Set the Gunicorn worker timeout to match the configured session expiry. Partially fixes

This commit is contained in:
Dave Page 2019-03-01 11:55:17 +00:00
parent bbeb395beb
commit f552519ed6

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@ -24,11 +24,15 @@ fi
# Start Postfix to handle password resets etc.
/usr/sbin/postfix start
# Get the session timeout from the pgAdmin config. We'll use this (in seconds)
# to define the Gunicorn worker timeout
TIMEOUT=$(cd /pgadmin4 && python -c 'import config; print(config.SESSION_EXPIRATION_TIME * 60 * 60 * 24)')
# NOTE: currently pgadmin can run only with 1 worker due to sessions implementation
# Using --threads to have multi-threaded single-process worker
if [ ! -z ${PGADMIN_ENABLE_TLS} ]; then
exec gunicorn --bind ${PGADMIN_LISTEN_ADDRESS:-[::]}:${PGADMIN_LISTEN_PORT:-443} -w 1 --threads ${GUNICORN_THREADS:-25} --access-logfile - --keyfile /certs/server.key --certfile /certs/server.cert run_pgadmin:app
exec gunicorn --timeout ${TIMEOUT} --bind ${PGADMIN_LISTEN_ADDRESS:-[::]}:${PGADMIN_LISTEN_PORT:-443} -w 1 --threads ${GUNICORN_THREADS:-25} --access-logfile - --keyfile /certs/server.key --certfile /certs/server.cert run_pgadmin:app
exec gunicorn --bind ${PGADMIN_LISTEN_ADDRESS:-[::]}:${PGADMIN_LISTEN_PORT:-80} -w 1 --threads ${GUNICORN_THREADS:-25} --access-logfile - run_pgadmin:app
exec gunicorn --timeout ${TIMEOUT} --bind ${PGADMIN_LISTEN_ADDRESS:-[::]}:${PGADMIN_LISTEN_PORT:-80} -w 1 --threads ${GUNICORN_THREADS:-25} --access-logfile - run_pgadmin:app