- Added DatetimepickerControl, MomentCell (using moment.js)
- Used the 'DatetimepickerControl' in Role (Also - resolved an issue, when unset the datetime for 'Valid Until'.)
- Added a 'Select All/Unselect All' adaptor for Select2 used by pgAgent nodes.
- Fixed an issue with SubNodeCollectionControl, which was not starting the modification session of the child model, when created default value for collection is not null/undefined. And, hence - validation on the child model was not working.
- Fixed a memory leak with SqlFieldControl, and SqlTabControl, which was not releasing the CodeMirror properly.
1. Foreign keys listed twice
The label for Exclusion constraint was set to 'Foreign keys'. fixed it.
2. Trigger function, Unique constraint, Primary key should be in title case
3. if user click outside of Preferences window it disappear (it should not disappear)
set preference alertify dialog option closableByDimmer to false.
4. Columns node settings listed twice
Override the register_preferences method in Columns CatalogObjectColumnsModule class
because there are two types of columns node, catalogs columns and tables columns.
so the settings for table columns should also work for catalog columns. Thats why we are not showing preference option for catalogs column node.
Ashesh fixed this issue.
Also - fixed few CSS specifically for the preferences dialog.
Returning the sorted preferences from the server, so that - it lists
down in correct order.
configuration database due to unable to identify the change properly.
Thanks Dave for reporting.
This also includes a support to use a 'text' type of preference, and
show help string next to the control.