1) Immediately return this expression instead of assigning it to the temporary variable.
2) Extract this nested ternary operation into an independent statement.
3) Expected a `for-of` loop instead of a `for` loop with this simple iteration.
1) Replace the deprecated unit test method.
2) Wraps filter usage in a list call.
3) Converts the old metaclass syntax to new.
4) Use range instead of xrange method.
5) Change Unicode to str.
6) Several other transformations.
7) Fixed change password test cases.
8) Use simplejson instead of plain JSON.
- fixed gettext usage with .format() only for original text with %s
- fixed typos
- fixed translation yes/no buttons in the dialog.
- improved translating sentences without "connecting" words (eg. see web/pgadmin/dashboard/static/js/dashboard.js,
word 'cancel' needs to be translated in the Czech language as 'zrušit' but in another sentence as 'zrušení')
- added gettext for text translations.
1) Fixed usage gettext('') instead of _('') in javascript files.
2) Fixed usage gettext('') instead of `${gettext('')}` in javascript files,
because "pybabel extract" not support extracting from this syntax.
Improve the style of the highlighted code after query execution for Dark mode. Fixes#4996.
Changed background pattern for geometry viewer to use #fff for all themes. Fixes#5077
Changed the color of selected and hovered item for Select2 dropdown, also tweak the appearance of the tags in multi-select boxes. Fixes#4955
Fixed Firefox monospaced issue by updating the font to the latest version. Fixes#5184
Allow screen-reader to identify the alert errors. Fixes#4763
Added role alertdialog for confirm and alert dialog.
Added role status for all status bars/banners.
Added role alert for error bars.
Added aria-labelledby for charts on each dashboard.
Added tabindex for each chart so that it is navigable using tab key.
2) Fix server connection drops out issue in query tool. Fixes#4818
3) Fix VPN network disconnect issue where pgAdmin4 hangs on expanding the Servers node. Fixes#4926.
4) Ensure that the Servers collection node should expand independently of server connections. Fixes#4933.
Set the default connection timeout to 10 seconds instead of 0.
1) Dashboard -> Server Activity grid: terminate the session, cancel active button not navigable using tab key.
2) SQL -> If the focus inside code mirror control tab navigation not working.