This issue was regression of commit id: 47d7e24bb9
Shouldn't have return statement in view object because it is called by render of wizard object class to render the page in wizard.
1) Unable to select sql file through query tool on windows OS. In file_manager.js, we are stripping initial slash '/' from the path obtained, but we should not strip if it is full path like 'c:/path/to/dir/filename.ext'
2) Handle directory path if STORAGE_DIR is None. Proper checks are added.
* Do not need to translate an empty string. (that results into the
translation header inclusion in the javacript module).
* String.prototype.StartsWith is not an well received function, it has
not been available in the QWebkit for linux.
i.e. vacuum, analyze, reindex, cluster.
Tweaked by Ashesh for:
* Integrate it with the background process executor, and observer.
* Changed the UI for operation selection from select2 to custom radio
* Made it consistent with other tools like backup, restore, etc.
Tweaked by Ashesh Vashi as below:
- Integrated it with the background process executor, and observer.
- Improved the message format of the backup module messages.
- Created an item in TODO list to list down the objects in the selected
backup file.
Tweaked by Ashesh Vashi to integrate the backgroud process, and also
with some improvements as stated below:
* Resolved an issue loading existing preference.
* Improved the background process observer/executor for supporting
detalied view.
* Added the utility path preferences in the ServerType class.
1) Grant wizard close issue.
2) Moved grant wizard specific css from wizard.css to grant_wizard.css
3) removed 'ajs_content' css from wizard.css causing padding issue in alertify dialog
- The button bar be moved out into an HTML template
- create.sql should perhaps be renamed to insert.sql
- The "Add Row" button only works if you're on the last page of the resultset.
- Use one wcDocker instead of two
- Added support of code folding
- Removed the "lineWrapping" option from the codemirror textarea because
it was creating issue in the code folding.
- Handle the values while depositing during debugging.
- Properly handle the Array values while saving it to sqlite database
and displayed in input dialog.
- SQL code folding was not supported in codemirror so added the same.
Introduced a class 'noclose'. Then - menu-item having this class will
not propograte the events to its parent, hence - it will not be closed.
Some of the CSS applicable only to the immediate buttons only, and not
the grand-children.
Also, remove the CodeMirror object for better clean up process.
When a SQL control/tab is rendered in a hidden element, it does not
render really well. Because - it rely on the height, and width of the
container to count the gutten position, and margin, and other elements.
Hence - whenever the tab, panel becomes visible, we will refresh the