inherits,
(SELECT count(*)
FROM pg_inherits i
JOIN pg_class c ON c.oid = i.inhparent
JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid=c.relnamespace
WHERE i.inhrelid = rel.oid) AS inherited_tables_cnt,
(CASE WHEN rel.relpersistence = 'u' THEN true ELSE false END) AS relpersistence,
substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 'fillfactor=([0-9]*)') AS fillfactor,
(CASE WHEN (substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_enabled=([a-z|0-9]*)') = 'true')
THEN true ELSE false END) AS autovacuum_enabled,
substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_vacuum_threshold=([0-9]*)') AS autovacuum_vacuum_threshold,
substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor=([0-9]*[.]?[0-9]*)') AS autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor,
substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_analyze_threshold=([0-9]*)') AS autovacuum_analyze_threshold,
substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor=([0-9]*[.]?[0-9]*)') AS autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor,
substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay=([0-9]*)') AS autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay,
substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit=([0-9]*)') AS autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit,
substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_freeze_min_age=([0-9]*)') AS autovacuum_freeze_min_age,
substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_freeze_max_age=([0-9]*)') AS autovacuum_freeze_max_age,
substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_freeze_table_age=([0-9]*)') AS autovacuum_freeze_table_age,
(CASE WHEN (substring(array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_enabled=([a-z|0-9]*)') = 'true')
THEN true ELSE false END) AS toast_autovacuum_enabled,
substring(array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_vacuum_threshold=([0-9]*)') AS toast_autovacuum_vacuum_threshold,
substring(array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor=([0-9]*[.]?[0-9]*)') AS toast_autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor,
substring(array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_analyze_threshold=([0-9]*)') AS toast_autovacuum_analyze_threshold,
substring(array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor=([0-9]*[.]?[0-9]*)') AS toast_autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor,
substring(array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay=([0-9]*)') AS toast_autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay,
substring(array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit=([0-9]*)') AS toast_autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit,
substring(array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_freeze_min_age=([0-9]*)') AS toast_autovacuum_freeze_min_age,
substring(array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_freeze_max_age=([0-9]*)') AS toast_autovacuum_freeze_max_age,
substring(array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_freeze_table_age=([0-9]*)') AS toast_autovacuum_freeze_table_age,
array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') AS table_vacuum_settings_str,
array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') AS toast_table_vacuum_settings_str,
rel.reloptions AS reloptions, tst.reloptions AS toast_reloptions, rel.reloftype, typ.typname,
typ.typrelid AS typoid,
(CASE WHEN rel.reltoastrelid = 0 THEN false ELSE true END) AS hastoasttable,
-- Added for pgAdmin4
(CASE WHEN array_length(rel.reloptions, 1) > 0 THEN true ELSE false END) AS autovacuum_custom,
(CASE WHEN array_length(tst.reloptions, 1) > 0 AND rel.reltoastrelid != 0 THEN true ELSE false END) AS toast_autovacuum,
(SELECT array_agg(provider || '=' || label) FROM pg_seclabels sl1 WHERE sl1.objoid=rel.oid AND sl1.objsubid=0) AS seclabels,
(CASE WHEN rel.oid <= {{ datlastsysoid}}::oid THEN true ElSE false END) AS is_sys_table,
-- Added for partition table
(CASE WHEN rel.relkind = 'p' THEN true ELSE false END) AS is_partitioned,
(CASE WHEN rel.relkind = 'p' THEN pg_get_partkeydef(rel.oid::oid) ELSE '' END) AS partition_scheme,
{% if ptid %}
(CASE WHEN rel.relispartition THEN pg_get_expr(rel.relpartbound, {{ ptid }}::oid) ELSE '' END) AS partition_value,
(SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE oid = {{ tid }}::oid) AS partitioned_table_name
{% else %}
pg_get_expr(rel.relpartbound, rel.oid) AS partition_value
{% endif %}
FROM pg_class rel
LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_tablespace spc on spc.oid=rel.reltablespace
LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_description des ON (des.objoid=rel.oid AND des.objsubid=0 AND des.classoid='pg_class'::regclass)
LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_constraint con ON con.conrelid=rel.oid AND con.contype='p'
LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_class tst ON tst.oid = rel.reltoastrelid
LEFT JOIN pg_type typ ON rel.reloftype=typ.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_inherits inh ON inh.inhrelid = rel.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_namespace nsp ON rel.relnamespace = nsp.oid
WHERE rel.relispartition AND inh.inhparent = {{ tid }}::oid
{% if ptid %} AND rel.oid = {{ ptid }}::oid {% endif %}
ORDER BY rel.relname;
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
SELECT rel.oid, rel.relname AS name, rel.reltablespace AS spcoid,rel.relacl AS relacl_str,
(CASE WHEN length(spc.spcname) > 0 THEN spc.spcname ELSE
(SELECT sp.spcname FROM pg_database dtb
JOIN pg_tablespace sp ON dtb.dattablespace=sp.oid
WHERE dtb.oid = {{ did }}::oid)
END) as spcname,
(select nspname FROM pg_namespace WHERE oid = {{scid}}::oid ) as parent_schema,
nsp.nspname as schema,
pg_get_userbyid(rel.relowner) AS relowner, rel.relispartition,
rel.relhassubclass, rel.reltuples::bigint, des.description, con.conname, con.conkey,
EXISTS(select 1 FROM pg_trigger
JOIN pg_proc pt ON pt.oid=tgfoid AND pt.proname='logtrigger'
JOIN pg_proc pc ON pc.pronamespace=pt.pronamespace AND pc.proname='slonyversion'
WHERE tgrelid=rel.oid) AS isrepl,
(SELECT count(*) FROM pg_trigger WHERE tgrelid=rel.oid AND tgisinternal = FALSE) AS triggercount,
ELSE quote_ident(c.relname) END AS inherited_tables
FROM pg_inherits i
JOIN pg_class c ON c.oid = i.inhparent
JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid=c.relnamespace
WHERE i.inhrelid = rel.oid ORDER BY inhseqno)) AS coll_inherits,
(SELECT count(*)
FROM pg_inherits i
JOIN pg_class c ON c.oid = i.inhparent
JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid=c.relnamespace
WHERE i.inhrelid = rel.oid) AS inherited_tables_cnt,
(CASE WHEN rel.relpersistence = 'u' THEN true ELSE false END) AS relpersistence,
substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 'fillfactor=([0-9]*)') AS fillfactor,
(CASE WHEN (substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_enabled=([a-z|0-9]*)') = 'true')
THEN true ELSE false END) AS autovacuum_enabled,
substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_vacuum_threshold=([0-9]*)') AS autovacuum_vacuum_threshold,
substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor=([0-9]*[.]?[0-9]*)') AS autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor,
substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_analyze_threshold=([0-9]*)') AS autovacuum_analyze_threshold,
substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor=([0-9]*[.]?[0-9]*)') AS autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor,
substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay=([0-9]*)') AS autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay,
substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit=([0-9]*)') AS autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit,
substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_freeze_min_age=([0-9]*)') AS autovacuum_freeze_min_age,
substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_freeze_max_age=([0-9]*)') AS autovacuum_freeze_max_age,
substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_freeze_table_age=([0-9]*)') AS autovacuum_freeze_table_age,
(CASE WHEN (substring(array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_enabled=([a-z|0-9]*)') = 'true')
THEN true ELSE false END) AS toast_autovacuum_enabled,
substring(array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_vacuum_threshold=([0-9]*)') AS toast_autovacuum_vacuum_threshold,
substring(array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor=([0-9]*[.]?[0-9]*)') AS toast_autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor,
substring(array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_analyze_threshold=([0-9]*)') AS toast_autovacuum_analyze_threshold,
substring(array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor=([0-9]*[.]?[0-9]*)') AS toast_autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor,
substring(array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay=([0-9]*)') AS toast_autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay,
substring(array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit=([0-9]*)') AS toast_autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit,
substring(array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_freeze_min_age=([0-9]*)') AS toast_autovacuum_freeze_min_age,
substring(array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_freeze_max_age=([0-9]*)') AS toast_autovacuum_freeze_max_age,
substring(array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_freeze_table_age=([0-9]*)') AS toast_autovacuum_freeze_table_age,
array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') AS table_vacuum_settings_str,
array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') AS toast_table_vacuum_settings_str,
rel.reloptions AS reloptions, tst.reloptions AS toast_reloptions, rel.reloftype, typ.typname,
typ.typrelid AS typoid,
(CASE WHEN rel.reltoastrelid = 0 THEN false ELSE true END) AS hastoasttable,
-- Added for pgAdmin4
(CASE WHEN array_length(rel.reloptions, 1) > 0 THEN true ELSE false END) AS autovacuum_custom,
(CASE WHEN array_length(tst.reloptions, 1) > 0 AND rel.reltoastrelid != 0 THEN true ELSE false END) AS toast_autovacuum,
(SELECT array_agg(provider || '=' || label) FROM pg_seclabels sl1 WHERE sl1.objoid=rel.oid AND sl1.objsubid=0) AS seclabels,
(CASE WHEN rel.oid <= {{ datlastsysoid}}::oid THEN true ElSE false END) AS is_sys_table,
-- Added for partition table
(CASE WHEN rel.relkind = 'p' THEN true ELSE false END) AS is_partitioned,
(CASE WHEN rel.relkind = 'p' THEN pg_get_partkeydef(rel.oid::oid) ELSE '' END) AS partition_scheme,
{% if ptid %}
(CASE WHEN rel.relispartition THEN pg_get_expr(rel.relpartbound, {{ ptid }}::oid) ELSE '' END) AS partition_value,
(SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE oid = {{ tid }}::oid) AS partitioned_table_name
{% else %}
pg_get_expr(rel.relpartbound, rel.oid) AS partition_value
{% endif %}
FROM pg_class rel
LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_tablespace spc on spc.oid=rel.reltablespace
LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_description des ON (des.objoid=rel.oid AND des.objsubid=0 AND des.classoid='pg_class'::regclass)
LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_constraint con ON con.conrelid=rel.oid AND con.contype='p'
LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_class tst ON tst.oid = rel.reltoastrelid
LEFT JOIN pg_type typ ON rel.reloftype=typ.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_inherits inh ON inh.inhrelid = rel.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_namespace nsp ON rel.relnamespace = nsp.oid
WHERE rel.relispartition AND inh.inhparent = {{ tid }}::oid
{% if ptid %} AND rel.oid = {{ ptid }}::oid {% endif %}
ORDER BY rel.relname;
@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
{% import 'macros/schemas/security.macros' as SECLABEL %}
{% import 'macros/schemas/privilege.macros' as PRIVILEGE %}
{% import 'macros/variable.macros' as VARIABLE %}
{% import 'columns/macros/security.macros' as COLUMN_SECLABEL %}
{% import 'columns/macros/privilege.macros' as COLUMN_PRIVILEGE %}
{% import 'tables/sql/macros/constraints.macro' as CONSTRAINTS %}
{% import 'types/macros/get_full_type_sql_format.macros' as GET_TYPE %}
If user has not provided any details but only name then
add empty bracket with table name
{% set empty_bracket = ""%}
{% if data.coll_inherits|length == 0 and data.columns|length == 0 and not data.typname and not data.like_relation and data.primary_key|length == 0 and data.unique_constraint|length == 0 and data.foreign_key|length == 0 and data.check_constraint|length == 0 and data.exclude_constraint|length == 0 %}
{% set empty_bracket = "\n(\n)"%}
{% endif %}
{% set with_clause = false%}
{% if data.fillfactor or data.autovacuum_custom or data.autovacuum_enabled or data.toast_autovacuum or data.toast_autovacuum_enabled or (data.autovacuum_enabled and data.vacuum_table|length > 0) or (data.toast_autovacuum_enabled and data.vacuum_toast|length > 0) %}
{% set with_clause = true%}
{% endif %}
CREATE {% if data.relpersistence %}UNLOGGED {% endif %}TABLE {{conn|qtIdent(data.schema, data.name)}}{{empty_bracket}}
{% if data.typname %}
OF {{ data.typname }}
{% endif %}
{% if data.like_relation or data.coll_inherits or data.columns|length > 0 or data.primary_key|length > 0 or data.unique_constraint|length > 0 or data.foreign_key|length > 0 or data.check_constraint|length > 0 or data.exclude_constraint|length > 0 %}
{% endif %}
{% if data.like_relation %}
LIKE {{ data.like_relation }}{% if data.like_default_value %}
INCLUDING DEFAULTS{% endif %}{% if data.like_constraints %}
INCLUDING CONSTRAINTS{% endif %}{% if data.like_indexes %}
INCLUDING INDEXES{% endif %}{% if data.like_storage %}
INCLUDING STORAGE{% endif %}{% if data.like_comments %}
INCLUDING COMMENTS{% endif %}{% if data.columns|length > 0 %},
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{### Add columns ###}
{% if data.columns and data.columns|length > 0 %}
{% for c in data.columns %}
{% if c.name and c.cltype %}
{% if c.inheritedfromtable %}-- Inherited from table {{c.inheritedfromtable}}: {% elif c.inheritedfromtype %}-- Inherited from type {{c.inheritedfromtype}}: {% endif %}{{conn|qtIdent(c.name)}} {% if is_sql %}{{c.displaytypname}}{% else %}{{ GET_TYPE.CREATE_TYPE_SQL(conn, c.cltype, c.attlen, c.attprecision, c.hasSqrBracket) }}{% endif %}{% if c.collspcname %} COLLATE {{c.collspcname}}{% endif %}{% if c.attnotnull %} NOT NULL{% endif %}{% if c.defval %} DEFAULT {{c.defval}}{% endif %}
{% if c.attidentity and c.attidentity != '' %}
{% if c.attidentity == 'a' %} GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY{% elif c.attidentity == 'd' %} GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY{% endif %}
{% if c.seqincrement or c.seqcycle or c.seqincrement or c.seqstart or c.seqmin or c.seqmax or c.seqcache %} ( {% endif %}
{% if c.seqincrement is defined and c.seqcycle %}
CYCLE {% endif %}{% if c.seqincrement is defined and c.seqincrement|int(-1) > -1 %}
INCREMENT {{c.seqincrement|int}} {% endif %}{% if c.seqstart is defined and c.seqstart|int(-1) > -1%}
START {{c.seqstart|int}} {% endif %}{% if c.seqmin is defined and c.seqmin|int(-1) > -1%}
MINVALUE {{c.seqmin|int}} {% endif %}{% if c.seqmax is defined and c.seqmax|int(-1) > -1%}
MAXVALUE {{c.seqmax|int}} {% endif %}{% if c.seqcache is defined and c.seqcache|int(-1) > -1%}
CACHE {{c.seqcache|int}} {% endif %}
{% if c.seqincrement or c.seqcycle or c.seqincrement or c.seqstart or c.seqmin or c.seqmax or c.seqcache %}){% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if not loop.last %},
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{# Macro to render for constraints #}
{% if data.primary_key|length > 0 %}{% if data.columns|length > 0 %},{% endif %}
{{CONSTRAINTS.PRIMARY_KEY(conn, data.primary_key[0])}}{% endif %}{% if data.unique_constraint|length > 0 %}{% if data.columns|length > 0 or data.primary_key|length > 0 %},{% endif %}
{{CONSTRAINTS.UNIQUE(conn, data.unique_constraint)}}{% endif %}{% if data.foreign_key|length > 0 %}{% if data.columns|length > 0 or data.primary_key|length > 0 or data.unique_constraint|length > 0 %},{% endif %}
{{CONSTRAINTS.FOREIGN_KEY(conn, data.foreign_key)}}{% endif %}{% if data.check_constraint|length > 0 %}{% if data.columns|length > 0 or data.primary_key|length > 0 or data.unique_constraint|length > 0 or data.foreign_key|length > 0 %},{% endif %}
{{CONSTRAINTS.CHECK(conn, data.check_constraint)}}{% endif %}{% if data.exclude_constraint|length > 0 %}{% if data.columns|length > 0 or data.primary_key|length > 0 or data.unique_constraint|length > 0 or data.foreign_key|length > 0 or data.check_constraint|length > 0 %},{% endif %}
{{CONSTRAINTS.EXCLUDE(conn, data.exclude_constraint)}}{% endif %}
{% if data.like_relation or data.coll_inherits or data.columns|length > 0 or data.primary_key|length > 0 or data.unique_constraint|length > 0 or data.foreign_key|length > 0 or data.check_constraint|length > 0 or data.exclude_constraint|length > 0 %}
){% endif %}{% if data.relkind is defined and data.relkind == 'p' %} PARTITION BY {{ data.partition_scheme }} {% endif %}
{% if not data.coll_inherits and (not data.spcname or (data.spcname and data.is_partitioned)) and not with_clause %};{% endif %}
{### If we are inheriting it from another table(s) ###}
{% if data.coll_inherits %}
INHERITS ({% for val in data.coll_inherits %}{% if loop.index != 1 %}, {% endif %}{{val}}{% endfor %}){% if not data.spcname and not with_clause %};{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if with_clause %}
{% set add_comma = false%}
{% if data.fillfactor %}{% set add_comma = true%}
FILLFACTOR = {{ data.fillfactor }}{% endif %}{% if data.autovacuum_custom %}
{% if add_comma %},
{% endif %}
autovacuum_enabled = {% if data.autovacuum_enabled %}TRUE{% else %}FALSE{% endif %}{% set add_comma = true%}{% endif %}{% if data.toast_autovacuum %}
{% if add_comma %},
{% endif %}
toast.autovacuum_enabled = {% if data.toast_autovacuum_enabled %}TRUE{% else %}FALSE{% endif %}
{% endif %}{% if data.autovacuum_enabled and data.vacuum_table|length > 0 %}
{% for opt in data.vacuum_table %}{% if opt.name and opt.value %}
{{opt.name}} = {{opt.value}}{% endif %}
{% endfor %}{% endif %}{% if data.toast_autovacuum_enabled and data.vacuum_toast|length > 0 %}
{% for opt in data.vacuum_toast %}{% if opt.name and opt.value %}
toast.{{opt.name}} = {{opt.value}}{% endif %}
{% endfor %}{% endif %}
{% if data.spcname and not data.is_partitioned %}){% else %});{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{### SQL for Tablespace ###}
{% if data.spcname and not data.is_partitioned %}
TABLESPACE {{ conn|qtIdent(data.spcname) }};
{% endif %}
{### Alter SQL for Owner ###}
{% if data.relowner %}
ALTER TABLE {{conn|qtIdent(data.schema, data.name)}}
OWNER to {{conn|qtIdent(data.relowner)}};
{% endif %}
{### Security Labels on Table ###}
{% if data.seclabels and data.seclabels|length > 0 %}
{% for r in data.seclabels %}
{{ SECLABEL.SET(conn, 'TABLE', data.name, r.provider, r.label, data.schema) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{### ACL on Table ###}
{% if data.relacl %}
{% for priv in data.relacl %}
{{ PRIVILEGE.SET(conn, 'TABLE', priv.grantee, data.name, priv.without_grant, priv.with_grant, data.schema) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{### SQL for COMMENT ###}
{% if data.description %}
COMMENT ON TABLE {{conn|qtIdent(data.schema, data.name)}}
IS {{data.description|qtLiteral}};
{% endif %}
{% if data.columns and data.columns|length > 0 %}
{% for c in data.columns %}
{% if c.description %}
COMMENT ON COLUMN {{conn|qtIdent(data.schema, data.name, c.name)}}
IS {{c.description|qtLiteral}};
{% endif %}
{### Add variables to column ###}
{% if c.attoptions and c.attoptions|length > 0 %}
ALTER TABLE {{conn|qtIdent(data.schema, data.name)}}
{{ VARIABLE.SET(conn, 'COLUMN', c.name, c.attoptions) }}
{% endif %}
{### ACL ###}
{% if c.attacl and c.attacl|length > 0 %}
{% for priv in c.attacl %}
{{ COLUMN_PRIVILEGE.APPLY(conn, data.schema, data.name, c.name, priv.grantee, priv.without_grant, priv.with_grant) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{### Security Lables ###}
{% if c.seclabels and c.seclabels|length > 0 %}
{% for r in c.seclabels %}
{{ COLUMN_SECLABEL.APPLY(conn, 'COLUMN',data.schema, data.name, c.name, r.provider, r.label) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{{CONSTRAINTS.CONSTRAINT_COMMENTS(conn, data.schema, data.name, data.primary_key)}}
{{CONSTRAINTS.CONSTRAINT_COMMENTS(conn, data.schema, data.name, data.unique_constraint)}}
{{CONSTRAINTS.CONSTRAINT_COMMENTS(conn, data.schema, data.name, data.foreign_key)}}
{{CONSTRAINTS.CONSTRAINT_COMMENTS(conn, data.schema, data.name, data.check_constraint)}}
{{CONSTRAINTS.CONSTRAINT_COMMENTS(conn, data.schema, data.name, data.exclude_constraint)}}
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
SELECT cl.oid as value, quote_ident(nspname)||'.'||quote_ident(relname) AS label
FROM pg_namespace nsp, pg_class cl
WHERE relnamespace=nsp.oid AND relkind in ('r', 'p')
AND nsp.nspname NOT LIKE E'pg\_temp\_%'
{% if not show_sysobj %}
AND (nsp.nspname NOT LIKE 'pg\_%' AND nsp.nspname NOT in ('information_schema'))
{% endif %}
ORDER BY nspname, relname
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
SELECT rel.oid, rel.relname AS name, rel.reltablespace AS spcoid,rel.relacl AS relacl_str,
(CASE WHEN length(spc.spcname) > 0 THEN spc.spcname ELSE
(SELECT sp.spcname FROM pg_database dtb
JOIN pg_tablespace sp ON dtb.dattablespace=sp.oid
WHERE dtb.oid = {{ did }}::oid)
END) as spcname,
(select nspname FROM pg_namespace WHERE oid = {{scid}}::oid ) as schema,
pg_get_userbyid(rel.relowner) AS relowner, rel.relkind,
(CASE WHEN rel.relkind = 'p' THEN true ELSE false END) AS is_partitioned,
rel.relhassubclass, rel.reltuples::bigint, des.description, con.conname, con.conkey,
EXISTS(select 1 FROM pg_trigger
JOIN pg_proc pt ON pt.oid=tgfoid AND pt.proname='logtrigger'
JOIN pg_proc pc ON pc.pronamespace=pt.pronamespace AND pc.proname='slonyversion'
WHERE tgrelid=rel.oid) AS isrepl,
(SELECT count(*) FROM pg_trigger WHERE tgrelid=rel.oid AND tgisinternal = FALSE) AS triggercount,
ELSE quote_ident(c.relname) END AS inherited_tables
FROM pg_inherits i
JOIN pg_class c ON c.oid = i.inhparent
JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid=c.relnamespace
WHERE i.inhrelid = rel.oid ORDER BY inhseqno)) AS coll_inherits,
(SELECT count(*)
FROM pg_inherits i
JOIN pg_class c ON c.oid = i.inhparent
JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid=c.relnamespace
WHERE i.inhrelid = rel.oid) AS inherited_tables_cnt,
(CASE WHEN rel.relpersistence = 'u' THEN true ELSE false END) AS relpersistence,
substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 'fillfactor=([0-9]*)') AS fillfactor,
(CASE WHEN (substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_enabled=([a-z|0-9]*)') = 'true')
THEN true ELSE false END) AS autovacuum_enabled,
substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_vacuum_threshold=([0-9]*)') AS autovacuum_vacuum_threshold,
substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor=([0-9]*[.]?[0-9]*)') AS autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor,
substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_analyze_threshold=([0-9]*)') AS autovacuum_analyze_threshold,
substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor=([0-9]*[.]?[0-9]*)') AS autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor,
substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay=([0-9]*)') AS autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay,
substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit=([0-9]*)') AS autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit,
substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_freeze_min_age=([0-9]*)') AS autovacuum_freeze_min_age,
substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_freeze_max_age=([0-9]*)') AS autovacuum_freeze_max_age,
substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_freeze_table_age=([0-9]*)') AS autovacuum_freeze_table_age,
(CASE WHEN (substring(array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_enabled=([a-z|0-9]*)') = 'true')
THEN true ELSE false END) AS toast_autovacuum_enabled,
substring(array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_vacuum_threshold=([0-9]*)') AS toast_autovacuum_vacuum_threshold,
substring(array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor=([0-9]*[.]?[0-9]*)') AS toast_autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor,
substring(array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_analyze_threshold=([0-9]*)') AS toast_autovacuum_analyze_threshold,
substring(array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor=([0-9]*[.]?[0-9]*)') AS toast_autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor,
substring(array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay=([0-9]*)') AS toast_autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay,
substring(array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit=([0-9]*)') AS toast_autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit,
substring(array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_freeze_min_age=([0-9]*)') AS toast_autovacuum_freeze_min_age,
substring(array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_freeze_max_age=([0-9]*)') AS toast_autovacuum_freeze_max_age,
substring(array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') FROM 'autovacuum_freeze_table_age=([0-9]*)') AS toast_autovacuum_freeze_table_age,
array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') AS table_vacuum_settings_str,
array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') AS toast_table_vacuum_settings_str,
rel.reloptions AS reloptions, tst.reloptions AS toast_reloptions, rel.reloftype,
CASE WHEN typ.typname IS NOT NULL THEN (select quote_ident(nspname) FROM pg_namespace WHERE oid = {{scid}}::oid )||'.'||quote_ident(typ.typname) ELSE typ.typname END AS typname,
typ.typrelid AS typoid,
(CASE WHEN rel.reltoastrelid = 0 THEN false ELSE true END) AS hastoasttable,
-- Added for pgAdmin4
(CASE WHEN array_length(rel.reloptions, 1) > 0 THEN true ELSE false END) AS autovacuum_custom,
(CASE WHEN array_length(tst.reloptions, 1) > 0 AND rel.reltoastrelid != 0 THEN true ELSE false END) AS toast_autovacuum,
(SELECT array_agg(provider || '=' || label) FROM pg_seclabels sl1 WHERE sl1.objoid=rel.oid AND sl1.objsubid=0) AS seclabels,
(CASE WHEN rel.oid <= {{ datlastsysoid}}::oid THEN true ElSE false END) AS is_sys_table
-- Added for partition table
{% if tid %}, (CASE WHEN rel.relkind = 'p' THEN pg_get_partkeydef({{ tid }}::oid) ELSE '' END) AS partition_scheme {% endif %}
FROM pg_class rel
LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_tablespace spc on spc.oid=rel.reltablespace
LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_description des ON (des.objoid=rel.oid AND des.objsubid=0 AND des.classoid='pg_class'::regclass)
LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_constraint con ON con.conrelid=rel.oid AND con.contype='p'
LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_class tst ON tst.oid = rel.reltoastrelid
LEFT JOIN pg_type typ ON rel.reloftype=typ.oid
WHERE rel.relkind IN ('r','s','t','p') AND rel.relnamespace = {{ scid }}::oid
AND NOT rel.relispartition
{% if tid %} AND rel.oid = {{ tid }}::oid {% endif %}
ORDER BY rel.relname;
@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
{% import 'macros/schemas/security.macros' as SECLABEL %}
{% import 'macros/schemas/privilege.macros' as PRIVILEGE %}
{% import 'macros/variable.macros' as VARIABLE %}
{## Rename table ##}
{% if data.name and data.name != o_data.name %}
ALTER TABLE {{conn|qtIdent(o_data.schema, o_data.name)}}
RENAME TO {{conn|qtIdent(data.name)}};
{% endif %}
{## Change table schema ##}
{% if data.schema and data.schema != o_data.schema %}
ALTER TABLE {{conn|qtIdent(o_data.schema, data.name)}}
SET SCHEMA {{conn|qtIdent(data.schema)}};
{% endif %}
{## Change table owner ##}
{% if data.relowner and data.relowner != o_data.relowner %}
ALTER TABLE {{conn|qtIdent(data.schema, data.name)}}
OWNER TO {{conn|qtIdent(data.relowner)}};
{% endif %}
{## Update Inherits table definition ##}
{% if data.coll_inherits_added|length > 0 %}
{% for val in data.coll_inherits_added %}
ALTER TABLE {{conn|qtIdent(data.schema, data.name)}}
INHERIT {{val}};
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if data.coll_inherits_removed|length > 0 %}
{% for val in data.coll_inherits_removed %}
ALTER TABLE {{conn|qtIdent(data.schema, data.name)}}
NO INHERIT {{val}};
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{## Change tablespace ##}
{% if data.spcname and data.spcname != o_data.spcname %}
ALTER TABLE {{conn|qtIdent(data.schema, data.name)}}
SET TABLESPACE {{conn|qtIdent(data.spcname)}};
{% endif %}
{## change fillfactore settings ##}
{% if data.fillfactor and data.fillfactor != o_data.fillfactor %}
ALTER TABLE {{conn|qtIdent(data.schema, data.name)}}
SET (FILLFACTOR={{data.fillfactor}});
{% endif %}
{## Table AutoVacuum settings ##}
{% if data.vacuum_table is defined and data.vacuum_table.set_values|length > 0 %}
{% set has_vacuum_set = true %}
{% endif %}
{% if data.vacuum_table is defined and data.vacuum_table.reset_values|length > 0 %}
{% set has_vacuum_reset = true %}
{% endif %}
{% if o_data.autovacuum_custom and data.autovacuum_custom == false %}
ALTER TABLE {{conn|qtIdent(data.schema, data.name)}} RESET (
{% else %}
{% if data.autovacuum_enabled is defined or has_vacuum_set %}
ALTER TABLE {{conn|qtIdent(data.schema, data.name)}} SET (
{% if data.autovacuum_enabled is defined and data.autovacuum_enabled != o_data.autovacuum_enabled %}
autovacuum_enabled = {% if data.autovacuum_enabled %}true{% else %}false{% endif %}{% if has_vacuum_set %},
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if has_vacuum_set %}
{% for opt in data.vacuum_table.set_values %}{% if opt.name and opt.value %}
{{opt.name}} = {{opt.value}}{% if not loop.last %},
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if has_vacuum_reset %}
ALTER TABLE {{conn|qtIdent(data.schema, data.name)}} RESET (
{% for opt in data.vacuum_table.reset_values %}{% if opt.name %}
{{opt.name}}{% if not loop.last %},
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{## Toast table AutoVacuum settings ##}
{% if data.vacuum_toast is defined and data.vacuum_toast.set_values|length > 0 %}
{% set has_vacuum_toast_set = true %}
{% endif %}
{% if data.vacuum_toast is defined and data.vacuum_toast.reset_values|length > 0 %}
{% set has_vacuum_toast_reset = true %}
{% endif %}
{% if o_data.toast_autovacuum and data.toast_autovacuum == false %}
ALTER TABLE {{conn|qtIdent(data.schema, data.name)}} RESET (
{% else %}
{% if data.toast_autovacuum_enabled is defined or has_vacuum_toast_set %}
ALTER TABLE {{conn|qtIdent(data.schema, data.name)}} SET (
{% if data.toast_autovacuum_enabled is defined and data.toast_autovacuum_enabled != o_data.toast_autovacuum_enabled %}
toast.autovacuum_enabled = {% if data.toast_autovacuum_enabled %}true{% else %}false{% endif %}{% if has_vacuum_toast_set %},
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if has_vacuum_toast_set %}
{% for opt in data.vacuum_toast.set_values %}{% if opt.name and opt.value %}
toast.{{opt.name}} = {{opt.value}}{% if not loop.last %},
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if has_vacuum_toast_reset %}
ALTER TABLE {{conn|qtIdent(data.schema, data.name)}} RESET (
{% for opt in data.vacuum_toast.reset_values %}{% if opt.name %}
toast.{{opt.name}}{% if not loop.last %},
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{## Change table comments ##}
{% if data.description is defined and data.description != o_data.description %}
COMMENT ON TABLE {{conn|qtIdent(data.schema, data.name)}}
IS {{data.description|qtLiteral}};
{% endif %}
{## Update table Privileges ##}
{% if data.relacl %}
{% if 'deleted' in data.relacl %}
{% for priv in data.relacl.deleted %}
{{ PRIVILEGE.UNSETALL(conn, 'TABLE', priv.grantee, data.name, data.schema) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if 'changed' in data.relacl %}
{% for priv in data.relacl.changed %}
{{ PRIVILEGE.UNSETALL(conn, 'TABLE', priv.grantee, data.name, data.schema) }}
{{ PRIVILEGE.SET(conn, 'TABLE', priv.grantee, data.name, priv.without_grant, priv.with_grant, data.schema) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if 'added' in data.relacl %}
{% for priv in data.relacl.added %}
{{ PRIVILEGE.SET(conn, 'TABLE', priv.grantee, data.name, priv.without_grant, priv.with_grant, data.schema) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{## Update table SecurityLabel ##}
{% if data.seclabels and data.seclabels|length > 0 %}
{% set seclabels = data.seclabels %}
{% if 'deleted' in seclabels and seclabels.deleted|length > 0 %}
{% for r in seclabels.deleted %}
{{ SECLABEL.UNSET(conn, 'TABLE', data.name, r.provider, data.schema) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if 'added' in seclabels and seclabels.added|length > 0 %}
{% for r in seclabels.added %}
{{ SECLABEL.SET(conn, 'TABLE', data.name, r.provider, r.label, data.schema) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if 'changed' in seclabels and seclabels.changed|length > 0 %}
{% for r in seclabels.changed %}
{{ SECLABEL.SET(conn, 'TABLE', data.name, r.provider, r.label, data.schema) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
@ -35,7 +35,10 @@ class TestColumnAclSql(SQLTemplateTestBase):
self.table_id, self.column_id = cursor.fetchone()
def generate_sql(self, version):
template_file = self.get_template_file(version, "acl.sql")
file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "templates",
"columns", "sql")
template_file = self.get_template_file(version, file_path,
template = file_as_template(template_file)
public_schema_id = 2200
sql = template.render(scid=public_schema_id,
@ -47,10 +50,3 @@ class TestColumnAclSql(SQLTemplateTestBase):
def assertions(self, fetch_result, descriptions):
self.assertEqual(0, len(fetch_result))
def get_template_file(version, filename):
return os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "templates", "columns", "sql",
version, filename
@ -30,7 +30,10 @@ class TestColumnPropertiesSql(SQLTemplateTestBase):
self.table_id = cursor.fetchone()[0]
def generate_sql(self, version):
template_file = self.get_template_file(version, "properties.sql")
file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "templates",
"columns", "sql")
template_file = self.get_template_file(version, file_path,
template = file_as_template(template_file)
public_schema_id = 2200
sql = template.render(scid=public_schema_id,
@ -47,10 +50,3 @@ class TestColumnPropertiesSql(SQLTemplateTestBase):
self.assertEqual('some_column', first_row['name'])
self.assertEqual('character varying', first_row['cltype'])
self.assertEqual(3, len(fetch_result))
def get_template_file(version, filename):
return os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "templates", "columns", "sql",
version, filename
@ -30,7 +30,10 @@ class TestTablesAclSql(SQLTemplateTestBase):
self.table_id = cursor.fetchone()[0]
def generate_sql(self, version):
template_file = self.get_template_file(version, "acl.sql")
file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "templates",
"tables", "sql")
template_file = self.get_template_file(version, file_path,
template = file_as_template(template_file)
public_schema_id = 2200
sql = template.render(scid=public_schema_id,
@ -53,10 +56,3 @@ class TestTablesAclSql(SQLTemplateTestBase):
self.assertEqual(['r'], new_acl_map['privileges'])
self.assertEqual([False], new_acl_map['grantable'])
return public_acls
def get_template_file(version, filename):
return os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "templates", "tables", "sql",
version, filename
@ -28,7 +28,10 @@ class TestTablesNodeSql(SQLTemplateTestBase):
def generate_sql(self, version):
template_file = self.get_template_file(version, "nodes.sql")
file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "templates",
"tables", "sql")
template_file = self.get_template_file(version, file_path,
template = file_as_template(template_file)
public_schema_id = 2200
sql = template.render(scid=public_schema_id)
@ -50,10 +53,3 @@ class TestTablesNodeSql(SQLTemplateTestBase):
# triggercount is sometimes returned as a string for some reason
self.assertEqual(0, long(triggercount))
def get_template_file(version, filename):
return os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "templates", "tables", "sql",
version, filename
@ -44,7 +44,10 @@ class TestTablesPropertiesSql(SQLTemplateTestBase):
self.assertEqual([], first_row['coll_inherits'])
def generate_sql(self, version):
template_file = self.get_template_file(version, "properties.sql")
file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "templates",
"tables", "sql")
template_file = self.get_template_file(version, file_path,
template = file_as_template(template_file)
public_schema_id = 2200
sql = template.render(scid=public_schema_id,
@ -66,10 +69,3 @@ class TestTablesPropertiesSql(SQLTemplateTestBase):
cursor.execute("SELECT oid FROM pg_class where relname='test_table'")
self.table_id = cursor.fetchone()[0]
def get_template_file(version, filename):
return os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "templates", "tables", "sql",
version, filename
@ -35,7 +35,10 @@ class TestTriggerGetOidSql(SQLTemplateTestBase):
self.table_id, self.column_id = cursor.fetchone()
def generate_sql(self, version):
template_file = self.get_template_file(version, "get_oid.sql")
file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "templates",
"triggers", "sql")
template_file = self.get_template_file(version, file_path,
jinja2.filters.FILTERS['qtLiteral'] = lambda value: "NULL"
template = file_as_template(template_file)
@ -47,10 +50,3 @@ class TestTriggerGetOidSql(SQLTemplateTestBase):
def assertions(self, fetch_result, descriptions):
self.assertEqual(0, len(fetch_result))
def get_template_file(version, filename):
return os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "templates", "triggers", "sql",
version, filename
@ -30,7 +30,10 @@ class TestTriggerNodesSql(SQLTemplateTestBase):
self.table_id = cursor.fetchone()[0]
def generate_sql(self, version):
template_file = self.get_template_file(version, "nodes.sql")
file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "templates",
"triggers", "sql")
template_file = self.get_template_file(version, file_path,
template = file_as_template(template_file)
sql = template.render(tid=self.table_id)
@ -38,10 +41,3 @@ class TestTriggerNodesSql(SQLTemplateTestBase):
def assertions(self, fetch_result, descriptions):
self.assertEqual(0, len(fetch_result))
def get_template_file(version, filename):
return os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "templates", "triggers", "sql",
version, filename
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class TypesAddTestCase(BaseTestGenerator):
"typtype": "c",
"typeowner": db_user,
"schema": self.schema_name,
"composite": [{"member_name": "one", "type": "abstime",
"composite": [{"member_name": "one", "type": "bigint",
"is_tlength": False, "is_precision": False},
{"member_name": "two", "type": "\"char\"[]",
"is_tlength": False, "is_precision": False}],
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
SELECT DISTINCT dep.deptype, dep.refclassid, cl.relkind, ad.adbin, pg_get_expr(ad.adbin, ad.adrelid) as adsrc,
CASE WHEN cl.relkind IS NOT NULL THEN cl.relkind || COALESCE(dep.refobjsubid::character varying, '')
WHEN tg.oid IS NOT NULL THEN 'T'::text
WHEN ty.oid IS NOT NULL AND ty.typbasetype = 0 THEN 'y'::text
WHEN ty.oid IS NOT NULL AND ty.typbasetype != 0 THEN 'd'::text
WHEN ns.oid IS NOT NULL THEN 'n'::text
WHEN pr.oid IS NOT NULL THEN 'p'::text
WHEN la.oid IS NOT NULL THEN 'l'::text
WHEN rw.oid IS NOT NULL THEN 'R'::text
WHEN co.oid IS NOT NULL THEN 'C'::text || contype
WHEN ad.oid IS NOT NULL THEN 'A'::text
WHEN fs.oid IS NOT NULL THEN 'F'::text
WHEN fdw.oid IS NOT NULL THEN 'f'::text
END AS type,
COALESCE(coc.relname, clrw.relname) AS ownertable,
CASE WHEN cl.relname IS NOT NULL OR att.attname IS NOT NULL THEN cl.relname || '.' || att.attname
ELSE COALESCE(cl.relname, co.conname, pr.proname, tg.tgname, ty.typname, la.lanname, rw.rulename, ns.nspname, fs.srvname, fdw.fdwname)
END AS refname,
COALESCE(nsc.nspname, nso.nspname, nsp.nspname, nst.nspname, nsrw.nspname) AS nspname
FROM pg_depend dep
LEFT JOIN pg_class cl ON dep.refobjid=cl.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_attribute att ON dep.refobjid=att.attrelid AND dep.refobjsubid=att.attnum
LEFT JOIN pg_namespace nsc ON cl.relnamespace=nsc.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_proc pr ON dep.refobjid=pr.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_namespace nsp ON pr.pronamespace=nsp.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_trigger tg ON dep.refobjid=tg.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_type ty ON dep.refobjid=ty.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_namespace nst ON ty.typnamespace=nst.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_constraint co ON dep.refobjid=co.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_class coc ON co.conrelid=coc.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_namespace nso ON co.connamespace=nso.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_rewrite rw ON dep.refobjid=rw.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_class clrw ON clrw.oid=rw.ev_class
LEFT JOIN pg_namespace nsrw ON clrw.relnamespace=nsrw.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_language la ON dep.refobjid=la.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_namespace ns ON dep.refobjid=ns.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_attrdef ad ON ad.adrelid=att.attrelid AND ad.adnum=att.attnum
LEFT JOIN pg_foreign_server fs ON fs.oid=dep.refobjid
LEFT JOIN pg_foreign_data_wrapper fdw ON fdw.oid=dep.refobjid
{{where_clause}} AND
refclassid IN ( SELECT oid FROM pg_class WHERE relname IN
('pg_class', 'pg_constraint', 'pg_conversion', 'pg_language', 'pg_proc', 'pg_rewrite', 'pg_namespace',
'pg_trigger', 'pg_type', 'pg_attrdef', 'pg_event_trigger', 'pg_foreign_server', 'pg_foreign_data_wrapper'))
ORDER BY refclassid, cl.relkind
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
SELECT DISTINCT dep.deptype, dep.classid, cl.relkind, ad.adbin, pg_get_expr(ad.adbin, ad.adrelid) as adsrc,
CASE WHEN cl.relkind IS NOT NULL THEN cl.relkind || COALESCE(dep.objsubid::text, '')
WHEN tg.oid IS NOT NULL THEN 'T'::text
WHEN ty.oid IS NOT NULL THEN 'y'::text
WHEN ns.oid IS NOT NULL THEN 'n'::text
WHEN pr.oid IS NOT NULL THEN 'p'::text
WHEN la.oid IS NOT NULL THEN 'l'::text
WHEN rw.oid IS NOT NULL THEN 'R'::text
WHEN co.oid IS NOT NULL THEN 'C'::text || contype
WHEN ad.oid IS NOT NULL THEN 'A'::text
WHEN fs.oid IS NOT NULL THEN 'F'::text
WHEN fdw.oid IS NOT NULL THEN 'f'::text
END AS type,
COALESCE(coc.relname, clrw.relname) AS ownertable,
CASE WHEN cl.relname IS NOT NULL AND att.attname IS NOT NULL THEN cl.relname || '.' || att.attname
ELSE COALESCE(cl.relname, co.conname, pr.proname, tg.tgname, ty.typname, la.lanname, rw.rulename, ns.nspname, fs.srvname, fdw.fdwname)
END AS refname,
COALESCE(nsc.nspname, nso.nspname, nsp.nspname, nst.nspname, nsrw.nspname) AS nspname
FROM pg_depend dep
LEFT JOIN pg_class cl ON dep.objid=cl.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_attribute att ON dep.objid=att.attrelid AND dep.objsubid=att.attnum
LEFT JOIN pg_namespace nsc ON cl.relnamespace=nsc.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_proc pr ON dep.objid=pr.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_namespace nsp ON pr.pronamespace=nsp.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_trigger tg ON dep.objid=tg.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_type ty ON dep.objid=ty.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_namespace nst ON ty.typnamespace=nst.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_constraint co ON dep.objid=co.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_class coc ON co.conrelid=coc.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_namespace nso ON co.connamespace=nso.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_rewrite rw ON dep.objid=rw.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_class clrw ON clrw.oid=rw.ev_class
LEFT JOIN pg_namespace nsrw ON clrw.relnamespace=nsrw.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_language la ON dep.objid=la.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_namespace ns ON dep.objid=ns.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_attrdef ad ON ad.oid=dep.objid
LEFT JOIN pg_foreign_server fs ON fs.oid=dep.objid
LEFT JOIN pg_foreign_data_wrapper fdw ON fdw.oid=dep.objid
{{where_clause}} AND
classid IN ( SELECT oid FROM pg_class WHERE relname IN
('pg_class', 'pg_constraint', 'pg_conversion', 'pg_language', 'pg_proc', 'pg_rewrite', 'pg_namespace',
'pg_trigger', 'pg_type', 'pg_attrdef', 'pg_event_trigger', 'pg_foreign_server', 'pg_foreign_data_wrapper'))
ORDER BY classid, cl.relkind
@ -31,7 +31,10 @@ class TestDependenciesSql(SQLTemplateTestBase):
self.table_id = cursor.fetchone()[0]
def generate_sql(self, version):
template_file = self.get_template_file(version, "dependencies.sql")
file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "templates",
"depends", "sql")
template_file = self.get_template_file(version, file_path,
template = file_as_template(template_file)
sql = template.render(
where_clause="WHERE dep.objid=%s::oid" % self.table_id)
@ -47,8 +50,3 @@ class TestDependenciesSql(SQLTemplateTestBase):
self.assertEqual('n', first_row["deptype"])
self.assertEqual('public', first_row["refname"])
def get_template_file(version, filename):
return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "templates",
"depends", "sql", version, filename)
@ -31,7 +31,10 @@ class TestDependentsSql(SQLTemplateTestBase):
self.table_id = cursor.fetchone()[0]
def generate_sql(self, version):
template_file = self.get_template_file(version, "dependents.sql")
file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "templates",
"depends", "sql")
template_file = self.get_template_file(version, file_path,
template = file_as_template(template_file)
sql = template.render(
where_clause="WHERE dep.objid=%s::oid" % self.table_id)
@ -47,8 +50,3 @@ class TestDependentsSql(SQLTemplateTestBase):
self.assertEqual('n', first_row["deptype"])
self.assertEqual('test_table', first_row["refname"])
def get_template_file(version, filename):
return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "templates",
"depends", "sql", version, filename)
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ SELECT nsp.nspname schema_name,
att.attname column_name,
att.atttypid::regtype::text type_name,
att.atthasdef AS has_default,
def.adsrc as default
pg_get_expr(def.adbin, def.adrelid) as default
FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute att
INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class cls
ON att.attrelid = cls.oid
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ SELECT nsp.nspname schema_name,
att.attname column_name,
att.atttypid::regtype::text type_name,
att.atthasdef AS has_default,
def.adsrc as default
pg_get_expr(def.adbin, def.adrelid) as default
FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute att
INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class cls
ON att.attrelid = cls.oid
@ -615,8 +615,14 @@ class TableCommand(GridCommand):
This function checks whether the table has oids or not.
driver = get_driver(PG_DEFAULT_DRIVER)
manager = driver.connection_manager(self.sid)
# Remove the special behavior of OID columns from
# PostgreSQL 12 onwards, so returning False.
if manager.sversion >= 120000:
return False
if default_conn is None:
manager = driver.connection_manager(self.sid)
conn = manager.connection(did=self.did, conn_id=self.conn_id)
conn = default_conn
@ -68,6 +68,15 @@ def get_version_mapping(template):
if len(template_path_parts) == 4:
_, server_type, _, _ = template_path_parts
return get_version_mapping_directories(server_type)
def get_version_mapping_directories(server_type):
This function will return all the version mapping directories
:param server_type:
if server_type == 'gpdb':
return (
{'name': "gpdb_5.0_plus", 'number': 80323},
@ -75,7 +84,8 @@ def get_version_mapping(template):
{'name': "default", 'number': 0}
return ({'name': "11_plus", 'number': 110000},
return ({'name': "12_plus", 'number': 120000},
{'name': "11_plus", 'number': 110000},
{'name': "10_plus", 'number': 100000},
{'name': "9.6_plus", 'number': 90600},
{'name': "9.5_plus", 'number': 90500},
@ -7,9 +7,13 @@
import os
from pgadmin.utils.route import BaseTestGenerator
from regression.python_test_utils import test_utils
from pgadmin.utils.driver import DriverRegistry
from pgadmin.utils.versioned_template_loader \
import get_version_mapping_directories
@ -22,7 +26,6 @@ class SQLTemplateTestBase(BaseTestGenerator):
def __init__(self):
super(SQLTemplateTestBase, self).__init__()
self.database_name = -1
self.versions_to_test = -1
def test_setup(self, connection, cursor):
@ -41,19 +44,37 @@ class SQLTemplateTestBase(BaseTestGenerator):
test_utils.create_table(self.server, database_name, "test_table")
self.database_name = database_name
if connection.server_version < 90100:
self.versions_to_test = ['default']
self.versions_to_test = ['9.1_plus']
cursor = connection.cursor()
self.test_setup(connection, cursor)
for version in self.versions_to_test:
sql = self.generate_sql(version)
sql = self.generate_sql(connection.server_version)
cursor = connection.cursor()
fetch_result = cursor.fetchall()
cursor = connection.cursor()
fetch_result = cursor.fetchall()
self.assertions(fetch_result, cursor.description)
self.assertions(fetch_result, cursor.description)
def get_template_file(self, version, file_path, filename):
This function check the specified file in the server mapping directory
and if file exists then return that path.
:param version:
:param file_path:
:param filename:
# Iterate all the mapping directories and check the file is exist
# in the specified folder. If it exists then return the path.
for directory in get_version_mapping_directories(self.server['type']):
if directory['number'] > version:
template_path = '/'.join([
if os.path.exists(template_path):
return template_path
Reference in New Issue
Block a user